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(interrompido desde maio de 2024)

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2016

Strategic Survey: The Annual Review of World Affairs 2016 - IISS (free chapters)

Strategic Survey: The Annual Review of World AffairsStrategic Survey 2016The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) have released the 50th edition of its annual publication: Strategic Survey 2016: The Annual Review of World Affairs.

Strategic Survey notes that in the past year to mid-2016 rising populism and intractable conflict shook the international system. Worldwide dissatisfaction with ruling elites and resistance to globalisation appeared to reach a crescendo. Wars across the Middle East showed little sign of abating. The increasing assertiveness and military capabilities of China and Russia amplified competition, and the attendant risk of conflict, between major powers.
The 2016 Strategic Survey analyses the trends that shaped relations between global powers in the past year. This edition contains an expanded chapter of thematic essays to give the reader broader insight into these important trends, focusing its analysis of domestic events on those that affect relations between countries. Scroll down to sample free content from the 2016 edition. 

View Table of Contents | Order Strategic Survey 2016 today | Subscription Options | Watch the Launch @IISS_org



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