Book thief gets 5 months
By Jasmine Zhao | Shanghai Daily, 2013-2-25A man who called himself a "book addict" was sentenced to five months of detention for stealing 385 books from five community libraries, the Xuhui District People's Court said yesterday.
The convict, surnamed Wang, said he wanted to keep books he checked out. He got a library card at Xuhui District Library in March 2011, which let him borrow from the library and five community libraries. Wang said he returned books to the librarians and stole them after they were scanned and set aside. Until September, Wang stole 385 books worth 3,200 yuan (US$513), prosecutors said.
Librarians found many books missing but all were labeled "returned" in the tracking system. Wang was detained after he was identified as the borrower.
Ele não deveria ter sido preso, e sim promovido a bibliotecario de todo o distrito...
2 comentários:
Caro Paulo,
Dentre tantos delitos que figuram em nossos noticiários diariamente, esse, de fato, é difícil de imaginar ocorrendo por estas terras. Voltando ao Brasil recentemente fui parado na alfândega. A moça pediu que abrisse uma das malas. Assim que abri a maleta suspeita, que tinha quatro ou cinco livros empilhados, a moça falou que eu podia passar, que ela só queria saber se eram livros mesmo...
Talvez seja natural voltar com todo o tipo de muamba, mas LIVROS?! Que absurdo...
E eu cometi o pecado de deixar a maior parte de minha biblioteca no Brasil...
Vou sentir falta...
Mas nada que me leve a sair roubando livros por aí, só emprestando...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
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