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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

Mostrando postagens com marcador Tools of the Trade. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Tools of the Trade. Mostrar todas as postagens

sexta-feira, 24 de maio de 2024

Tools of the Trade: Methods and Sources for Teaching World History - Call for Papers

 CFP World History Connected Special Forum: 

“Tools of the Trade: Methods and Sources for Teaching World History”

Type: Call for Papers

Submission Date: June 17, 2024 

Contact for Inquiries: Cynthia Ross, cynthia.ross@tamuc.edu 

World History Connected (ISSN 1931-8642),https://journals.gmu.edu/whc, has been an affiliate of the World History Association since 2003. While the submission of individual articles on any topic germane to world history are welcome at any time, the journal also invites papers suitable for a special forum showcasing innovative methods and sources used in the scholarship and teaching of world history. Contributions to the journal may include archival research, fieldwork, and the scholarship of teaching (while WHC does not publish lesson plans, it does feature articles that are rooted in pedagogical analysis and data gathered from classroom activities, which may contain lesson plans and examples of student activities and exercises). 

This Call for Papers invites teachers and scholars to engage their collective creativity in teaching world history by contributing short pieces (2,000 to 3,000 words) on sources, tools, or methods that are well-suited for the world history classroom. Summer is a time of reflection and relaxation but it is also those few short months that allow world history instructors to develop new course materials or revise those that need updating. Anticipating publication of this forum in the summer, as course preparation begins, will assist instructors preparing their courses for the upcoming school year. While longer articles are welcome, short innovative works will allow instructors to quickly review and incorporate cutting edge materials right away. Examples of possible contributions include:

  • Primary sources used in innovative ways: Provide an introduction to the source (150-250 words), transcription and image of the source (with copyright permission), and effective discussion questions for classroom or assignment use.
  • A new or often underutilized digital resource, such as SlaveVoyages or Global Archives Online: Discuss the ways instructors and students alike can use a cutting edge research tool to explore the past, transforming the way scholars think of search terms and data manipulation. Include the URL, potential classroom uses, and prompts for discussion.
  • Methods already in use: Share successful activities used in courses that provide pathways to better explain to learners the many ways that groups and communities are connected to the history of the wider world and why the study of the field is relevant.
  • Curriculum and assessment: Allow readers of World History Connected a view into useful and creative curriculum designs and measures that spice up the well-worn ruts that busy instructors fall into when planning for the start of a new academic year.

Submission of complete articles for this forum should be received no later than June 17, 2024 through the World History Connected homepage at https://journals.gmu.edu/index.php/whc/index and click “Make a Submission” (see also below).

Submission of Articles for the Forum

Submission of questions related to this forum should be sent to the journal Editor, Cynthia Ross. Prior to the submission of a prospective article authors are encouraged to consult the journal’s Submissions and Style Guide (https://journals.gmu.edu/index.php/whc/submission-guidelines), or risk possible delays in consideration. The journal, like all academic journals, reserves the right to decline to publish any submission. 

Please note that due to the recent transition of WHC from the University of Illinois Press to George Mason University Press, World History Connected back issues may continue to appear at its former website (https://worldhistoryconnected.press.uillinois.edu) until the end of 2024, when all issues will be available on the new website. World History Connected issues from 2016-2023 are available at https://journals.gmu.edu/whc or by searching for “World History Connected GMU.”   

About World History Connected 

World History Connected is a grant-supported, open-sourced, double-blind reviewed e-journal that annually reaches 1.85 million readers (scholars and practitioners who read more than two articles) and attracts six million visits to its website. It publishes forums, individual articles, book reviews, special features (such as its “Interview with a World Historian”), and a list of books available for review. Please send any general inquiries with the subject line beginning “WHC” to the Editor, Cynthia Ross at cynthia.ross@tamuc.edu. Book reviews are welcome via preliminary contact with the journal’s Book Review Editor, Gina Bennett, at gbennett@coker.edu.

The journal strives to serve all those devoted to research and teaching world history. Published reviews have judged it successful in achieving its dual goal of supporting and disseminating globally both archival research and the scholarship of teaching. Ideally, any work in world history can be made relevant in terms of both increasing our understanding of micro- and macro-historical processes, and also contributing to classroom instruction and curriculum development. It is a double-blind peer reviewed publication guided by world historians and educators devoted to growing a community of world historians by assisting prospective authors to reach the highest standards for accessible writing, referencing, and formatting, whether the article is, or is not, accepted for publication. Its editorial staff includes past presidents—and the current president-- of the World History Association as well as distinguished Advanced Placement and Master Teachers, who are all unpaid volunteers. 

In addition to individual articles, book reviews, a list of books available for review, and “special” features such as interviews with world historians, the journal seeks Guest Editors who wish to create one of its curated topical sections (“Forums”) that help WHC keep as close as possible to the needs of its audience and developments in the field. The journal is published 3 times annually (Winter, Summer, and Fall), with additional material shared on social media through its social media editors. Follow us at:





Contact Information

Cynthia Ross

Editor, World History Connected