Temas de relações internacionais, de política externa e de diplomacia brasileira, com ênfase em políticas econômicas, em viagens, livros e cultura em geral. Um quilombo de resistência intelectual em defesa da racionalidade, da inteligência e das liberdades democráticas.
O que é este blog?
Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.
segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2019
Trump-Bolsonaro: decididos a intensificar a relacao - Andres Oppenheimer
quinta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2014
Relacoes Brasil-EUA: alguma chance de melhorar? Hummm -- Andres Oppenheimer (MH)
Andres Oppenheimer
Miami Herald, October 30, 2014
The big question among Brazil watchers in this capital is whether newly re-elected President Dilma Rousseff will improve her government's ailing ties with the United States during her second term. Most are skeptical that she will.
Despite Rousseff’s statement after a telephone conversation with President Barack Obama on Tuesday that both leaders will take “all possible measures” to revamp bilateral ties, and that their foreign ministries will start talks to reschedule a previously canceled Rousseff visit to Washington, few diplomats or foreign-policy experts believe there will be a significant improvement in Brazil-U.S. ties during Rouseff’s second term.
The reason is that Rousseff’s foreign policy is run by her left-of-center Workers Party’s leftist wing, which prioritizes Brazil’s ideological alliances with Venezuela, Argentina, and other leftist-ruled neighboring countries over improving relations with Washington. And that’s not likely to change anytime soon.
Rousseff, who won Sunday's elections in Latin America's biggest country with a meager 51.6 percent of the vote, has focused her foreign policy on strengthening South America’s economic and political blocs, including the MERCOSUR trade bloc led by Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela.
Under MERCOSUR’s rules, which were strongly criticized during the campaign by opposition leader Aecio Neves, no member country can unilaterally negotiate a free-trade deal with non-member countries, such as the United States. Rousseff’s critics argue that, to revamp Brazil’s stagnant economy, the South American country badly needs more trade and investment with the United States and Europe.
Ties between Brazil and Washington hit a low last year, after Rousseff suspended a hard-negotiated trip to Washington following disclosures that the U.S. National Security Agency had spied on her.
“We don't think there will be a huge shift in Rousseff’s second term, neither in economic nor in foreign policy,” says Joao Augusto de Castro Neves, a Brazil analyst with the Eurasia Group political-analysis firm. “Given the economic challenges that she is facing, she may be pressed to make some changes to take distance from her so-called Bolivarian nationalist interventionist policies, but they will be very slow and gradual changes.”
Thiago Aragao, of Brazil’s Arko Advice political-consulting firm, says that Brazil’s foreign policy is unlikely to change “because Dilma (Rousseff) will be even more dependent on the Workers Party than before.” He added, “She will have to govern with a more divided congress, and turning her back to the Workers Party would amount to political suicide.”
The only thing that might change in Brazil’s foreign policy might be a trend to make fewer subsidized loans from its BNDES national development bank to Venezuela, Cuba, and other government allies, Aragao said. “We may see a small decrease in the amounts of these loans, but no change in the general foreign-policy mindset.”
Peter Hakim, a leading Brazil analyst with the Inter-American Dialogue think tank, is more optimistic. Rousseff is expected to reshuffle her economic and foreign-policy teams during her second term, which will give both sides an opportunity to revamp their ties, he said.
Other Brazil watchers note that Marco Aurelio Garcia, Rousseff’s powerful point man for relations with Venezuela, Cuba, and other leftist governments, might soon retire.
U.S. officials are known to be skeptical about Rousseff’s political will — or political capacity — to dramatically improve ties with Washington, citing among other examples the fact that Brazil has not replaced its ambassador to the Washington, D.C.-based Organization of American States in several years. Many U.S. officials take that as a sign that Brazil wants to weaken the OAS in order to strengthen UNASUR, CELAC, and other diplomatic groups that exclude the United States.
My opinion: Both Brazil and the United States are to blame for their tense bilateral ties, which are hurting both countries.
Brazil is hurting itself by essentially giving away its foreign policy to the extreme left of the Workers Party. It has resulted in Brazil’s near automatic support for dictatorships around the world, from Cuba to the Middle East, and damaged Brazil’s economy by isolating it from the world’s biggest markets.
And the United States, in addition to the NSA spying fiasco, has not helped mend fences by, among other things, refusing to support Brazil's bid for a United Nations Security Council seat, while at the same time supporting India's bid.
I hope I'm wrong about this, but despite both Brazil and U.S. statements after Rousseff’s re-election signaling a mutual desire to press the re-set button, it’s not likely to happen anytime soon.
terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2014
Mais crônicas do nanismo diplomatico - Andres Oppenheimer (MH)
terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2014
A marcha (para tras?) da democracia na America Latina - Andres Oppenheimer
Los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno latinoamericanos que visitarán Cuba para participar en una cumbre regional desaprovecharán la oportunidad de reunirse con la oposición pacífica de la isla
ANDRÉS OPPENHEIMER, El País, Madrid, 26 ENE 2014 - 22:25
Lo más vergonzoso de la programada visita de los presidentes latinoamericanos a Cuba para asistir a una cumbre regional el 28 de enero no es que viajen a un país gobernado por una de las últimas dictaduras familiares del mundo, sino que probablemente no aprovechen la oportunidad para visitar también la cumbre paralela que la oposición pacífica de la isla planea celebrar al mismo tiempo.
Salvo sorpresas de último momento, ninguno de los 32 jefes de Estado y representantes de Gobiernos que asistirán a la cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (CELAC) entre el 28 y el 30 de enero en La Habana, se reunirá con líderes de la oposición o con grupos civiles independientes durante su visita a Cuba.
Ni siquiera el presidente mexicano Enrique Peña Nieto, que quiere ser visto como miembro de una nueva generación de líderes más modernos y menos autoritarios, tiene planes de reunirse con ningún miembro de la oposición pacífica cubana, a pesar de que los mandatarios cubanos se han reunido repetidamente con la oposición mexicana cada vez que han visitado a México.
Comparativamente, el expresidente Vicente Fox y su secretario de relaciones exteriores, Jorge Castañeda, se reunieron con líderes de la oposición durante una visita a Cuba en 2002, y la exsecretaria de Relaciones Exteriores mexicana Rosario Green lo hizo con disidentes cubanos durante una cumbre celebrada en La Habana en 1999.
En una entrevista publicada el 18 de enero en EL PAÍS, el secretario de Relaciones Exteriores mexicano José Antonio Meade dijo que “queremos desarrollar con Cuba una relación muy cercana de pleno apoyo a su estrategia de actualización económica”.
Preguntado sobre si Peña Nieto dialogará con disidentes en Cuba, Meade dijo que el presidente mexicano “participará en Cuba con una agenda que tiene que ver con la cumbre de la CELAC. Él aceptó una visita oficial y en ese marco se va a desarrollar”. Traducción: no lo hará.
El secretario general de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), José Miguel Insulza, no respondió a una llamada en la que le iba a preguntar si pensaba reunirse con líderes opositores durante su visita a la cumbre en Cuba.
Guillermo Fariñas, uno de los líderes de la oposición cubana que planea asistir a la contracumbre de La Habana, me dijo en una entrevista telefónica desde Cuba que la policía política ya ha hecho una visita a varios disidentes —incluyendo la bloguera Yoani Sánchez— para advertirles que no celebren la cumbre paralela.
“El régimen de todos modos va a pagar un costo político”, me dijo Fariñas. “Si permiten la cumbre paralela, el costo político sería que los medios internacionales escucharán otras voces que no sean las oficiales, que les dirán lo que el Gobierno oculta: que no hay democracia en Cuba. Y si no la permiten, eso demostrará que, a pesar de los esfuerzos mediáticos, políticos y diplomáticos que ha hecho desde 2007 para mostrar que supuestamente hay cambios en Cuba, lo que hay aquí es una ola represiva”.
El hecho de que los presidentes visitantes probablemente no se reunirán con la oposición los convierte en “cómplices” de la dictadura, y cuantos más gestos de acercamiento hagan, más ayudarán a la dictadura cubana a fortalecerse, señaló.
“Yo les diría a los presidentes de América Latina que siempre recuerden que las dictaduras son contaminantes, que no se hagan cómplices de la dictadura de los hermanos Castro, y que se solidaricen con los gobernados y los demócratas, para que el Gobierno reciba el mensaje de que tiene que cambiar”, concluyó.
Mi opinión: Estoy de acuerdo. Ya es un chiste que los presidentes latinoamericanos hayan elegido al único gobernante de facto de la región —el general Raúl Castro, que es un dictador militar bajo la definición de cualquier diccionario— como presidente de la CELAC, cuando esa organización tiene entre sus principales objetivos “promover la democracia” en la región.
Pero asistir a una cumbre de la CELAC en Cuba sin reunirse con ningún representante de la oposición equivale a darle un espaldarazo propagandístico a un régimen totalitario, y a darle la espalda a la oposición pacífica de la isla. Muchos de nosotros, que nos opusimos a los Gobiernos militares latinoamericanos en la década de 1970, aún recordamos la manera en que estas visitas de dignatarios extranjeros contribuyen a legitimar a las dictaduras.
Por supuesto, algunos presidentes visitantes alegarán que no pueden reunirse con disidentes durante una visita oficial porque deben respetar “la autodeterminación de los pueblos”. ¡Tonterías! ¿De qué “autodeterminación” hablan, si el pueblo cubano no ha tenido la oportunidad de votar libremente para determinar su futuro desde hace 55 años?
Si los presidentes visitantes no se reúnen con ningún miembro de la oposición pacífica cubana, será un día muy triste en la historia de la democracia latinoamericana.
sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011
America Latina: de volta aos tempos coloniais?
Latin America's bonanza may be short-lived
The Miami Herald, January 6, 2011
There have been big headlines in recent weeks about projections that Brazil will become the world's fifth-largest economy in five years, and that Latin America in general will become a new global economic star. But there are little-known data that should raise questions about such optimistic forecasts.
During the next 12 months, there is no question that the region is likely to do well. According to new projections by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the region's economy will grow by a combined 4.2 percent this year, following a 6 percent growth last year.
Panama is expected to grow by 7.5 percent this year, Chile and Peru by 6 percent each, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay by 5 percent each, Argentina by 4.8 percent, Brazil by 4.6 percent, Bolivia by 4.5 percent, Colombia by 4 percent, Mexico by 3.5 percent, Costa Rica and Guatemala by 3 percent each, and Venezuela by 2 percent, the ECLAC figures show.
In several countries, it will be the eighth consecutive year of steady growth -- a remarkable feat amid the world's worst recession in recent memory. The region's steady growth, in part thanks to its exports or minerals, soybeans and other raw materials to China, has led most international financial institutions to think that, this time, the region is poised for long-term growth.
A recent World Bank report on Latin America's future, entitled ``Beyond boom and busts?'' challenged the long-held conventional wisdom among economists that countries that rely excessively on raw materials -- such as Venezuela and Nigeria -- tend to become populist, corrupt, authoritarian and ultimately poorer.
The new World Bank study asserted that ``recent evidence suggests that, overall, natural resources may indeed have a positive impact on growth.''
Translation: commodity exports saved Latin America from the impact of the world financial crisis, and may be the start of an extended period of solid growth. Several developed countries, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have shown that raw-material exporting countries can indeed rise to become First World economies, and many Latin American countries may be on the same path.
But in the medium and long term, there are disturbing trends that may spoil these optimistic projections.
Rather than using their current cycle of growth to invest in infrastructure, education, innovation and other future-looking endeavors that would allow them to diversify their exports -- like Canada, Australia and New Zealand did -- most Latin American countries are spending their income on feel-good consumer subsidies, while becoming increasingly dependent on a few commodity exports.
Consider these little-known -- and frightening -- figures from the U.N.'s ECLAC:
• Brazil's dependence on commodities and commodity-related manufactured goods has risen from 51 percent of the country's total exports in the early 1980s to 59 percent now.
• Venezuela's reliance on commodity-related products rose from 92 percent in the early 1980s to 97 percent now.
• In the past 10 years, Latin America's commodity exports have risen from 27 percent to 39 percent of the region's total exports.
``It's worrisome,'' says Osvaldo Rosales, head of ECLAC'S international trade division. ``While economic history shows there are no cases of successful development without diversification of exports, we're seeing that the region's exports tend to be increasingly concentrated in commodities.''
That's dangerous because the current commodity export boom may not last beyond five years, and raw material exports tend to produce fewer lasting jobs than more sophisticated exports, Rosales told me.
``The key question is whether South American countries, especially, are taking advantage of this commodity export boom to invest in key areas, such as infrastructure and education,'' he said. ``My impression is that we are not doing it.''
My opinion: I agree. While countries should take advantage of their commodities, putting their eggs in the same basket is not a smart recipe for long-term growth.
To follow the paths of countries such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand, they should use their current economic bonanza to save for a rainy day and invest more -- and better -- in science, technology, education and other areas that would allow them to diversify their exports.
Otherwise, the region's current economic growth cycle will be just another big bubble, like so many in the past.