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quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

Somos todos keynesianos agora? Eu não (nunca fui de religioes...)

Brincando, OK. A influência de Keynes é inegável, e ainda descontando o fato de termos um numeroso bando de true believers, adoradores do semi-deus da macroeconomia, alguns até fundamentalistas, a maior parte dos economistas do chamado mainstream é moderadamente keynesiana, ou seja, reconhece sua importância para a análise e a formulação de políticas econômicas, mesmo depois que elas fizeram chabu, nos anos 1970.
Em todo caso, cabe ler com atenção suas contribuições e limitações (dentre as quais eu vejo a mais importante: o impacto da conjuntura, e do contexto inglês, na formulação de suas principais propostas de políticas.
Eis uma seleção de textos:

Blog José Roberto Afonso
Nº 313 - 09/02/2011 - Keynes

General Theory (Luzetti & Ohanian)
The General Theory of employment, interest, and money after 75 years: the importance of being in the right place at the right time by Matthew N. Luzzeti and Lee E. Ohanian. This paper studies why the General Theory had so much impact on the economic profession though the 1960s, why that impact began to wane in the 1970s, and why many economic policymakers cling to many of the tenets of the General Theory. PDF attached.

Keynes x Welfare State (Marcuzzo)
Keynes and the Welfare State by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo. In this paper, Marcuzzo proposes some further thoughts on the matter, Keynes's role in the foundation of the Welfare State. Focusing two aspects in particular: The first is an assessment of Keynes's views vis-à-vis what we now understand by the Welfare State, the second a comparison between these views and those of Beveridge, the twin founding-father of the system, as they emerge in the exchange they had on the subject. http://bit.ly/b7CHqI

Livros: John M. Keynes
A teoria geral do emprego, do juro e da moeda e As conseguências econômicas da paz são dois livros clássicos de John Maynard Keynes disponíveis para acesso eletrônico, respectivamente, em: http://bit.ly/fa49dU e http://bit.ly/dK88zK

Keynes x Hayek (youtube)
A funny video circulating on the internet. The video is a brilliant jest where Hayek and Keynes resurrected and go to the conference on the global economic crisis and their analysis are presented in the form of rap. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk

Return of the Master (Skidelsky)
Robert Skidelsky published excerpt in New York Times from his new book, "Keynes: The Return of the Master". "We have been living through one of the most violent collapses in economic life seen in the last hundred years. Yet economics - the scientific study of economic life - has done an exceptionally poor job in explaining it. ... To get a handle on these issues we need John Maynard Keynes". See: http://nyti.ms/1hqeD

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