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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012

A obsessao com a igualdade de renda - Wall Street Journal

Um artigo de opinião sobre um tema em torno do qual também traçarei algumas linhas de argumentos meus, mais adiante.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

The Inequality Obsession


The Wall Street Journal, April 17, 2012

Why is it in America's interest to persuade the rich to report less income?

If it were learned that the car driven by the average American is 10 times more likely to burst into flames than the car driven by the richest 1%, what should the policy response be? Should it be to mandate that cars driven by the rich burst into flames more often?
Income inequality is a strange obsession, at least to the extent the obsessives focus their policy responses on trying to adjust the condition of the top 1% rather than improving the opportunities of everyone else.
Income inequality could be a sign of real pathology in authoritarian societies where entrenched groups use government-granted privileges to protect themselves from competition. By and large, that's not the case in the U.S., where most see the market actually increasing the competitive advantages of the educated, skilled, hardworking and talented.
Though it's always good to be on guard against political favoritism, the U.S. exhibits mostly a giddy process of wealth creation by people from middle-class backgrounds who start companies or become Wall Street traders or CEOs or celebrity performers in entertainment and sports.
Generalizing about the distribution of incomes is an academic specialty seemingly incapable of freeing itself from tendentiousness. Take a popular study by Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, two French-born researchers, claiming U.S. income inequality is higher than anytime since the 1920s.
Their result comes from choosing to look at income that leaves out transfers. Unlike the 1920s, Americans today have the opportunity partly to live off Social Security and Medicare. They can decide to do without reportable income. Also left out of the calculation is the large share of compensation accounted for by untaxed health insurance.
Too, the tax code has changed. Income is realized under today's code that wouldn't have been realized under previous tax codes. Owners of capital buy and sell much more easily, and the tax system creates much less incentive for them to sit on their holdings and report less income.
For the record, so sensitive are the inequality generalizations to how you define income, and whether household size is taken into account, that the claimed shift toward greater inequality can be made easily to disappear, especially when consumption rather than income is measured.
Getty Images
And, as always, the solution to income inequality amounts to persuading the rich to report less income. As CNBC's John Carney has shown, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg could avoid ever reporting any income simply by borrowing against his assets to meet his living expenses. "Perhaps most bizarrely, Zuckerberg might be eligible for an Earned Income Tax Credit if he keeps his personal income under $13,000," writes Mr. Carney.
This would make America a better place how? Yet, at bottom, such cosmetic fixes are the main outcome from using higher tax rates to "correct" income inequality.
Obsessing about income disparities might be productive if it led to policies that improved opportunity for all. It's hard to exaggerate the movement on school reform over the past 20 years, to the point that the New Yorker, that bastion of Upper West Side propriety, contributed one of the most damning polemics against excessive teachers-union power.
Ditto the return of tax reform to the agenda. Tax reform promises to improve the opportunities of all while sponsoring less tax evasion, less distortion of investment priorities and less politically corrupting pursuit of loopholes, all of which are the certain and inevitable corollary of high tax rates enacted to salve inequality neuralgia.
One can only wonder how much faster progress on tax reform or school choice would have been if the political capital devoted to income inequality had been devoted to fighting entrenched institutional resistance to useful reforms.
One factor is a certain human soul-sickness that's impossible to put a constructive gloss on. Why is the New York Times disproportionately given over to cataloging the consumption of the rich in a tone even more cringing for its pretending to be snarky? Why do some of our dreariest journalists spend all their time writing about Goldman Sachs, except to associate themselves with the status object they attack in order to raise their own status?
That goes doubly for the inequality obsessives. How society stimulates the creation and distribution of income is an important topic—so important that one could wish it were less infected with the pathology Freud diagnosed as "group spirit" and which he said was ultimately founded on envy.
As Freud put it, "Everyone must be the same and have the same. Social justice means we deny ourselves many things so that others may have to do without them as well."
A version of this article appeared April 18, 2012, on page A15 in some U.S. editions of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: The Inequality Obsession.

As sauvas freireanas do MEC e a tragedia educacional brasileira

Um leitor deste blog me pergunta onde encontrar um artigo sobre a "pedagogia" (aspas triplas) do supremo idiota da pedagogia do oprimido Paulo Freire, convertido em patrono (my God!) da educação brasileira, o que deve assegurar pelo menos mais 80 anos de atraso em nossa educação.
De fato, é difícil encontrar, em Português artigos analíticos críticos em relação a essa bobagem extrema da subpedagogia (des)educacional brasileira, pelo simples motivo de que toda a ideologia pedagógica no Brasil foi moldada, em processo coletivo de lavagem cerebral, pelas bobagens indescritíveis proclamadas por esse "subintelequitual" dos trópicos, convertido em sumidade universal em matéria de educação.
Mais um sinal de como existem idiotas no mundo.

Uma crítica em INGLÊS está neste meu post: 

Eu tenho postado regularmente matérias críticas aqui neste espaço, mas confesso que ainda não me dei ao trabalho de escrever algo sobre (ou contra, seria o caso de dizer) esse besteirol antipedagógico do supremo apedeuta (um título que ele divide com outros apedeutas, eu sei).
Prometo fazê-lo, mas é que não figura em minhas áreas privilegiadas de pesquisa -- que são economia e desenvolvimento -- mas talvez devesse fazê-lo, pois o que mas detesto, além de ignorância voluntária (dos que poderiam ter estudado, ou simplesmente se informado, e escolheram não fazê-lo), é sobretudo desonestidade intelectual.
Não digo que Paulo Freire, um ingênuo simplesmente idiota, fosse um desonesto intelectual: era apenas mal informado e ingênuo, e foi assim a vida inteira. Os que o seguem acriticamente é que são idiotas, ou de má fé.
Bem, quem quiser ler mais, certamente vai encontrar material à farta em meu blog, e um artigo, EM INGLÊS, sobre a idiotice consumada que é a tal de pedagogia do oprimido, um monte de banalidades sobre fundo de conscientização, e que não serve para o objetivo que deveria ser o seu: alfabetizar e educar as pessoas.
Não estranha, assim, que depois de meio século de idiotização constante de pedagogos e (des)educadores, a educação brasileira esteja entre as piores do mundo.

Voilà: coloquei "Paulo Freire" em meu blog, e recolho esta enormidade de links: 

16 Abr 2012
Pois as saúvas freireanas do MEC acabaram decretando que o seu santo protetor, o supremo idiota da pedagogia do oprimido -- uma fabulosa impostura intelectual, se o adjetivo se aplica -- Paulo Freire é o patrono da ...
18 Abr 2010
Um, o José Marcos veio em socorro do Paulo Freire, dizendo que teve, uma vez, a "oportunidade de assistir a uma palestra de Paulo Freire um pouco depois de seu retorno ao Brasil. Com sua voz mansa e pausada, Paulo ...
09 Abr 2010
A Universidade de Northwestern, no estado norte-americano de Ilinois, realiza, no dia 10 de abril, seminário em comemoração aos 40 anos da tradução do livro "Pedagogia do Oprimido", de Paulo Freire, para o inglês.
18 Fev 2012
... que seguem o besteirol do supremo mestre idiota de todas as bobagens pedagógicas que fomos capazes de oferecer ao mundo desde os anos 1960, Paulo Freire, e que hoje ainda continua infernizando a vida de alunos, ...

29 Mar 2012
... que seguem o besteirol do supremo mestre idiota de todas as bobagens pedagógicas que fomos capazes de oferecer ao mundo desde os anos 1960, Paulo Freire, e que hoje ainda continua infernizando a vida de alunos, ...
09 Mar 2012
Todos os professores, repito TODOS (mas alguns podem se salvar), foram educados no maravilhoso sistema Paulo Freire de conscientização companheira, e assim esperar que eles sejam o que são é dificil... Mas, grande ...
23 Dez 2011
E as nossas saúvas atuais parecem todas concentradas no MEC, são as saúvas freireanas, aquelas pedagogas que acreditam nas bobagens do Paulo Freire e vivem para atrasar a educação brasileira. Pois eu digo, ou o ...
21 Fev 2011
O mais impressionante é que foi o PT que introduziu o modelo no país: Paulo Freire, então secretário da educação de Luíza Erundina na Prefeitura de São Paulo, implementou a progressão nas escolas municipais. Outras ...

01 Out 2011
A UnB faz uma semana universitária toda ela dedicada a homenagear Paulo Freire. Trata-se de um caso extraordinário de homenagem prestada ao principal responsável pelo atraso educacional brasileiro. Enfim, combina ...
13 Ago 2010
É inacreditável: a educação brasileira é a tragédia que é por causa, justamente, do besteirol freireano, ou seja, o primarismo boçal dos ensinamentos de Paulo Freire, que continua influenciando essa pedagogia de botequim ...
24 Nov 2011
Paulo Freire, o “pedagogo” responsável pela aplicação das teorias althusserianas na educação brasileira, transportou o conceito da luta de classes para dentro das escolas, transformando-as em campos de luta ideológica e ...
22 Mai 2011
Eu me refiro a Paulo Freire, um homem de boa vontade, mas tremendamente equivocado, sobretudo a partir de seu panfleto "Pedagogia do Oprimido", que parece ter se convertido no manual de besteirol das pedagogas ...

24 Fev 2011
Paulo Freire falava em "leitura de mundo", para exercer a cidadania plena e postulava a educação como ato político. Em se tratando de política, com a interdependência entre os políticos que temos, o que dizem e fazem, ...
14 Mai 2011
Um dos professores, provavelmente indelevelmente marcado pela pedagogia freireana -- do supremo idiota educacional Paulo Freire; não confundir com o mestre Gilberto Freyre -- disse que a culpa era da "mercantilização ...
05 Mai 2011
Só colocar Espanhol obrigatório no fundamental se os demais países do Mercosul também ensinarem Português em suas escolas primárias: SIM Aposentar o Paulo Freire como "guia espiritual" das nossas pedagogas: SIM ...
15 Mai 2011
... o senador Cristovam Buarque, do PDT-DF, que já foi inclusive reitor da UnB (coincidentemente ela começou a decair em sua gestão) e ministro da (des)Educação (ele deve acreditar nas bobagens do Paulo Freire, ...

09 Fev 2012
Você, sem ser formado em Geografia nem Pedagogia, tenta desmerecer Milton Santos e Paulo Freire, o que para qualquer pessoa que tenha feito algo em Educação, é um disparate!!! É o mesmo que dizer que os trabalhos ...
19 Mar 2010
Como se vê, nada de muito esclarecedor ou útil a um debate importante sobre o tema desse post, que se referia ao papel deletério desse ícone da idiotice pedagógica que é o equivocadamente cultuado Paulo Freire,...
15 Jul 2010
Paulo Freire Antonio Gramsci Carlos Mariguela Hugo Chávez Movimentos Democráticos MST Portal do Ateísmo Portal oficial da ONU UNESCO Brasil Fórum Social Mundial Rede Desarma Brasil Comissão Pastoral da Terra ...
05 Out 2010
Entendo também que nossos problemas começam com a tragédia da tal de pedagogia "freireana", de Paulo Freire, uma fraude educacional completa, uma demagogia política ultrapassada, que vem arrastando a educação ...

05 Out 2010
Entendo também que nossos problemas começam com a tragédia da tal de pedagogia "freireana", de Paulo Freire, uma fraude educacional completa, uma demagogia política ultrapassada, que vem arrastando a educação ...
26 Ago 2011
O mal que a paulo-freirização fez à escola levará gerações para ser superado. Todos os mitos ideológicos que Paulo Freire criou com seu método de alfabetização de adultos foram transferidos para a educação de crianças ...
02 Fev 2011
No caso da reserva Raposa Serra do Sol, ele, o ministro Ayres Britto, em reverência à sabedoria indígena, lascou, citando Paulo Freire: “Não existe saber maior ou menor; existem apenas saberes diferentes”. De fato, o ...
12 Mar 2010
Another reason why U.S. ed schools are so awful: the ongoing influence of Brazilian Marxist Paulo Freire Like the more famous Teach for America, the New York Teaching Fellows program provides an alternate route to state ...

FINALMENTE, NESTE ÚLTIMO LINK, encontro uma crítica, em inglês da suprema idiotice cultuada no Brasil e em outros países também. Só posso prever atraso e decadência para os que seguem o monte de bobagens servidas nessa antipedagogia.

1779) A pedagogia freireana: nossa contribuicao ao atraso do mundo...

Os países geralmente exibem com certo orgulho seus prêmios Nobel, cientistas distinguidos que deram contribuições inestimáveis ao progresso da humanidade, salvaram e continuam a salvar incontáveis vidas pelas suas pesquisas em torno de doenças, ou que permitiram avanços de tal monta no conhecimento científico, de maneira geral, que esses avanços fundamentam conquistas notórias para o bem estar de todos os seres humanos.
Poucos países costumam orgulhar-se de ditadores bárbaros do passado, que sairam por aí matando pessoas, conquistando povos, massacrando gente. Não creio que alguém possa orgulhar-se de um Hitler, de um Pol Pot, de um Stalin, embora haja gente que ainda hoje ache que Stalin, Mao Tse-tung e Fidel Castro tenham sido líderes geniais; Oscar Niemeyer, por exemplo, ainda acha que esses caras foram grandes, mas o provecto arquiteto é um imbecil consumado, um idiota dos mais grandes que possamos ter oferecido ao mundo, que além de ideias desprezíveis ainda oferece monumentos à burrice humana, totalmente disfuncionais por dentro e por fora.
O Brasil está num estágio intermediário: ainda não oferecemos grandes cientistas e inventores para o bem-estar da humanidade, mas já oferecemos músicos e futebolistas para agradar a vida aqui e ali...
Mas uma das nossas maiores contribuições ao MAL-ESTAR(duplamente sublinhado, caixa alta e toda a ênfase possível) da humanidade é essa tal de Pedagogia do Oprimido, uma bobagem monumental que só faz atrasar a educação dos jovens e que continua a imbecilizar adultos.
Não tenho tempo de escrever todo o mal -- mil perdões pela expressão -- que penso dessa coisa (inapropriadamente) chamada "pedagogia do oprimido", por isso me permito reproduzir um texto que me foi enviado por um leitor deste meu post anterior:

quinta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2010
1332) Construindo o atraso educacional do Brasil
Desconstruindo a educação no Brasil

Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Sou terrivelmente pessimista quanto ao itinerário presente E FUTURO da educação no Brasil. Alguns diriam que sou excessivamente pessimista. Acho que não, inclusive porque não sou do setor, não acompanho em detalhes todas as bobagens que vem sendo cometidas pelas pedagogas "freireanas" (e delirantes) que atuam supostamente em nome do MEC para deformar as orientações curriculares do ensino nos dois primeiros graus da educação pública no Brasil e por todos os demais responsáveis pelo setor no Brasil.
(continuar neste link)

Pois bem, um leitor chamado Rubens, a quem sou muito agradecido, enviou-me esta matéria sobre a nossa imbecilidade ofertada ao mundo:

Pedagogy of the Oppressor

Sol Stern
City Journal (of New York), Spring 2009, vol. 19, n. 2
[A quarterly magazine of urban affairs, published by the Manhattan Institute, edited by Brian C. Anderson.]

Another reason why U.S. ed schools are so awful: the ongoing influence of Brazilian Marxist Paulo Freire

Like the more famous Teach for America, the New York Teaching Fellows program provides an alternate route to state certification for about 1,700 new teachers annually. When I met with a group of the fellows taking a required class at a school of education last summer, we began by discussing education reform, but the conversation soon took a turn, with many recounting one horror story after another from their rocky first year: chaotic classrooms, indifferent administrators, veteran teachers who rarely offered a helping hand. You might expect the required readings for these struggling rookies to contain good practical tips on classroom management, say, or sensible advice on teaching reading to disadvantaged students. Instead, the one book that the fellows had to read in full was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.

For anyone familiar with American schools of education, the choice wasn’t surprising. Since the publication of the English edition in 1970, Pedagogy of the Oppressed has achieved near-iconic status in America’s teacher-training programs. In 2003, David Steiner and Susan Rozen published a study examining the curricula of 16 schools of education—14 of them among the top-ranked institutions in the country, according to U.S. News and World Report—and found that Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most frequently assigned texts in their philosophy of education courses. These course assignments are undoubtedly part of the reason that, according to the publisher, almost 1 million copies have sold, a remarkable number for a book in the education field.

The odd thing is that Freire’s magnum opus isn’t, in the end, about education—certainly not the education of children. Pedagogy of the Oppressed mentions none of the issues that troubled education reformers throughout the twentieth century: testing, standards, curriculum, the role of parents, how to organize schools, what subjects should be taught in various grades, how best to train teachers, the most effective way of teaching disadvantaged students. This ed-school bestseller is, instead, a utopian political tract calling for the overthrow of capitalist hegemony and the creation of classless societies. Teachers who adopt its pernicious ideas risk harming their students—and ironically, their most disadvantaged students will suffer the most.

To get an idea of the book’s priorities, take a look at its footnotes. Freire isn’t interested in the Western tradition’s leading education thinkers—not Rousseau, not Piaget, not John Dewey, not Horace Mann, not Maria Montessori. He cites a rather different set of figures: Marx, Lenin, Mao, Che Guevara, and Fidel Castro, as well as the radical intellectuals Frantz Fanon, Régis Debray, Herbert Marcuse, Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Althusser, and Georg Lukács. And no wonder, since Freire’s main idea is that the central contradiction of every society is between the “oppressors” and the “oppressed” and that revolution should resolve their conflict. The “oppressed” are, moreover, destined to develop a “pedagogy” that leads them to their own liberation. Here, in a key passage, is how Freire explains this emancipatory project:

The pedagogy of the oppressed [is] a pedagogy which must be forged with, not for, the oppressed (whether individuals or peoples) in the incessant struggle to regain their humanity. This pedagogy makes oppression and its causes objects of reflection by the oppressed, and from that reflection will come their necessary engagement in the struggle for their liberation. And in the struggle this pedagogy will be made and remade.

As the passage makes clear, Freire never intends “pedagogy” to refer to any method of classroom instruction based on analysis and research, or to any means of producing higher academic achievement for students. He has bigger fish to fry. His idiosyncratic theory of schooling refers only to the growing self-awareness of exploited workers and peasants who are “unveiling the world of oppression.” Once they reach enlightenment, mirabile dictu, “this pedagogy ceases to belong to the oppressed and becomes a pedagogy of all people in the process of permanent liberation.”

Seldom does Freire ground his description of the clash between oppressors and oppressed in any particular society or historical period, so it’s hard for the reader to judge whether what he is saying makes any sense. We don’t know if the oppressors he condemns are North American bankers, Latin American land barons, or, for that matter, run-of-the-mill, authoritarian education bureaucrats. His language is so metaphysical and vague that he might just as well be describing a board game with two contesting sides, the oppressors and the oppressed. When thinking big thoughts about the general struggle between these two sides, he relies on Marx’s standard formulation that “the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat [and] this dictatorship only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society.”

In one footnote, however, Freire does mention a society that has actually realized the “permanent liberation” he seeks: it “appears to be the fundamental aspect of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.” The millions of Chinese of all classes who suffered and died under the revolution’s brutal oppression might have disagreed. Freire also offers professorial advice to revolutionary leaders, who “must perceive the revolution, because of its creative and liberating nature, as an act of love.” Freire’s exemplar of this revolutionary love in action is none other than that poster child of 1960s armed rebellion, Che Guevara, who recognized that “the true revolutionary is guided by strong feelings of love.” Freire neglects to mention that Che was one of the most brutal enforcers of the Cuban Revolution, responsible for the execution of hundreds of political opponents.

After all this, murkiness may be the least of the book’s problems, but it is nevertheless worth quoting the book’s opening rumination:

While the problem of humanization has always, from an axiological point of view, been humankind’s central problem, it now takes on the character of an inescapable concern. Concern for humanization leads at once to the recognition of dehumanization, not only as an ontological possibility but as an historical reality. And as an individual perceives the extent of dehumanization, he or she may ask if humanization is a viable possibility. Within history, in concrete, objective contexts, both humanization and dehumanization are possibilities for a person as an uncompleted being conscious of their incompletion.

Roughly translated: “humanization” is good and “dehumanization” is bad. Oh, for the days when revolutionary tracts got right to the point, as in: “A specter is haunting Europe.”

Illustration by Arnold Roth.

How did this derivative, unscholarly book about oppression, class struggle, the depredations of capitalism, and the need for revolution ever get confused with a treatise on education that might help solve the problems of twenty-first-century American inner-city schools? The answer to that question begins in Pernambuco, a poverty-stricken province in northeastern Brazil. In the 1950s and sixties, Freire was a university professor and radical activist in the province’s capital city, Recife, where he organized adult-literacy campaigns for disenfranchised peasants. Giving them crash courses in literacy and civics was the most efficient means of mobilizing them to elect radical candidates, Freire realized. His “pedagogy,” then, began as a get-out-the-vote campaign to gain political power.

In 1964, a military coup struck Brazil. Freire spent some time in jail and was then exiled to Chile, where—inspired by his work with the Brazilian peasants—he worked on Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Hence the book’s insistence that schooling is never a neutral process and that it always has a dynamic political purpose. And hence, too, one of the few truly pedagogical points in the book: its opposition to taxing students with any actual academic content, which Freire derides as “official knowledge” that serves to rationalize inequality within capitalist society. One of Freire’s most widely quoted metaphors dismisses teacher-directed instruction as a misguided “banking concept,” in which “the scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing and storing the deposits.” Freire proposes instead that teachers partner with their coequals, the students, in a “dialogic” and “problem-solving” process until the roles of teacher and student merge into “teacher-students” and “student-teachers.”

After the 1970 publication of the book’s English edition, Freire received an invitation to be a guest lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and over the next decade he found enthusiastic audiences in American universities. Pedagogy of the Oppressed resonated with progressive educators, already committed to a “child-centered” rather than a “teacher-directed” approach to classroom instruction. Freire’s rejection of teaching content knowledge seemed to buttress what was already the ed schools’ most popular theory of learning, which argued that students should work collaboratively in constructing their own knowledge and that the teacher should be a “guide on the side,” not a “sage on the stage.”

In Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire had listed ten key characteristics of the “banking” method of education that purported to show how it opposed disadvantaged students’ interests. For instance, “the teacher talks and the students listen—meekly”; “the teacher chooses and enforces his choice, and the students comply”; “the teacher disciplines and the students are disciplined”; and “the teacher chooses the program content, and the students (who were not consulted) adapt to it.” Freire’s strictures reinforced another cherished myth of American progressive ed—that traditional teacher-directed lessons left students passive and disengaged, leading to higher drop-out rates for minorities and the poor. That description was more than a caricature; it was a complete fabrication. Over the last two decades, E. D. Hirsch’s Core Knowledge schools have proved over and over again not only that content-rich teaching raises the academic achievement of poor children on standardized tests but that those students remain curious, intellectually stimulated, and engaged—though the education schools continue to ignore these documented successes.

Of course, the popularity of Pedagogy of the Oppressed wasn’t due to its educational theory alone. During the seventies, veterans of the student-protest and antiwar movements put down their placards and began their “long march through the institutions,” earning Ph.D.s and joining humanities departments. Once in the academy, the leftists couldn’t resist incorporating their radical politics (whether Marxist, feminist, or racialist) into their teaching. Celebrating Freire as a major thinker gave them a powerful way to do so. His declaration in Pedagogy of the Oppressed that there was “no such thing as a neutral education” became a mantra for leftist professors, who could use it to justify proselytizing for America-hating causes in the college classroom.

Here and there, some leftist professors recognized the dangers to academic discourse in this obliteration of the ideal of neutrality. In Radical Teacher, the noted literary critic Gerald Graff—a former president of the ultra–politically correct Modern Language Association—took on his fellow profs, arguing that “however much Freire insists on ‘problem-posing’ rather than ‘banking’ education, the goal of teaching for Freire is to move the student toward what Freire calls ‘a critical perception of the world,’ and there seems little question that for Freire only Marxism or some version of Leftist radicalism counts as a genuine ‘critical perception.’ ” Elsewhere, Graff went even further in rejecting the Freirian model of teaching:

What right do we have to be the self-appointed political conscience of our students? Given the inequality in power and experience between students and teachers (even teachers from disempowered groups) students are often justifiably afraid to challenge our political views even if we beg them to do so. . . . Making it the main object of teaching to open “students’ minds to left, feminist, anti-racist, and queer ideas” and “stimulate” them (nice euphemism that) “to work for egalitarian change” has been the fatal mistake of the liberatory pedagogy movement from Freire in the 1960s to today.

But Graff’s cautionary advice fell on deaf ears in the academy. And not only did indoctrination in the name of liberation infest American colleges, where students could at least choose the courses they wanted to take; through a cadre of radical ed-school professors, the Freirian agenda came to K–12 classrooms as well, in the form of an expanding movement for “teaching for social justice.”

As a case in point, consider the career of Robert Peterson. Peterson started out in the 1980s as a young elementary school teacher in inner-city Milwaukee. He has described how he plumbed Pedagogy of the Oppressed, looking for some way to apply the great radical educator’s lessons to his own fourth- and fifth-grade bilingual classrooms. Peterson came to realize that he had to break away from the “banking method” of education, in which “the teacher and the curricular texts have the ‘right answers’ and which the students are expected to regurgitate periodically.” Instead, he applied the Freirian approach, which “relies on the experience of the student. . . . It means challenging the students to reflect on the social nature of knowledge and the curriculum.” Peterson would have you believe that his fourth- and fifth-graders became critical theorists, interrogating the “nature of knowledge” like junior scholars of the Frankfurt School.

What actually happened was that Peterson used the Freirian rationale to become his students’ “self-appointed political conscience.” After one unit on U.S. intervention in Latin America, Peterson decided to take the children to a rally protesting U.S. aid to the Contras opposing the Marxist Sandinistas in Nicaragua. The children stayed after school to make placards:

let them run their land!
help central america don’t kill them
give the nicaraguans their freedom

Peterson was particularly proud of a fourth-grader who described the rally in the class magazine. “On a rainy Tuesday in April some of the students from our class went to protest against the contras,” the student wrote. “The people in Central America are poor and bombed on their heads. When we went protesting it was raining and it seemed like the contras were bombing us.”

These days, Peterson is the editor of Rethinking Schools, the nation’s leading publication for social-justice educators. He is also the editor of a book called Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers, which provides math lessons for indoctrinating young children in the evils of racist, imperialist America. Partly thanks to Peterson’s efforts, the social-justice movement in math, as in other academic subjects, has fully arrived (see “The Ed Schools’ Latest—and Worst—Humbug,” Summer 2006). It has a foothold in just about every major ed school in the country and enjoys the support of some of the biggest names in math education, including several recent presidents of the 25,000-member American Education Research Association, the umbrella organization of the education professoriate. Its dozens of pseudo-scholarly books, journals, and conferences extol the supposed benefits to disadvantaged kids of the kind of teaching that Peterson once inflicted on his Milwaukee fourth-graders.

To counter the criticism that the movement’s objective is political indoctrination, social-justice educators have developed a scholarly apparatus designed to portray social-justice teaching as just another reasonable education approach backed by “research.” Thus a recent issue of Columbia University’s Teachers College Record (which bills itself as “the voice of research in education”) carried a lead article by University of Illinois math education professor Eric Guttstein reporting the results of “a two-year qualitative, practitioner-research study of teaching and learning for social justice.” The “practitioner research” consisted entirely of Guttstein’s observing his own Freirian math instruction in a Chicago public school for two years and then concluding that it was a great success. Part of the evidence was a statement by one of his students: “I thought math was just a subject they implanted on us just because they felt like it, but now I realize that you could use math to defend your rights and realize the injustices around you.” Guttstein concludes that “youth in K–12 classrooms are more than just students—they are, in fact, actors in the struggle for social justice.”
Illustration by Arnold Roth.

There’s no evidence that Freirian pedagogy has had much success anywhere in the Third World. Nor have Freire’s favorite revolutionary regimes, like China and Cuba, reformed their own “banking” approaches to education, in which the brightest students are controlled, disciplined, and stuffed with content knowledge for the sake of national goals—and the production of more industrial managers, engineers, and scientists. How perverse is it, then, that only in America’s inner cities have Freirian educators been empowered to “liberate” poor children from an entirely imagined “oppression” and recruit them for a revolution that will never come?

Freire’s ideas are harmful not just to students but to the teachers entrusted with their education. A broad consensus is emerging among education reformers that the best chance of lifting the academic achievement of children in the nation’s inner-city schools is to raise dramatically the effectiveness of the teachers assigned to those schools. Improving teacher quality as a means of narrowing racial achievement gaps is a major focus of President Obama’s education agenda. But if the quality of teachers is now the name of the game, it defies rationality that Pedagogy of the Oppressed still occupies an exalted place in training courses for those teachers, who will surely learn nothing about becoming better instructors from its discredited Marxist platitudes.

In the age of Obama, finally, it seems all the more unacceptable to encourage inner-city teachers to take the Freirian political agenda seriously. If there is any political message that those teachers ought to be bringing to their students, it’s one best articulated by our greatest African-American writer, Ralph Ellison, who affirmed that he sought in his writing “to see America with an awareness of its rich diversity and its almost magical fluidity and freedom. . . . confronting the inequalities and brutalities of our society forthrightly, yet thrusting forth its images of hope, human fraternity, and individual self-realization.”

Sol Stern is a contributing editor of City Journal, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and the author of Breaking Free: Public School Lessons and the Imperative of School Choice.

Reforma Agraria de (Pessima) Qualidade - Xico Graziano

O único -- mas grande, e múltiplo -- problema deste artigo é que ele começa por uma falsa premissa: a de que compete ao Estado fazer reforma agrária, distribuir terras aos interessados e depois prover-lhes de todas as condições para que tenham sucesso e renda adequada.
Ora bolas, por acaso o Estado garante qualquer coisa a quem vive em zona urbana: dá casa, emprego e renda aos infelizes habitantes das cidades?
Por que ele deveria fazê-lo no caso dos rurícolas?
A verdade é que o fracasso desses assentamentos se deve à incapacidade dos "detentores" das terras, sua total falta de condições técnicas e econômicas para explorar a terra.
O MST não é um movimento da reforma agrária, e sim um partido neobolchevique apenas interessado na revolução. Reacionário e totalmente anacrônico.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Reforma agrária de qualidade

17 de abril de 2012 | 3h 04
Xico Graziano, agrônomo, foi secretário de Agricultura e secretário do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo - O Estado de S.Paulo
O Brasil realizou a maior reforma agrária do mundo. Poucos, entretanto, acreditam nesse feito. Tal percepção negativa é influenciada pelo discurso que valoriza a quantidade em detrimento da qualidade dos assentamentos rurais. Idealismo irresponsável.
De 1994 a 2011, mostra com exatidão o Incra, foram assentadas no País 1.176.813 famílias, distribuídas numa área de 88 milhões de hectares. Para aquilatar a grandeza dos números basta citar que existem em São Paulo 227 mil estabelecimentos agropecuários (IBGE, 2006), explorando 16,7 milhões de hectares. Conclusão: a reforma agrária brasileira já é cinco vezes maior que a agricultura paulista.
Os processos históricos de reforma agrária foram distintos nos vários países, impedindo precisas comparações. Stalin expropriou as terras dos czares russos e coletivizou a agricultura ao custo de 6 milhões de mortes. O México perdeu 1 milhão de vidas na época revolucionária de Zapata, dividindo posteriormente 70 milhões de hectares para os ejidos cooperativos. Finda a 2.ª Guerra Mundial, em 1946 os norte-americanos tomaram as posses feudais japonesas e as dividiram em lotes de um hectare para os camponeses. Minifúndios.
Com territórios pequenos, Cuba, Chile, Peru, Bolívia promoveram reformas cujas dimensões ficam muito aquém da brasileira. A área distribuída nos assentamentos rurais do Brasil excede a própria área cultivada do País, de 70 milhões de hectares (excluindo pastagens). A França explora 30 milhões de hectares.
Se houvesse um ranking mundial da reforma agrária, o Brasil certamente o lideraria. Na dimensão. Porque na eficácia ocuparia os derradeiros lugares. Aqui mora o problema. A qualidade dos assentamentos rurais configura um fracasso na política pública. Fora as exceções de praxe, verdadeiras favelas rurais se espalharam pelo País.
Uma criteriosa pesquisa realizada pelo Incra (2010) coletou informações básicas sobre modo de vida, produção e renda das famílias assentadas. Questionários foram respondidos por uma amostra de 16.153 beneficiários, envolvendo 1.164 projetos de reforma agrária. Só 32,6% das moradias contam com iluminação elétrica regular, em 57% dos lotes as estradas de acesso são péssimas ou ruins, a saúde pública mal chega a 56% das famílias. Na média.
Números são chatos, mas necessários às vezes para convencer incrédulos. O drama das famílias assentadas começa cedo: 38% delas jamais receberam o apoio inicial para soerguer sua existência na roça. Despejadas no lote sonhado, viraram-se por conta própria. A assistência técnica (fomento) chegou apenas a um quarto dos assentados; metade deles nunca viu financiamento do Pronaf e, dos que receberam empréstimos, 38% estão inadimplentes no Banco do Brasil.
O relaxo, ou incapacidade, do governo em amparar os novos produtores, aliado à inaptidão da maioria das famílias assentadas, se reflete nos rendimentos. No Ceará 70% dos assentados auferem uma renda total mensal que não ultrapassa dois salários mínimos. Com um agravante: 44% do ganho familiar advém dos benefícios sociais do governo. Tragédia rural nordestina.
Sim, é verdade, a qualidade de vida dos assentados melhorou, quando se compara antes e depois do assentamento. Após anos de tutela do Estado, só faltava ter piorado sua existência material. Mas vejam os dados da pobreza agrária: apenas em 63% dos lares existe televisão, só em 45% deles se bate bolo no liquidificador, a 30% não chegou fogão a gás. Singelo lar, distante da cidade, longe dos amigos.
Nada, entretanto, mais surpreende o estudioso que descobrir o buraco negro da reforma agrária: ninguém sabe qual a produção agropecuária oriunda dos assentamentos. Por incrível que pareça, inexiste estatística agregada sobre o volume de grãos, das frutas ou dos rebanhos capaz de determinar sua contribuição à safra agrícola nacional. Parece mentira.
Existem bons trabalhos, notadamente realizados pelas universidades, enfocando casos específicos, às vezes generalizando estimativas. Faltam dados governamentais, de campo, que permitam avaliar o resultado produtivo da reforma agrária. Análise de custo/benefício nunca foi o forte do agrarismo populista, como se o simples acesso à terra fosse um passaporte para a felicidade eterna.
Tornar os assentamentos rurais viáveis ganhou destaque no discurso de Dilma Rousseff ao empossar recentemente o gaúcho Pepe Vargas no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, em substituição ao baiano Afonso Florence. Disse a presidente, com todas as letras, que "reforma agrária não é só distribuição de terra, mas garantia das condições de desenvolvimento para as populações que acessem essas terras". Foi mais longe: "De nada adianta distribuição de terra com permanência das populações rurais na extrema pobreza". Recado certo.
A troca do titular da pasta que comanda o Incra ocorreu em meio às críticas sobre o baixo desempenho nos assentamentos em 2011. Apenas 22 mil famílias receberam um quinhão da reforma agrária, o menor número dos últimos 16 anos. Na ótica da quantidade, péssimo. Na visão da qualidade, porém, o ministro demitido saiu injustiçado. Assentar pouco pode ser virtude, não defeito.
Mais que girar a rosca sem-fim importa garantir qualidade produtiva à reforma agrária. Deveria haver uma norma - lei da responsabilidade agrária - que obrigasse o poder público a emancipar os projetos antigos antes de iniciar os novos. Consolidado o assentamento, com moradia decente, transporte regular, assistência técnica, integração produtiva, os recém-"com-terra" seriam titulados.
Escritura na mão, alforria no campo.

Desemprego de arquiteto: oportunidade de emprego

A matéria vem do Huffington Post.
A única sugestão que eu faria seria tentar trabalhar para o vibrante governo brasileiro, no Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, por exemplo, ou para a fabulosa Delta Construções...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Despite being awarded the 2011 Pritzker Prize, Portuguese architect Eduardo Souto de Moura has admitted difficulty in finding work. In a recent interview with El Mundo, the 59 year-old, Porto-based architect stated that he would prefer to work in his homeland, or even nearby in Spain, but the current economic crisis has him extending his search to other parts of Europe, mainly Italy and France.