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Mostrando postagens com marcador 75 anos da OTAN. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador 75 anos da OTAN. Mostrar todas as postagens

sábado, 13 de julho de 2024

75 anos da OTAN: reunião de cúpula em Washington - The Atlantic Council


Atlantic Council at the NATO Summit in Washington

This week, NATO leaders convened in Washington as the Alliance marked its 75th anniversary. The Washington Summit took place as the Alliance faces an array of challenges throughout the world, including Russia’s ongoing unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. During this historic year for NATO, the Atlantic Council was at the forefront of shaping the summit’s agenda and demonstrating the Alliance’s enduring value.

Please see Atlantic Council at the NATO Summit in Washington to explore our events and other content from this week. On the sidelines of the summit, NATO, the US government, and organizations including the Atlantic Council hosted the NATO Public Forum. We also hosted an event with foreign ministers from the Nordic-Baltic region, as well as a convening with NATO’s head of policy planning and the US National Security Council’s senior director for Europe.



Our Experts Read Between the Lines of NATO’s Washington Summit Communiqué

This week, NATO leaders released the Washington Summit Declaration, a consensus document outlining where the Alliance stands on key issues. The document lays out a “bridge” to membership and long-term financial commitment for Ukraine but does not offer a specific timeline for formally inviting Kyiv to join the Alliance. What are our experts’ key takeaways from this document?

In Our Experts Read Between the Lines of NATO’s Washington Summit Communiqué, Scowcroft Center experts offer their perspectives on the Washington Summit Declaration. Ambassador Daniel Fried writes that the “decisions the allies took at the Washington Summit and the language on Ukraine in the declaration passed the test of seriousness in time of war.” Ann Marie Dailey argues that the document’s “bureaucratic, stilted language on a ‘bridge’ to NATO for Ukraine belies ongoing disagreement within the Alliance on Ukrainian membership, but the language on Russia underscores a united NATO assessment that Russia is a long-term, strategic threat.” Luka Ignac notes it is “significant that NATO has highlighted the deepening strategic partnership between Russia and the People’s Republic of China.”


Memo to NATO Heads of State and Government: Why and How NATO Countries Should Engage in the Indo-Pacific

NATO allies have increasingly recognized the challenge posed by China. How can the Alliance more effectively engage in the Indo-Pacific?

In Memo to NATO Heads of State and Government, Matthew Kroenig and Jeffrey Cimmino propose a series of actions to bolster cooperation in the Indo-Pacific among transatlantic allies and partners, including: making clear diplomatic statements to deter China from disrupting peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, developing new frameworks to stitch together transatlantic and Asian allies, and having NATO allies serving as an arsenal of democracy in the region by supporting the United States in the event of a conflict.

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The US and Europe Would Be Safer with Ukraine in NATO. Our War Games Showed Why. 

Russia’s war in Ukraine and Ukraine’s future relationship to the Alliance were front and center at NATO's Washington Summit. Would the free world be safer with Ukraine in the Alliance?

In The US and Europe Would Be Safer with Ukraine in NATO. Our War Games Showed Why, Matthew Kroenig and Kristjan Prikk discuss insights from a series of major tabletop exercises that brought together dozens of leading experts to examine future Russia-Ukraine conflict scenarios and their implications for Western security. The exercises produced one unequivocal result: Europe is more stable and secure with Ukraine in NATO.




How NATO Can Prove its Enduring Relevance at the Washington Summit

In a dangerous world, NATO’s role has never been more important. How can the Alliance adapt to today’s security challenges at a greater scale and speed? How can the Alliance overcome its “too little, too late” approach?

In How NATO Can Prove its Enduring Relevance at the Washington Summit, Giedrimas Jeglinskas proposes three sets of deliverables for the Washington Summit: providing Ukraine with a credible path to membership, committing to augmenting Ukraine’s warfighting capabilities to tip the balance on the battlefield, and increasing military spending.


quarta-feira, 3 de julho de 2024

Putin está de parabéns: conseguiu dar um grande aniversário para os 75 anos da OTAN - Foreign Policy

Preparativos da Foreign Policy para um grande encontro de aniversário. Macron, três anos atrás, disse que a OTAN já estava morta, de morte cerebral. Putin conseguiu revivê-la. Deveriam fazer um bolinho nesse encontro de Washington e mandar para o Putin, com os cumprimentos de Zelensky.