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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

domingo, 4 de fevereiro de 2024

Polônia e Alemanha: acordo de resolução pacífica de controvérsias de 1934: cinco anos depois Alemanha invadia a Polônia

Meu amigo José Antonio de Macedo Soares mantém, desde alguns anos, uma "Folhinha do Futuro", na qual ele nos informa sobre fatos do passado. O futuro se deve apenas que ele antecipa em um mês, as datas comemorativas que ocorrerão no mês seguinte. Em 26 de janeiro deste ano, segundo a Folhinha recebida no final de dezembro de 2023, se deveria "comemorar"os 90 anos desse acordo "memorável", pelo qual Alemanha e Polônia renunciavam à guerra e prometiam regular e pautar suas relações por métodos pacíficos, de acordo ao Pacto Briand-Kellog de 1928.

Ele alimentou minha curiosidade sobre a data enviando o teor do acordo bilateral, cuja implementação seria o eixo central "de uma paz geral na Europa". Cinco anos depois, a Alemanha nazista invadia brutalmente a Polônia, trazendo uma guerra geral na Europa. Não só na Europa, pois desde 1937 já havia guerra na Ásia e o conflito se estendeu ao mundo todo, até 1945.

A Rússia pós-soviética assinou, nos anos 1990, pactos desse tipo com seus vizinhos, enfim libertos da opressão da URSS, o que não impediu Putin de invadir a Ucrânia em 2014 e 2022. Putin é o novo Hitler; ainda não sabemos se isso será o início de uma guerra geral na Europa.

Paulo Roberto de Almeida


(From: Yale University documentary records)

The German Government and the Polish Government consider that the time has come to introduce a new phase in the political relations between Germany and Poland by a direct understanding between State and State. They have, therefore, decided to lay down the principles for the future development of these relations in the present declaration.

The two Governments base their action on the fact that the maintenance and guarantee of a lasting peace between their countries is an essential pre-condition for the general peace of Europe.

They have therefore decided to base their mutual relations on the principles laid down in the Pact of Paris of the 17th August, 1928, and propose to define more exactly the application of these principles in so far as the relations between Germany and Poland are concerned.

Each of the two Governments, therefore, lays it down that the international obligations undertaken by it towards a third party do not hinder the peaceful development of their mutual relations, do not conflict with the present declaration, and are not affected by this declaration. They establish, moreover, that this declaration does not extend to those questions which under international law are to be regarded exclusively as the internal concern of one of the two States.

Both Governments announce their intention to settle directly all questions of whatever sort which concern their mutual relations.

Should any disputes arise between them and agreement thereon not be reached by direct negotiation, they will in each particular case, on the basis of mutual agreement, seek a solution by other peaceful means, without prejudice to the possibility of applying, if necessary, those methods of procedure in which provision is made for such cases in other agreements in force between them. In no circumstances, however, will they proceed to the application of force for the purpose of reaching a decision in such disputes.

The guarantee of peace created by these principles will facilitate the great task of both Governments of finding a solution for problems of political, economic and social kinds, based on a just and fair adjustment of the interests of both parties.

Both Governments are convinced that the relations between their countries will in this manner develop fruitfully, and will lead to the establishment of a neighbourly relationship which will contribute to the well-being not only of both their countries, but of the other peoples of Europe as well.

The present declaration shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification shall be exchanged in Warsaw as soon as possible.

The declaration is valid for a period of ten years, reckoned from the day of the exchange of the instruments of ratification.

If the declaration is not denounced by one of the two Governments six months before the expiration of this period, it will continue in force, but can then be denounced by either Government at any time on notice of six months being given. Made in duplicate in the German and Polish languages.

Berlin, January 26, 1934.
For the German Government:
For the Polish Government

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