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quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2020

Chopin, músico revolucionário - Valerio Mazzuoli (O Estado da Arte)

Sempre magnificamente editado por Gilberto Morbach

A música de Chopin e o poder da revolução

Valerio Mazzuoli

Valerio Mazzuoli é Professor-Associado da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT, Pós-Doutor em Ciências Jurídico-Políticas pela Universidade Clássica de Lisboa, Doutor summa cum laude em Direito Internacional pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS e Membro-titular da Academia Mato-Grossense de Letras, onde ocupa a Cadeira nº 36. Fora do universo jurídico, tem Habilitação Plena em Música, fundou a Confraria do Piano (Cuiabá-MT) e é autor do livro Chopin: elementos de pianística e impressões sobre a vida e obra (Editora Letramento, 2020).

José Eduardo Faria: Governo Bolsonaro não possui legitimidade - O Estado da Arte

A Crise: “Bolsonaro não comanda nem tem legitimidade”, diz José Eduardo Faria

Nouriel Roubini sobre as dez razões da Grande Depressão

Ten reasons why a 'Greater Depression' for the 2020s is inevitable

Ominous and risky trends were around long before Covid-19, making an L-shaped depression very likely
a robot conveyor belt

After the 2007-09 financial crisis, the imbalances and risks pervading the global economy were exacerbated by policy mistakes. So, rather than address the structural problems that the financial collapse and ensuing recession revealed, governments mostly kicked the can down the road, creating major downside risksthat made another crisis inevitable. And now that it has arrived, the risks are growing even more acute. Unfortunately, even if the Greater Recession leads to a lacklustre U-shaped recovery this year, an L-shaped “Greater Depression” will follow later in this decade, owing to 10 ominous and risky trends.
The first trend concerns deficits and their corollary risks: debts and defaults. The policy response to the Covid-19 crisis entails a massive increase in fiscal deficits – on the order of 10% of GDP or more – at a time when public debt levels in many countries were already high, if not unsustainable.

Worse, the loss of income for many households and firms means that private-sector debt levels will become unsustainable, too, potentially leading to mass defaults and bankruptcies. Together with soaring levels of public debt, this all but ensures a more anaemic recovery than the one that followed the Great Recession a decade ago.
A second factor is the demographic timebomb in advanced economies. The Covid-19 crisis shows that much more public spending must be allocated to health systems, and that universal healthcare and other relevant public goods are necessities, not luxuries. Yet, because most developed countries have ageing societies, funding such outlays in the future will make the implicit debts from today’s unfunded healthcare and social security systems even larger.
A third issue is the growing risk of deflation. In addition to causing a deep recession, the crisis is also creating a massive slack in goods (unused machines and capacity) and labour markets (mass unemployment), as well as driving a price collapse in commodities such as oil and industrial metals. That makes debt deflation likely, increasing the risk of insolvency.

A fourth (related) factor will be currency debasement. As central banks try to fight deflation and head off the risk of surging interest rates (following from the massive debt build-up), monetary policies will become even more unconventional and far-reaching. In the short run, governments will need to run monetised fiscal deficits to avoid depression and deflation. Yet, over time, the permanent negative supply shocks from accelerated de-globalisation and renewed protectionism will make stagflation all but inevitable.
A fifth issue is the broader digital disruption of the economy. With millions of people losing their jobs or working and earning less, the income and wealth gaps of the 21st-century economy will widen further. To guard against future supply-chain shocks, companies in advanced economies will re-shore production from low-cost regions to higher-cost domestic markets. But rather than helping workers at home, this trend will accelerate the pace of automation, putting downward pressure on wages and further fanning the flames of populism, nationalism, and xenophobia.

This points to the sixth major factor: deglobalisation. The pandemic is accelerating trends toward balkanisation and fragmentation that were already well underway. The US and China will decouple faster, and most countries will respond by adopting still more protectionist policies to shield domestic firms and workers from global disruptions. The post-pandemic world will be marked by tighter restrictions on the movement of goods, services, capital, labour, technology, data, and information. This is already happening in the pharmaceutical, medical-equipment, and food sectors, where governments are imposing export restrictions and other protectionist measures in response to the crisis.