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(interrompido desde maio de 2024)

segunda-feira, 3 de julho de 2023

Putin prepara mais um gigantesco crime de guerra e contra a humanidade: a explosão da maior central nuclear da Europa

 Zaporizhzhia NPP

Several employees of "Rosatom," brought to the Zaporizhzhia NPP from Russia, have left Enerhodar, as well as some collaborators who were ZNPP employees that had contracts with the Russians, said the Mayor of Enerhodar, Dmytro Orlov, in a comment to Ukrainian Radio.

According to the Mayor's statement, the occupying forces brought explosives to the ZNPP nearly a year ago and proceeded to mine the plant's perimeter as well as the entire coast of the Kakhovka Reservoir. The Russians have continued mining activities this year, possibly in preparation for a potential counterattack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. These mining activities, including the impact on the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station, have caused significant concern among specialists in Enerhodar. The presence of trucks with explosives indicates that the occupiers are preparing for various scenarios, and their use of the nuclear power plant as a tool for international influence is seen as a means of blackmailing not only Ukraine but the entire world.

According to Orlov, the Mayor of Enerhodar, there are no shelters in the city in case of an explosion at the ZNPP. In the event of nuclear or radiation incidents at the plant, regulations and instructions dictate a complete evacuation from the city based on wind directions and weather conditions. Shelters are only available in industrial premises at the nuclear and thermal power plants and neighboring facilities. Orlov also highlighted that around 5,000-6,000 ZNPP workers in the city are effectively held hostage by the Russian army. The occupation authorities prevent them from leaving the city limits, and those who have not signed contracts with Rosatom have had their passes blocked, prohibiting them from working.

The humanitarian situation has worsened as well. Since September, the occupiers have blocked the delivery of humanitarian aid, including essential medications like insulin. Communication in the city is also challenging. While mobile networks can reach the upper floors of high-rise buildings, the occupiers have blocked Ukrainian TV channels, radio stations, and taken control of internet resources.

Source: CDS, July 2. 2023

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