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Mostrando postagens com marcador atrocidades. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador atrocidades. Mostrar todas as postagens

terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014

Coreia do Norte: o pais amigo do PCdoB e de outros partidos brasileiros afins

Coreia do Norte: comissão menciona crimes ligados a políticas ao mais alto nível
Eleutério Guevane, da Rádio ONU em Nova Iorque.
Rádio ONU, 18/02/2014
Áudio disponível em:

Relatório de grupo de especialistas apresentado à ONU revela vários casos do que chama "atrocidades indescritíveis"; documento lançado esta segunda-feira, em Genebra, propõe ação dos Estados incluindo encaminhamento de Pyongyang ao Tribunal Penal Internacional.
Um painel de peritos mandatado pelo Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU aponta para vários crimes contra a humanidade como resultado de "políticas estabelecidas ao mais alto nível de Estado" na Coreia do Norte.
O relatório, publicado nesta segunda-feira em Genebra, destaca que estes foram e continuam a ser  cometidos. O documento pede a ação urgente da comunidade internacional para resolver a situação dos direitos humanos no país, incluindo  que se recorra ao Tribunal Penal Internacional.

O documento de 400 páginas reúne mais de 80 testemunhos de vítimas ouvidas em cidades como Seul, Tóquio, Londres e Washington. O informe teve mais de 240 entrevistas feitas em Banguecoque e apresentações de várias entidades.
A Comissão de Inquérito diz ter documentado com grande detalhe o que chama de "atrocidades indescritíveis" e pede que os acusados sejam levados à justiça.
Entre os vários crimes, o painel faz menção a práticas como tortura, escravidão, violência sexual e repressão política severa. Conforme destaca, Pyongyang recusou-se a cooperar e rejeitou as conclusões do relatório.

O painel cita o relato de uma mulher forçada a afogar o seu próprio bebé, crianças presas que desde o nascimento foram obrigadas a passar fome e famílias torturadas por assistir novelas estrangeiras.
A Comissão da ONU disse que o líder norte-coreano  Kim Jong-un não respondeu tanto a uma cópia antecipada do relatório como a uma carta que lhe foi enviada a advertir que este poderia ser pessoalmente responsabilizado pelos abusos.
O presidente da Comissão de Inquérito Independente, Michael Kirby, considerou que a gravidade, a escala e a natureza das violações revelam um Estado que não tem qualquer paralelo no mundo contemporâneo.

Campo de Prisioneiros
A Comissão revela que a Coreia do Norte demonstra vários atributos de um Estado totalitário, estimando-se que entre 80 mil e 120 mil presos políticos estejam detidos. Nos quatro grandes campos de prisioneiros políticos foram registadas práticas com "fome deliberada usada como um meio de controlo e punição"
O painel de especialistas, criado em março do ano passado pelo Conselho de Direitos Humanos, diz que nos locais testemunhas assistiram ao assassinato de membros da família e a presos indefesos a serem usados para a prática de artes marciais.

Sistema Prisional
O grupo de especialistas diz que a comunidade internacional deve aceitar a sua responsabilidade de proteger aos norte-coreanos de crimes contra a humanidade, por defender que o Governo "manifestamente não conseguiu fazê-lo." 

A série de graves violações documentadas no informe também seria cometida no sistema prisional comum, de acordo com as conclusões da Comissão.

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Michael Donald Kirby, a retired Australian judge and the chairman of a United Nations panel that investigated rights abuses in North Korea, after a news conference in Geneva on Monday. Denis Balibouse/Reuters
GENEVA — A United Nations panel has served notice to Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, that he may be personally held liable in court for crimes against humanity committed by state institutions and officials under his direct control.
A letter conveying this notice is part of a report by the panel to the United Nations Human Rights Council, released Monday after a yearlong investigation.
The report is viewed by rights activists not only as the most detailed and authoritative body of data on the state of human rights in North Korea, but also as a milestone in the international debate on one of the world’s most reclusive and isolated countries.
In the letter, dated Jan. 20, the panel chairman, the retired Australian judge Michael Donald Kirby, summarized the investigation’s findings of crimes against humanity committed by officials that could be inferred to be acting under Mr. Kim’s personal control.
Addressing Mr. Kim, 31, Judge Kirby wrote that his panel would recommend that the United Nations Security Council refer the situation in North Korea to the International Criminal Court, to make all those responsible for crimes accountable, “including possibly yourself.”
“I hope that the international community will be moved by the detail, the amount, the long duration, the great suffering and the many tears that have existed in North Korea to act on the crimes against humanity,” Judge Kirby said on Monday, speaking to reporters in the Geneva offices of the United Nations.
“Too many times in this building there are reports and no action,” Judge Kirby said. “Well, now is a time for action. We can’t say we didn’t know.”
North Korea denounced the report, and the process leading up to it, as a fabricated concoction of lies and deceits by North Korea’s enemies, including South Korea and the United States.
A statement from the North Korean Mission in Geneva, quoted by Reuters, said that such rights violations “do not exist in our country,” and that the findings were “an instrument of a political plot aimed at sabotaging the socialist system.”
The North Korean authorities repeatedly denied the panel’s request for permission to visit the country to investigate. The report relied heavily on testimony from North Korean refugees, escapees and asylum seekers.
The panel’s 36-page summary report and a 372-page annex detail what the report calls a wide range of crimes against humanity. The report also criticizes the political and security apparatus of the North Korean state, saying that it used surveillance, fear, public executions and forced disappearances “to terrorize the population into submission.”
“Systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations have been and are being committed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, its institutions and officials,” the report asserted, referring to North Korea by its official name. The report stopped short of alleging genocide but specified among others the crimes of “extermination,” murder, enslavement, torture, rape and persecution on grounds of race, religion and gender.
The report also reported in detail on the abduction of foreign citizens, notably from Japan and South Korea, observing “these international forced disappearances are unique in their intensity, scale and nature.”
In many instances the abuses constitute crimes against humanity, the report said, adding that “these are not mere excesses of the state; they are essential components” and have been committed “pursuant to policies at the highest level of the state.”
Human rights activists had pushed for the creation of the panel in a bid to broaden what had been the international community’s focus on the North’s nuclear program and bellicose security policies to the near exclusion of its human rights record.
North Korea’s practice of what the report called “crimes that shock the conscience of humanity” for decades “raises questions about the inadequacy of the international community.”
“It really opens up a whole new chapter in the international reaction to North Korea,” Lee Jung-hoon, South Korea’s ambassador for human rights, said by telephone. “It’s not just an investigation and a report and that’s the end of it. It’s giving a road map and blueprint to end this thing. There’s a very strong sense of urgency.”
There appears to be little immediate prospect of winning approval for International Criminal Court prosecution, however. Approval is necessary from the Security Council’s permanent members, which include North Korea’s long-term protector, China.
Still, Mr. Lee said, “just the fact that they are getting the vocabulary of crimes against humanity, the International Criminal Court and Kim Jong-un on the same page is a huge step forward in the debate on North Korean human rights.”
The panel also listed some other possible options for prosecution, including the formation of an ad hoc tribunal such as those convened to investigate crimes in the Balkans and Rwanda. It also called for the Human Rights Council to establish a structure to keep up the collection of evidence of human rights violations.
“The U.N. has been more or less indifferent about these issues for six decades — the panel are trying to jump-start the reaction of the international community,” said Julie de Rivero, Geneva representative of Human Rights Watch. “Steps need to be put in place so that North Korea gets the message loud and clear that the issue won’t be ignored and it won’t just be the nuclear issue that triggers an international response.”