The Elgar Companion To Marxist Economics
Edited by Ben Fine, Professor of Economics and Alfredo Saad-Filho, Professor of Political Economy, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK with Marco Boffo, PhD candidate, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK
Hardback $225.00 on-line price $202.50
This Companion takes stock of the trajectory, achievements, shortcomings and prospects of Marxist political economy. It reflects the contributors’ shared commitment to bringing the methods, theories and concepts of Marx himself to bear across a wide range of topics and perspectives, and it provides a testimony to the continuing purpose and vitality of Marxist political economy.
Contributors include: G. Albo, R. Albritton, D. Ankarloo, S.J. Ashman, A.J. Ayers, R. Balakrishnan, J. Banaji, S. Bisnath, M. Boffo, T.J. Byres, A. Campbell, P. Cerni, P. Chattopadhyay, S. Clarke, A. Colás, G.C. Comninel, M. Di Meglio, P.L. dos Santos, G. Duménil, B. Fine, J. Ghosh, G. Hoe-Gimm, H. Goodacre, B. Gruffydd-Jones, B. Harriss-White, K. Hart, M. Itoh, H. Jeon, B. Jessop, D. Johnston, R. Kiely, S. Knafo, D. Laibman, D. Lévy, D. Lo, T. Marois, P. Masina, S.D. Mavroudeas, D. Milonakis, S. Mohun, S. Newman, P. Patnaik, U. Patnaik, L. Pradella, H. Radice, A. Saad-Filho, S. Savran, G. Slater, T. Smith, E. Swyngedouw, B. Tinel, A. Toscano, J. Weeks, E. Wood, A. Zack-Williams, P. Zarembka, Y. Zhang
This Companion takes stock of the trajectory, achievements, shortcomings and prospects of Marxist political economy. It reflects the contributors’ shared commitment to bringing the methods, theories and concepts of Marx himself to bear across a wide range of topics and perspectives, and it provides a testimony to the continuing purpose and vitality of Marxist political economy.
As a whole, this volume analyzes Marxist political economy in three areas: the critique of mainstream economics in all of its versions; the critical presence of Marxist political economy within, and its influence upon, each of the social science disciplines; and, cutting across these, the analysis of specific topics that straddle disciplinary boundaries. Some of the contributions offer an exposition of basic concepts, accessible to the general reader, laying out Marx’s own contribution, its significance, and subsequent positions and debates with and within Marxist political economy. The authors offer assessments of historical developments to and within capitalism, and of its current character and prospects. Other chapters adopt a mirror-image approach of pinpointing the conditions of contemporary capitalism as a way of interrogating the continuing salience of Marxist analysis. This volume will inform and inspire a new generation of students and scholars to become familiar with Marxist political economy from an enlightened and unprejudiced position, and to use their knowledge as both a resource and gateway to future study.
Introduction Ben Fine and Alfredo Saad-Filho 1. Accumulation of Capital Paul Zarembka 2. The Agrarian Question and the Peasantry Terence J. Byres 3. Analytical Marxism Marco Boffo 4. Anthropology Keith Hart 5. Capital Jayati Ghosh 6. Capitalism Ellen Wood 7. Centrally Planned Economy Dic Lo and Yu Zhang 8. Class and Class Struggle Utsa Patnaik 9. Classical Political Economy Hugh Goodacre 10. Combined and Uneven Development Samantha J. Ashman 11. Commodification and Commodity Fetishism Robert Albritton 12. Competition Paresh Chattopadhyay 13. Consumerism Paula Cerni 14. Contemporary Capitalism Greg Albo 15. Crisis Theory Simon Clarke 16. Dependency Theory John Weeks 17. Ecology and the Environment Barbara Harriss-White 18. Economic Reproduction and the Circuits of Capital Ben Fine 19. Exploitation and Surplus Value Ben Fine 20. Feminist Economics Radhika Balakrishnan and Savitri Bisnath 21. Feudalism George C. Comninel 22. Finance, Finance Capital, and Financialisation Thomas Marois 23. Friedrich Engels Paresh Chattopadhyay 24. Geography Erik Swyngedouw 25. Global Commodity Chains and Global Value Chains Susan Newman 26. Globalisation and Imperialism Ray Kiely 27. International Political Economy Alejandro Colás 28. Karl Marx Lucia Pradella 29. Knowledge Economy Heesang Jeon 30. Labour, Labour Power, and the Division of Labour Bruno Tinel 31. Labour Theory of Value Ben Fine 32. Market Socialism Makoto Itoh 33. Marx and Underdevelopment Mauro di Meglio and Pietro Masina 34. Marxism and History George C. Comninel 35. Method of Political Economy Branwen Gruffydd-Jones 36. Mode of Production Jairus Banaji 37. Money Paulo L. dos Santos 38. Neoliberalism Gérard Duménil and Dominique Lévy 39. Neoclassical Economics Dimitris Milonakis 40. Neo-Ricardianism Sungur Savran 41. New Technology and the 'New Economy’ Tony Smith 42. Political Science Alison J. Ayers 43. Population and Migration Deborah Johnston 44. Productive and Unproductive Labour Simon Mohun 45. Race Alfred Zack-Williams 46. Radical Political Economy in the United States Al Campbell 47. The Rate of Profit Simon Mohun 48. The Regulation Approach Stavros D. Mavroudeas 49. Rent and Landed Property Erik Swyngedouw 50. The Social Structures of Accumulation Approach Stavros D. Mavroudeas 51. Socialism, Communism and Revolution Al Campbell 52. Sociology Alberto Toscano 53. The State Bob Jessop 54. 'Transformation Problem’ Alfredo Saad-Filho 55. The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism David Laibman 56. Transnational Corporations Hugo Radice 57. Unemployment Gary Slater 58. Value Form Approach Samuel Knafo 59. Vladimir I Lenin Prabhat Patnaik 60. The Welfare State Daniel Ankarloo 61. World Economy Gong Hoe-Gimm References Index |
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