Meu trabalho mais recente publicado:
1245. “Brazilian Diplomatic Thought: methodological
introduction to the ideas and actions of some of its representatives”, In: José Vicente Pimentel (ed.), Brazilian Diplomatic
Thought: policymakers and agents of Foreign Policy (1750-1964), vol 1 (Brasília:
Funag, 2016, 346 p.; ISBN: 978-85-7631-547-6; p.
19-41; translation by Paul Sekscenski; available:;
livro em pdf:; disponível em
(link: Relação de Originais n. 2906.
Brazilian diplomatic thought: methodological
introduction to the ideas and actions of some of its representatives, 19-41
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Part I
Introduction to foreign policy and the diplomatic ideas
of the imperial period, 45-53
Amado Luiz Cervo
Alexandre de Gusmão: the statesman who drew the
Brazilian map, 57-91
Synesio Sampaio Goes Filho
José Bonifácio: the patriarch of Brazilian diplomacy,
João Alfredo dos Anjos
Paulino José Soares de Souza, the Viscount of Uruguay:
building the instruments of Brazilian diplomacy, 129-163
Gabriela Nunes Ferreira
Duarte da Ponte Ribeiro: defining the territory of the
monarchy, 167-199
Luís Cláudio Villafañe G. Santos
Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, the Viscount of Porto
Seguro: diplomatic thought, 203-233
Arno Wehling
Honório Hermeto Carneiro Leão, the Marquis of Paraná:
diplomacy and power in the Plata, 237-271
Luiz Felipe de Seixas Corrêa
The Viscount of Rio Branco: sovereignty, diplomacy and
power, 275-313
Francisco Doratioto
Joaquim Tomás do Amaral, the Viscount of Cabo Frio: the
development of Brazilian administrative thought, 317-345
Amado Luiz Cervo