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Mostrando postagens com marcador número temático do Mises Journal. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador número temático do Mises Journal. Mostrar todas as postagens

terça-feira, 22 de junho de 2021

150 anos da Escola Austríaca: número temático do Mises Journal; Call For Papers - Antony P. Mueller


Call for Papers (2021) - Mises Journal 

Thematic Issue: Austrian School of Economics, 150 years


Mises Journal (http://www.misesjournal.org.br ; e-ISSN: 2594-9187) is an international forum for discussing the Austrian School of Economics ideas and related topics. We provide an interdisciplinary outlet for research interested in the Austro-libertarian views of Law, Economics, Philosophy and their applications in the other social sciences.

2021 is especially important for the Austrian school and for the Instituto Mises Brasil (IMB). It marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of Carl Menger 's Principles of Political Economy, which inaugurated Austrian School and supports it to this day. In this special issue, we invite high-quality manuscripts on various aspects and applications of the Austrian School, its associated disciplines, on how the Austrian School, the heir of the classical school of Cantillon, Smith and Ricardo, manages to be able to discuss problems of modernity.

Articles will be accepted in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Topics of interest include:

  • Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
  • Great Reset
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • ESG: Environmental, social and corporate governance
  • Other discussions on the modern societal problems that might be dealt with using the theoretical groundings of the Austrian School are also welcome

The thematic edition will be published as the 2021 Special Edition, and these are the important dates:

  • Deadline for submission: August 15;
  • Editor's evaluation and first response to the authors: until August 23;
  • Authors will receive comments from reviewers: until October 5;
  • Author´s corrections to reviewers' comments: until October 20;
  • Publication: end of December.

Special Volume Submission

We will follow the standard requirements for regular papers published by the Mises Journal, the guidelines for which are on our website (here). All submissions will follow the single-blind peer review process. Papers should be relevant to an international and multidisciplinary audience.

When submitting an article for this issue, select "Special Issue 2021 " in the submission system.

 Regular Issue Submission

If your manuscript does not meet the requirements of this special issue, we suggest that you submit it to the regular editions at the Mises Journal. We receive applications regularly, and our editorial process is supported by a group of about 50 professors spread around the world.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Adriano Paranaiba, IFG, / Instituto Mises Brasil (IMB)

Special Issue Guest Editor: Dr. Antony Peter Mueller, Ph.D., Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil / Instituto Mises Brasil (IMB)

For any questions, please contact the assistant editor for this special edition, Fernando Monteiro D'Andrea, at dandrea@mises.com.br.