Trump foi vítima do mesmo impulso armamentista que ele sempre propagou, na pessoa de um atirador desequilibrado. Bolsonaro foi vitima do mesmo impulso de ódio na política, que ele sempre propagou, na pessoa de um opositor desequilibrado. Existem fundamentos similares nos 2 casos.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
The Long Simmer of Political Violence in AmericaAn incident that turns a mirror on America - with me, Adrienne LaFrance and Radio AtlanticMy colleague Adrienne LaFrance and I discussed the assassination attempt for the Radio Atlantic podcast: what does it tell us about American politics, how does it compare to what happens in other places, and how do violent political cycles come to an end. Read my 2020 article on how the left and right radicalize one another Read Adrienne's 2023 article, The New Anarchy Subscribe here to get all my work in the Atlantic, plus a lot more: You're currently a free subscriber to Open Letters, from Anne Applebaum . |