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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2020

O genocídio de Mao: o Grande Salto para Trás, 1958-1962 - livro Tombstone - Yang Jisheng

Farrar, Strauss, 2012

Introduction by Edward Friedman and Roderick MacFarquhar

Yang Jisheng was born in 1940, joined the Communist Party in 1964, and worked for the Xinhua News Agency from January 1968 until his retirement in 2001. He is now a deputy editor at Yanhuang Chunqiu (Chronicles of History), an official journal that regularly skirts censorship with articles on controversial political topics. A leading liberal voice, he published the Chinese version of Tombstone in Hong Kong in May 2008. Eight editions have been issued since then.Yang Jisheng lives in Beijing with his wife and two children. 

Kindle Edition: 

The much-anticipated definitive account of China's Great Famine
An estimated thirty-six million Chinese men, women, and children starved to death during China's Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s and early '60s. One of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century, the famine is poorly understood, and in China is still euphemistically referred to as "the three years of natural disaster." 
As a journalist with privileged access to official and unofficial sources, Yang Jisheng spent twenty years piecing together the events that led to mass nationwide starvation, including the death of his own father. Finding no natural causes, Yang attributes responsibility for the deaths to China's totalitarian system and the refusal of officials at every level to value human life over ideology and self-interest. 
Tombstone is a testament to inhumanity and occasional heroism that pits collective memory against the historical amnesia imposed by those in power. Stunning in scale and arresting in its detailed account of the staggering human cost of this tragedy, Tombstone is written both as a memorial to the lives lost—an enduring tombstone in memory of the dead—and in hopeful anticipation of the final demise of the totalitarian system. Ian Johnson, writing in The New York Review of Books, called the Chinese edition of Tombstone "groundbreaking . . . One of the most important books to come out of China in recent years."

Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine, 1958-1962 is methodical and factual, and it amounts to a devastatingly clear account of Mao and his era. In the me of building Communist utopia overnight, farmworkers were diverted to labor on industry and infrastructure; agricultural work was collectivized and thrown into disorder; high-ranking bureaucrats imposed useless and destructive pseudoscientific farming methods on the countryside. Local officials, vying to demonstrate the greatest commitment to progress, reported fraudulent crop yields, and the government requisitioned its due share of the non-existent bumper crops. Even with such shocking stories driving the narrative, the true horror of Tombstone is that it’s not sensational. It is, rather, a meticulous accumulation of evidence and fact. —Tom Scocca.

Henan is a rural province north of Shanghai and south of Beijing. The Chinese Communist Party’s “Three Red Banners” waved highest here, and the famine likewise hit hardest. Political movements set off the famine in Henan. Some seventy thousand Henan residents were labeled “rightists” in 1957—nearly 13 percent of those targeted in the Anti-Rightist Movement nationwide, and 15 percent of the province’s cadres.1 In 1958 a new campaign was launched against the “Pan, Yang, Wang rightist anti-party clique” within the party, which will be detailed later in this chapter.2 These two campaigns combined to create dread and fanaticism that led to wild exaggeration and horrendous brutality that in turn brought about a series of catastrophes—among which the “Xinyang Incident” is the most notable.

Xinyang Prefecture lies in the southeast of Henan, bordering the provinces of Hubei and Anhui. In 1958 the prefecture administered eighteen counties, the city of Xinyang, and the town of Zhumadian. It was home to 8.5 million people. Most of the prefecture consisted of mountain ranges that had served as bases for China’s revolutionary forces, and where hundreds of thousands of lives had been sacrificed in the civil war with the Kuomintang. Elderly residents say, “Even the trees and grasses of the Dabie Mountains served the Communist Party.” This lush region was the province’s main producer of grain and cotton and an abundant source of tea leaves, timber, bamboo, tung oil, and medicinal herbs. Scenic Jigong Shan (Rooster Mountain) is located here. In short, Xinyang, along with nearby Nanyang and Luoyang, was the economic engine of the province. Yet from the winter of 1959 to the spring of 1960, at least one million people starved to death here—one out of every eight residents.
Li Jian, an official of the CCP Central Control Commission (the precursor of the Discipline and Inspection Commission) sent to Henan in the wake of the famine, found that the largest number of starvation deaths occurred in Xinyang and two other prefectures: Nanyang and Xuchang. The most horrific situation became known as the “Xinyang Incident.”3
In September 1999, I went to Xinyang, accompanied by a senior reporter from Xinhua’s Henan branch, Gu Yuezhong, and a former Xinhua reporter who had been stationed in Xinyang during the famine, Lu Baoguo. Gu had excellent relations with local officials, but the Xinyang municipal party committee was clearly disconcerted by the purpose of our visit, and arranged a scenic tour of Rooster Mountain. Nonetheless, we managed to interview a number of cadres and villagers who had lived through the famine, and gained access to a number of documents that shed light on the Xinyang Incident.

In a political system such as China’s, those below imitate those above, and political struggles at the higher levels are replicated at the lower levels in an expanded and even more ruthless form. This is what happened in Xinyang.
Following the provincial-level campaign against the “Pan, Yang, Wang” clique and the campaign against right deviation, Xinyang’s Guangshan County on November 11, 1959, conducted a criticism, or “struggle,” session against the secretary of the CCP county secretariat, Zhang Fuhong, who was labeled a “right deviationist” and a “degenerate element.” During the struggle session, county party secretary Ma Longshan took the lead by kicking Zhang, after which others set upon him with fists and feet. Other struggle sessions were conducted by county-level cadres on November 13 and 14, during which Zhang was beaten bloody, his hair ripped out in patches, and his uniform torn to shreds, leaving him barely able to walk.
On November 15, Zhang was handed over to commune cadres, by which time he could only lie on the floor while he was kicked and punched and had what remained of his hair torn out. Another struggle session by commune cadres on November 16 left Zhang near death; by the time he was dragged home that day, he had lost control of his bodily functions and could no longer eat or drink. On November 17 he was accused of malingering and attacked again. On November 18 he was accused of pining for the return of Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek and was dragged from his bed for more struggle. When he asked for water, he was refused. Around noon on November 19, Zhang Fuhong died.4
Xinyang’s deputy party secretary and prefectural commissioner, Zhang Shufan, subsequently related in his memoirs why Zhang Fuhong was targeted. In the spring of 1959, in order to alleviate famine conditions among the peasants, Ma Longshan sent Zhang Fuhong to a production team to launch a pilot project in which output quotas were assigned to each household. Other localities were doing the same, but following the political reversals of the Central Committee’s Lushan Conference,5 household output quotas were labeled right opportunism. Ma denied responsibility, saying Zhang Fuhong had initiated the use of quotas. Although Zhang insisted that Ma had assigned him to carry out the system,6 an official one level higher can crush his subordinate, and that is what happened here.
Campaigns against right deviation in other counties were similarly brutal. In Xi County, party secretary Xu Xilan directed a struggle session against deputy secretary Feng Peiran. Xu sat above Feng with a handgun at his side while someone held Feng by the neck as others beat and kicked him. According to Zhang Shufan’s memoirs, some twelve thousand struggle sessions were held in the prefecture,7 and all kinds of ridiculous statements were made under political pressure.
In 1958, Xinyang’s Suiping County was given nationwide publicity for Great Leap production successes referred to as Sputniks, or “satellites.” These “grand achievements” were attributed to the “struggle against right-deviating conservatism.” In an atmosphere of extreme political pressure, anyone who dared question the accuracy of these reported crop yields risked being labeled a “doubter” or “denier” engaged in “casting aspersions on the excellent situation,” and anyone who exposed the fraudulence of the high-yield model was subjected to struggle.
A drought in 1959 drove down Xinyang’s crop yields, but prefectural party cadres, overcome by fanaticism, proposed the slogan of “Big drought, big harvest” and claimed higher yields than the year before. Commissioner Zhang Shufan, who was directly responsible for agriculture, in early August convened a meeting of leading county cadres to provide “practical and realistic” appraisals of the disaster and to adopt advanced measures such as varied crop plantings to prevent a famine.
Following the Lushan Conference, the prefectural party committee had each county report its projected yields. Under the political pressure of the times, each county’s estimate was exceeded by that of the next, as all feared being criticized for reporting the lowest projection. Yu Dehong, a staff member at the prefectural party committee meeting, later recalled that the first projection totaled 15 billion kilos. Zhang Shufan and others thought this excessively optimistic and asked everyone to submit new figures, which subsequently totaled 7.5 billion kilos and finally 3.6 billion kilos. During a meeting of the prefectural party committee’s standing committee, eight of the nine standing committee members believed that the 1959 crop yield would exceed that of 1958, and that given the 1958 yield of 2.8 billion kilos, a 3.6 billion kilo yield for 1959 was very reasonable. Zhang Shufan, however, expected a yield of only 1.5 to 2.0 billion kilos.
In late August and early September, the Henan provincial party committee convened an enlarged meeting to implement the spirit of the Lushan Conference. Each prefecture was asked to report projected crop yields. Zhang Shufan led off for Xinyang by reporting that his standing committee projected a crop yield of 3.6 billion kilos, but that his more modest personal projection was 1.5 to 2 billion kilos. The provincial party committee was dissatisfied with Zhang’s report and subsequently asked prefectural party secretary Lu Xianwen, “What’s going on in Xinyang?” Under pressure, Lu convened another meeting of county party secretaries requesting new projections. At first no one spoke, but finally someone asked, “Isn’t it what we already reported in our meeting?” Lu Xianwen replied, “Someone took exception to those projections.” By “someone,” Lu was referring to Zhang Shufan. Soon afterward, right-deviating elements were sought out and subjected to struggle, and this county head who had dared to speak the truth was stripped of his official position.8

Exaggerated yield projections meant high state procurement quotas. In Henan, every county was forced to hand over every available kernel of grain. Zhang Shufan recalls:
Following the expanded meeting, I returned to the prefecture to head up the autumn harvest procurement. The provincial party committee based its procurement on the big 1958 harvest, and our prefecture met our quota of 800 million kilos by taking every kernel of grain ration and seed grain from the peasants. Immediately after the harvest, many localities were left with nothing to eat, and people began to leave the prefecture in search of food. Many communal kitchens had no food to serve their members, and the helpless villagers staved their hunger at home as best they could with sweet potatoes and wild herbs.
Higher levels reported a somewhat smaller procurement quota, but agreed that excessive procurement had serious repercussions:
In 1959, Xinyang suffered a drought. The tota... (...)

“The best English-language account . . . [Tombstone] combines thorough statistical analysis with detailed archival research and heart-rending oral histories.” ―Matthew C. Klein, Bloomberg
“Without a doubt the definitive account--for now and probably for a long time . . . One of the most important books--not just China books--of our time.” ―Arthur Waldron, The New Criterion
“A vital testimony of a largely buried era.” ―Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore, The Independent
“Yang's discreet and well-judged pursuit of his project over more than a decade is a quietly heroic achievement.” ―Roger Garside, China Rights Forum
Tombstone easily supersedes all previous chronicles of the famine, and is one of the best insider accounts of the Party's inner workings during this period, offering an unrivalled picture of socioeconomic engineering within a rigid ideological framework . . . meticulously researched.” ―Pankaj Mishra, The New Yorker
“Eye-opening . . . boldly unsparing.” ―Jonathan Mirsky, The New York Times Book Review
“Beautifully written and fluidly translated, Tombstonedeserves to reach as many readers as possible.” ―Samuel Moyn, The Nation
“[An] epic account . . . Tombstone is a landmark in the Chinese people's own efforts to confront their history.” ―Ian Johnson, The New York Review of Books
“The toll is astounding, and this book is important for many reasons--difficult to stomach, but important all the same.” ―Kirkus Review
“Mao's Great Famine of the late 1950s continues to boggle the mind. No one book or even set of books could encompass the tens of millions of lives needlessly and intentionally destroyed or explain the paranoid megalomania of China's leaders at the time. As with the Holocaust, every serious new account both renews our witness of the murdered dead and extends our understanding. Zhou Xun here selects, translates, and annotates 121 internal reports from local officials to their bosses. They form a frank, grisly, and specific portrait of hysteria defeating common sense. Zhou's University of Hong Kong colleague, Frank Dikötter, extricated some of these documents from newly opened (and now again closed) archives in local headquarters across China for his Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe 1958–1962, but Zhou's book stands on its own. A useful introduction, headnotes to each chapter, a chronology, and explanatory notes frame the documents. VERDICT Accessible and appealing to assiduous readers with knowledge of Mao's China; especially useful to specialists.” ―Charles W. Hayford, Evanston, IL
“A book of great importance.” ―Jung Chang, author of Wild Swans and co-author of Mao: The Unknown Story
“A truly necessary book.” ―Anne Applebaum, author of Gulag: A History
“In 1989 hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Chinese died in the June Fourth massacre in Beijing, and within hours hundreds of millions of people around the world had seen images of it on their television screens. In the late 1950s, also in Communist China, roughly the inverse happened: thirty million or more died while the world, then and now, has hardly noticed. If the cause of the Great Famine had been a natural disaster, this double standard might be more understandable. But the causes, as Yang Jisheng shows in meticulous detail, were political. How can the world not look now?” ―Perry Link, Chancellorial Chair for Innovative Teaching, Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages, University of California, Riverside
“Hard-hitting. . . It's a harrowing read, illuminating a historic watershed that's still too little known in the West.” ―Publishers' Weekly
“Groundbreaking…The most authoritative account of the Great Famine…One of the most important books to come out of China in recent years.” ―Ian Johnson, The New York Review of Books
“The most stellar example of retrospective writing on the Mao period from any Chinese pen or computer.” ―Perry Link, Chancellorial Chair for Innovative Teaching, Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages, University of California, Riverside
“The first proper history of China's Great Famine.” ―Anne Applebaum, The Washington Post
“A monumental work comparable to Solzhenitsyn's Nobel Prize-winning work The Gulag Archipelago.” ―Xu Youyu, Chinese Academy of Social Science

Yang Jisheng was born in 1940, joined the Communist Party in 1964, and worked for the Xinhua News Agency from January 1968 until his retirement in 2001. He is now a deputy editor at Yanhuang Chunqiu (Chronicles of History), an official journal that regularly skirts censorship with articles on controversial political topics. A leading liberal voice, he published the Chinese version of Tombstone in Hong Kong in May 2008. Eight editions have been issued since then.Yang Jisheng lives in Beijing with his wife and two children. 

Translator Bio: 

Stacy Mosher learned Chinese in Hong Kong, where she lived for nearly 18 years. A long-time journalist, Mosher currently works as an editor and translator in Brooklyn. 
Guo Jian is Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Originally trained in Chinese language and literature, Guo was on the Chinese faculty of Beijing Normal University until he came to the United States to study for his PhD in English in the mid-1980's.

·       Publication Date: October 30, 2012
·       File Size: 5248 KB
·       Word Wise: Enabled
·       Print Length: 668 pages
·       Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Reprint Edition (October 30, 2012)
·       Language: English
·       ASIN: B008MWNEXI
·       Text-to-Speech: Enabled
·       Page Numbers Source ISBN: 184614518X

The 21st Century Cold War (Trump-USA vs China) - Alexei Bayer (The Globalist)

A China não é a URSS, com o que esse jornalista concorda. Mas ele esquece de mencionar que os EUA entram nessa "guerra" numa defensiva, o que é a pior postura que pode ter um país.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

The 21st Century Cold War

Talk of a new Cold War is becoming ever more pervasive. In its 21st century rendition, it is China, not Russia, that is in the U.S.’s crosshairs.
The Globalist, July 15, 2020
Talk of a new Cold War is becoming ever more pervasive. However, in its 21st century rendition, it is China, not Russia, that is in the U.S.’s — not just the Trump Administration’s — crosshairs.

Godless people

As it is turns out, China, still ruled by the same old communist party as at the time of Chairman Mao, is a perfect candidate for a new Cold War.
After all, it fits the template of the old conflict between democracy and godless communism.

China: As if the Soviet vision had actually worked

True enough, today’s China is quite different from the erstwhile Soviet Union. On the economic front, it is communist in name only (“CINO”).
In fact, Marx, Lenin and Mao must be busily spinning in their graves. At the time of Mao’s death less half century ago, pretty much everyone in China still wore identical Mao jackets and hats.
Plus, people aspired to no bigger worldly possessions than a bicycle. Now, the country has nearly 400 billionaires. That puts it second only to that citadel of imperialism, the United States.

Another leader for life

But don’t worry. In many other ways, China’s Xi Jinping proves himself a worthy heir to the communist leaders of the past. Like almost all Communists of yesteryear, Xi is planning to rule his country for life.
Under his leadership, the Chinese government is also becoming a “masterful” (i.e., unflinching) repressor of dissent at home and seeks to put an end to freedoms in Hong Kong.
China’s CCP government censors the internet the same way the Soviets used to jam Western radio broadcasts. It is needlessly secretive, leading most recently to widespread condemnation of its handling of the COVID 19 outbreak.

It ain’t the good old U.S. anymore, either

Of course, the United States is now a very different country, too. During the early post-World War II decades, it could very effectively counter Soviet claims of building a workers’ paradise.
The United States actually had what the Soviet Union always only claimed — strong wages, stable jobs and comfortable lifestyles of its unionized blue-collar workforce.
These days, American unions are in shambles and Americans without a college degree, like true proletarians in the Marxist sense, struggle to make ends meet with no benefits or job security.

Soviet-style leadership at the White House

In the old days, the United States could brag about its fourth estate — the highly respected and even feared free press, reporting the truth and “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” in contrast to communist propaganda hacks.
At least for another five months, the United States has a president who attacks the country’s largest news organizations as purveyors of fake news. And he knows no limits in channeling his inner Uncle Joe Stalin by calling journalists “enemies of the people.”
Of course, sending out the U.S. military on peaceful American protesters — on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre no less — surely didn’t make for good propaganda material either.

Painful role reversal

But this is only half the problem. The truth is that the roles of the Cold Warrior sides have been reversed. During Cold War I, the Soviet Union was always a sullen bully with a giant chip on its shoulder, claiming to be the victim of capitalist machinations.
Washington, on the other hand, played the adult to Moscow’s teenager. It often yielded to Russia’s unreasonable demands — because the United States was so strong that it could afford to be magnanimous.
The Soviets always threatened aplenty, almost always without following through and thus appeared weak. Meanwhile, the U.S. side worked to engage them and to find the common ground.

Who is the mature power now?

In today’s rendition of the Cold War, with Donald Trump in the White House, it is stunningly often Beijing that is playing the adult to America’s whining, bad-tempered and very short-sighted teenager.
Donald Trump is always ready to complain how China, the bad guy, takes advantage of poor and weak America, whether on trade, technology or now the coronavirus.
China, meanwhile, is working to diffuse tensions. Most recently, when Donald Trump threatened to exclude Chinese airlines from flying to the United States, Chinese officials simply lifted pandemic-related restrictions on foreign flights to China, depriving the Trump Administration of a chance to escalate the conflict.

Trump, the “shoe banger”

During the Cold War, it was the then-Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev who, when angered by something during his speech at the United Nations, took off his shoes and started banging it on the desk.
Today, it is Trump, not Xi, who’s more likely to engage in such a stunt.


The first Cold War was won by the stronger, adult player — meaning at the time the United States.
Whatever we may think of China and the distasteful ways in which it oppresses its own people, we must recognize that, at least for now, it is China that acts like the adult in the room.
That is not a good omen as to the outcome of the second Cold War.

CPMF é um tributo injusto, imoral, criminoso e cretino - Ricardo Bergamini

Ricardo Bergamini não deixa pedra sobre pedra. Mas tem inteiramente razão.
Eu corrigiria o termo final da frase de Gudin (dos anos 1950, provavelmente) e colocaria, em lugar de homens, ESTADISTAS.
E tampouco falaria em "custo Brasil", o que é muito vago.
O que existe é um CUSTO DO ESTADO BRASILEIRO, com sua horda de sugadores oficiais e semioficiais, o estamento burocrático e os rentistas de todos os setores.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Prezados Senhores
A proposta indecorosa do picareta Paulo Guedes da volta do CPMF, indubitavelmente, é a confissão do fracasso da sua proposta econômica de vender a ilusão do sonho do futuro com reformas, sem saber o que fazer com o presente.
CPMF é um tributo injusto, imoral, criminoso e cretino, que se apresenta com uma alíquota baixa (no caso atual 0,20%, a mesma alíquota antiga, posteriormente migrou para 0,38%). 
Esse aparente insignificante tributo, devido ao seu efeito multiplicador de cobranças se transformou no período de sua existência, em um aumento de carga de tributária de 1,5% do PIB ao ano.
Concordo que o Brasil não vai sair desse atual atoleiro, sem aumento de arrecadação, conforme minhas sugestões de base de tributação abaixo:
Fontes de Recursos para bancar a crise do coronavirus, sem aumento da dívida.
Ricardo Bergamini
Sem entrar no mérito da doença, mas apenas nos prejuízos causados, usando como base as orientações do pensamento liberal que prega a liberdade, igualdade, fraternidade e soberania dos povos, da mesma forma que a pregação de Jesus Cristo, abaixo as minhas modestas contribuições de fontes de recursos para pagar os prejuízos causados pelo coronovirus, de uma forma cristã: 
Tirando dos 10% que detêm 42,9% da renda, o governo teria em torno de R$ 861,3 bilhões para bancar a crise do coronavirus, mas na realidade vai estourar na mão dos 10% que detêm 0,8% da massa salarial. Quem no Brasil está interessado nessas bobagens?
1 – A aberração do Contencioso do Tesouro Nacional a Receber – Fonte ME.

Em 2019 o Tesouro Nacional tinha um contencioso a receber da ordem de R$ 2.436,1 bilhões (tributários não previdenciários - R$ 1.776,4 bilhões; tributários previdenciários – R$ 543,1 bilhões; não tributários – R$ 5,4 bilhões; FGTS – R$ 21,2 bilhões).

Fontes de Recursos: Fazer um esforço para receber, pelo menos, 10% do total que daria R$ 243,6 bilhões. 

2 - A aberração da renúncia fiscal – Fonte ME.
Em 2006 o governo federal renunciou a R$ 65,4 bilhões (2,80% do PIB) em tributos, e em 2020, segundo previsão orçamentária, vai renunciar a R$ 320,8 bilhões (4,25% do PIB). Crescimento de bondades e caridades aos amigos e aliados da ordem de 51,79% em relação ao PIB.
Fontes de Recursos: cortar 30% dessa aberração econômica, ou seja: R$ 96,2 bilhões.
3 - A aberração da concentração de renda entre os indivíduos – Fonte IBGE.

A massa de rendimento médio mensal real domiciliar per capita, que era de R$ 264,9 bilhões em 2017, alcançou R$ 277,7 bilhões em 2018. Os 10% da população com os menores rendimentos detinham 0,8% da massa, enquanto que os 10% com os maiores rendimentos concentravam 43,1%.


Os dados coletados no CBE ano-base 2018 foram compilados e incorporados às estatísticas da PII. Em 2018, a posição total de ativos brasileiros no exterior atingiu US$ 493,2 bilhões. 
Em 2018 existiam 58.597 investidores pessoas físicas, representado investimentos de US$ 171,5 bilhões e 4.867 investidores pessoas jurídicas, representando investimentos de US$ 321,7 bilhões. 
Fontes de Recursos: taxar em uma única vez em 10% o montante acima, ou seja: US$ 49,3 bilhões = R$ 258,3 bilhões.
5 - A aberração da orgia de gastos com pessoal no Brasil - Fonte ME.
Um grupo de trabalhadores de primeira classe (servidores públicos) composto por 12,6 milhões de brasileiros (ativos, inativos, civis e militares) que representam apenas 6,35% da população brasileira, sendo 2,2 milhões federais, 4,0 milhões estaduais e 6,4 milhões de municipais gastaram R$ 1.129,0 bilhões em 2018 correspondentes a 16,53% do PIB. Esse percentual representou 49,70% da carga tributária que foi de 33,26% do PIB em 2018.

Fontes de Recursos: Taxar em uma única vez em 10% dos gastos com pessoal, ou seja: R$ 112,9 bilhões. Que poderia ser cobrado de forma progressiva, paga mais, quem ganha mais. Garanto que nenhum funcionário pediria demissão.

6 - Extinções imediatas dos cargos de assessores parlamentares (não concursados) – Fonte projeção pessoal.

São amigos, parentes e aliados dos políticos, não são concursados, não têm direitos adquiridos, não têm estabilidade de emprego, não é garantido pelas cláusulas pétreas da Constituição, além de representarem um contingente correspondente a três vezes o efetivo ativo das FFAA com 381.830 militares.   

Fontes de Recursos: extinção imediata desses parasitas, que considerando um salário médio de R$ 8.000,00 mensais, daria uma economia permanente em torno de R$ 113,3 bilhões ao ano.

7 – Extinções dos cartões corporativos – Fonte ME.
O escândalo dos cartões corporativos é uma crise política no governo do Brasil iniciada em 2008 após denúncias sobre gastos irregulares no uso de cartões corporativos. Os cartões foram instituídos em 2001, mas só entraram em funcionamento no ano seguinte para uma maior transparência e rapidez em gastos emergenciais. O problema dos cartões corporativos é estrutural, pois o sistema que deveria ser usado para despesas pequenas e urgentes vem sendo usando para dispensar licitações e dar mimos aos governistas.
Fonte de Recursos: muitas dificuldades em se apurar, mesmo após decisão do STF que obriga a liberdade de acesso à informação.
8 – Extinções imediatas das 157 estatais com controle indireto da União, já que não necessitam da aprovação do Congresso Nacional – Fonte ME.  
- São 203 empresas estatais federais, sendo 46 com controle direto da União (18 dependentes exclusivas do tesouro nacional, e 28 não dependentes do tesouro nacional), e 157 com controle indireto (112 subsidiárias no Brasil, e 45 subsidiárias no exterior.
Fontes de Recursos: Em 2019 o tesouro jogou nas lixeiras das estatais o montante de R$ 36,0 bilhões. Em período de economia de guerra compensaria doar essas lixeiras para os seus funcionários adminstrarem, sem nenhum socorro do goverrno. Duvido que eles aceitariam. 
 9 – Extinções imediatas das imoralidades de gastos com ex- presidentes da república – Fonte ME. 
Presidentes brasileiros que deixam o cargo não recebem pensão ou qualquer tipo de remuneração direta. Mas o que lhes é oferecido chega a custar o equivalente a R$ 12 mil por dia aos contribuintes.

Trata-se de gastos com até oito servidores comissionados (motoristas, seguranças, apoio pessoal e assessoramento) a que cada um tem direito. 

A União paga os salários, passagens e diárias em casos de viagens para acompanhar o ex-mandatário. Além disso, cada ex-presidente tem à disposição dois carros e o pagamento das despesas de combustível.

Essas garantias foram concedidas por meio da Lei 7.474/86 e pelo decreto 6.381/2008. 

Fontes de Recursos: fim dessa orgia com custo ano de R$ 4,6 milhões.

10 – Extinção imediata da orgia reinante no palácio do planalto cujo morador, guardião da moral e da ética da humanidade, ainda não conseguiu ver.

Fontes de Recursos: considerando que somente com pessoal se gaste R$ 160,0 milhões por ano, mais o custo de compra e manutenção de 102 automóveis, acredito em gastos em torno de R$ 1,0 bilhão ano.

O capitão GENOCIDA e seus associados - Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Minha previsão: o número de homicídios, latrocínios, roubos, assaltos, mortos por incidentes banais, suicídios, acidentes fatais entre crianças, jovens e adultos, FEMINICÍDIOS, terrorismo, banditismo, militantismo armado, bolsonarismo agressivo, olavismo explosivo, direitismo violento, loucuras em geral, tudo isso vai aumentar exponencialmente a partir de agora, por obra e graça do desgraçado que nos desgoverna.
Eu já tinha chamado o inepto de genocida em função de sua atitude não só irresponsável, mas propriamente criminosa na questão dos meios de prevenção e (não) tratamento da pandemia, embora a classificação já fosse devida desde o primeiro dia por muitos outros fatores: facilidades na habilitação, em multas na circulação de veículos e para motoristas de caminhão, cadeirinhas e cintos para crianças nos carros, flexibilização de todos os tipos de controles e de fiscalização em diversas áreas, sobretudo no meio ambiente, nas reservas naturais, em territórios indígenas,  e uma infinidade de outros terrenos da segurança individual dos cidadãos, geralmente em causa própria ou em favor das PMs e do bando de trogloditas que o apoiam, cultuando e induzindo à morte pelas práticas macabras a que recorrem.
Pois agora já existe um novo e poderoso fator de GENOCÍDIO, geral e amplamente disseminado, por causa dessa campanha de armamentismo alucinante e demencial que o capitão de índole perversa e mórbida promove afoitamente (como já tinhamos visto no famoso vídeo de 22/04/2020).
Por isso volto a repetir:
O capitão é um GENOCIDA deliberado, consciente e decidido, e as Forças Armadas, os militares em geral, os comandantes, em especial os do Exército, estão se associando a PRÁTICAS DE GENOCÍDIO, como já alertou acertadamente o ministro Gilmar Mendes.
O Brasil vai triplicar o seu número de mortos não naturais! Isso é inaceitável para uma sociedade que se pretende civilizada.
Ou o Brasil detém o capitão em seus mais baixos instintos, ou o bárbaro GENOCIDA vai continuar matando brasileiros, direta e indiretamente.
Eu o chamo de ASSASSINO!
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Brasília, 21/07/2020

Registro para atiradores e colecionadores dispara
O Globo, 21/07/2020

Em meio à política de flexibilização generalizada para a compra de armas por determinação do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, o número de colecionadores, atiradores e caçadores (CACs) registrados no Exército aumentou de modo expressivo no país.
De acordo com dados obtidos pelo GLOBO por meio da Lei de Acesso à Informação, o número de registros de CACs concedidos passou de 47.361 em 2018 para 73.788 no primeiro ano do governo Bolsonaro, um aumento de 55,7%.
Em comparação com 2010, quando foram contabilizados 8.810 registros, o crescimento chega a 737% em quase uma década. Entre janeiro e junho deste ano, foram 32.475 novos registros, o que demonstra que o ritmo de aumento segue acelerado.
O controle sobre colecionadores, atiradores e caçadores é do Exército, feito por meio do Sistema de Gerenciamento Militar de Armas de Fogo (Sigma). Há uma outra forma de controle, o Sistema Nacional de Armas (Sinarm), em que a Polícia Federal registra todas as armas dos órgãos de segurança pública (exceto instituições militares), servidores e cidadãos civis.
O GLOBO mostrou na segunda-feira que, entre 2009 e o ano passado, houve um aumento de 601% no número de novas armas registradas por pessoas físicas na PF (passou de 8.692 para 60.973). Especialistas atribuem o recorde a políticas de flexibilização do governo Bolsonaro.
O mesmo vale para explicar a elevação no registro de CACs. As estatísticas, no entanto, já vinham crescendo mesmo antes da posse do presidente.
Segundo pesquisadores, muitos buscavam o sistema do Exército por considerá-lo um caminho mais fácil para conseguir o registro em comparação ao trâmite da PF, que exigia uma justificativa de efetiva necessidade para a posse, o que era considerado subjetivo pelos defensores da liberação das armas. Esse critério foi derrubado por determinação de Bolsonaro. — Esse critério fez com que, nesse período pré-Bolsonaro, houvesse muita gente se passando por CAC, se travestindo de CAC, para conseguir autorização — explica Isabel Figueiredo, do Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, salientando que, assim como ocorre com armas de pessoas físicas, revólveres e pistolas de colecionadores, atiradores e caçadores acabam parando no mercado ilegal após serem roubados

segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2020

Manual das teorias conspiratórias: leituras dos tempos que correm

Confesso que eu me interesso por tudo, ou quase tudo. Prefiro, claro, coisas sérias, não besteirol. Mas tem um tipo de besteirol que, em função da esquizofrenia do governo atual, faz parte do nosso dia a dia. Infelizmente, temos, até por obrigação intelectual, de interromper estudos mais consistentes para se ocupar das loucuras do governo atual, PRINCIPALMENTE na política externa.
Esse é o besteirol antiglobalista que inundou a política externa e contaminou a diplomacia, não a profissional, do Itamaraty tradicional, mas a do bando de loucos que atualmente pretende imprimir sua louca direção às relações exteriores do Brasil. 
Esses caras nos desviam de coisas mais importantes, para enfrentar a degradação operacional, as mistificações subintelequituais, as fraudes teóricas, as mentiras doutrinais, enfim, a indigência mental desses caras que pretendem guiar a política externa.
A Funag se tornou o poço sem fundo do rebotalho olavista e bolsonarista e promove, toda semana, exposições com os indivíduos mais medíocres que jamais tenham falado para diplomatas, que possuem certamente um nível intelectual muito superior às bobagens que eles tentam imprimir ao corpo profissional do Itamaraty.
Nesta terça-feira, 21/07/2020, tem mais um desses debiloides olavistas que vem tentar explicar porque os diplomatas de hoje precisam se preocupar com o globalismo e com o comunismo. Eu fico registrando o besteirol, para escrever livros.
E também vou me informar com gente séria, como os autores deste manual recém publicado.
Ou quem quiser coisa ainda mais séria, vejam este RoundTable Book discussion sobre o pensamento de Raymond Aron que acabo de postar na postagem imediatamente antecedente a este: Raymond Aron and Liberal Thought in the Twentieth Century - H-Diplo Roundtable XXI-54
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Research outputBook/Report › Book


Taking a global and interdisciplinary approach, the Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy Theories provides a comprehensive overview of conspiracy theories as an important social, cultural and political phenomenon in contemporary life.

This handbook provides the most complete analysis of the phenomenon to date. It analyses conspiracy theories from a variety of perspectives, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. It maps out the key debates, and includes chapters on the historical origins of conspiracy theories, as well as their political significance in a broad range of countries and regions. Other chapters consider the psychology and the sociology of conspiracy beliefs, in addition to their changing cultural forms, functions and modes of transmission. This handbook examines where conspiracy theories come from, who believes in them and what their consequences are.

This book presents an important resource for students and scholars from a range of disciplines interested in the societal and political impact of conspiracy theories, including Area Studies, Anthropology, History, Media and Cultural Studies, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.

Bibliographical metadata

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages680
ISBN (Electronic)9780429452734
ISBN (Print)9780815361749
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2020

Publication series

NameConspiracy theories

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