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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida;

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Mostrando postagens com marcador Prospectiva. Mostrar todas as postagens

sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013

Visão 2050: um novo mapa politico e economico do mundo (Post-Crisis World Institute, Moscou)

Um relatório do qual eu participei, no início deste ano, e do qual ainda não tinha tido notícias. Agora tenho.
Este foi o registro de minha participação:

2469. “Vision 2050: A New Political and Economic Map of the World”, Hartford, 2 Março 2013, 3 p. Respostas e comentários a pesquisa sobre o estado do mundo em 2050, submetida pelo instituto russo Post-Crisis World (www.postcrisisworld.org).

Aqui a correspondência recebida da editora do relatório:

Vision-2050. A New Political and Economic Map of the World
International research by the Post-Crisis World Institute
(Moscow: Post-Crisis World Institute, February-May 2013)

Dear Mr. de Almeida,

Let us express sincere gratitude for your participation in the expert survey undertaken in the frameworks of international exploration in February – May 2013 and introduce for your consideration the report “Vision-2050. A New Political and Economic Map of the World”, prepared in accordance with findings of the exploration.

Participants in the survey included economists and financial analysts, owners and top managers of leading companies, journalists who cover economics and politics, academics, politicians and officials from CIS countries, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia. Middle East, Africa, Latin America, USA, Canada, Australia –integrally more than 300 experts from 63 states of all inhabited continents.
* * *
"Liquid modernity” or “modernity free from illusions” as Zygmunt Bauman, a famous sociologist of Post-Modernism, characterized our times demonstrates not only high density of events within definite period of time. Quick changes take place in all spheres of human existence. The main trends and fundamental truths of yesterday are in question today.
As usually, thinking about our planet future, world intellectual elite are seeking corridors of opportunities. Post-Modernism epoch brings in these eternal searches its picturesque aspects, maximizing scale of choice ant trying to combine opposites.
In this situation we appealed to collective expertise of global thinking participants – to intellectual elite of different states and continents with questions of what main problems will humankind face in 2050, will these problems be overwhelmed, for the expense of what resources they will be overwhelmed, what states and regions will be successful in this and what states and regions will have less chances of success.
Within the process of the report drafting it was also undertaken a desk research of published sources: UN reports, documents of the World Bank, International Economic Forum other international research institutions, academic studies, feature materials and public speaking, ratings of international rating agencies and analytical centers.
We hope that results of our researches will be interesting and helpful for you. We would be glad to receive your comments, remarks and criticism.

With sincere hope for future cooperation
Tatiana Lekhanova

Alguns trechos nos quais o relatório cita a minha opinião: 
(p. 10) Some in the expert community believe the current state of the world is best characterised as ‘global turmoil’, which began due to the transition to a new system of social relations and the absence of a clear trajectory for future development. 
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University Centre of Brasilia (UniCeub): 
‘Of course, the current “global turmoil” has no parallel with the Great Depression of the 1930s; some countries will decline slowly (France, probably Russia too), others more rapidly (Argentina, perhaps), and others, a small bunch, will be in ascendance (China, India, Brazil, etc).’

(p. 14, sobre problemas diversos, em especial sobre o envelhecimento gradual da população mundial):
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University Center of Brasilia (UniCeub): 
‘All the listed problems will eventually be present to some degree, here, there or elsewhere, at certain moments. None of them are insurmountable or capable of presenting a crucial menace for strong societies and solid states. Failed states (mainly in Africa, some in Asia, one or two in Latin America) could be severely impacted by some of these problems. They could face social and political stability, uneven economic development and continuing poverty, terrorism, corruption and so on; but none of the current big states and strong economies will perish because of any of them. However, ONE THING is certain: humankind will be older, inevitably, and that will represent a difficult economic challenge for all of them.’

(p. 23, sobre os grandes problemas geopolíticos, sociais e econômicos do mundo): 
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University
Centre of Brasilia (UniCeub): 
‘There will be no MAJOR changes in the world scenario, but a progressive transformation in the economy and technology, with slight or minor changes in the fields of society and culture. As there will be no major or global conflict, the world will be in a continuous flux of new influences and forces, which are constantly drawing new responses from societies and nations. They will be based more on technological improvements than political transformation. In this field, the world will not differ much from today. Perhaps China will be more democratic, but there will still be populist and semidemocratic regimes elsewhere, mainly in Africa, the Middle East and Islamic countries.’

(p. 34, sobre a evolução do mundo, se vai ser reformista ou revolucionária:)
It will prompt a more active resolution of existing structural problems and “internal democratization” in line
with the Chinese model.’
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University Centre of Brasilia (UniCeub)
‘There will be no revolutionary development of any kind, but some minor revolutions in technology, health sciences, agronomic sciences, electronics, new materials, nanotechnology and so on… Revolutions are for backward societies.’

(p. 39-40: sobre planejamento governamental, ou tendências de mercado:)
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University Centre of Brasilia (UniCeub): 
‘[State planning is] not as easy as some people think. State bureaucrats are conservative, narrow-minded, too lazy and not very productive. Some good bureaucracies which are based on merit, a system of benchmarking and market-like inducements can perform well, as the cases of Korea and China illustrate. However, for this you need to have real statesmen in charge, not traditional (and sometimes corrupt) politicians. The best way is still to have high-quality human capital, plenty of inducements for innovation and technological advancement, starting with good science and strong competition among economic agents. In other words, a market-based system, perhaps guided by Illustrated Bureaucrats.’

(p. 52, sobre esgotamento de recursos naturais:)
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University
Centre of Brasilia (UniCeub): 
‘The new world order will not be very different from the old, that is, our own. Both can cope with the problem of natural resources through technological advancements.’

(p. 58: sobre o papel das elites nas sociedades contemporâneas:)
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University Centre of Brasilia (UniCeub): 
‘An educated elite is crucial to guide resources for the construction of a national system of education (at all levels), characterized by excellence, performance, meritocracy and material rewards.’

(p. 87, sobre o papel das instituições e da liberdade:)
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University Centre of Brasilia (UniCeub): 
‘Despite shortcomings, they have some credibility in terms of assessing real problems. This is not exactly true of the UN, but it is certainly true of the USA and most NATO countries, which are effectively democratic and subject to scrutiny by scientists, citizens, a free press and diversity of opinions. Autocratic countries like China, Russia and some others do not have all this.’

(p. 96, sobre minha desconfiança em relação às atuais lideranças mundiais:)
Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Brazil, diplomat and professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and University Centre of Brasilia (UniCeub): 
‘I see no-one at the moment. The world is suffering from a complete absence of great leaders. Many of them are not really international leaders, only state leaders with some projection abroad. Most of them are really mediocre.’

Boa leitura: 

quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2013

National Intelligence Council 2030 - prospectiva do mundo (segundo os EUA)

National Intelligence Council

Global Trends

The National Intelligence Council's (NIC) Global Trends Report engages expertise from outside government on factors of such as globalization, demography and the environment, producing a forward-looking document to aid policymakers in their long term planning on key issues of worldwide importance.
Since the first report was released in 1997, the audience for each Global Trends report has expanded, generating more interest and reaching a broader audience that the one that preceded it. A new Global Trends report is published every four years following the U.S. presidential election.

Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds

Global Trends 2030 is intended to stimulate thinking about the rapid and vast geopolitical changes characterizing the world today and possible global trajectories over the next 15 years. As with the NIC’s previous Global Trends reports, we do not seek to predict the future—which would be an impossible feat—but instead provide a framework for thinking about possible futures and their implications.
In-depth research, detailed modeling and a variety of analytical tools drawn from public, private and academic sources were employed in the production of Global Trends 2030. NIC leadership engaged with experts in nearly 20 countries—from think tanks, banks, government offices and business groups—to solicit reviews of the report.

Global Trends 2030 Cover
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This edition of Global Trends is most widely disseminated in its history. The report is available for the most popular content platforms and e-readers as well as via PDF.  Brief talking points are available here.

Visit the NIC's Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds Hub Page for additional information on live events, multimedia content and more.

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Le Bresil dans le Monde: dossier de la revue Diplomatie (article PRA)

A revista francesa Diplomatie contatou-me, logo após minha chegada à França, para colaborar num dossiê especial que estavam preparando sobre o papel do Brasil no mundo.
Minha colaboração foi esta aqui: 

2371. “Une prospective du Brésil: vers 2022”, Paris, 23 Fevereiro 2012, 10 p. Colaboração ao Dossier Brésil, revue Diplomatie. Dados principais usados para entrevista radiofônica na France Culture, programa “Les Enjeux Internationaux” (Paris, 13/03/2012, 06:45hs; link: http://www.franceculture.fr/emission-les-enjeux-internationaux-bresil-les-chances-du-pays-de-devenir-une-puissance-international). Publicado na revista Diplomatie: Affaires Stratégiques et Relations Internationales (Paris: Les Grands Dossiers de Diplomatie n. 8, avril-mai 2012, ISSN: 2115-256X; p. 90-95; link: http://www.diplomatie-presse.com/?p=4675). Relação de Publicados n. 1065.

Mas eu também sugeri outros nomes para colaborar, entre eles meu amigo Sergio Florêncio, embaixador, cônsul geral em Vancouver, atualmente.

Segue a apresentação desse número especial, feita no site da revista: http://www.diplomatie-presse.com/?p=4675
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

GDD n°8 – Géopolitique du Brésil

En 1941, réfugié au Brésil pour fuir les horreurs de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Stefan Zweig publie Le Brésil, terre d’avenir. L’écrivain autrichien est séduit par la beauté du territoire, la chaleur, la cordialité et le pacifisme de ses habitants. Cette « terre d’avenir » fut cependant trop souvent cantonnée au statut de puissance en devenir (donc non encore établie). À travers ce rang de puissance émergente, le Brésil parvient difficilement à se faire pleinement entendre au sein d’une communauté internationale dont le jeu semble figé depuis 1945. Dès lors, comment accéder à la table des Grands ? Avec la présidence de Luiz Inácio Lula puis de Dilma Rousseff, le pays adopte une stratégie tous azimuts destinée, d’une part, à faire entendre la voix du Brésil au sein d’un système international verrouillé (par, notamment, un appareil diplomatique particulièrement efficace), et d’autre part, à créer les conditions d’une alternative à la mondialisation. Depuis le premier Forum social, Porto Alegre n’est plus seulement, en effet, le nom d’une ville brésilienne.
Il est devenu synonyme d’une posture de vigilance citoyenne et d’une remise en cause profonde des fondements mêmes d’une mondialisation plus tournée vers les profits financiers que vers le progrès humain. Et ce sursaut a gagné tous les pays. Cette posture brésilienne est le fruit d’une histoire atypique, qui ne s’est pas construite à coup de révolutions ou d’ostracisme, mais sur des valeurs d’ouverture et de tolérance. Car le Brésil est la nation, par delà toutes les autres, qui s’est le plus nourrie du positivisme d’Auguste Comte, jusqu’à l’inscrire dans sa devise nationale (« Ordre et Progrès »). Il n’est donc pas étonnant que Dilma Rousseff ait récemment choisi de se rendre à Porto Alegre et non à Davos.
En juin prochain, elle présidera la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le développement durable (dite « Rio+20 ») qui réunira notamment les délégations des anciennes comme des nouvelles puissances mondiales. L’« ancien monde » est-il préparé à cette « table des Grands » à la mode brésilienne ?
Portfolio – Ordem e progresso
Tableau de bord – Le Brésil en quelques dates
Brésil : les enjeux de l’Histoire, entretien avec Denis Rolland, professeur à l’Université de Strasbourg et directeur d’études au Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po (Paris)
Portfolio – Quand le Sahara nourrit l’Amazone
Un État-monde
Tableau de bord – Un État-monde
Brésil : anatomie d’une puissance, par Hervé Théry, directeur de recherche au CNRS-CREDA (Centre de Recherche et de Documentation des Amériques), professeur invité à l’Universidade de São Paulo (USP), et co-fondateur de la revue en ligne Confins
Portfolio – Villes brésiliennes
Tableau de bord – 190 millions d’habitants et trois Brésils
Repères – L’immensité du Brésil ; Mers et fleuves à apprivoiser ; L’espace, un atout maître
Economie & Société
Tableau de bord – L’économie brésilienne ; Grandes entreprises et grandes fortunes
Le Brésil et la crise économique internationale actuelle, par Sergio Abreu e Lima Florencio, consul du Brésil à Vancouver
Focus – Le fer, un trésor du Brésil
Tableau de bord – L’économie brésilienne, forces et faiblesses
La participation au cœur de la politique urbaine au Brésil, par Elson Manoel Pereira, professeur à l’université de Santa Catarina, directeur du laboratoire « Villes et société » et membre du conseil scientifique du Centre d’études et de recherches sur le Brésil de l’UQAM
Focus – L’Amazonie : enjeux du vivant et biopiraterie
Tableau de bord – Géopolitique du Brésil
La Grande Amazonie sud-américaine : un défi pour le Brésil, par Wanderley Messias da Costa, professeur à l’Université de São Paulo, et auteur de Geografia política e geopolítica: discursos sobre o território e o poder et de Dimensões humanas da atmosfera-biosfera na Amazônia
Focus – Le Brésil au Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies
Portfolio – Brésil-Afrique : célébration des grands événements et réalisme politique
Le Brésil en émergence : la conciliation de la croissance économique et de la justice socio-environnementale est-elle possible ?, par Anne Latendresse, professeur à l’Université du Québec à Montréal et directrice du Centre d’études et de recherches sur le Brésil (CERB)
Les méga-événements sportifs au Brésil : des jeux pour qui ?, par Mathieu Labrie, candidat à la maîtrise en études urbaines et Pierre-Mathieu Le Bel stagiaire postdoctoral à l’Université du Québec à Montréal – membres du CERB
Focus – Rio+20
Focus – Le Forum social mondial
Tableau de bord – Défense et défis stratégiques du Brésil
Stratégies brésiliennes et moyens militaires, entretien avec Bruno Muxagato, doctorant en relations internationales et enseignant à l’université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Repères – Le front nord ; Le front ouest ; Le front sud ; Le front maritime
Tableau de bord – Qui surveille l’Amazonie ?
Tableau de bord – Démographie et énergie : des enjeux d’avenir
Une prospective du Brésil vers 2022, par Paulo Roberto de Almeida, diplomate, professeur d’économie politique au Centre universitaire de Brasilia (Uniceub)
Les Grands Dossiers de Diplomatie n° 8, AREION Group/CAPRI, Paris, avril-mai 2012. 100 pages, 23 x 30 cm, broché (10,95 €)