sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011

Latin american foreign policies beyond the US - Call for Papers

Political Perspectives - call for papers / World Politics e foreign Policy // Latin american foreign policies beyond the US

Call for Papers

1)  World Politics and Foreign Policy explored from the Non-State level: Policy Institutions, Networks and Researchers
2)  Latin American Foreign Policies beyond the United States

1)  World Politics and Foreign Policy explored from the Non-State level: Policy Institutions, Networks and Researchers
A forthcoming Special Issue of Political Perspectives will focus upon organisations and individuals at the non-state level involved in foreign policy and world politics in rapidly changing and transnational contexts.
Special Issue themes
Contributions addressing the following key themes (but not restricted to) from interdisciplinary, international, comparative or cultural perspectives are particularly encouraged. The editors also welcome theoretical, conceptual and methodological papers.
  • Role of non-state level policy institutions in foreign policy and/or international affairs
  • Policy-networks (e.g. key players, collaboration, international activity)
  • Role of culture, identity, perceptions, context and social construction amongst individuals and non-state organisations involved in (and/or affected) by foreign policy-making
  • Influence and impact (e.g. public opinion-shaping, lobbying, advocacy, corruption)
  • Interface with the media, politicians, government and other stakeholders and target groups
  • Role of social media
  • Role of funding/donors
  • Contemporary and future issues and challenges relating to policy-research and activities around the world
  • Methodological, conceptual and/or research philosophical issues relating to the study of the above topic areas

Submission procedures
Papers of 6,000 – 8,000 words in length (including footnotes/excluding bibliography) should be submitted by 15th January 2012. The editors welcome enquiries concerning the relevance of a particular theme in advance of submission.
The authors retain copyright of any work published in Political Perspectives, and are thus free to republish elsewhere.
Submit manuscripts to Senior Editor: David S. A. Guttormsen (Doctoral Candidate, University of Warwick) –
Contact Junior Editor with queries about style format: Carina van de Wetering (Doctoral Candidate, University of Bristol) –

Deadline for Submission:                      15th January 2012
Expected Month of Publication:                         Spring 2012

2) “Latin American Foreign Policies beyond the United States”
A forthcoming issue of Political Perspectives focuses on contemporary Latin American foreign policies, both intraregional and global, beyond the most studied relationship with the United States. This issue aims to cover new challenges the region is facing in a changing international context, the emergence and development of new instruments and institutions, and the role Latin American actors seek to globally advance in order to be recognised in the world arena.
We encourage contributions from postgraduate researchers in Latin America, Europe and beyond which address theoretical, historical and empirical aspects of international relations.
Contributions that address the key themes are welcomed. These include, but are not restricted to:
  1. Potential struggles that old and new regional institutions face to foster Latin America’s foreign policies.
  2. New democracies’ role and relations in international organisations.
  3. Crucial developments of regional organisations such as Mercosur, Andean Community, OAS, and others.
  4. The foreign policy of Lula and Dilma to advance Brazil’s idea as a consolidated global emerging power.
  5. Relations established between Latin American actors and other developing countries.
  6. The evolution and interests of the Bolivarian ideology.
  7. Strategies of Latin American countries towards Asia as means to diversify their external priorities.
  8. Security threats and alliances between Latin American states.
  9. Conceptualising the Caribbean role in the global sphere.
  10. Competition among Latin American countries for the regional ‘leadership’.
Papers of 6,000 – 8,000 words in length (including footnotes/excluding bibliography) should be submitted by February 15th 2012. Details of submission guidelines.
Please note that authors retain copyright of any work published in Political Perspectives, and are free to republish elsewhere. Papers must be written in English, but for this issue Spanish/Portuguese abstracts can be included in addition to the English version.
Please use ‘Political Perspectives – Call for Papers 2012’ in the subject line.

Um comentário:

  1. Aonde está o seu discurso pedindo a cabeça dos privatistas corruptos? Aonde está o seu apoio a turma do CANSEI? Agora que vocês deveriam se mobilizar e expulsar toda a corja serrista do poder, ficam em silêncio.Aonde está o Reinaldo Azevedo e seu discurso de honestidade?
    Quando os petistas roubam, você coloca matérias da Veja aqui, por que não coloca matérias da Carta Capital e do Conversaafiada? Fale da necessidade da moral na política brasileira, que está infestada de corruptos e bandidos...não só os do PT, mas também do PSDB, DEM, PTB, etc.
    Se não for desse jeito, criticando todo mundo não vale, fica parecendo moralismo de bordel...


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