A International Studies Associatio ( ISA) convida os acadêmicos em geral a participar de sua próxima conferência sob os três temas gerais abaixo enfatizados em seu titulo. Não se pode dizer que seja uma novidade, qualquer um dos três, ainda que faltem, algumas palvrinhas mágicas bem ao gosto da patota que frequenta esse tipo de conclave, algumas vezes com mais transpiração do que propriamente inspiração. Essas palavrinhas são: sustentabilidade, equidade de gênero, combate às desigualdades, inclusão e justiça social, mas elas estão incluídas no programa detalhado mais abaixo.
O que eu não encontrei foram os conceitos de democracia ou de direitos humanos, ou de crescimento pela via de economias de mercado, algo relativamente raro no tal de Sul Global, mais conhecido pelas ditaduras, regimes de força, violações de DH, corrupção e desigualdades distributivas.
Existe uma enorme tolerância com “embromation” nesses seminários, se me permitema expressão. Não creio que o mundo vai mudar muito com todas essas discussões recheadas de conceitos vazios e autoenganação.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Development and Diplomacy in the Global South
The 21st century has witnessed growing initiatives by governmental and non-governmental actors from the Global South in negotiations, advocacy campaigns, and in the circulation of “models” in various areas related to sustainable development. This intensity was accompanied by promises to reform the architecture and practices of global politics in order to offer more participation, more transparency and more social justice, based on diagnoses that the current power structures in the global order were harmful to the main part of the global population, located in the Global South. After more than two decades into the 21st century, however, these promises have been revisited and criticized, in light of concerns about the limitations od achieving effective structural transformation of the global order.
This international conference on Development and Diplomacy in the Global South will explore the complex nexus of sustainable development, international diplomacy, and global governance, with a particular focus on the unique challenges and opportunities facing the Global South. Engaging with the policy agendas of key global gatherings, such as the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Cali, Colombia (October 2024), the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro (November 2024), and COP 30 on Climate Change in Belém, Brazil (November 2025), the conference will examine how such pivotal events shape and inform strategies for sustainable development and equitable global governance.
The conference seeks to address how can Global South nations balance economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social equity, while actively participating in and reshaping global governance structures? How can global initiatives be translated into diplomatic frameworks that promote environmental sustainability, particularly in regions where development imperatives often clash with ecological preservation? It will also highlight the importance of inclusive diplomacy, where emerging economies from the Global South contribute to reshaping global governance models to better reflect their interests, particularly in areas such as climate justice, green technology transfer, and financing for sustainable development.
By aligning the discussions with the G20’s focus on economic cooperation, the conference will emphasize the role of multilateral diplomacy in fostering South-South collaboration and elevating the voice of developing countries in global forums. The conference will also provide an opportunity to craft a strategic vision for future engagements, particularly in the lead-up to COP 30, focusing on global governance mechanisms that ensure sustainable practices are at the forefront of development initiatives.