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quinta-feira, 4 de maio de 2023

Mais reflexões sobre a nova Guerra Fria, desta vez China vs EUA - Stephen Kotkin (Hoover Institutuon, China Talk)

 Um dos debates mais importantes da atualidade.

Kotkin on China: Cold War 2.0, Reagan, and Stalin vs. Mao

“We want a world in which the rule of law, open society, an open, dynamic market economy, rules, reciprocity — where those are the values, those are the terms of the relationship.”

ChinaTalk coverage continues with another stream of insights from the legendary Stephen Kotkin! Today’s newsletter digs into:

  • The case for optimism about US-China relations, despite — or because of — the recent ratcheting up of tensions;

  • Why Kotkin believes a US-China Cold War is both good and necessary;

  • How the US can get on the diplomatic “front foot”;

  • Making sense of Reagan’s foreign policy — how he was both a “movement conservative” and a “dealmaking conservative.”

Midjourney: “naive art: Chinese dynasty fairytale land, removed from Cold War foreign-policy realities”

If Kotkin Ran America’s China Foreign Policy

Jordan Schneider: [On March 6], Xi said,

Western countries — led by the US — have implemented all-round containment, encirclement, and suppression against us, bringing unprecedentedly severe challenges to our country’s development.

Any thoughts on that as the new rhetorical space that Xi is now comfortable occupying in public?

Stephen Kotkin: It’s hurting now, isn’t it? He’s feeling it now. The changeover that we got from Secretary of State [Mike] Pompeo, and National Security Advisor [HR] McMaster and his deputy Matt Pottinger, and the Trump administration (which sometimes played out clumsily because “Trump” and “policy” are hard to put in the same sentence, and Trump was the president, but his staff was remarkable, and his cabinet officers in some cases were remarkable) — we got a turnaround in China policy.

We went from a fairytale — from an imagined China, from a China that didn’t exist in reality and an engagement policy based on a fairytale — to a better understanding of what China was doing, and where it was going in the game it was playing, and the game that we were in. That’s actually the basis for a better engagement policy, ultimately — for a better diplomacy, for a stabilized relationship.

Trying to engage in diplomacy and stabilize a relationship based upon illusions and a misunderstanding of the nature of the Chinese system and the direction it was going is not a sustainable project.

So the ratcheting up of tensions that we’re in right now is actually more promising for getting to a stabilization of the relationship — more promising because it’s more realistic, it’s more empirical, it’s more accurate; it’s a better understanding of how each side is operating, and what the strengths and weaknesses are of each side.

So I’m actually quite optimistic about the state of play right now — provided we open up the diplomatic stuff, because being strong, and being deterrent, and showing your teeth, and putting some export technology control is not an end in itself. It’s a means to an end — and that end has to be a more stable relationship.

And the Biden administration is complaining — and no doubt that this is accurate — that the Chinese are refusing to engage, they’re refusing to meet, that they don’t want to engage in diplomacy again. So I would be appearing in every single capital of the world — I would fly into all the ASEAN capitals, I would fly into all our allied capitals, and I would fly into all the Global South capitals — and I would announce, “We are ready to engage with the Chinese in diplomacy, and here are the fifteen issues that we’d like to talk about, and the Chinese won’t meet with us. So let’s meet right now — any place you want.”

So if it’s empirically true that the Chinese are not responding to the overtures of the Biden administration to engage in diplomacy again because they see the US as overly aggressive, I would say, “Let’s get on the front foot there. Let’s put the Chinese on the back foot.”

The Chinese like to say that the US is engaged in the suppression of China’s rise: that’s all we do — we’re committed 100% to holding China down. And then out of the next breath, they like to say, “Oh, nobody can hold us back. Nobody can hold China back.” And so what’s our response to that? Our response is to deny we’re trying to hold them down, that we’re trying to prevent China’s rise.

And nobody believes that response. The Chinese don’t believe it. The Global South doesn’t believe it. Some of our allies even don’t believe it — and I’m not sure how many people on our side believe it. So that’s actually not the correct response, even if the Biden people think it’s true to their word.

The correct response is, “You say that we’re trying to hold you down, and then in the next breath, you say that nobody can hold you down. So what are you afraid of? We can’t hold you down. You just said that. Why are you all bent out of shape about us trying to hold you down when you are declaring across the world that nobody can hold you down?”

And so that’s how you get on the front foot as opposed to the back foot. That’s how you win that kind of debate. That’s how you engage in the diplomatic give-and-take and say, not just to the Chinese, but to all of the others who are listening and watching how this crucial relationship for world order and stability is being managed.

And now we have Xi saying that “we’re having problems because they’re trying to hold us down.” And so my view on that is we are doing something right — because Xi’s now trying to use that as an excuse for his own ineptitude and his own failures. I’m not of the opinion (many China watchers are) that Xi Jinping is an American agent — that is to say, he is eroding Chinese power in every domain, vigorously and really across the board: he’s ruining China’s reputation; he’s undermining China’s strategic position.

The Europeans (Angela Merkel) attempted to appease China in the first instance by rushing through a trade agreement with China minutes before Joe Biden was going to be inaugurated. It was a distancing of Europe from the US on China policy. And what happened? Xi Jinping did not permit the Europeans to appease him at the expense of the Americans. He undermined the Europeans’ attempt to undercut the Biden administration before it was even in power.

And I look at that, and I say, Sure, I understand why you think [Xi] is an American agent, that he’s doing our work for us — but we can’t talk like that. We have to talk in terms of, “China is a great civilization. China has remarkable achievements. You don’t need me to explain the greatness of China. You don’t need a visit to a museum to see the greatness of China. It’s everywhere in our common civilization, so many of the innovations and the achievements — [China] is just a spectacular story, and it will continue to be so going forward.”

That’s how we talk. That’s how we talk about China. We love China. We’re impressed by China. We think China is one of the greatest civilizations that has ever existed. We want to share the planet with China.

The issue is: under what terms are we going to share the planet?

Is it going to be what happened to Lotte World inside China and the boycotts of South Korean businesses? Is it going to be the terms that they tried to impose on our friend Australia, those fourteen demands and those boycotts? Is it what they did to Hong Kong — are those the terms, with that National Security Law? Is it what’s happening in Xinjiang? Is it what’s happening in Tibet? What are the terms of sharing the planet?

And my answer to that is: we need better terms than what the Chinese have on offer — but we need to negotiate those terms. And the way you negotiate those terms: you get on the front foot; you’re not anti-China — you’re pro-China; you deconflate Xi Jinping and China; you deconflate the regime and the people, the nation and the civilization and the history — and you say, “We’re going to deal with your regime because you are the legal government of China right now. But we’re going to deal with it not on the terms that you’re trying to set. We’re going to deal with it on our terms. And if you don’t want to talk, we’re going to tell everybody that you don’t want to talk."

What are we doing shutting down Confucius Institutes — like we’re afraid of them, or like we’re the Communist regime? We opened a Confucius Institute at Stanford University — and we love-bomb Chinese culture, and ours is pluralistic, and it doesn’t eliminate certain ways of thinking, certain ideas, certain topics. In fact, Communism can be one of the topics. We can have Communist officials deliver lectures about Communism at our own Confucius Institute because we practice pluralism and we’re not afraid. And we love Chinese culture, and we love everything about their great achievements, and we do have to share the world with them.

But, we want a world in which the rule of law, open society, a dynamic market economy, rules, reciprocity — where those are the values, those are the terms of the relationship. And if we can’t get it all with China, we have to get as much of that as possible — and we have to keep both the pressure on and the diplomacy.

There’s a new biography of George Shultz, my former colleague here at the Hoover Institution. We were yesterday in his seminar room, the Annenberg Room, where he presided for decades over conversations, including China policy. Let’s remember that Shultz was a diplomat, that Shultz dedicated his whole life to dealmaking — but the issue was always the terms of those deals. That’s in our DNA; that’s something we can do.

And so this is not hawkishness for hawkishness’s sake. This is not “run China right off the globe.” We can’t do that, we shouldn’t do that, and trying to do that would ruin us. We’re in this together. But what are the terms of that deal?

And so I like the fact that Xi Jinping is now crying uncle and trying to use American pressure as an excuse to cover up his own mistakes and failures and some of the weaknesses of [his] system. It would be foolish to count the Chinese out. It would be foolish to count Xi Jinping out. It would be foolish to think that he’s an American agent, and he’s going to go on continuing to mess up. There’s only so far a superpower like the United States can go when someone else is doing the work for them. We have to do some of that work ourselves.

Midjourney: “sketch illustration of a ‘movement conservative’ and a ‘dealmaker conservative’ — patriotic overtones”

O mundo alucinante da nova Guerra Fria, caminhando para o precipício - Stephen Kotkin (Hoover Insteitution, China Talk)


Reagan Masterclass: Upholding Values and Interests Simultaneously

Jordan Schneider: So we are here at the Hoover Institution. A 2006 Chinese state TV documentary about the fall of the Soviet Union cited Ronald Reagan as saying,

The ultimate determinant in the struggle that’s now going on in the world will not be bombs and rockets, but a test of wills and ideas.

Take that idea and apply it to the discussion we’ve been having.

Stephen Kotkin: Could that be truer today than it was when Reagan said it?

People have a hard time understanding Reagan. There’s so much partisanship, and he’s a complex figure. William Inboden’s book The Peacemaker on Reagan — it’s just a tremendous book, and I couldn’t recommend it more highly to your listenership.

So Reagan is two things simultaneously. It’s really important to understand. He’s a movement conservative: he believes in God; he talks about Christianity in God in his foreign policy speeches, as well as his domestic policy speeches. This is why Inboden — who wrote a previous book about the role of religion in the Cold War in our American foreign policy — is able to understand Reagan.

At the same time, he’s a dealmaker conservative — in the mold of the Shultz or the James Baker types: the people for whom free markets and open society are really important. And ultimately it’s about coming to agreements, and figuring out how to solve problems in enhancing prosperity and peace — and sometimes making some concessions, because you need to get to a better outcome. That’s what dealmaking is about. Making any concessions to a movement person is usually really hard. In fact, dealmaking for movement people is hard because your purity somehow gets … I don’t know if the word is “contaminated” — but the shine comes off a little bit in the nitty-gritty of the dealmaking.

So the beauty of Reagan — [who] once again, not everyone can grasp it because of the partisanship — is he’s a movement conservative and a dealmaking conservative simultaneously. And he’s a dealmaker because of the movement conservative side of him — because he wants a world of peace. He actually wants an end to nuclear weapons. He believes in this stuff, and he’s willing to deal as a result of those beliefs. So he’s an unusual person who combines both the dealmaking and the movement.

And so for Reagan, he can go to Moscow, and he can meet with the dissidents, including the evangelical Christians — who are the largest group of dissidents throughout Soviet history. It’s not the constitutionalists, it’s not the Western liberals who are as willing to die for their beliefs — [though] many of them are — it’s the evangelical Christians who are willing to die in order to practice their religion freely. And so Reagan will go meet with them — and then he’ll go meet with Gorbachev, the General Secretary of the Communist Party. He’ll do both.

There are members of his administration who don’t like him meeting with the dissidents and the evangelical Christians, because it could undercut his ability to make a deal with Gorbachev. And then there are the people who are the movement conservatives in Reagan’s administration who don’t want any deals with the Communists — they don’t want any negotiations, let alone deals, with the Communists; they don’t think it’s proper for a US president representing the free world to even be in dialogue with such figures. And so for Reagan, it’s completely natural to meet with the dissidents at the ambassador’s house, and then to go over to the Kremlin and to meet with Gorbachev on the same trip.

And so, lo and behold, Reagan is able — in ways that we need to recuperate — to uphold American values and American interests simultaneously. He’s not just about values and democracy promotion or freedom promotion. And he’s not just about pragmatism and nitty-gritty interests. He’s not one or the other. He’s both of those things simultaneously. He can uphold our values, and he can uphold our interests. It’s not rocket science — but it is a history that we have to return to.

You know, I hear a lot of people saying, “Oh my God, no Cold War with China. God forbid we should have a Cold War with China.” And I think to myself, “What world do these people live in?” We’re already in a Cold War with China, because China started that long before we understood that that’s what they were doing.

Would you prefer a hot war? The alternative to Cold War is capitulation — which you can imagine I’m not in favor of — or hot war.

World War II was 55 million deaths; that’s the kind of low-ball number — it depends how you count the deaths in China, which are nearly impossible to fix with any accuracy in World War II. And it’s an exponentially larger number compared to World War I. So can you imagine World War III — God forbid, the exponential number of deaths increased over 55 million from World War II — that we’d be talking about? It’s just beyond comprehension — let alone that we have these nuclear weapons now, which we didn’t have in World War II until the very, very end (and in any case, the firebombing killed many more Japanese civilians than the nuclear weapons did).

And so just to keep this point: hot war is so bad, words couldn’t describe it. “Bad” is just an absurd word to describe what World War III would look like.

And so Cold War is this fantastic other option, where you can compete without hot war — where you don’t have to capitulate and you don’t get hot war. I mean, it’s just this fantastic solution sitting on the shelf for us.

And moreover, we’re good at it. We’ve done it before. We know how to do it. We have a lot of tools in the toolkit. Some of them need to be resharpened, some of them need to be refashioned — but we have this amazing body of knowledge and experience of Cold War that we can put to work again. And we’ve learned lessons of the mistakes that we made in the Cold War: for example, I would put Vietnam near the top of that list; and so there’s a lot of stuff that we did during the Cold War that we need not repeat because we’ve learned the lessons the hard way. The Vietnamese learned the lessons even worse than we did, because they died in much bigger numbers than we did; and so we can’t forget that either — the sacrifices that other places underwent because of our mistakes or our misguided application of the Cold War.

So not everything in the Cold War was magnificent, but there’s a lot in the Cold War that’s of great value, and it can be updated. And there’s going to need to be some new tools in the toolkit.

Now we see the technology export controls from Commerce on China in the tech sphere. Where did that stuff come from? What is that about? So people who are saying they’re in favor of technology export controls but they’re against the Cold War with China — I don’t understand how they could make both of those statements and hold them, because technology export controls were one of the great successes of the Cold War.

So I’m in love with the Cold War. I’m in favor of the Cold War. The Cold War is not only a good thing — it’s a necessary thing, because we have to uphold these values and these institutions. We have to uphold (what I’m calling) the terms of the way we share the planet.

The West is just this fantastic success story. It’s not a geographical term. It’s North America, it’s Europe, and it’s an enlarged version of Europe now; and it’s that whole first island chain in the Pacific in Asia: it’s South Korea; it’s Japan; you could include Taiwan or not, depending on your point of view about the One-China Policy in the West. You could certainly include Australia. And we could go beyond that, because it’s not just even North America, western Europe, and the first island chain. [It was] a club of institutionally similar, like-minded and -value-terms countries that was the basis for the GATT (before we got into the fiasco known as the WTO). It was the basis of this open, non-hierarchical, voluntary, free sphere of influence. That’s what the West is — as opposed to hierarchical, coercive, non-voluntary sphere of influence where you impede the sovereignty of your neighbors rather than enhance their peace and prosperity in a club that they’ve willingly joined (like Ukraine is trying to do).

And so this is our strength. This is how we should go forward. And China has to be a piece of that world. There can’t be a world without China — and that goes also for the Global South and all of those countries for whom we opened up the world order to allow peace and prosperity to spread. That was our policy. Our policy was for places like China or India to rise. That was an express policy. There was opportunity at home for social mobility, and there was opportunity abroad for other countries to join this enterprise.

The problem was always the terms of joining. You could join while cheating. You could join without abiding by the rules. You could join without having to do what you promised or what you signed in a treaty to do. I wouldn’t have done it that way. I would’ve upheld people to playing by the rules of the order that they were becoming beneficiaries of.

And so we need to open up that sense of opportunity for others — but we also need to understand what the terms are for them.

quarta-feira, 3 de maio de 2023

Construtores da Nação: projetos para o Brasil, de Cairu a Merquior - livro de Paulo Roberto de Almeida (LVM)

Lançamento, finalmente, nesta quinta-feira, 4/05/2023, 19hs, na Travessa do Casa Park-Brasília, deste meu livro sobre duas dezenas de grandes pensadores e promotores de reformas no Brasil.

Construtores da Nação: projetos para o Brasil, de Cairu a Merquior - Paulo Roberto de Almeida (LVM)

1467. Construtores da Nação: projetos para o Brasil, de Cairu a Merquior (São Paulo: LVM Editora, 2022, 304 p.; ISBN: ISBN: 978-65-5052-036-6; prefácio de Arnaldo Sampaio de Moraes Godoy, p. 11-17). Relação de Originais n. 4187.  



       Arnaldo Godoy, 11


Nos ombros dos verdadeiros estadistas, Paulo Roberto de Almeida, 19



Da construção do Estado à construção da Democracia, 25


Primeira parte: a construção do Estado

     O Estado antes da Ordem e da própria Nação, 35

1.  As vantagens comparativas de José da Silva Lisboa (Cairu), 43

2.  Por uma monarquia constitucional liberal: Hipólito da Costa, 52

3.  Civilizar os índios, eliminar o tráfico: José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, 66

4.  Um Memorial para reformar a nação: Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, 77


Segunda parte: a construção da Ordem

     Uma Ordem patrimonialista e oligárquica, 97

5.  Os liberais conservadores: Bernardo, Paulino e Paranhos, 99

6.  Um aristocrata radical: Joaquim Nabuco, 111

7.  Bases conceituais da diplomacia: o paradigma Rio Branco, 119

8.  O defensor do Estado de Direito: Rui Barbosa, 128


Terceira parte: a construção do Progresso

     O Progresso pelo Estado, com o Estado, para o Estado, 141

9.  Um empreendedor liberal numa terra de estatistas: Mauá, 150

10. Um inglês imaginário e o nacionalista do petróleo: Monteiro Lobato, 158

11. O revolucionário modernizador: Oswaldo Aranha, 170

12. Duas almas pouco gêmeas: Roberto Simonsen e Eugenio Gudin, 181


Quarta parte: a construção da Democracia

     A Democracia carente de união nacional, 193

13. Em busca de uma esquerda democrática: San Tiago Dantas, 196

14. O militante do parlamentarismo: Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco, 209

15. As oportunidades perdidas do Brasil: Roberto Campos, 219

16. O liberalismo social de José Guilherme Merquior, 230


A construção da Nação: um itinerário de 200 anos de história, 253



O que a intelligentsia brasileira construiu em dois séculos de ideias e ações?  261


Referências Bibliográficas para os Construtores da Nação, 269

Nota sobre o autor, 301


Trechos do Prefácio de Arnaldo Godoy: 

Paulo Roberto de Almeida impressiona, entre outros motivos, por sua determinação para fazer, em sua vida intelectual, nada que afete ou que ameace a sua independência. Essa imagem, que tomei de Antonio Candido em referência a Anatol Rosenfeld, cabe perfeitamente na definição de Paulo Roberto, um pensador que vem vivenciando em seu campo, vasto (porque é um polímata) metamorfoses e transformações. 

Renomado pesquisador de nossa historiografia diplomática (a Formação da Diplomacia Econômica do Brasil é o meu predileto), Paulo Roberto tem também se interessado pelas várias nuances que substancializam um pensamento brasileiro, orientado para compreensão de Brasil, menos como metafísica, ainda que muito como uma ideia. O seu livro sobre os Construtores do Brasil, que define como um “ensaio de síntese histórica e de exposição argumentativa” é um “tour de force” em torno de ideias e pensadores que tentam explicar nossa condição. 

O livro enfrenta quatro grandes temas: o Estado, Ordem, Progresso e a Democracia. É um enfrentamento aos tempos presentes. Vivenciamos a democracia corroída, o progresso em forma de retrocesso, a ordem pautada pelo deboche e o Estado com um butim. O que fazer? Teorizar é também uma forma de militância. Paulo Roberto, nesse sentido, é um militante. 


Construtores da Nação pode ser compreendido como um curso sobre o pensamento brasileiro, na tradição de Antonio Paim (História das Ideias no Brasil), de João Cruz Costa (História das Ideias no Brasil), de Vamireh Chacon (História das Ideias Socialistas no Brasil), de Paulo Mercadante (A Consciência Conservadora no Brasil) e de Fernando Azevedo (A Cultura Brasileira), autores que sempre se interessaram por grandes sínteses. Pode ser lido como um manual, a exemplo de Mariza Veloso e Angélica Madeira (Leituras Brasileiras). Pode ser lido também como um guia de leitura, como se lê Nelson Werneck Sodré (O que se deve ler para conhecer o Brasil). 


Paulo Roberto valeu-se de fontes primárias, lendo diretamente todos os autores que estudou: Cairu, Hipólito, Bonifácio, Varnhagen, Bernardo Vasconcelos, Paulino de Sousa, Paranhos (pai e filho), Nabuco, Rui, Monteiro Lobato, Afonso Arinos, San Tiago Dantas, Merquior, Roberto Campos. Há também a presença de fortíssima literatura secundária e explicativa: José Murilo de Carvalho, Vianna Moog, Emília Viotti da Costa, Antonio Cândido, Arno Wehling, João Camilo de Oliveira Torres, João de Scantinburgo e muitos outros. Há também a oportuna presença do historiador inglês Leslie Bethel, que tanto nos estudou. 

Construtores da Nação é um livro de história econômica, de história de nossa política externa, de historiografia crítica, de história política e de história sociológica. O autor quebra os limites entre várias disciplinas. (...)

Em Construtores da Nação há todo um panorama que fixa o pano de fundo e ao mesmo as bases de nossa condição brasileira. É um livro sobre pensadores brasileiros, que pensaram o Brasil, na compreensão de um brasileiro que também pensa o Brasil, com independência e firmeza de convicções. Em tempos de crise (e parece-me que a crise é de todos os tempos) fundamental que pensemos a crise em que estamos, na perspectiva daqueles que de certo modo sempre nos ensinaram como vencê-las, ou pelo menos como suportá-las. 

O problema, e creio essa a grande lição do livro de Paulo Roberto de Almeida, é que não aprendemos, por deficiência intelectual nossa, ou por preguiça também intelectual nossa, ou por desinteresse, ou por inaptidão para compreensão. É o que nos faz tão próximos daquele herói sem nenhum caráter, criado por Mário de Andrade, aquele que era 300, e que era 350, e que um dia toparia consigo mesmo. É o que ocorre no País hoje. 


Brasília, julho de 2022.


Arnaldo Sampaio de Moraes Godoy

Livre-docente em Teoria Geral do Estado pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo-USP

 Trechos do Apresentação do Autor: 

Nos ombros dos verdadeiros estadistas


Paulo Roberto de Almeida



Este livro trata, como indicado em seu título, de alguns dos construtores da nação brasileira. Ao abrigo desse conceito pretendi apresentar, ainda que de maneira breve, a vida, um esboço do pensamento e uma parte da obra daqueles que muito contribuíram, nem sempre com efeitos práticos ou resultados plenos, para a propositura de programas de governo, bem como de projetos para reformas estruturais nas instituições de Estado e nos mecanismos de governança do país, ao longo de quase duzentos anos de nosso itinerário como nação independente. Contudo, entre esses “construtores” não figuram aqueles indicados nos livros de história como tendo sido “dirigentes do Brasil” ou ocupado cargos de chefia de Estado: por exemplo, não receberam alguma menção especial qualquer um dos presidentes – e foram várias dezenas – ao longo dos mais de 130 anos de regime republicano; nem foram aqui contemplados qualquer um dos regentes no período intermediário entre um e outro dos dois reinados no período monárquico do século XIX. Quanto aos dois imperadores, que se exerceram, cada qual ao seu estilo, ao longo dos 67 de regime monárquico, eles merecem considerações mais específicas ao papel mais relevante que cada um deles desempenhou em suas épocas respectivas, D. Pedro I (1798-1834) como construtor do Estado, seu filho, D. Pedro II (1825-1891), como impulsionador do progresso da nação, de conformidade ao seu espírito sempre atento às mais recentes descobertas e invenções da ciência e da tecnologia. 

Mas aqui estão vários que poderiam ter sido mandatários do Estado, assim como alguns outros poucos que, de fato, exerceram funções de “primeiros-ministros”, como o “patriarca da Independência”, José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (1763-1838), assim como José Maria da Silva Paranhos, o Visconde do Rio Branco (1819-1880), na função de presidente de um dos gabinetes imperiais. Outros quase chegaram lá, como Rui Barbosa (1849-1923) – candidato duas vezes à presidência –, ou San Tiago Dantas (1911-1964), recusado como primeiro-ministro de um dos gabinetes durante a breve experiência parlamentarista republicana. Oswaldo Aranha (1894-1960) poderia ter sido um grande presidente, numa das várias oportunidades da chamada “era Vargas”, mas foi sabotado pelo próprio caudilho. Alguns outros, que aqui figuram, exerceram funções ministeriais, como Paulino José Soares de Sousa, o Visconde do Uruguai (1807-1866), o próprio Rui Barbosa, ministro “inaugural” da Fazenda sob a República, Juca Paranhos, o Barão do Rio Branco (1845-1912), e Oswaldo Aranha, como chanceleres de grande envergadura na primeira metade do século XX, ou ainda o próprio Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco (1905-1990) e também San Tiago Dantas, ambos por breves períodos, nas conturbadas presidências de Jânio Quadros (1917-1992) e João Goulart (1919-1976). Eugênio Gudin (1886-1986) e Roberto Campos (1917-2001) se exerceram na área econômica partilhando das mesmas ideias liberais, embora eles o fizessem numa conjuntura de enorme preeminência e de ascensão do Estado empreendedor. Alguns tiveram projeção na academia, ou no setor privado, ou ainda no próprio Estado, com impactos diferenciados sobre as políticas públicas, mas com influência decisiva sobre as ideias em cada época, ou talvez ainda hoje, pois que permanecem na história nacional como grandes pensadores que foram, ou promotores de reformas que poderiam ter arrancado o Brasil de sua letargia para projetá-lo entre as nações avançadas do século XX.

No conjunto de seus ensaios de caráter historiográfico, este livro se esforça por examinar diferentes projetos para a construção da nação brasileira desde a Independência, nas esferas da organização do Estado, da garantia da Ordem, da busca do Progresso e no estabelecimento da Democracia, que são as quatro partes nas quais estão distribuídas curtas biografias intelectuais dos construtores da nação por mim selecionados.


Web of Science: artigos de Paulo Roberto de Allmeida



2019-01-01 |Meridiano 47
2015-06-01 |Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional
2014-12-01 |Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional
2012-01-01 |Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional
2011-01-01 |Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional
2010-01-01 |Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional
14 Citations
2010-01-01 |Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional
2009-01-01 |Brazil Under Lula: Economy, Politics, and Society Under the Worker-president
2009-01-01 |Historia Actual Online
2008-01-01 |Meridiano 47
2008-01-01 |Emerging Powers in Global Governance: Lessons from the Heiligendamm Process

2008-01-01 |Meridiano 47

2007-01-01 |Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional
2005-01-01 |Meridiano 47
