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Mostrando postagens com marcador ativistas chineses. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador ativistas chineses. Mostrar todas as postagens

sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2010

China censura noticias sobre o ativista Premio Nobel

Não só nos sites da China: todas as redes estrangeiras que começavam a falar do assunto eram ridiculamente tiradas do ar.
Os chineses, os governamentais, quero dizer, vão conseguir se desmoralizar...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Nobel para Liu Xiaobo é censurado nos sites da China
Yahoo Notícias, Sex, 08 Out, 01h45

PEQUIM (AFP) - A notícia da entrega nesta sexta-feira do Prêmio Nobel da Paz ao dissidente chinês Liu Xiaobo rodou o mundo, mas, como era esperado, foi censurada nos principais sites da China, assim como nas redes de telefonia móvel.

Uma simples busca com as palavras-chave "prêmio Nobel, paz, Liu Xiaobo" não indicava resultado algum nos grandes portais de notícias e ferramentas de busca, como Sina, Sohu e Baidu.

A censura também estava ativada no Weibo, um site de relacionamento semelhante ao Twitter.

As mensagens de SMS contendo o nome de Liu Xiaobo estavam bloqueadas, e não chegavam ao seu destinatário.

O noticiário da noite da televisão estatal CCTV foi aberto com notícias sobre as inundações na ilha chinesa de Hainan.

O Prêmio Nobel da Paz 2010 foi atribuído nesta sexta-feira pelo Comitê Nobel norueguês ao dissidente chinês na prisão "por seus esforços duradouros e não violentos em favor dos Direitos Humanos na China".

A censura é forte na China a posições críticas em relação ao governo ou a questões referentes aos Direitos Humanos. As notícias sobre dissidentes são retiradas dos sites politicamente sensíveis e Pequim controla rigidamente a internet para evitar que os opositores se organizem.

Obama calls for the release of Chinese activist

Já que a CNN não pode dar a notícia, aqui na China, eu me substituo a ela...

Breaking News Alert:
Obama calls on China to free Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo
The Washington Post, October 8, 2010 11:35:29 AM

President Obama, who was awarded last year's Nobel Peace Prize, called on China to release this year's winner, Liu Xiaobo, who is serving an 11-year prison sentence.

"Last year, I noted that so many others who have received the award had sacrificed so much more than I. That list now includes Mr. Liu, who has sacrificed his freedom for his beliefs. By granting the prize to Mr. Liu, the Nobel Committee has chosen someone who has been an eloquent and courageous spokesman for the advance of universal values through peaceful and non-violent means, including his support for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law," Obama said.

"We call on the Chinese government to release Mr. Liu as soon as possible," he said.

Dissidentes NAO; Ativistas SIM: usar palavras corretas no caso chines

Os ativistas que lutam por direitos humanos em regimes autoritários são normalmente considerados como "dissidentes" pela imprensa internacional.
Ora, isso é absolutamente inapropriado.
Eles são inteiramente "concordantes" com os mais importantes instrumentos internacionais em favor da democracia e dos direitos humanos, a começar pela Declaração Universal de 1948.
Quem são os verdadeiros dissidentes são os governos, que assinaram esses instrumentos e não os cumprem, tornando-se assim refratários a seu conteúdo.

Enfim, apenas para lembrar alguns desses ativistas, destaco aqui a parte final da matéria sobre a Carta 08 da New York Review of Books, que trouxe ao mundo esse importante documento, que visa, apenas e tão somente, fazer com que a China não mais seja dissidente dos principais instrumentos internacionais em matéria de direitos humanos.
Ver o post integral neste link.

The planning and drafting of Charter 08 began in the late spring of 2008, but Chinese authorities were apparently unaware of it or unconcerned by it until several days before it was announced on December 10. On December 6, Wen Kejian, a writer who signed the charter, was detained in the city of Hangzhou in eastern China and questioned for about an hour. Police told Wen that Charter 08 was "different" from earlier dissident statements, and "a fairly grave matter." They said there would be a coordinated investigation in all cities and provinces to "root out the organizers," and they advised Wen to remove his name from the charter. Wen declined, telling the authorities that he saw the charter as a fundamental turning point in history.

Meanwhile, on December 8, in Shenzhen in the far south of China, police called on Zhao Dagong, a writer and signer of the charter, for a "chat." They told Zhao that the central authorities were concerned about the charter and asked if he was the organizer in the Shenzhen area.

Later on December 8, at 11 PM in Beijing, about twenty police entered the home of Zhang Zuhua, one of the charter's main drafters. A few of the police took Zhang with them to the local police station while the rest stayed and, as Zhang's wife watched, searched the home and confiscated books, notebooks, Zhang's passport, all four of the family's computers, and all of their cash and credit cards. (Later Zhang learned that his family's bank accounts, including those of both his and his wife's parents, had been emptied.) Meanwhile, at the police station, Zhang was detained for twelve hours, where he was questioned in detail about Charter 08 and the group Chinese Human Rights Defenders in which he is active.

It was also late on December 8 that another of the charter's signers, the literary critic and prominent dissident Liu Xiaobo, was taken away by police. His telephone in Beijing went unanswered, as did e-mail and Skype messages sent to him. As of the present writing, he's believed to be in police custody, although the details of his detention are not known.

On the morning of December 9, Beijing lawyer Pu Zhiqiang was called in for a police "chat," and in the evening the physicist and philosopher Jiang Qisheng was called in as well. Both had signed the charter and were friends of the drafters. On December 10—the day the charter was formally announced—the Hangzhou police returned to the home of Wen Kejian, the writer they had questioned four days earlier. This time they were more threatening. They told Wen he would face severe punishment if he wrote about the charter or about Liu Xiaobo's detention. "Do you want three years in prison?" they asked. "Or four?"

On December 11 the journalist Gao Yu and the writer Liu Di, both well-known in Beijing, were interrogated about their signing of the Charter. The rights lawyer, Teng Biao, was approached by the police but declined, on principle, to meet with them. On December 12 and 13 there were reports of interrogations in many provinces—Shaanxi, Hunan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, and others—of people who had seen the charter on the Internet, found that they agreed with it, and signed. With these people the police focused on two questions: "How did you get involved?" and "What do you know about the drafters and organizers?"

The Chinese authorities seem unaware of the irony of their actions. Their efforts to quash Charter 08 only serve to underscore China's failure to uphold the very principles that the charter advances. The charter calls for "free expression" but the regime says, by its actions, that it has once again denied such expression. The charter calls for freedom to form groups, but the nationwide police actions that have accompanied the charter's release have specifically aimed at blocking the formation of a group. The charter says "we should end the practice of viewing words as crimes," and the regime says (literally, to Wen Kejian) "we can send you to prison for these words." The charter calls for the rule of law and the regime sends police in the middle of the night to act outside the law; the charter says "police should serve as nonpartisans," and here the police are plainly partisan.

Charter 08 is signed only by citizens of the People's Republic of China who are living inside China. But Chinese living outside China are signing a letter of strong support for the charter. The eminent historian Yu Ying-shih, the astrophysicist Fang Lizhi, writers Ha Jin and Zheng Yi, and more than 160 others have so far signed.

On December 12, the Dalai Lama issued his own letter in support of the charter, writing that "a harmonious society can only come into being when there is trust among the people, freedom from fear, freedom of expression, rule of law, justice, and equality." He called on the Chinese government to release prisoners "who have been detained for exercising their freedom of expression."

—Perry Link, December 18, 2008