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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida;

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Mostrando postagens com marcador Adolf Hitler. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Adolf Hitler. Mostrar todas as postagens

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2016

Mein Kampf de Hitler, publicado na Alemanha, proibido no Brasil

Enquanto um juiz com espírito censório proibe a venda do livro-biografia de Hitler, Mein Kampf -- com base em qual argumento legal? -- a Alemanha publica uma edição crítica dessa obra controversa (para dizer o mínimo).
Fiz uma postagem sobre essa publicação aqui: https://www.facebook.com/paulobooks/posts/1080984328631683

Justiça do Rio proíbe livrarias de vender livro Minha Luta, de Adolf Hitler
A 33ª Vara Criminal do Rio de Janeiro proibiu a venda do livro Minha Luta (Mein Kampf, em alemão), escrito por Adolf Hitler, em 1925. A decisão, assinada pelo juiz Alberto Salomão Junior, foi proferida em ação cautelar ajuizada pelo Ministério Público estadual. O descumprimento está sujeito a multa de R$ 5 mil.
Capa do livro Minha Luta, na versão original, em alemão
Para o juiz, a obra incita práticas de intolerância contra grupos sociais, étnicos e religiosos. Na decisão, ele destacou que a discriminação contraria valores humanos e jurídicos estabelecidos pela República brasileira, o que justifica a proibição.
"Destaco que a venda de livros que veiculam ideias nazistas ferem gravemente a ordem pública, pois afronta a norma penal insculpida no artigo 20, parágrafo 2º, da Lei 77168/89. Dessa forma, estão demonstrados o fumus boni iuris e o periculum in mora. O primeiro, na própria demonstração da existência da obra que apregoa o nazismo; o segundo, considerando a urgência em evitar a disseminação do livro com ideias contrárias aos direitos humanos, que é fundamento e objetivo fundamental da República Federativa do Brasil", afirmou Salomão Junior em sua decisão.
Mandados de busca e apreensão serão expedidos. Pela decisão, os diretores das livrarias serão nomeados depositários dos livros que forem apreendidos. A determinação vale apenas para as livrarias do Rio de Janeiro. Mas a Justiça fluminense encaminhará um ofício ao Judiciário de São Paulo pedindo que notifique a editora responsável pela obra para que não a distribua mais no Rio de Janeiro.
“Registre-se que a questão relevante a ser conhecida por este juízo é a proteção dos direitos humanos de pessoas que possam vir a ser vítimas do nazismo, bem como a memória daqueles que já foram vitimados. A obra em questão tem o condão de fomentar a lamentável prática que a história demonstrou ser responsável pela morte de milhões de pessoas inocentes, sobretudo, nos episódios ligados à Segunda Guerra Mundial e seus horrores oriundos do nazismo preconizado por Adolf Hitler”, escreveu.
Na decisão, Salomão Junior destacou a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal de negar Habeas Corpus a uma pessoa condenada por publicar obra literária com conteúdo discriminatório. A pena foi fixada com base na Lei 7.716/89, que trata da punição para crimes de discriminação e preconceito.
“É importante destacar que o Supremo Tribunal Federal já se pronunciou sobre o tema, oportunidades em que se posicionou pela tutela das garantias das pessoas humanas em detrimento de atos discriminatórios e incentivadores de ódio e violência”, destacou o juiz. Com informações da Assessoria de Imprensa do TJ-RJ.
Clique aqui para ler a decisão.
Processo 0030603-92.2016.8.19.000

segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2015

Alemanha nazista: o telegrama que empurrou Hitler ao suicidio (Le Monde)

Etats-Unis : découverte du télégramme qui a poussé Hitler au suicide

Le Monde, Jeudi 16 Juillet 2015
Etats-Unis : découverte du télégramme qui a poussé Hitler au suicide
Tombé aux oubliettes, le télégramme qui a marqué la fin du IIIème Reich a été retrouvé aux Etats-Unis. Il vient d'être vendu aux enchères près de 55 000 dollars.
Alors que le monde fête cette année le 70 ème anniversaire de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, un détail important a refait surface. Selon le magazine en ligne Slate, il s'agit d'un télégramme écrit par Hermann Göring, commandant en chef de la Luftwaffe, qui aurait précipité le suicide d'Adolf Hitler, le 30 avril 1945. Tombé dans l'oubli, le document est réapparu aux Etats-Unis pendant une vente aux enchères le 11 juillet dernier, dans l'Etat du Maryland. Il a été cédé à un acquéreur anonyme pour la modique somme de 54 675 dollars alors que la prix de départ de la vente était à 15 000 dollars. Le télégramme en question faisait partie de nombreux dossiers, tous récupérés dans le bunker du Führer par le capitaine américain Benjamin Bradin en 1945. Plus d'un mois après le suicide d'Adolph Hitler découragé par son impuissance face aux Alliés, les troupes américaines avaient pris possession de plusieurs points stratégiques des forces de l'Axe. Conservé dans une banque locale en Caroline du Sud (USA), le document n'a été découvert qu'en 1958 par le fils du capitaine, James Bradin. 

Un document historique
James, alors "étudiant et futur colonel de l'armée", a apporté le télégramme à son professeur, Robert Rieke. D'après Slate, ce dernier s'est "(rendu) compte de son importance historique".
 Dans le message envoyé au Führer, Hermann Göring qui s'inquiète pour la situation d'Hitler et sa succession, rappelle à ce dernier qu'il peut disposer des pleins pouvoirs si cela s'avère nécessaire (décret du 29 juin 1941): "vous avez mentionné certaines décisions pour moi et souligné que je serais, si des négociations devenaient nécessaires, en meilleure position que vous à Berlin (...) (si) vous avez perdu votre liberté d'action".
Hitler aurait ainsi mis fin à ses jours, désespéré par sa défaite face aux Alliés et par la trahison de son commandant.

domingo, 10 de maio de 2015

O Fuhrer de Garanhuns, o proprio - Percival Puggina

O Führer de Garanhuns
Percival Puggina critica a campanha de ódio promovida por Lula e seus sequazes contra os oposicionistas. Ao que parece, aprenderam algumas técnicas com o nazismo: 

O que efetivamente mobilizou o nazismo contra os judeus não foram as destrambelhadas especulações biológicas que apenas favoreceram o trabalho sujo dos que executaram as políticas de extermínio. A causa principal foi o mito da "conspiração judaica", difundindo a ideia do poder econômico do povo judeu e a ele atribuindo a culpa pelos males nacionais. Ao longo da história, mobilizações nacionalistas sempre procuraram identificar um inimigo interno ou externo, direcionando-lhe as animosidades. No nazismo, a exemplo do comunismo, foi acionado este fermento revolucionário que excita os piores sentimentos: a falácia de que o outro, como indivíduo, raça ou classe seja, objetivamente, causador da pobreza do pobre.
 Observe, então, o que vem sendo proclamado sobre a "elite branca de olhos azuis" pelas personagens mais aguerridas do petismo (do topo lulista à base militante). Lula e os seus não cansam de repetir que essa elite não gosta de pobre, é contra sua prosperidade e se enoja com a presença de gente humilde nos aeroportos e nas universidades. Por quê? Ninguém esclarece. O importante é repeti-lo à exaustão. E o PT é perito em papaguear bobagens tantas vezes quantas sejam necessárias para assemelhar à verdade algo que não tem o menor fundamento. Além de tornar a nação respeitável ao proporcionar a dignidade de todos os cidadãos, o progresso material das classes mais humildes é desejável por todos os segmentos sociais, inclusive por aqueles contra os quais o PT pretende instigar a malquerença dos pobres. Entre os muitos benefícios humanísticos e ganhos de ordem ética, a ascensão social dos mais carentes significa, para todos, maior segurança e maior dinamismo na vida econômica e social. É bom para todo mundo. É assim que a civilização avança. No fundo, até o Lula sabe disso.
No entanto, o führer de Garanhuns e seus propagandistas goebbelianos precisam do ódio como fator de luta (segundo ensinou Che Guevara). E nada melhor do que aprender com Hitler o modo de suscitar ódio contra quem tem mais. Basta proclamar aos pobres que essas pessoas, brancas de olhos azuis, são a causa de sua pobreza, que estes iníquos não toleram conviver com eles e que, por soturnos motivos, querem preservá-los na miséria. Difundir tais teses após as experiências do nazismo deveria ser capitulado como crime. Numa hipótese mais branda, ser tratado como sociopatia.
Tão perigoso quando o que estou descrevendo é não se importar com isso e considerar que se trata apenas de uma estratégia, sem efetivas consequências sociais e políticas. Era exatamente o que pensava a maioria dos alemães até bem perto do final da guerra.

quarta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2015

Adolf Hitler e o seu Mein Kampf: o que George Orwell disse a respeito? - Ishaan Tharoor (WP)

What George Orwell said about Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’

The Washington Post, February 25 at 12:20 PM
As my colleague Anthony Faiola reported this week, Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is expected to be reissued in Germany for the first time since the end of World War II. Although widely available elsewhere in the world, the book — Hitler's testament and what's considered the founding text of Nazism — was never reprinted in postwar Germany.
Its planned reissue in Germany, The Post notes, will come in the form of a 2,000-page academic tome that supplements Hitler's own text with sharp commentary and criticism. The new version offers "a useful way of communicating historical education and enlightenment," says one of the scholars behind the project. "A publication with the appropriate comments, exactly to prevent these traumatic events from ever happening again."
[Read: ‘Mein Kampf’: A historical tool, or Hitler’s voice from beyond the grave?]
There was a time, though, when "Mein Kampf" was not just the repugnant treatise of the 20th century's greatest villain. More than seven decades ago, Hitler and the message of Nazism had great traction, and it required clear-eyed thinkers to cut through its seductions.
George Orwell's 1940 review of an English edition of the book is as important now as it would have been then. (You can read a digitized version of the piece, which appeared in the New English Weeklyhere.) That's not because he's uniquely right about the threat of Hitler — at this point, World War II was already in full swing. But the celebrated British man of letters has a special lens into the dangers and allure of fascism.
Orwell offers this withering assessment of Hitler's ambitions:
What [Hitler] envisages, a hundred years hence, is a continuous state of 250 million Germans with plenty of “living room” (i.e. stretching to Afghanistan or thereabouts), a horrible brainless empire in which, essentially, nothing ever happens except the training of young men for war and the endless breeding of fresh cannon-fodder. How was it that he was able to put this monstrous vision across?
It's not sufficient to answer that last question just by looking at the political and economic forces that buoyed Hitler's rise, Orwell contends. Rather, one has to grapple with the inescapable fact that "there is something deeply appealing about him."
Hitler, Orwell writes, "knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene... they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades."
For good reason, the Atlantic's Graeme Wood quoted this same piece in his lengthy meditation on the worldview of the militants of the Islamic State. The militarist pageantry of fascism, and the sense of purpose it gives its adherents, echoes in the messianic call of the jihadists.
Wood cites this passage in Orwell's review: "Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people 'I offer you a good time,' Hitler has said to them, 'I offer you struggle, danger, and death,' and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet."
But, in my view, the most poignant section of Orwell's article dwells less on the underpinnings of Nazism and more on Hitler's dictatorial style. Orwell gazes at the portrait of Hitler published in the edition he's reviewing:
It is a pathetic, dog-like face, the face of a man suffering under intolerable wrongs. In a rather more manly way it reproduces the expression of innumerable pictures of Christ crucified, and there is little doubt that that is how Hitler sees himself. The initial, personal cause of his grievance against the universe can only be guessed at; but at any rate the grievance is here. He is the martyr, the victim, Prometheus chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds. If he were killing a mouse he would know how to make it seem like a dragon. One feels, as with Napoleon, that he is fighting against destiny, that he can’t win, and yet that he somehow deserves to.
Hitler projected this image — of a self-sacrificing hero, wounded by the universe — and went on to unleash horrors on the world. But the narcissism of a "martyr" and the penchant to make dragons out of mice, as Orwell puts it, can be found in demagogues of all political stripes. It's worth keeping these words in mind when watching the spectacle of our contemporary politics.
Related links
Ishaan Tharoor writes about foreign affairs for The Washington Post. He previously was a senior editor at TIME, based first in Hong Kong and later in New York.

quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2014

Livro: o pacto diabolico entre os dois maiores assassinos do seculo XX: Hitler-Stalin

The Devils’ Alliance: Hitler’s Pact With Stalin, 1939–1941

A cartoon that appeared in London’s Evening Standard in September 1939 shows Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin tipping their hats and bowing to each other. “The scum of the Earth, I believe?” says Hitler. “The bloody assassin of the workers, I presume?” Stalin replies. A month earlier, the two leaders had concluded a pact promising not to interfere in each other’s aggressive military campaigns and devised a secret plan to divvy up the lands between their countries. Moorhouse captures the essence of the wretched deal better than anyone has before. As they ripped Europe apart, Berlin and Moscow danced an awkward ballet, straining to preserve their compact while mutual mistrust mounted and their armies deported large segments of the local populations in captured territories. Moorhouse concludes by tracing with new detail the stages by which Hitler ultimately decided to invade the Soviet Union and, on the other side, Stalin’s bewildered efforts to both deny and prepare for the double-cross.

Books Reviewed

Cover image
The Devils' Alliance: Hitler's Pact with Stalin, 1939-1941
By Roger Moorhouse

quinta-feira, 26 de junho de 2014

Stalin nazista? Quase: um novo livro vai trazer a extensão de sua colaboracao...

Eu já havia feito aqui um resumo de uma pequena nota na revista da BBC, History, a propósito deste livro que vai ser publicado pela Yale University Press, e que documenta a extensão da colaboração de Stalin com Hitler e o projeto nazista de dominação europeia (possivelmente mundial).
Vejam aqui:
Reproduzo abaixo uma image da matéria.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2013

Num 30 de Setembro, de 1938, o dia da vergonha: a particao da Tchecoslovaquia

Dia da vergonha, de fato, quando duas grandes potências (Grã-Bretanha e França) entregaram a Tchecoslováquia para um ditador que não estava brincando de paz, mas que ainda podia ser detido. Como disse Churchill, da rendição vergonha: não queriam a guerra, mas terão a guerra e a desonra...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida


On This Day: September 30, 1938

The New York Times, September 29, 2013, 2:28 PM
On Sept. 30, 1938, British, French, German and Italian leaders agreed at a meeting in Munich that Nazi Germany would be allowed to annex Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.

Britain and Germany Make Anti-War Pact; Hitler Gets Less Than His Sudeten Demands; Polish Ultimatum Threatens Action Today

Peace Aid Pledged

Hitler and Chamberlain Voice Their Nations' Will Never to Fight

Demobilization Foreseen

Four Zones Reich Will Occupy Only Half of Sudeten Area--Chief Forts Not Included

RELATED HEADLINESDaladier Cheered by Joyful France: Vast Crowds Hail Premier on Return--Chamber Called to Meet Tuesday
'Peace With Honor,' Says Chamberlain: Prime Minister Wildly Cheered by Relieved Londoners--King Welcomes Him at Palace
5,000 British Soldiers Will Guard Czech Areas
Czech Rulers Bow, But Under Protest: Nation Must Be Preserved, the Premier Tells Country--He Calls Terms Dictated
Germans Begin Czech Occupation; Troops Cross Old Austrian Border: Infantry, Vanguard of 30,000 Men, Enter Krumau Zone an Hour After Midnight-- Commission Arranges Evacuation
OTHER HEADLINESLehman Is Drafted For Fourth Term; He Attacks Dewey: Poletti on Ticket: Yielding to Pleas to Run, Governor Insists on Justice as Aide: Calls Rival Unqualified: Rochester Platform Hits Republican's Crime Issue--Wagner, Mead Are Nominated
Democratic Ticket Nominated for State
'Bosses' Desperate, Dewey Declares: This Accounts for Nomination of Governor Lehman, He Says on Return Here
New Deal A Peril, Says Gen. Moseley; Sharply Rebuked: Retiring Atlanta Commander Declares We Face Danger of 'Decay Within': Sees Dictatorship in End: Secretary Woodring Calls It 'a Flagrantly Disloyal' Statement--Blames 'Pique'
Cotton Senators Wait Hours to See President But He Refers Their Loan Pleas to His Aides
Poles Ready To Act: Prepare to Take Over Teschen Silesia on Terms Reich Got: Hungary Drafts Claims: Will Demand Magyar Areas of Czechoslovakia--Balkan Capitals Hail Peace
Prime Minister Chamberlain and Chancellor Hitler, at a final conference at Munich yesterday, agreed that: "We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo- German naval agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again." Terms imposed on Czechoslovakia were found to be milder than Hitler's Godesberg plan. They provided immediate occupation of about half of the Sudeten area, the rest to be allotted by the International Commission or to be subject to plebiscite.
Poland delivered an ultimatum to Prague demanding the cession of the Teschen district, setting 6 A.M. New York time, as the limit for reply. Hungary prepared to make a two- point demand for cessions.
Czechoslovakia accepted the Munich terms and Premier Syrovy, announcing "We have been abandoned," made a protest to the world. General Krejci told the army to obey orders.
The first of the German troops crossed the Czechoslovak border from Austria an hour after midnight, or 7 P.M. Friday New York time. Large concentrations were made for the further occupation. The International Commission began sessions in Berlin on the evacuation and allocation of territory.
Mr. Chamberlain met a great demonstration when he arrived in London, and a similar one was accorded to Premier Daladier when he reached Paris.

domingo, 5 de maio de 2013

O maior criminoso da historia diminuido: Hitler como gnomo de jardim (Der Spiegel)

Hitler's Little Helpers: Nazi Garden Gnomes Invade German Town

Visitors to the Bavarian town of Straubing will be startled at the sight of a mass of black gnomes standing in military formation and doing the Hitler salute this week. It is a temporary art installation by a German sculptor who wants to portray the little figures as "symptoms of a political disease."
One of artist Otmar Hörl's Nazi garden gnomes. Zoom
One of artist Otmar Hörl's Nazi garden gnomes.
A total of 1,250 gnomes with their little arms outstretched in the Hitler salute will be placed in a Bavarian town square this week as an art installation. Made of black plastic, they will stand to attention in tight military formation on Ludwigsplatz square in the town of Straubing from Oct 15 to 19.
While locals are referring to the art installation as the "Hitler dwarves," their creator, artist Ottmar Hörl, prefers to call his work "Dance With the Devil."

The gnomes, he says, are a "historical societal gesture" and the "the symptom of a political disease."
25 Million Garden Gnomes
Earlier this year Hörl, 59, attracted attention by exhibiting a golden gnome making the Hitler salute in an art gallery in Nuremberg. Someone filed a complaint against him but the public prosecutor's office said it would not press any charges because the 40-centimeter sculpture was clearly meant as satire.
Garden gnomes remain a firm fixture in Teutonic gardens and the gnome population is estimated at 25 million. However, there is a growing trend towards gnomes that make obscene gestures, commit suicide or engage in sexual activity, and courts have ordered figures to be removed if they offend neighbors.
Hörl has a predilection for mass reproductions and once put up 7,000 hare figures that copied Albrecht Dürer's famous hare.

domingo, 30 de setembro de 2012

Dia da vergonha: 30 de Setembro de 1938

On This Day: September 30

Chamberlain pretendia ter feito uma "paz com honra", como afirmou. Winston Churchill imediatamente retrucou: "Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonour. They chose dishonour. They will have war".
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

On Sept. 30, 1938, British, French, German and Italian leaders agreed at a meeting in Munich that Nazi Germany would be allowed to annex Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.
The New York Times, September 30, 1938

Britain and Germany Make Anti-War Pact; Hitler Gets Less Than His Sudeten Demands; Polish Ultimatum Threatens Action Today

Peace Aid Pledged
Hitler and Chamberlain Voice Their Nations' Will Never to Fight
Demobilization Foreseen
Four Zones Reich Will Occupy Only Half of Sudeten Area--Chief Forts Not Included
Daladier Cheered by Joyful France: Vast Crowds Hail Premier on Return--Chamber Called to Meet Tuesday
'Peace With Honor,' Says Chamberlain: Prime Minister Wildly Cheered by Relieved Londoners--King Welcomes Him at Palace
5,000 British Soldiers Will Guard Czech Areas
Czech Rulers Bow, But Under Protest: Nation Must Be Preserved, the Premier Tells Country--He Calls Terms Dictated
Germans Begin Czech Occupation; Troops Cross Old Austrian Border: Infantry, Vanguard of 30,000 Men, Enter Krumau Zone an Hour After Midnight-- Commission Arranges Evacuation 

Poles Ready To Act: Prepare to Take Over Teschen Silesia on Terms Reich Got: Hungary Drafts Claims: Will Demand Magyar Areas of Czechoslovakia--Balkan Capitals Hail Peace
Prime Minister Chamberlain and Chancellor Hitler, at a final conference at Munich yesterday, agreed that: "We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo- German naval agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again." Terms imposed on Czechoslovakia were found to be milder than Hitler's Godesberg plan. They provided immediate occupation of about half of the Sudeten area, the rest to be allotted by the International Commission or to be subject to plebiscite.
Poland delivered an ultimatum to Prague demanding the cession of the Teschen district, setting 6 A.M. New York time, as the limit for reply. Hungary prepared to make a two- point demand for cessions.
Czechoslovakia accepted the Munich terms and Premier Syrovy, announcing "We have been abandoned," made a protest to the world. General Krejci told the army to obey orders.
The first of the German troops crossed the Czechoslovak border from Austria an hour after midnight, or 7 P.M. Friday New York time. Large concentrations were made for the further occupation. The International Commission began sessions in Berlin on the evacuation and allocation of territory.
Mr. Chamberlain met a great demonstration when he arrived in London, and a similar one was accorded to Premier Daladier when he reached Paris.

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Plebiscitando a ditadura: a historia se repete?

Algo quase parecido andou ocorrendo perto daqui, muito perto, cada vez mais perto...

On This Day: August 19

Updated August 18, 2012, 2:28 PM
On Aug. 19, 1934, a plebiscite in Germany approved the vesting of sole executive power in Adolf Hitler as Fuhrer.

Vejamos como foi:

Hitler Endorsed by 9 to 1 in Poll on his Dictatorship, but Opposition Is Doubled

Absolute Power Is Won
38,279,514 Vote Yes, 4,287,808 No on Uniting Offices
871,056 Ballots Spoiled
Negative Count Is Larger in Districts of Business Men and Intellectuals
Hamburg Has 20% Noes
Reich Bishop at Victory Fete Says Hitler's Anti-Semitism Is Fight for Christianity
Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES
OTHER HEADLINESSpeaker H.T. Rainey Dies of Pneumonia and Heart Attack: End Comes Unexpectedly: Presiding Officer of the House III at St. Louis Only a Short Time: Had Shown Improvement: Wife Had Left His Hospital Bedside, Believing His Recovery Assured: 74th Anniversary Today: Born on Illinois Farm, Mr. Rainey Served 14 Terms Before Attaining Gavel
Navy Cheers Roosevelt on Visit to Battleships
Cosyns Descends Safely in Balloon: He and van der Eist End Stratosphere Fight in a Field in Yugoslavia: Pond and Sabelli Crash: Not Seriously Hurt as They Hit Mountain in Wales on Rome-Dublin Hop
Business Upswing in Many Nations Shown by Surveys: Foreign Policy Association and Reserve Board Report a Gradual Expansion: Laid to Internal Activity: Decline in Commercial Bank Loans Appears Checked in Some of the Countries
Helen Jacobs Is Victor in Final of U. S. Tennis
Charges Long Aims at a Revolution: Walmsley Says the Senator Told Him He Would Direct a Rebellion in Nation: Congress Coup Planned: New Orleans Moves to Void 'Hitler' Laws as Leaders See a Primary Day Peril
Economic Council Urged by Wallace to Avert Dictator: Secretary Suggests National Body to Coordinate Work of the NRA and AAA: Covering All Interests: Farming, Labor and Finance Would Be Represented, With Government as 'Referee.'
Capone Taken on Barred Cars to Alcatraz With 42 Other Convicts Leaving Atlanta
Japan Will Seize Road, Soviet Fears: Moscow Papers Predict the Forcible Taking of Chinese Eastern Railway: 'Dangerous Result' Seen: Izvestia Says Western World Has Not Been Deceived by Japanese Charges
Irish Blue Shirts Vote to Omit Taxes: Pledge Refusal to Pay Land Annuities While Trade War With Britain Continues: Riots in Dublin Streets: Violence Marks Annual Meeting -- Cork Farmers Fell Trees to Halt Seizures
Berlin, Monday, Aug. 20 -- Eighty-nine and nine-tenths per cent of the German voters endorsed in yesterday's plebiscite Chancellor Hitler's assumption of greater power than has ever been possessed by any other ruler in modern times. Nearly 10 per cent indicated their disapproval. The result was expected.
The German people were asked to vote whether they approved the consolidation of the offices of President and Chancellor in a single Leader-Chancellor personified by Adolf Hitler. By every appeal known to skillful politicians and with every argument to the contrary suppressed, they were asked to make their approval unanimous.
Nevertheless 10 per cent of the voters have admittedly braved possible consequences by answering "No" and nearly [text unreadable] made their answers, ineffective by spoiling the simplest of ballots. There was a plain short question and two circles, one labeled "Yes" and the other "No," in one of which the voter had to make a cross. Yet there were nearly 1,000,000 spoiled ballots.
38,279,514 Vote "Yes."
The results given out by the Propaganda Ministry early this morning show that out of a total vote of 43,438,378, cast by a possible voting population of more than 45,000,000, there were 38,279,514 who answered "Yes," 4,287,808 who answered "No" and there were 871,056 defective ballots. Thus there is an affirmative vote of almost 90 per cent of the valid votes and a negative vote of nearly 10 per cent exclusive of the spoiled ballots which may or may not have been deliberately rendered defective.
How Chancellor Hitler's vote declined is shown by a comparison with the result of the Nov. 12 plebiscite on leaving the Disarmament Conference and the League of Nations. The tabulation follows:
YesterdayNov. 12
Per cent of noes9.84.8
These results therefore show that the number of Germans discontented with Chancellor Hitler's course is increasing but is not yet seriously damaging to it. He is the Fuehrer [leader] of the Reich with absolute power by the vote of almost 90 per cent of the Germans in it but the number of dissentients has doubled since the last test.
It is not yet a matter for international concern but there are other considerations which may be.
Dictatorship Now Complete
The endorsement gives Chancellor Hitler, who four years ago was not even a German citizen, dictatorial powers unequaled in any other country, and probably unequaled in history since the days of Genghis Khan. He has more power than Joseph Stalin in Russia, who has a party machine to reckon with; more power than Premier Mussolini of Italy who shares his prerogative with the titular ruler; more than any American President ever dreamed of.
No other ruler has so widespread power nor so obedient and compliant subordinates. The question that interests the outside world now is what Chancellor Hitler will do with such unprecedented authority.
Nazi opinion is not disposed to be altogether cheerful about the result. When one high official was asked by this correspondent to comment on it he said:
"Obviously we feel the effects of June 30."
He referred to the execution of Ernst Roehm and other Storm Troops chiefs.
That is also the opinion of many other Germans, especially among the more substantial classes. They interpret the result as the beginning of a protest against the rule of arbitrary will and as an effort to force Chancellor Hitler back to the rule of law.
In their view the vote may induce the Fuehrer to steer henceforth a more moderate course and take account of the sensibilities of general opinion. Some of the more optimistic even hope it may induce him to get rid of some of his radical advisers to whom the opposition within Germany is great.
This view, however, is not shared generally and the dissent is borne out by the remark of a Nazi official who said bitterly, "We have become too soft."
Ex-Marxists Support Hitler
A feature of the election was that former Marxists cast a far heavier vote for Chancellor Hitler than the so-called bourgeoisie. In Berlin especially, judging by their vote, former Communists still are Leader Hitler's most loyal followers. In one voting district in Wedding, where a few years ago Communists fought from behind barricades against the police, the "yes" votes amounted to 949; the "no" votes and invalid ballots totaled 237.
In one district west of Berlin, inhabited mainly by business men and intellectuals, the "yes" vote only 840 and the "no" votes and invalid ballots totaled 351. Other tests provided similar results.
In the Communist districts protest votes with Communist inscriptions were rare. In Western Berlin they were more frequent. In one district five ballots had the name "Thaelmann" written in. [Ernst Thaelmann is an imprisoned Communist leader.] One ballot contained this inscription, "Since nothing has happened to me so far I vote 'Yes.'" It was signed "Non-Aryan."
Interesting also are the following results: the hospital of the Jewish community in one district cast 168 "Yes" votes, 92 "Noes," and 46 ballots were invalid. The Jewish Home for Aged People in another district cast 94 "Yes" votes, four "Noes" and three invalid ballots. This vote is explainable, of course, by the fear of reprisals if the results from these Jewish institutions had been otherwise. It is paralleled by other results outside Berlin.
In all Bavaria Chancellor Hitler received the largest vote in his favor in the concentration camp at Dachau where 1,554 persons voted "Yes" and only eight "No" and there were only ten spoiled ballots.
Hamburg Leads Opposition
Hamburg, which only two days ago gave Herr Hitler the most enthusiastic reception he had ever received anywhere, led the country in the opposition vote. The official figures were: Total vote cast, 840,000; "Yes," 651,000; "No," 168,000; invalidated ballots, 21,000.
The "No" vote, in other words was 20 per cent of the total vote. Counting the invalid ballots as negative in intent, the total opposition votes exceeded 22 per cent. The percentage of the electorate voting was 92.4.
Hamburg is the home city of Ernst Thaelmann and on his triumphant entry into the city on Friday, Herr Hitler made it a point to drive past herr Thaelmann's former home.
As far as observers could ascertain, the election everywhere was conducted with perfect propriety, and secrecy of the ballot was safe-guarded. The ballots were marked in regular election booths and placed in envelopes and these were put in the ballot boxes. After the voting had ended the ballot box was emptied on a large table and the vote was counted publicly in the regular manner. Appraising of individual votes seemed impossible.
One check on possible non-voters, however, was exercised by instructions that the voting authorizations issued to those who for one reason or another planned to be outside their regular voting district on election day must be returned unless used. The number of such authorizations issued for this election exceeded anything known before.
Throughout the day Storm Troopers stood before each polling place with banners calling on the voters to vote "Yes." Otherwise voters remained unmolested. Inside the polling places uniforms and even party emblems had been forbidden, but the execution of this order was lax. In some apparently doubtful districts brown uniforms dominated the scene as a warning to would-be opponents.
Nazis Try for Record Vote
All past efforts in getting out the German vote were eclipsed in this election. During Saturday night a huge final poster was plastered on billboards everywhere. It said:
Your leader [Hitler] has traveled 1,500,000 kilometers by airplane, railway and motor car in the cause of Germany's rebirth. You have but to walk 100 meters to your voting booth to vote "yes."
All over Germany means were taken to get the Sunday late-sleeping population out of bed early. The polls opened at 8 o'clock, but in Berlin Storm Troops, Hitler Youth Troops and Nazi labor union groups took to the streets as early as 6 o'clock to wake the populace by shouting at them to do their duty.

domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012

O Mein Kampf de Adolf Chavez: quase chegando na noite dos cristais...

Não se imaginava que chegássemos a tais extremos de oratória antisemita desde que Hitler prometeu -- imediatamente depois que conquistou o poder -- "colocar os judeus no seu lugar": ele passou quase imediatamente à ação pela perseguição, antes de se inclinar pela exterminação pura e simples.
Chávez, provavelmente, gostaria de exterminar seu oponente político. Não duvido que o tente...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Do blog de Marcos Guterman, no Estadão

Um artigo publicado no site da Rádio Nacional da Venezuela, abrigado no portal do governo venezuelano, diz que Henrique Capriles, o candidato que o presidente Hugo Chávez enfrentará na eleição de outubro, é representante da “burguesia sionista”.
Como o artigo saiu sob os auspícios do “Ministério do Poder Popular para a Comunicação e a Informação”, que é o nome chavista para o Ministério das Comunicações, é lícito supor que tem o aval do governo.
O artigo diz que Capriles, embora seja católico praticante, é de família judia, “ligada à oligarquia empresarial do país”. Depois de reiterar as supostas ligações do candidato com a TFP e a Opus Dei, o autor do texto elabora, enfim, sua ideia central – já que o texto é intitulado “O inimigo é o sionismo”. Ele diz que o sionismo usa o discurso religioso e nacionalista para esconder “seu caráter colonialista e suas pretensões políticas de superioridade racial e profundamente hegemônicas”. Afirma que é uma “ideologia do terror, dos sentimentos mais putrefatos que representam a humanidade”, movida por “ímpeto supostamente patriota baseado na ganância” e que segue a lógica de que “todo nacionalismo sem pátria é, por necessidade, uma empresa de conquista”.
Depois de dizer que os “sionistas” assassinaram “milhões” de palestinos e “construíram um campo de concentração em pleno século 21”, isto é, Gaza, o autor do texto põe a cereja no bolo: “O sionismo é o dono da maioria das instituições financeiras do planeta, controla quase 80% da economia mundial e da indústria de comunicações em quase sua totalidade, além de manter posições dentro do Departamento de Estado estadunidense e das potências europeias”.
Raras vezes se vê hoje em dia – salvo no mundo árabe, onde isso é comum – um texto publicado com tantos clichês antissemitas juntos em tão poucas linhas. Lá estão a “ganância”, o judeu “sem pátria”, o “putrefato”, o “controlador da mídia e dos bancos”, o “assassino” dos pobres palestinos. Coisas assim eram mais comuns na Alemanha dos anos 30.
Nesta quinta-feira, Chávez adicionou ainda mais elegância ao debate, ao igualar o “sionista” Capriles a um porco, sabendo obviamente o que isso significa no imaginário antissemita – como fizeram Lutero e os nazistas e como fazem até hoje os supremacistas raciais americanos e os fundamentalistas islâmicos.
“Você tem rabo de porco, orelhas de porco, grunhe como porco, você é um porco medíocre, é um porco, não se disfarce”, disse Chávez sobre seu oponente. “O senhor que vá governar o território de Tarzan e da macaca Chita, porque aqui não.”

quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2011

Um livro odioso e horroroso - Mein Kampf, de Adolf Hitler

Todo livro é interessante, pois ele sempre contém uma síntese da cultura de sua época, o chamado Zeitgeist, como se diz em alemão.
Este livro, em particular, é um dos que mais mal fizeram à humanidade, propagando preconceitos, ódio, incitação à morte e à exterminação dos judeus.
Poucos livros, talvez nenhum outro, causaram tanto mal à humanidade quanto este pedaço de ódio e de irracionalidade, de incitação ao crime, quanto este monumento à imbecilidade humana que se chama Minha Luta.
Mas é preciso estudá-lo, para que outros idiotas não venham pregar as mesmas ideias impunemente.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Liste de diffusion en Histoire Politique du XXème siècle

Mein Kampf, 70 ans après
Atelier de recherche
Paris, 12 septembre 2011

Lundi, 12 septembre 2001, 14 heures–17 heures 30

Lieu : Salle Georges Vedel
Institut français de la presse, CARISM (Centre d’analyse et de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les médias); 4 rue Blaise Desgoffe 75006 Paris. (6e étage)
Métro Saint-Placide, Notre-Dame des Champs ou Montparnasse Bienvenüe

Organisateurs :
Fabrice d’Almeida, IFP, Université de Paris 2 – Panthéon – Assas
Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Université de Manchester, Royaume-Uni

En avril 2015, Mein Kampf, l’ouvrage phare du national-socialisme, écrit par Adolf Hitler lui-même, tombera dans le domaine public, en application du droit d’auteur. L’Etat de Bavière, qui est aujourd’hui propriétaire des droits et tente de s’opposer à la publication de l’ouvrage, se désengagera de sa responsabilité. Mein Kampf pourra être ainsi publié librement. En Allemagne, l’Institut für Zeitgeschichte de Munich travaille d’ores et déjà à la publication d’une édition scientifique. En France, l’ouvrage est autorisé à la condition de contenir un avertissement – application de l’ordonnance de la cour d’appel de Paris de juillet 1979.
Afin de préparer l’échéance qui s’annonce, une initiative composée notamment de juristes a vu le jour, pour demander texte européen (résolution et charte d’autorégulation?) qui prendrait position sur la question et inciterai à l’apposition d’un avertissement pédagogique attaché à toute publication, sur le modèle français, et ce dans les 27 pays de l’Union Européenne www.hateprevention.org.
Un Forum de réflexion est organisé le mardi 11 octobre 2011 à la Maison du Barreau à Paris (Voir le programme : http://hateprevention.org/evenement/).
Il nous semble nécessaire que les historiens se mobilisent également pour réfléchir à cet enjeu, aussi bien en terme de mémoire que d’éducation et de compréhension du phénomène qu’a représenté et représente encore Mein Kampf, l’un des best-sellers du XXe siècle. En effet, l’ouvrage est encore largement diffusé, légalement ou non, à travers le monde et de nouvelles éditions se sont encore récemment vendues à des dizaines de milliers d’exemplaires. Par ailleurs, l’ouvrage est accessible librement en intégralité sur Internet, en de nombreuses langues.
Cet atelier de réflexion veut aider à la préparation du forum, en rassemblant des historiens venus d’horizons différents. Il s’agira de tenter d’appréhender l’impact réel de Mein Kampf sur l’idéologie nationale-socialiste, aussi bien en Allemagne que dans le reste de l’Europe. Le livre a-t-il été vraiment lu ? Comment a-t-il été compris ? Quelle a été son influence sur les différents groupes de la société allemande, sur les membres des organisations nazies ? La volonté d’hégémonie européenne, la Shoah, ont-elles été des conséquences directes des idées contenues dans le livre ? Dans un deuxième temps, l’onde de choc à plus long terme sera considérée. Mein Kampf a-t-il continué d’être publié, d’être lu ? Par qui et dans quels pays ? Pourquoi l’ouvrage a-t-il été récemment un succès de librairie en Turquie ? Quelles sont les questions éditoriales que pose aujourd’hui Mein Kampf, face aux différentes lois interdisant l’incitation à la haine raciale ?

14 heures – 15 heures 30
Mein Kampf : Usages et impact d’un livre sous le national-socialisme

Table ronde animée par Fabrice d’Almeida
Participant : Johann Chapoutot (Université de Grenoble II- Pierre Mendès France); Rainer Hudemann, (Université de Paris IV); Anne Simonin (CNRS, IRICE)

15 heures 30-16 heures : pause café

16 heures – 17 heures 30
Mein Kampf : 70 ans après, enjeux politiques, enjeux éditoriaux
Table ronde animée par Jean-Marc Dreyfus
Participants : Anthony Rowley (Sciences Po Paris, Fayard)
Josselin Bordat (Brain Magazine)
Jean-Yves Camus (IRIS)
Gisèle Sapiro (EHESS, CSE)