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(interrompido desde maio de 2024)

terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2023

TPI: importante testemunho de ex-oficial da invasão russa na Ucrânia - Ariana Gic (via X)

 Tudo o que vai relatado abaixo era perfeitamente conhecido dos meios bem informados, ou seja, a mídia de qualidade, independente, e das autoridades nacionais, sobretudo na Europa. No Brasil, o governo Dilma preferiu ignorar as invasões do Donbas e da peninsula da Crimeia, sendo deliberadamente indiferente ao sofrimento do povo ucraniano e às violações da Carta da ONU e das normas mais elementares do Direito Internacional. A origem dessa indiferença e dessa aliança objetiva com o tirano rusdo desde o inicio do governo Lula.

‼️Former senior Russian GRU officer, & ex Officer in Russian mercenary groups has fled to the Netherlands with the intention of testifying about Russian war crimes in Ukraine before the ICC. Salikov is not seeking immunity & is prepared to accept responsibility for his role.


Some of the crimes Salikov has testified to:

-Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014

-Orders came directly from the President's Office & Ministry of Defence

-Russia staged FAKE "referendum" in Donbas by force and falsified the "results" for the Kremlin


-Russia shelled & mined occupied Donbas in order to kill civilians, and then blamed Ukrainian forces for the killing of the Ukrainian civilians 

-Salikov was chief of the Special Ops forces in Russia's occupation administration & totally FAKE "Donetsk People's Republic"


-Russian forces execute Ukrainian civilians en masse

-Russian forces torture and kill Ukrainian POW's

-Russian forces systemically and in large numbers kidnap Ukrainian children and forcibly move them across the border to Belarus


Note that this is the account of just ONE person which speaks to the truth of the general picture of Russia's brutal and illegal genocidal war against Ukraine - a war based on total lies, fabrications, and extreme barbarity.


Testimony from this Russian war criminal put to absolute shame most of the reporting on Russia's war against Ukraine.

Ukraine has been telling the world these FACTS since 2014. But truth from Ukraine was ignored, dismissed, mocked and replaced with Russian lies.


Many western journalists and experts have a DIRECT role in the sidelining of truth about Russia's genocidal war against Ukraine. They attacked Ukraine when it spoke the truth, and platformed the lies that Moscow told to cover up its crimes.


Don't be mistaken - Western political leadership was WELL aware of these FACTS as well. They turned a blind eye to the truth, to the suffering of Ukraine and Ukrainians, to Russia's illegal and evil ambitions, and threw Ukrainians to the Russian wolves.


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