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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida;

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Mostrando postagens com marcador Paris. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Paris. Mostrar todas as postagens

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique latine, Paris

Anúncio da jornada "portas abertas" do IHEAL, a instituição onde dei aulas em 2012.

L'Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique latine (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3) organise des portes ouvertes

le jeudi 28 février 2013 de 14h à 17h

[28 rue Saint Guillaume 75007 Paris]

Ces portes ouvertes seront l'occasion de :
- connaître les diplômes délivrés à l'IHEAL (DELA, Master Recherche, Master Professionnel, Doctorat) et leurs débouchés professionnels
- découvrir les possibilités de mobilité internationale (échanges universitaires, stages, terrains de recherche)
- rencontrer les équipes pédagogiques et les étudiants
- visiter la bibliothèque la plus importante de France sur l'Amérique latine

Fondé en 1954, l’IHEAL est un centre pluridisciplinaire spécialisé dans les études sur l’Amérique latine en sciences humaines et sociales. En partenariat avec le CREDA, Centre de Recherche Et de Documentation des Amériques (UMR7227), il est l’une des institutions les plus importantes en Europe pour la formation, la recherche, la documentation (Bibliothèque Pierre Monbeig - 100 000 ouvrages), l’édition (Cahiers des Amériques latines, Confins), la diffusion scientifique (la Gazette du 28) et la coopération internationale avec l’Amérique latine.

Nous vous remercions de confirmer votre présence à cette journée "portes ouvertes", à l’adresse : iheal.scolarite@univ-paris3.fr

segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2012

Souvenirs de Paris (académiques, de travail)

Minha última aula em Paris, um dia antes de embarcar, na Maison des Sciences Économiques, no Boulevard de l'Hopital, perto da Place d'Italie, uma aula sobre os organismos econômicos internacionais, para um curso de verão para alunos estrangeiros em Paris.
Ganhei um livro sobre as obras de arte da Sorbonne espalhadas pelos museus de Paris.
Guillermo Hillcoat, um argentino vivendo em Paris desde várias décadas,  me presenteou.
Sai um pouco mais carregado (pois já tinha despachado 14 petits paquets com livros) e estava levando seis malas pesadas), mas contente.
À la prochaine...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012

Passages de Paris: revista da comunidade cientifica brasileira na Franca

Apresentando uma revista feita com muito carinho e cuidados intelectuais pelos pós-graduandos brasileiros estudando na França: seis números já lançados, sendo que o último está prestes a ser lançado na Embaixada do Brasil em Paris:

L’Ambassade du Brésil en France et l’Association des Chercheurs et Étudiants Brésiliens en France (APEB-Fr) vous prient de bien vouloir assister au lancement de la nouvelle édition de la revue

Passages de Paris: Revue Scientifique de l'Association des 
Chercheurs et Etudiants Brésiliens en France

L’évènement aura lieu le 23 mai à 17h30 dans la salle Villa-Lobos à l’Ambassade du Brésil

34, cours Albert 1er                                                   R.S.V.P 01 45 61 63 52
75008 Paris                                                                cultural@bresil.org

Passages de Paris
Revue Scientifique de l'Association des Chercheurs et Etudiants Brésiliens en France

Edition No. 6
Paris, 2011
Interview : Helena Hirata
Dossier : Amazonie: enjeux contemporains du développement
Edition No. 5
(Edition Spéciale)
Paris, 2010
Spécial : Cycle APEB-Fr / GRIB
Travaux d’étudiants et de chercheurs dans le cadre du « Cycle APEB-Fr / GRIB » de juillet 2009 à janvier 2010.
Edition No. 4
(Edition Spéciale)
Paris, 2009
Spécial : Les 25 ans de l’APEB-Fr

Actes du colloque international de l’APEB-Fr
Edition No. 3
(Edition Spéciale)
Paris, 2008
Spécial : Recherches sur le Brésil Contemporain Actes du séminaire
Edition No. 2
Paris, 2005
Interview : Roberto Salmeron
Dossier : Le Brésil et la Science
Edition No. 1
Paris, 2005
Interview : Luiz Felipe de Alencastro
Dossier : La circulation des intellectuels

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012

Nao saio de casa por nada...

O pior é que ainda não tenho casa aqui em Paris.
Previsão para os próximos dias:

Dernière mise à jour : Jeudi 02/02/2012 - 22:29
Sainte Véronique
Sainte Agathe

Un froid vraiment inhabituel en matinée (prenez vos précautions) – soleil très présent – peut-être quelques flocons en fin de soirée et dans la nuit

E se não bastasse a desgraça, ainda vamos a -11.C

Prévisions météo à 12 jours pour l'île-de-France

Dernière mise à jour : Jeudi 02/02/2012 - 22:29

Date0/12 h12/24 hVentMatinApmTemps/Ecarts saisonniers des températures*
15 à 30 km/h
Un froid vraiment inhabituel en matinée (prenez vos précautions) – soleil très présent – peut-être quelques flocons en fin de soirée et dans la nuit
5 à 15 km/h
Quelques flocons possibles dans la nuit (léger saupoudrage, notamment sur le 77) puis le soleil revient en matinée avec un temps sec et très froid
5 à 15 km/h
De la neige est possible, notamment sur l’ouest de la région (78, 95 et 91) et surtout en matinée – nouveau refroidissement par la suite
5 à 15 km/h
Le froid sec devrait reprendre le dessus dans l’après-midi (à confirmer)
15 à 30 km/h
Sec et très froid
15 à 30 km/h
Toujours très froid et sec
Les prévisions restent difficiles à cette échéance car si certains scénarios indiquent la persistance d’un courant d’est froid et sec (modèle Européen), d’autres tablent sur la fin de la vague de froid avec le retour d’un courant de nord-ouest plus océanique (donc moins froid et plus humide). Rien n’est encore tranché...
**Merci de nous soutenir régulièrement (car la météo ne s’arrête jamais et nous devons être financés…). Voir comment nous fonctionnons ici – Guillaume Séchet
Prévisions France
Cliquer sur la carte

terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012

Enfrentando ostras em Paris (sorry, gourmets)

Sorry, gourmands e gourmets que por acaso frequentam este blog.
Não resisti a esta oportunidade para tripudiar sobre alguns famintos e desnutridos, publicando esta foto com meu esporte atual favorito: praticar gastronomia diferente a cada dia.
Ontem foi num restaurante japonês ao lado do hotel: sopa, salada japonesa, brochete de frutos do mar (vieira, camarão, salmão), cerveja japonesa Asahi.
Hoje foi num restaurante chamado justamente
Restaurant de Haute Mer (bar a huitres de St. Germain)
no número 33 da rue Saint Jacques, próximo ao boulevard St. Germain, perto do Metro Maubert-Mutualite, quase na esquina da rua Dante (sim, o poeta).
Começamos com uma bisque de crevette, como entrada, depois enfrentei as ostras de Noumoutier (dentre as muitas outras qualidades oferecidas, grandes, pequenas, gigantes); apenas no limão e com uma pequena vinaigrette rose, com cebolas. Posto aqui a foto de um momento culminante (não conseguia olhar para a câmera), feita por Carmen Lícia.

Depois fui de Saumon a la planche, e Carmen Lícia de Dourade grillé, ambos com um molho insuperável e purée de pommes de terre, que é o nosso purê simples.
O vinho foi um blanc Macon-Villages Geoges Dubeuff 2007, bem geladinho, e uma garrafa de Perrier bleue.
Terminei com um meio abacaxi (mas não foi o melhor), e um café.
Preço final, no cartão: Euros 98,40.
Existem, obviamente, muitos outros lugares para se comer frutos do mar, e especificamente ostras em Paris, inclusive o Grand Café des Capucines, no boulevard do mesmo nome, perto da Opera (onde pretendemos ir uma noite), mas este restaurante é um dos melhores que vi.
A carta está todo no iPad2, e você vai clicando e tendo fotos de cada prato, escolhendo dentre as muitas variedades de vinhos, etc.
Dois velhotes ao nosso lado tinham alguma dificuldade com a tecnologia, mas o garçon foi ajudando-os a clicar nos lugares certos...
Fica a dica (mas a conta pode desequilibrar orçamentos mais reduzidos).

sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2012

Paris, toujours Paris, under Brazilian eyes... - Cours PRA - IHEAL

Estes são os dois cursos que darei no Institut de Hautes Études de l'Amérique Latine, a partir do final de janeiro de 2012, na verdade um único curso, dividido em duas seções, para fins administrativos: 

HZLB3 Le Brésil dans l’ordre global : les relations économiques internationales à l’époque contemporaine 1 (Paulo Roberto De Almeida)
suivre obligatoirement la seconde partie
et la seconde partie les mercredis de 16h à 18h salle Paul Rivet
HZRI3 Le Brésil dans l’ordre global : les relations économiques internationales à l’époque contemporaine 2 (Paulo Roberto De Almeida)
Suivre obligatoirement la première partie HZLB3 

Ver o curso, material bibliográfico e grandes temas que serão abordados, neste link do meu site.

Paris, toujours Paris, under American eyes - Richard Seaver

He Knew It When He Saw It

Publishing 'Lady Chatterley's Lover,' '

The Story of O' and 'Tropic of Cancer'

—and bringing Samuel Beckett to English-speaking readers.

The Wall Street Journal, January 6, 2012

The Tender Hour of Twilight

By Richard Seaver
(Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 457 pages, $35)

Richard Seaver tunneled under the Atlantic Ocean and smuggled European avant-garde literature into the United States. Samuel Beckett, Jean Genet, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Eugène Ionesco and the pseudonymous author of the sado-masochistic fantasy "The Story of O" were only a few of those who found a welcome from Seaver at Grove Press in the 1950s and 1960s. The name on the cover of the last—Pauline Réage—disguised a French lady of letters. The name of the translator—Sabine d'Estrée—masked Seaver himself. He translated other works, but his proudest achievement, stamped all over these memoirs, was to have unearthed Beckett from his self-entrenchment in Paris and to have set the Irish playwright and novelist before an English-speaking readership.
Seaver (1926-2009) told the story often of how, on a Fulbright scholarship in Paris in the early 1950s, he purchased Beckett's works in French direct from their publisher and then hunted down a French translation of the early novel "Murphy." There were several English-language literary magazines in Paris after the war. Together with a clutch of talented friends, Seaver was producing Merlin. Hooked on the peculiar cadences of Beckett's prose—French lyrics set to an Irish tune—he pursued the Irish recluse for a contribution: "We had all but given up hope of ever hearing from Beckett when, one dark and stormy early evening in late November . . . outlined in the light, was a tall gaunt figure in a raincoat, water streaming down from the brim of the nondescript hat jammed onto the top of his head. . . . 'You asked me for this,' he said, thrusting [a] package into my hand."
The package contained "Watt," Beckett's last full-length work in English. Sections appeared in Merlin, and in 1953 the novel launched the magazine's imprint, Collection Merlin. Though only six titles were brought out, these included the English translation of Beckett's "Molloy" and "The Thief's Journal" by Jean Genet and were enough to earn Collection Merlin a place in literary history.
Despite such highs, the Paris sections of "The Tender Hour of Twilight" lack freshness. Seaver reports extended café conversations and pillow-talk, transmitted from 50-year-old memory. A meeting with Jean-Paul Sartre is rendered in dialogue unworthy of TV-budget drama. The dangers of self-regard lurk in the margins of every other page. Beckett remained indebted to Seaver, yet the reader will learn more from a few pages of the recently published second volume of the Beckett correspondence about why he wrote in French, and what fortified his uncompromising aesthetics, than from all of Seaver's recollections.
If Beckett is the hero of the first act, the second is dominated by Barney Rosset, the owner of Grove Press. Seaver's New York career began, after a stint in the Navy, in 1958 at the firm of George Braziller, about whom he writes unflatteringly. The next year Rosset invited him for lunch and asked: "Why don't you join the excitement?" Grove was planning to publish D.H. Lawrence's banned 1928 novel, "Lady Chatterley's Lover," an event that was to alter the character of publishing. Henry Miller's "Tropic of Cancer" followed, even though the author himself felt initially that the U.S. publication was "premature." Miller, enjoying a peaceful life in Big Sur, Calif., had reconciled himself to the forfeiture of royalties from his infamous books, which were underground best sellers in Europe. Eventually he was persuaded. Next came "Naked Lunch" by William Burroughs and John Rechy's novel of hustling, "City of Night."
In each instance, the campaign was a matter of printing the books, shipping them to those stores willing to stock them and then waiting to see what happened. Lawsuits followed; legal bills followed the suits; ruination for Grove and its employees threatened. "For three years between 1962 and 1964 we had been in a Sargasso Sea financially, with sales stagnant and profits, when they came, minimal," Seaver reports. In 1962, Grove lost "roughly $400,000 on sales of slightly over $2 million," largely as a result of lawsuits. Rosset's private means supported this gambling habit—once readers could get the books, they sold in large quantities—but eventually he succumbed to the successful businessman's fatal flaw: overreach. "From 20 or so employees half a dozen years before, our weekly payroll [in 1969] numbered close to 150, housed in our spanking new building on the corner of Bleecker and Houston streets. . . . One entered through a massive arch in the shape of a capital G."
Preoccupied with legal matters and the extra burden of running the house's literary quarterly, the Evergreen Review, Seaver appears not to have noticed that the carnal appetites of Miller and Rechy and the willing punishments of the "Story of O" were not universally appreciated. In 1970, the company was unionized behind the bosses' backs. Arriving for work at the posh building one morning, Seaver was prevented from entering Rosset's office on the top floor. It was occupied by a group led by a radical feminist who threatened to destroy precious galleys and correspondence. As often happens during social upheaval, a new revolutionary guard was challenging the old. Asked what they wanted, Seaver replied: "I know what they want. Have you seen the broadsheet? They want editorial control of all Grove publications, a few million dollars for assorted causes, a day-care center for children. God knows what else."
The final drama of Seaver's Grove career provides some of the best reading in "The Tender Hour of Twilight." He later moved to Viking, where he had an illustrious career, then—beyond the purview of this book—to Henry Holt and eventually his own Arcade Press. Seaver was among the great publishers of the "excitement" era, and even if daily meetings with formally adventurous authors taught him little about writing, this memoir, arranged from a larger mass of material by his widow, will be sought by everyone who has felt the floppy thrill of a Grove paperback between his fingers.

Mr. Campbell is the author of "Exiled in Paris: Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Samuel Beckett and others on the Left Bank."