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Mostrando postagens com marcador William Easterly. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador William Easterly. Mostrar todas as postagens

sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2018

O fardo do Homem Branco: por que sou contra ajuda assistencial - livro de William Easterly

Book review:

The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good
William Easterly 
Oxford University Press (2006)

Review by Simon Maxwell, Director of Overseas Development Institute

Bill Easterly has been criticised – by no less an authority than Amartya Sen – for being ‘swept up by the intoxicating power of purple prose’. Unkind, I think. This book is a hoot from start to finish. Whether he is poking fun at UN jargon on donor coordination, describing his experience with an electric blanket, or citing the ‘bons mots’ of his small children, Easterly is nothing if not entertaining. Add the fact that he segues rapidly from history to statistical analysis to anecdote and back again, and Easterly has delivered a classic page-turner. This is one you can take to the beach. Whether you will want to bring it home from the beach is another matter. There are some readers – foremost among them Jeff Sachs – I would expect to bury the book in the sand or hurl it furiously into the waves. The book is a polemic. It will make most development specialists squirm at some point and require them to wander off for a calming ice cream. 
The argument is laid out over eleven chapters which set out to expand the proposition implied by the subtitle – ‘Why the West’s efforts to aid the Rest have done so much ill and so little good’. The simple answer is that the West – from colonial days through to the modern era of aid – has favoured ‘planners’ rather than ‘searchers’. Planners have optimistic, over-arching goals (‘eliminate world poverty’) and are insensitive to the cultural and political underpinning of long-term development. 
Searchers respect context and empower individuals, especially through markets. Accountability is at the heart of it: ‘The tragedy of poverty is that the poorest people in the world have no money or political power to motivate Searchers to address their desperate needs . . . To make things even worse, aid bureaucrats . . . have the incentive to satisfy richcountry vanity with promises of transforming the Rest rather than simply helping poor individuals.’ (Pgs 146-7) 
It is easy to see where this leads. Easterly is scathing about the Millennium Development Goals as a project, about the Big Push theory which underpins both the UN Millennium Project and the Africa Commission, about the hubris which leads outside experts to think that functioning markets can be created at the stroke of a pen, about the failure to deal adequately with ‘gangsters’ who run some developing countries, and about the ineffectiveness of the international financial institutions (acting as ‘repeat lenders to deadbeat governments’). These problems are not new, we are told. They are deeply rooted in the West’s conceptualisation of the Rest, and have been played out throughout the colonial experience. 
Chapter 8 reviews experience in Africa, Palestine, and the Indian sub-Continent, with a number of ice-cream moments, especially about British incompetence and perfidy. Light relief is provided by a table which counterposes quotations from Robert Owen in 1857 and Jeff Sachs in 2005 (Pg 17). ‘Utopia’, as Easterly argues, ‘is making a comeback’ (ibid). What might be better? That’s a question which Easterly is pre-disposed not to answer: ‘if you think I will now offer a utopian blueprint to fix aid’s complex problems, then I have done a really bad job in the previous chapters at explaining the problems with utopian blueprints’ (Pg 321). However, it is indicative that a whole chapter (Ch 10) is devoted to ‘homegrown development’, with panegyrics on Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, India, Turkey, Botswana and Chile. And when it comes to aid, it turns out that the way forward is not to stop giving it, but rather to make agencies specialise and then use independent evaluation to hold them to account. 
It would also be worth giving vouchers to individuals that they can redeem for services provided by NGOs or aid agencies: market creation from the bottom up. Is this enough? I’m afraid it is not. The reason has little to do with whether it is right to rely on positive description and eschew normative prescription. It is more that the paucity of prescription (markets, vouchers, independent evaluation) is a direct consequence of incomplete analysis. The core argument, though a caricature, is fine as far as it goes. Easterly is not the first to be sceptical about the value of international development targets as more than mobilising slogans. He is not the first to evince cynicism about the way in which the idea of participation has been appropriated by technocrats. 
He is not the first to question whether PRSPs and the apparatus of spending frameworks which follow are quite the panacea proponents once believed. He is certainly not the first to point out that IMF and World Bank conditionality are ineffective tools. And he is not even the first to observe that donors have found it difficult to deal with bad governance and corruption. Heavens, some have even dared to challenge Jeff Sachs - on Russia, on the Big Push, and, most recently, on the Millennium Villages Project. On these themes, Easterly probably has more supporters in his attack on cant than he might imagine, especially within the European development community. However, because these are not unfamiliar themes, it is also the case that there is more to say about them than Bill Easterly might imagine. Take four examples. 
First, Easterly is rightly scathing about the burden of multiple goals (he cites 449 targets in the Sachs Millennium Report) and makes interesting points about responsibility for complex goals being too diffuse. He is also excellent on the intellectual dishonesty of global goals to make HIV/AIDS drugs available to all, ignoring all questions about opportunity cost and the costeffectiveness of prevention versus treatment. He recommends that each aid agency should specialise in one thing only, and avoid the ‘Yosemite Sam’ syndrome of firing in every direction to try and reach all the goals agencies find themselves forced to pursue by the pressure of politicians and NGOs. He could have gone further, drawing on literature in both developed and developing countries about perverse incentives and the negative impact of over-simplified quantitative targets on the public service ethos. If he had looked at the wider literature, he would have discovered that these well-known problems have spawned discussion and experimentation with alternatives. 
He might have explored different ways of raising the level of public control over public agencies (‘voice’) and the idea of contestability in public service delivery (‘choice’). Vouchers may be a part of the answer, but there are other options. Second, on principal-agent problems, the limits to conditionality and the problem of moral hazard, leading to repeat bail-outs of failing governments, Easterly’s preferred solution appears to be the kind of tough love characteristic of US social policy, in which benefits are strictly time-limited. This works for some, no doubt, but not for all, and is an especially risky strategy when whole countries are on the edge of anomie. 
There’s a discussion to be had about whether international human rights legislation would allow the poorest to be abandoned in this way. There is also a literature on both aid and non-aid related alternatives: collective action clauses in debt agreements, chapter-11 type bankruptcy agreements for countries, how to deploy different kinds of aid instruments which reach the poor directly. Some of the instruments about which Easterly is most scathing (for example, the IMF Poverty and Growth Facility, described in the book as ‘Orwellian’ (Pg 206)) were designed specifically to try and tackle principal-agent problems without killing people in the process. To use the kind of purple prose which Easterly himself might adopt, to walk away from incremental improvements of this kind is like saying that rifles should not have safety catches, because if enough people shoot themselves, the survivors will learn to be more careful. Third, on fragile states and poorly governed or corrupt countries, again Easterly is right that there is a problem, but behind the curve on analysis and prescription. Indeed, political analysis, studies on ‘drivers of change’, attempts to come to grips with ‘fragile states’, all these are growth areas in development. Between the limp platitudes of exhortation (‘please don’t shoot your opponents’) and the risky (though not always futile – see Sierra Leone or the Solomon Islands) recourse to armed intervention, there is beginning to be a constructive discussion about direct and indirect support to democratisation and greater political accountability: support for human rights commissions and a free press; investment in audit offices and freedom of information; incentives provided by membership of regional ‘clubs’; even, despite Easterly’s ten-line dismissal of the concept (Pg 129), peer review. Again, Easterly would do well to look at European experience, for example the value of prospective membership of the EU as an incentive to reform in Eastern Europe. And, by the way, the OECD makes extensive use of peer review, with demonstrably positive results. Finally, it is also worth saying that the market paradigm which underpins what prescription there is in Easterly’s thinking is also a topic on which there is more to say. He writes warmly about how ‘markets emerge everywhere in an unplanned, spontaneous way, adapting to local traditions and circumstances . . . (as a result of) the bottom-up emergence of complex institutions and social norms’ (Pgs 53-4). Market reformers fail to take account of the need to build trust over time, of the importance of networks and of indigenous property rights. That’s why ‘you can’t plan a market’ (the title of Ch 3). Perhaps you can’t, but you can certainly ask who gains and who loses from markets, what the market failures might be, and what kinds of public good might be needed for markets to work. Market based development is of course central to all current thinking. However, it is instructive that there is no discussion of market failure in this book that I can find. The index has 22 separate topic entries under markets, including ‘consumer choices reconciled by’, ‘feedback in’, ‘innovation fostered by’, and ‘positive bottom-up market trends’. There is some material about ‘cheating’, as in whether or not traders sell quality goods, but the solution there is again institutional, especially trust and network pressure. So, no risk of monopoly or oligopoly, no coordination failures, no social exclusion problems – and no need for competition policy, trading standards or strategic investment programmes. And we thought the market fundamentalism of the Washington Consensus was dead! 
Bill Easterly would no doubt deride these attempts to move the discussion forward as inconsistent with the central argument: when you’re in a hole, he says, stop digging (Pg 322). However, he himself is in favour of learning by doing and cites with approval Lindblom’s work on ‘disjointed incrementalism’. He also, as it happens, cites many examples of successful aid, ranging from micro-credit, to polio, to water and sanitation. Quite right. Stop sniping, Bill. Come home. You know you belong with us. 

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2014

William Easterly: A Tirania dos Experts - Cato Institute, ao vivo

Agora: www.cato.org/live

Now Playing

The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor

Featuring the author William Easterly; Professor of Economics, New York University; moderated by Ian Vasquez, Director, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute.
The Tyrany of Experts
The technocratic approach to ending global poverty favored by development experts often strengthens authoritarian governments and neglects or undermines the preferences and personal choices of poor people. William Easterly will explain why a different branch of economics emerged for poor countries and how it has served the interests of decisionmakers in powerful countries, political leaders in poor countries, and humanitarians in rich countries. Join us to hear Professor Easterly make a case in favor of liberty that has so far been disregarded by the experts: poverty can only be ended and development sustained by respecting the individual rights of the world’s poor.

segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2014

William Easterly no Cato Institute: The Tiranny of Experts (video presentation)

Grato a meu amigo Claudio Shikida por este alerta.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor

(Basic Books, 2014)

The Tyrany of ExpertsFeaturing the author William Easterly; Professor of Economics, New York University; moderated by Ian Vasquez, Director, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute.
The technocratic approach to ending global poverty favored by development experts often strengthens authoritarian governments and neglects or undermines the preferences and personal choices of poor people. William Easterly will explain why a different branch of economics emerged for poor countries and how it has served the interests of decisionmakers in powerful countries, political leaders in poor countries, and humanitarians in rich countries. Join us to hear Professor Easterly make a case in favor of liberty that has so far been disregarded by the experts: poverty can only be ended and development sustained by respecting the individual rights of the world’s poor.

Book Forum

May 6, 2014 4:00PM
Hayek Auditorium

If you can’t make it to the Cato Institute, watch this event live online at www.cato.org/live and follow @CatoEvents on Twitter to get future event updates, live streams, and videos from the Cato Institute.

segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012

O espetaculo do crescimento (William Easterly) - Ottoni Fernandes

Reproduzo abaixo uma resenha do então editor da revista Desafios do Desenvolvimento (edição 3, 1/10/2004), Ottoni Fernandes Jr., sobre livro importante de William Easterly publicado no Brasil:

Em busca das causas do desenvolvimentoImprimirE-mail
Ottoni Fernandes Jr.
O editor optou pelo marketing ao traduzir o livro de William Easterly, apoiado na frase do Presidente Lula que no ano passado prometeu, antes da hora, um "espetáculo do crescimento". Melhor teria sido usar "A ilusória busca do crescimento", que diz muito mais sobre o conteúdo do livro. Analisar as razões por que alguns países alcançaram sucesso no seu desenvolvimento e outros ficaram para trás tem sido a preocupação de inúmeros economistas, sociólogos e historiadores. Quase sempre apoiados em extensas séries de dados macroeconômicos e sociais e num elevado poder de computação. Mas existe pouco consenso.

Easterly escreveu o livro em 2001, quando ainda trabalhava no Banco Mundial, onde ingressou em 1985, depois de conseguir um doutorado de economia no Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts, nos Estados Unidos. Depois de analisar ciclos recentes de crescimento de vários países, ele considera errônea a afirmação de que o crescimento econômico depende fundamentalmente do investimento em máquinas, da clássica taxa de investimento. Considera essa hipótese um tipo de fundamentalismo econômico. A ajuda externa também não funcionou para tirar países da pobreza, pois quase sempre foi dissipada por dirigentes corruptos. Instituições sólidas, consensualmente reconhecidas pela população e por agentes econômicos podem ter mais impacto em impulsionar o desenvolvimento, afirma.

O livro de Easterly se apóia em várias obras da literatura econômica e também em sua experiência como assessor da Divisão de Macroeconomia e Crescimento do Banco Mundial, que lhe permitiu conhecer de perto inúmeros países pobres ou em desenvolvimento. Em sua avaliação, o desenvolvimento ocorre quando todos os agentes têm acesso aos incentivos corretos. Ele reconhece que a difusão de novas tecnologias, num ambiente macroeconômico estável, é muito importante. Um dos exemplos citados é a indústria de confecções de Bangladesh. Ela surgiu em 1979 graças å iniciativa do empreendedor Noorul Quader, que criou a Desh Garments, que fabricou 43 mil camisas no seu primeiro ano de funcionamento e em 2001 faturava 2 bilhões de dólares anuais e garantia 54% das exportações de todo o país. Quader resolveu investir em conhecimento e foi buscar tecnologia na Coréia do Sul, para onde levou 130 funcionários para treinamento. O contrato de transferência de tecnologia foi cancelado em 1981 e em 1987 a Desh Garments já produzia 2,3 milhões de camisas ao ano. Mais importante, tornou-se um pólo de irradiação, pois seus funcionários saíram para criar novas confecções, deflagrando um círculo virtuoso de mais investimento e crescimento.

Easterly deixou o Banco Mundial em 2001 e atualmente é professor da Universidade de Nova York. Nesse livro não foge de uma abordagem neoliberal e diversos economistas criticam algumas de suas inferências, pois ele estaria tratando relações como causalidades.