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Mostrando postagens com marcador María Inés Mudrovcic. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador María Inés Mudrovcic. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2024

Book: Conceptualizing the History of the Present Time - María Inés Mudrovcic (Cambridge University Press, free up to May 30)

Conceptualizing the History of the Present Time

María Inés Mudrovcic

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 May 2024




María Inés Mudrovcic

National University of Comahue IPEHCS-Patagonian Institute of Studies on

Humanities and Social Sciences


In this work, I explore four meanings of 'contemporary,' emphasizing its designation as a historical field. I argue that disagreements about when the presento or the contemporary era begins stem from historians assuming a linear, chronological, and absolute conception of time. Following scholars like L. Descombes, L. Hölscher, B. Latour, D. J. Wilcox and S. Tanaka, I propose conceiving relational historical time without chronology, emphasizing the original sense of “sharing the same time” that 'contemporary' acquired for the first time. This perspective mitigates issues concerning the 'beginnings' or 'meaning' of the present. Emphasizing relationships within a relational time framework aids in overcoming ontological challenges like 'so many presents' or 'distance in time,' along with the corresponding epistemological issue of 'objectivity.' This exploration aims to reevaluate and enrich our understanding of the multifaceted concept of the 'present' in the context of history.


Element contents

·           6.2 “Living Together”: A Relational Approach of Understanding the Present

·   Historical Theory and Practice

·   Footnotes

·   References



Series: Elements in Historical Theory and Practice

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009047739[Opens in a new window]

Online ISBN: 9781009047739

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Print publication: 30 May 2024


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