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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida;

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Mostrando postagens com marcador historiador brasilianista. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador historiador brasilianista. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

Richard Graham: homenagem a um brasilianista exemplar

Richard Graham to receive Brazilian Studies Association Award

Richard Graham, the F.H. Nalle Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin, has been named the 2012 recipient of the Brazilian Studies Association’s Lifetime Contribution Award, BRASA announced on March 9, 2012. 
BRASA’s Lifetime Achievement Award (LCA) recognizes Professor Graham as a leader in the field of Brazilian studies with both a record of outstanding scholarly achievement and significant contributions to the promotion of Brazilian studies in the United States. BRASA especially wishes to emphasize Professor Graham’s lifetime contributions to our field.
Richard Graham will be recognized in an awards ceremony at BRASA’s 11th International Congress at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 8, 2012 at 7 p.m.  BRASA will present Professor Graham with a plaque expressing the organization’s deep appreciation for his lifelong commitment to Brazilian studies and Professor Graham will address the congress.  A group of prominent Brazilianists, former students of Professor Graham, will introduce him at the ceremony and comment on his many achieve¬ments discuss the enormous influence his work has had on the field of Brazilian history.
Professor Graham’s stellar career merits such an honor for his scholarship, teaching, publishing, mentoring, and institutional development.  Professor Graham is recognized internationally for his contributions to deepening our understanding of Brazilian history.   He has acted as a scholarly ambassador between Brazil and the United States, fostering the exchange of ideas, skills, scholarship, and cultural understanding and has inspired countless students and colleagues to pursue the study of Brazil.
Professor Graham’s first book, Britain and the Onset of Modernization in Brazil, 1850-1914 (1968), is a landmark study of British influence in Brazil. It won the prestigious Bolton Prize from the Conference on Latin American History in 1969.  A rare honor for a North American, in 1971 Professor Graham was one of the first North Americans to be asked to publish a chapter in Brazil’s preeminent multi-volume historical opus, the História Geral da Civilização Brasileira, edited by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda.  In 1978, he published The Jesuit Antonio Vieira and his Plans for the Economic Rehabilitation of Seventeenth-Century Portugal, an important contribution to colonial Brazilian and Portuguese imperial history.  The following year, Escravidão, reforma e imperialismo (1979) brought together some of his article-length work on Brazilian slavery and profoundly shaped the emerging Brazilian scholarship on the country’s slave society. His pioneering work on slave families appeared in Portuguese in this volume, and laid out an agenda for future research on slave families in Brazil.
Professor Graham’s 1990 Patronage and Politics in Nineteenth- Century Brazil quickly became a canonical work on Brazilian state formation in the nineteenth century.  Perhaps his greatest contribution to Latin American history more broadly is the invaluable, The Idea of Race in Latin America, 1870-1940 (1990); it remains in wide use as an introduction to the field.  Professor Graham has published well over seventy articles and book chapters. Many are considered classics in the field, such as “Slave Families on a Rural Estate in Colonial Brazil,” Journal of Social History 9 (1976) or “Slavery and Economic Development: Brazil and the U.S. South,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 23 (1981).   In his retirement, Professor continues to research and write major contributions to Brazilian history. Feeding the City: From Street Market to Liberal Reform in Salvador, Brazil, 1780-1860, a study of the production and marketing of food in Salvador, Bahia, from the end of the eighteenth century through independence and the time of liberal reforms to the mid- nineteenth century was published in 2010.  This book won the Bolton-Johnson Prize awarded by the Council on Latin American History in early 2011.
Born in 1934 in the interior of Brazil to an American Presbyterian missionary father and a Brazilian mother, Richard Graham studied with Lewis Hanke at the University of Texas at Austin in the 1950s, receiving his doctorate in 1961, upon which he began his long and distinguished teaching career at Cornell University.  In 1970, Professor Graham moved to the University of Texas and taught both undergraduates and graduate students there until his retirement in 1999.  During that time, he supervised twenty-one PhD dissertations and was instrumental in establishing a graduate program at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, today ranked one of the top three history programs in Brazil.  Professor Graham’s enduring legacy lies as much in
the students and colleagues he has nurtured, taught, and advised.  They have found their work profoundly influenced by him.

BRASA’s Lifetime Achievement Award Committee, consisting of BRASA Vice President Jan Hoffman French and Executive Committee members Bryan McCann, Cristina Ferreira-Pinto Bailey, and Vânia Penha-Lopes, received numerous nominations for this prestigious award.  The committee selected Professor Graham for his enduring scholarship, outstanding contribution to the field of Brazilian history, and his advancement of Brazilian studies. The BRASA Executive Committee ratified the nomination.
For further information, please contact Professor French at
jfrench@richmond.edu.  Additional information on the Brazilian Studies
Association is available at www.brasa.org.

domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010

John R. Russell-Wood: minha homenagem a um grande historiador

John Russell-Wood: obituário de um membro do Conselho da RBPI
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

A historiografia brasileira moderna muito deve aos historiadores ingleses, a começar pelo “patrão” da tribo, Robert Southey, com sua History of Brazil (em três volumes: 1810-19), a primeira escrita em inglês. Seguiram-se muitos outros nos séculos 19 e 20, entre os quais Charles Boxer, o grande especialista no mundo colonial português e seu império marítimo, com suas ramificações nas Américas, na África e na Ásia (onde ele, aliás, tinha servido como militar).

O historiador John Russell-Wood, nascido galês, educado na Inglaterra e radicado desde longos anos nos Estados Unidos, seguiu essa mesma tradição de estudos historiográficos centrados no mundo colonial português, sem no entanto ter passado pelas forças armadas de sua majestade britânica. Graduou-se em história moderna pela Universidade de Oxford (1961), onde também fez seu mestrado (1963) e doutorado (1967), e estudou na Universidade de Coimbra, onde consolidou definitivamente sua reputação de historiador do universo português. Ao falecer, aos 70 anos, no dia 13 de agosto de 2010, ele lecionava desde 1971 no departamento de História da Universidade Johns Hopkins, em Baltimore, onde se ocupava da América Latina colonial, com ênfase no mundo português. Foi justamente Charles Boxer, nos seus tempos de Oxford, quem o inspirou a se dedicar ao papel do Brasil no império colonial português.
Seus estudos nessa área foram muito ecléticos, incluindo pesquisas em história administrativa, das instituições, da arte, da tecnologia, da medicina, da família, das mulheres, sobre as raças e a escravidão. Um de seus mais destacados livros se ocupava, justamente, de Slavery and Freedom in Colonial Brazil: (1982, 1993 e 2002), no qual ele mostrava que as relações raciais no Brasil colonial estavam mais para o chiaroscuro (que é o título de um dos capítulos) do que para o black-and-white da experiência dos Estados Unidos. Ele tinha vivido no Brasil, concentrado em suas pesquisas sobre o período colonial, entre 1964 e 1970, quando percorreu muitos arquivos e leu inúmero relatórios sobre as irmandades e as casas de misericórdia (sobre a Santa Casa da Bahia publicou Fidalgos and Philantropists, em 1968). Entre seus outros livros, consolidando seu vasto conhecimento sobre o Brasil colonial e o império português, podem ser citados: Society and government in colonial Brazil, 1500-1822 (1992) e Portuguese empire, 1415-1808: a world on the move (1998).
Não contente em orientar seus muitos alunos em estudos brasileiros, ele os recebia em sua casa de Lutherville e mantinha relações pessoais com todos eles, organizando festas nos grandes feriados americanos. Eu o conheci pessoalmente nos encontros de brasilianistas que ajudei a organizar quando de minha estada na Embaixada em Washington (quando também sugeri o seu nome para a ordem de Rio Branco) e ele surpreendeu-me imediatamente pelo seu bom-humor e disposição em colaborar em nossos empreendimentos acadêmicos.

Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Nota preparada para a RBPI

Livros de Russell-Wood:
- Fidalgos and Philanthropists. The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Bahia,1550-1755 (London: Macmillan's; Berkeley, University of California Press, 1968); Portuguese language edition: Fidalgos e Filantropos (Coleção temas brasileiros, vol. 20. Editora Universidade de Brasilia, 1982).
- From Colony to Nation. Essays on the Independence of Brazil (Baltimore & London:The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975), co-author and editor.
- The Black Man in Slavery and Freedom in Colonial Brazil (London: Macmillan=s; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982): Reprinted 1993.
Society and Government in Colonial Brazil, 1500-1822 (Aldershot:Variorum, 1992).
- A World on the Move: The Portuguese in Africa, Asia, and America, 1415-1808 (Manchester: Carcanet Press; New York: Macmillan's, 1992). In paperback as The Portuguese Empire, 1415-1808: A World on the Move, 1415-1808 (Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998); Revised and enlarged Portuguese language edition Um Mundo em movimento: os Portugueses na Africa, Asia, e América, 1415-1825 (Lisbon: Difel,1998)
- Portugal and the Sea: A World Embraced / Portugal e o mar: Um mundo entrelaçado (Lisbon: Assírio & Alvim, 1997). Portuguese, Spanish, and English language editions.
- Local Government in European Overseas Empires, 1450-1800. 2 vols (Brookfield, VT: Ashgate. 1999). Edited with a 60 page introduction
- Government and Governance of European Empires, 1450-1800. 2 vols (Brookfield; VT: Ashgate; 2000 ). Edited with a 60 page introduction.
- Slavery and Freedom in Colonial Brazil (Oxford: OneWorld, 2002). New edition with a new preface "Free and Freed Persons of African Descent in Colonial Brazil:Trends and Historiography, 1982-2002"; Revised Portuguese language edition: Escravos e libertos no Brasil colonial (Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2005).
- Universalidade das Santas Casas. 500 anos de Cultura Lusófona (Salvador: Empresa Gráfica da Bahia, 2002). Booklet, pp. 75

Slavery and Freedom in Colonial Brazil
Table of Contents

Preface to the new edition: Free and freed persons of African descent in colonial Brazil: trends and historiography, 1982-2002
1 Africans and Europeans: historiography and perceptions of reality
2 Paths to freedom
3 Free blacks and free mulattos in the economy of Portuguese America
4 Free blacks and free mulattos in the society of Portuguese America
5 Voicing of aspirations by persons of African descent
6 The person of African descent in the culture of Portuguese America
7 The other slavery: gold mining and the 'peculiar institution'
8 Collective behaviour: the brotherhoods
9 Domestic behaviour: family and kinship
10 Chiaroscuro in colonial Brazil