Como diriam os marxistas dos anos 1950, seguindo Stalin na sua crença idiota (que na verdade ele tinha herdado de Lênin), segundo a qual os capitalistas nunca deixariam de lutar entre si.
As contradições internas do capitalismo, como dizem os marxistas, existem, mas são insuficientes para desmantelar o sistema, como revela esta pequena nota do veículo preferido dos capitalistas financeiros americanos:
With Dueling Views on Basel, Citi's Pandit and U.K.'s King Crystallize Banker-Regulator DivideAmerican Banker, November 5, 2010
Mervyn King and Vikram Pandit's dueling assessments of Basel III, delivered in separate speeches spaced 90 minutes apart at a recent conference in New York, still offered a good sense of the disparity in viewpoints about the international framework for bank regulation.King, governor of the Bank of England and a vocal critic of the largest banks, made a cogent case for why the new Basel capital requirements are entirely insufficient to prevent another crisis. But he said that on the whole the new standards represent "a step in the right direction" and a "welcome" improvement over Basel I and II.Pandit, in as impassioned and substantive a speech as he has delivered as chief executive of Citigroup Inc., argued the polar opposite. He said the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision generally has it right on raising capital ratios, but on most other fronts either falls short of solving problems or risks making them worse.Bem, entre mortos e feridos, vão salvar-se todos, mas sem conseguir evitar uma próxima crise financeira... Ela virá, e pelo lado da China.
Alguém quer apostar comigo?
Paulo Roberto de Almeida