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(interrompido desde maio de 2024)

segunda-feira, 29 de julho de 2013

Drogas: Mexico hoje; Brasil amanha? Almirante fuzilado em seu caro - BBC

Mexican Admiral Carlos Salazar killed in Michoacan ambush

Picture of the SUV Vice Adm Carlos Salazar was travelling in at the time of the ambushThe car the vice admiral was travelling in was riddled with bullet holes

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Gunmen have killed one of Mexico's highest ranking navy officials in the western state of Michoacan, where the military is trying to regain control of areas dominated by warring drug gangs.
Vice Adm Carlos Salazar was ambushed on an unpaved road near the town of Churintzio.
His car had been diverted from the main road by protesters believed to have been hired by the gunmen.
The attack comes days after two police officers were killed in another ambush.
Deadly diversion
Adm Salazar was travelling on a motorway connecting Michoacan's capital, Morelia, with the state of Jalisco, where he was serving as commander of a naval base in Puerto Vallarta.

The navy said Adm Salazar's driver was forced to take the rural road when he found the road blocked by a group of men apparently protesting.
Gunmen then opened fire on the car, killing the admiral and his bodyguard. The admiral's wife and his driver were injured.
Despite the deployment of helicopters and hundreds of security officers to the area, so far no one has been detained in connection with the attack.
The Mexican navy has landed a number of well-publicised successes against Mexico's powerful drug cartels, including the arrest two weeks ago of leader of the Zetas drug cartel, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales.
There has been a recent spike in violence in Michoacan, with drug cartels fighting the security forces and each other.
On Tuesday, two federal police officers and twenty gunmen were killed when armed groups carried out a series of six co-ordinated ambushes on the security forces.
It is not clear who was behind either of the attacks yet, but a cartel calling itself the Knights Templar controls parts of Michoacan state.
In May, President Enrique Pena Nieto sent a general to Michoacan to take over police and military operations in the hope of quelling the violence.
Seventy-thousand people are estimated to have died in drug-related violence in Mexico since 2007.

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