O que é este blog?

Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

The United States in the World Economy - C. Fred Bergsten

The United States faces an acute set of challenges as it struggles to restore its economic vitality and role in the world economy. At the same time, the world must adjust to a new set of rising powers, most importantly China but with India and several others not far behind. The United States is highly dependent on global developments for prosperity and stability, and it is now much more like other countries, for virtually all of whom such international engagement has been a given throughout their histories. The United States has gained enormously from this globalization and is more than $1 trillion per year richer as a result of its trade integration. At the same time, it has become the world's largest debtor country.
To resuscitate its economy on a successful and sustainable basis, the United States must reorient toward the global economy within which it operates and on which it has become so dependent. Its goal should be to eliminate its large trade deficit over the next five to ten years, which would generate 3 million to 4 million very good jobs—about half the number needed to restore full employment. A feasible strategy for doing so begins with, and rests primarily upon, getting its fiscal house in order and substantially beefing up its international competitiveness, which will encompass a trio of international policy approaches: restoring and maintaining a competitive exchange rate for the dollar, demanding and achieving full protection for the intellectual property rights of American firms and workers, and opening (especially emerging) markets abroad to the wide array of services sectors in which the United States is highly competitive. There is no "quick fix," and these issues will be at the forefront of US concerns for many years, and probably decades, to come.

Latin American Development Models: A Parallel Between Brazil and Mexico - Sergio Florencio

Latin American Development Models: A Parallel Between Brazil and Mexico
Sergio Florencio

Presentation: September 15

Sergio Florencio (Consul General of Brazil in Vancouver), will present "Latin American Development Models: A Parallel Between Brazil and Mexico" on September 15, at 3 pm, in Room 1600 - Canfor Policy Room, SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver, Canada.

This is the first paper in our 2011-2012 LAS Working Paper Series. We encourage you to read his paper in advance. His paper can be found at the following address:

 All are welcome to attend.
Alec Dawson
Latin American Studies Program

Revista Espaço Acadêmico - Dossiê Onze de Setembro

Na verdade, o dossiê se resume a três artigos, um dos quais escrito por mim, o outro pelo próprio organizador do dossiê. Apenas um artigo a mais, para um assunto tão importante. Fiquei verdadeiramente surpreendido. Pensei, antes, que muito mais gente se disporia a escrever sobre tema tão relevante das relações internacionais.
Ou apenas não escrevem mesmo, o que não parece ser o caso, pois todos querem publicar para acumular pontos, ou então não dão nenhuma importância ao evento em questão:

Meu artigo: 
Onze de Setembro, dez anos: recepção no mundo, reações no Brasil

Revista Espaço Acadêmico, dossiê especial Onze de Setembro
(ano 11, n. 124, setembro de 2011, p. 21-26; ISSN: 1519-6186, link: http://www.periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/EspacoAcademico/article/view/14042/7731). 
Relação de Originais n. 2290; Publicados n. 1043

Discutindo as ameaças nucleares: Hudson Institute (Washington)

Nuclear Security Summits: Impact and Assessment
Tuesday, September 13
9:30 - 11:30 AM

The explosion of one crude nuclear device in one city would change our world forever.
Since the end of the Cold War, a serious effort has been under way to fully secure the world's nuclear material. But 20 years later, that has yet to be achieved and the new threat of nuclear terrorism has emerged.
Panelists will discuss the impact of Nuclear Security Summits and developments in nuclear security since the 2010 summit in Washington, DC, with a look ahead to desired outcomes from the next Nuclear Security Summit in South Korea in 2012.

Panelists include:

Laura Holgate
Senior Director, WMD Terrorism & Threat Reduction at the National Security Council

Christopher A. Ford
Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Technology and Global Security, Hudson Institute
Former United States Special Representative for Nuclear Nonproliferation

Kenneth Luongo
Co-Chair, Fissile Materials Working Group
President, Partnership for Global Security

Co-Chaired by
Richard Weitz
Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute

Co-Chaired and moderated by
Jennifer Smyser
Program Officer, Policy and Outreach, Stanley Foundation

This event will be streamed live on Hudson's website: www.hudson.org/WatchLive.
The video and audio recordings of the event will be posted on the site a few days later.
 Hudson Institute is a nonpartisan policy research organization dedicated to innovative research and analysis that promotes global security, prosperity, and freedom. Partnership for a Secure America (PSA) is dedicated to advancing bipartisan action on U.S. foreign policy and national security challenges. The Stanley Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, private operating foundation with programming focused on promoting and building support for principled multilateralism in addressing international issues.

A tal de "faxina" que nao existe - Percival Puggina

Eu também fui atrás do tal do compromisso da presidente com a correção das irregularidades, ou seja, o combate à corrupção, e não achei rigorosamente nada, "nadicas de peteberabas".
Até quis ajudar, redigindo dois discursos para a presidente, mas parece que ela não gostou, pois não aproveitou nenhuma das boas ideias que ali coloquei.
Não importa, reproduzo aqui essas referências, para deleite dos interessados, antes de transcrever um outro texto que tem a ver com a mesma realidade:

1) “Brasileiras e brasileiros: quero falar diretamente a vocês... (o primeiro Estado da Nação da nova presidente)”, 7 p. Publicado Espaço Acadêmico (ano 10, n. 117, fevereiro 2011, p. 93-98; ISSN: 1519-6186; link: http://www.periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/EspacoAcademico/article/view/12375/6547). Republicado como “‘Brasileiros e brasileiras...’ (o que Dilma realmente gostaria de dizer)”, Via Política (21/02/2011; link: http://www.viapolitica.com.br/noticia_view.php?id_noticia=409).  Dom Total (17/03/2011; link: http://www.domtotal.com/colunas/detalhes.php?artId=1860).
 2) “Brasileiras e brasileiros: meu segundo pronunciamento à Nação (numa hora grave)”, Brasília, 12 julho 2011, 5 páginas. Para acabar com a corrupção e a malversação dos recursos públicos no Brasil. Via Política (17/07/2011; link: http://www.viapolitica.com.br/diplomatizando_view.php?id_diplomatizando=175) e Dom Total (21/07/2011; link: http://www.domtotal.com/colunas/detalhes.php?artId=2102). Blog Diplomatizzando (15/07/2011; link: http://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/2011/07/brasileiras-e-brasileiros-o-segundo.html).

Não querendo ser cético, nem negativo, simplesmente não acredito que a presidente promova uma limpeza ética no governo, simplesmente não acredito. Aliás, ainda mais: considero isso impossível de ocorrer, tendo em vista o registro dos fatos. Até aqui, todo mundo foi "demitido" pela imprensa, não por ações do governo.
E não adianta virem áulicos do poder dizer o contrário. Eu vou achar que eles estão sendo pagos para retrucar (no que aliás não estaria muito longe da verdade).
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

A "Presidenta" e a "Faxina"

Nunca a gramática prestou tão bom serviço à compreensão das análises políticas quanto nestes dias de Dilma Rousseff. Quando o comentarista ou o analista a designa como "presidenta" a gente já sabe para que lado sopra o vento. É uma facilidade. Pois foi inspirado por essa facilidade que saí atrás do decantado e inabalável compromisso da presidente (pronto, já disse de que lado estou!) com a faxina. Faxina? Busquei todas as falas presidenciais. Queria saber o que Dilma, pessoalmente, já afirmou sobre isso porque me parecia improvável que um vocábulo e um conceito de tanto impacto político tivessem sido concebidos fora do circuito oficial e sem apoio verbal da presidente.

Para quem não sabe, no site www.info.planalto.gov.br se pode ler tudo que ela disse em discursos, entrevistas, cafés com a "presidenta" e conversas com a "presidenta". Para facilitar a vida do pesquisador, o site permite que se faça a busca por palavra-chave. Então, espremi o arquivo em busca de "faxina". Sabe o leitor quantas vezes a presidente usou esse vocábulo que hoje está colado à sua imagem? Nenhuma. E no conjunto de suas demais manifestações, desde o início do governo? Nenhuma, também.

É perfeitamente possível, no entanto, que, mesmo sem falar em faxina, ela tenha balizado a conduta do seu governo com manifestações que expressem sua disposição de promover um minucioso combate à corrupção. Fui atrás dessa outra palavra. Quantas vezes "corrupção" - que tanto se quer expulsar do governo - saiu da boca presidencial? Duas. Uma no discurso de posse e outra numa entrevista, motivada pela repórter.

Não será demasia, portanto, concluir que a palavra faxina e a correspondente imagem lhe foram regaladas pela mídia, sem suporte nos fatos da vida. Afinal, os aparelhos da corrupção operaram durante todo o período em que ela respondia pela gestão do governo Lula como ministra-chefe da Casa Civil e genitora dos bilionários empreendimentos do PAC. Todas as denúncias dos últimos meses surgiram pelo trabalho investigativo da imprensa nacional ou por ação autônoma da Polícia Federal. Faxina? Retirar a lata de lixo do meio da cozinha não é faxina. Dilma ficaria exposta a uma denúncia por crime de responsabilidade se conservasse nos cargos aqueles a quem demitiu! E quem conhece biografias políticas sabe que um efetivo combate à corrupção no espaço de seu próprio governo deveria ter começado lá atrás, não aceitando certas indicações de seu padrinho e dos partidos da base (inclusive do seu próprio partido).

Haverá algo que a imprensa possa descobrir hoje que não estivesse, desde sempre, com muito maior facilidade, acessível aos órgãos de fiscalização e controle do Estado e do próprio governo? Pode-se crer no compromisso com a faxina de um governo que inventou e constrangeu a base a aprovar o Regime Diferenciado de Contratação, que até o Procurador Geral da República (arquivador do processo contra Palocci) designou como "absurda, escandalosamente absurda"?

Uma verdadeira faxina deveria incluir a cuidadosa leitura de relatórios do TCU, fazer bom uso dos órgãos de informação do governo, extinguir os aparelhos partidários da administração, das estatais, dos fundos de pensão e das agências reguladoras. E, principalmente, propor instrumentos políticos para desestimular a corrupção inerente ao modelo institucional (separando Estado, governo e administração) e instrumentos jurídicos para acabar com a impunidade (propondo as necessárias alterações no Código Penal e no Código de Processo Penal).

Por enquanto, tudo indica que os amigos da "presidenta" encontraram um jeito de lhe dar uma imagem e lhe proporcionar um respaldo popular que ela possa chamar de seu. Mas se são amigos da "presidenta" estão tão comprometidos quanto ela com o esquema de poder que hoje comanda o país e que só com muita ingenuidade se pode considerar movido por robustas intenções éticas.

La Fabrication du Bresil - Paul Claval

Compte-rendu de lecture
La fabrication du Brésil, une grande puissance en devenir (Paul Claval)
Paul Claval, La fabrication du Brésil, une grande puissance en devenir, Belin, Paris, 2004, 383 pages.

Malgré une ancienne fascination pour le Brésil, les Français ne retiennent aujourd’hui que peu de choses de ce gigantesque territoire : Brasilia, les plages de Copacabana, Rio, son carnaval et ses favelas... Ces stéréotypes occultent la réalité : derrière l’image gaie et insouciante du pays se cache une réalité plus complexe. Le Brésil est le pays du mélange et du métissage, de la diversité et des extrêmes. Son origine même étonne : comment une colonie a-t-elle pu devenir plus puissante que la métropole portugaise ? L’ouvrage s’interroge sur le destin particulier et les ferments constitutifs de cette nation devenue en moins de 500 ans une grande puissance en devenir, en dépit de profondes inégalités de développement. Ces héritages et les débats actuels sur la mise en valeur de l’Amazonie conduisent à s’intéresser à la nation brésilienne et aux politiques qu’elle a définies pour développer l’économie et mettre en valeur ce territoire.
Paul Claval décline cette interrogation tout au long de son ouvrage. Dans un premier temps, il revient sur les conditions de la colonisation, de l’installation du peuplement sur le littoral et sur les premières formes d’urbanisation : c’est à la genèse d’un pays moderne que l’on assiste ici. Ensuite, il retrace la période qui suit l’indépendance : les élites politiques et culturelles qui émergent à cette époque contribuent à définir et asseoir la nation fondée sur le métissage. L’affirmation de la nation constitue un contexte favorable à l’émergence de nouvelles politiques de mise en valeur du territoire. Dans cette situation, la question de la mise en valeur de l’Amazonie reste ouverte : faut-il considérer cette immense région forestière comme un réservoir de ressources à exploiter ou au contraire comme une réserve écologique à préserver. L’Amazonie est-elle le nouvel eldorado brésilien ? Cette modernisation s’est traduite par des inégalités profondes qui sont l’objet de la troisième partie, de loin la plus intéressante : le Brésil est maintenant un pays urbanisé, avec des cultures de masses ou des élites très différenciées. L’unité de la nation est donc bien relative aujourd’hui : les horizons d’attente des riches et des pauvres ne sont en effet pas les mêmes...
L’originalité de l’ouvrage réside dans la démarche historique et culturelle adoptée par Paul Claval : le recours à l’histoire permet d’envisager dans le temps long l’émergence de la nation brésilienne et les politiques de développement territorial (dont la création de Brasilia comme capitale fédérale n’est qu’un avatar). A l’opposé, par l’approche culturelle, Paul Claval met en lumière la profonde diversité de cette nation : en interrogeant le quotidien des Brésiliens, leur mode de vie et leurs aspirations il souligne les profondes inégalités qu’a entraînées un développement rapide.
Avec cette synthèse de près de 400 pages, Paul Claval donne donc d’intéressantes pistes d’étude du Brésil qui complètent et mettent à jour les précédentes, parmi lesquelles celles d’Hervé Théry (le volume de la Géographie universelle sur l’Amérique latine en 1994 ou Le Brésil chez Armand Colin en 2000) ou de Martine Droulers (L’Amazonie, Vers un développement durable, Armand Colin, 2004).
Compte-rendu : Yann Calbérac

Le Bresil, Idees Recues - Paul Claval

Paul Claval,
Le Cavalier Bleu, Paris, 2009.

lundi 11 mai 2009, par Cécile De Joie
Paul Claval, Le Brésil, Histoire et Civilisations, Idées reçues, Le Cavalier Bleu, Pars, 2009.

Les lecteurs des compte-rendus des Clionautes connaissent désormais bien cette collection "Idées reçues", aux éditions du Cavalier Bleu. Le principe est de partir de quelques idées reçues, pour en comprendre leur raison d’être et déceler la part de vérité contenue dans chacune d’elle.
Contrairement à d’autres livres de la collection déjà consacrés à des Etats (ChineIran, ...), la rédaction a été confiée à un géographe, Paul Claval. Aujourd’hui professeur émérite à l’université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paul Claval a été un rénovateur de la géographie dans les années 1970. Il est à l’origine de la géographie culturelle en France. Il a fondé la revue Géographie et cultures en 1992. Sa très bonne connaissance des géographes et géographies d’Amérique l’ont amené à s’intéresser également à la géographie économique et quantitative. Ses publicationsreflètent la diversité de ses centres d’intérêt. Paul Claval a enfin contribué à un renouvellement et un enrichissement de l’épistémologie de la géographie. En 2004, Paul Claval avait déjà fourni un ouvrage sur le Brésil : La Fabrication du Brésil, aux éditions Belin.
2005 fut l’année du Brésil en France, 2009 est l’année de la France au Brésil, l’occasion d’échanges culturels entre les deux pays, l’occasion aussi de renouveler les connaissances sur ce pays. Paul Claval a une bonne connaissance du Brésil et des Brésiliens, il y a séjourné et enseigné. Ce livre est émaillé de témoignages et d’impressions d’un récent séjour : "Nous avons refait, au mois de mars 2008, un itinéraire déjà parcouru dans les années quatre-vingt-dix dans l’Etat de Goias. C’était la fin de la saison des pluies et la campagne était merveilleusement verte". (page 109) Ce petit livre (124 pages) traite 18 idées reçues, classées en quatre parties :
- La fabrication du Brésil : L’auteur traite de la tropicalité, de la notion de "pays neuf" et enfin du multiculturalisme brésilien.
- Une culture profondément originale : cette partie évoque aussi bien la cuisine, le carnaval et le football, que les traits de caractère des Brésiliens... sans oublier les questions religieuses (catholicisme, candomblé).
- Problèmes du temps présent : insécurité, problème des sans-toits et des sans-terre, la déforestation amazonienne, le Brésil comme pays émergent (BRIC).
- Quel rôle et quels enjeux pour le XXIe siècle ? Les biocarburants, l’altermondialisme, l’expérience Lula.
L’écriture est très accessible et les thèmes traités s’inscrivent tous dans le programmes de terminales L/ES. "– Unité et diversité des Sud L’inégal développement à l’échelle du monde est tout d’abord rappelé. Les États du Sud présentent des traits communs, liés au sous-développement. Ils se différencient toutefois de manière croissante, en fonction de politiques de développement inégalement efficaces. On étudie ensuite l’exemple du Brésil pour montrer les contrastes spatiaux du développement à l’échelle du pays et à celle des villes." Ce livre est à la portée des élèves de terminales, et pourrait être acquis par un CDI. Il complète l’émission du Dessous des Cartes présente dans Jean-Christophe Victor - Brigitte Allain-Chevallier Le dessous des Cartes : Classes de terminales- L’espace mondial. Co-édition Arte video-Belin. 2007, qui permet de spatialiser et repérer l’organisation régionale de ce pays. La confrontation des deux permet de renouveler la problématique du cours en traitant des effets spatiaux de l’insertion croissante du Brésil dans la mondialisation.
Pour aller plus loin, un autre livre paru ce printemps sur le Brésil : Lamia Oualalou, BRÉSIL- HISTOIRE, SOCIÉTÉ, CULTURE, La Découverte Éditions. 2009. Voir aussi : Hervé Théry géographe, directeur de recherches. CNRS-Credal et Université de Brasilia - IRD - Le Brésil : changement de cap ?, n° 8042 janvier-février 2005, La Documentation Photographique.
Copyright Les Clionautes.

Falhas de mercado, falhas de governo: quais as piores? - Gary Becker

O diagnóstico é muito simples: quaisquer que sejam a magnitude e o impacto real das falhas de mercado -- que existem, não se nega -- as falhas dos burocratas de governo e dos políticos são muito piores (e geralmente maiores) e produzem efeitos bem mais prejudiciais, inclusive com efeitos mais delongados, pois é muito mais difícil, e lento, mudar leis e regulamentos, ao passo que mercados invertem suas tendências muito mais rapidamente, de maneira flexível.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

The Great Recession and Government Failure

When comparing the performance of markets to government, markets look pretty darn 

The Wall Street Journal,  September 2. 2011
The origins of the financial crisis and the Great Recession are widely attributed to "market failure." This refers primarily to the bad loans and excessive risks taken on by banks in the quest to expand their profits. The "Chicago School of Economics" came under sustained attacks from the media and the academy for its analysis of the efficacy of competitive markets. Capitalism itself as a way to organize an economy was widely criticized and said to be in need of radical alteration.
Although many banks did perform poorly, government behavior also contributed to and prolonged the crisis. The Federal Reserve kept interest rates artificially low in the years leading up to the crisis. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two quasi-government institutions, used strong backing from influential members of Congress to encourage irresponsible mortgages that required little down payment, as well as low interest rates for households with poor credit and low and erratic incomes. Regulators who could have reined in banks instead became cheerleaders for the banks.
This recession might well have been a deep one even with good government policies, but "government failure" added greatly to its length and severity, including its continuation to the present. In the U.S., these government actions include an almost $1 trillion in federal spending that was supposed to stimulate the economy. Leading government economists, backed up by essentially no evidence, argued that this spending would stimulate the economy by enough to reduce unemployment rates to under 8%.
Such predictions have been so far off the mark as to be embarrassing. Although definitive studies are not yet available about the stimulus package's overall effects on the American economy, most everyone agrees that it was badly designed and executed. What the stimulus did produce is a sizable expansion of the federal deficit and debt.
The misdiagnosis of widespread market failure led congressional leaders, after the 2008 election, to propose radical changes in financial institutions and, more generally, much wider regulation and government control of companies and consumer behavior. They proposed higher taxes on upper-income families and businesses, and extensive controls over executive pay, as they bashed "billionaire" businessmen with private planes and expensive lifestyles. These political leaders wanted to reformulate antitrust policies away from efficiency, slow the movement by the U.S. toward freer trade, add many additional regulations in the medical-care sector, levy big taxes on energy emissions, and cut opportunities to drill for oil and other fossil fuels.
Congress did manage to pass badly designed laws concerning financial markets, consumer protection and medical care. Although regulatory discretion failed leading up to the crisis, Congress nevertheless added to the number and diversity of federal regulations as well as to the discretion of regulators. These laws and the continuing calls for additional regulations and taxes have broadened the uncertainty about the economic environment facing businesses and consumers. This uncertainty decreased the incentives to invest in long-lived producer and consumer goods. Particularly discouraged was the creation of small businesses, which are a major source of new hires.
The expansion of government resulting from the stimulus and other government programs contributed to rising deficits and growing public debt just when the U.S. faced the prospect of big increases in future debt due to built-in commitments to raise government spending on entitlements. Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare already account for about 40% of total federal government spending, and this share will grow rapidly during the next couple of decades unless major reforms are adopted.
A reasonably well-functioning government would try to sharply curtail the expected growth in entitlements, but such reform is not part of the budget deal between Congress and President Obama that led to a higher debt ceiling. Nor, given the looming 2012 elections, is such reform likely to be addressed seriously by the congressional panel set up to produce further reductions in federal spending.
It is a commentary on the extent of government failure that despite the improvements during the past few decades in the mental and physical health of older men and women, no political agreement seems possible on delaying access to Medicare beyond age 65. No means testing (as in Rep. Paul Ryan's budget roadmap) will be introduced to determine eligibility for full Medicare benefits, and most Social Security benefits will continue to start for individuals at age 65 or younger.
In a nutshell, there is little political will to reduce spending on entitlements by limiting them mainly to persons in need.
State and local governments also greatly increased their spending as tax revenues rolled in during the good economic times that preceded the collapse in 2008. This spending included extensive commitments to deferred benefits that could not be easily reduced after the recession hit, especially pensions and health-care benefits to retired government workers.
Unless states like California and Illinois, and cities like Chicago, take drastic steps to reduce their deferred spending, their problems will multiply as this spending grows over time. A few newly elected governors, such as Scott Walker in Wisconsin, have pushed through reforms to curtail the power of unionized state employees. But most other governors have been afraid to take on the unions and their political supporters.
Numerous examples illustrate government failure in other countries as well. Highly publicized are the troubles facing Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain that are mainly due to the growth in spending and debt of their governments prior to the 2008 crisis. Perhaps the governments of these countries, and the banks that bought their debt, expected Germany and other rich members of the European Union to bail them out if they got into trouble. Whatever the explanation, the reckless behavior by these governments will greatly harm businesses and consumers in their countries along with taxpayers of countries coming to their rescue.
The traditional case for private competitive markets goes back to Adam Smith (and even earlier writers). It is mainly based on abundant evidence that most of the time competitive markets work quite well, usually much better than government alternatives. The main reason is not that individuals in the private sector are intrinsically better than government bureaucrats and politicians, but rather that competitive pressures discipline market behavior much more effectively than government actions.
The lesson is that it is crucial to consider whether government regulations and laws are likely to improve rather than worsen the performance of private markets. In an article "Competition and Democracy" published more than 50 years ago, I said "monopoly and other imperfections are at least as important, and perhaps substantially more so, in the political sector as in the marketplace. . . . Does the existence of market imperfections justify government intervention? The answer would be no, if the imperfections in government behavior were greater than those in the market."
The widespread demand after the financial crisis for radical modifications to capitalism typically paid little attention to whether in fact proposed government substitutes would do better, rather than worse, than markets.
Government regulations and laws are obviously essential to any well-functioning economy. Still, when the performance of markets is compared systematically to government alternatives, markets usually come out looking pretty darn good.
Mr. Becker, the 1992 Nobel economics laureate, is professor of economics at the University of Chicago and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.