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quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2021

Livros sobre refugiados do nazismo no Brasil - Casa Stefan Zweig e embaixadas do Brasil

 Embaixada do Brasil em Washington: 

November 27, 2021
Embassy donates publications on refugees who sought protection in Brazil at the time of World War II
The material, which focuses on the refugees' contributions to Brazilian society, are being incorporated into the collections of major libraries in D.C.
German jeweller Hans Stern (1922-2007) in Copacabana Beach in 1939, soon after his arrival in Brazil. A renowned figure in Brazilian jewelry design, he founded the first gemological laboratory in South America. Photo: Stern Family archive / The Legacy of Exile

The Embassy of Brazil in Washington donated a number of publications to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Library of Congress and the Ralph J. Bunche Library of the Department of State that highlight the contributions of European refugees of World War II to Brazilian society and culture. 

The publications resulted from a partnership between Casa Stefan Zweig, in Petrópolis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the Consulate General of Brazil in Geneva, headed by Ambassador Susan Kleebank. 

Coinciding with the November 9 decision by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance to admit Brazil as an observer country, the gift to American institutions "celebrates a commitment shared by Brazil and the United States to combat anti-Semitism and preserve Holocaust remembrance for future generations," says Brazilian Ambassador in Washington, Nestor Forster Jr., in a letter accompanying the donation.

One of the publications, The Legacy of Exile (1933-1945): How Refugees Fleeing World War II Contributed to Brazil, is the catalogue for an eponymous exhibition organized by Casa Stefan Zweig and the Consulate General of Brazil in Geneva. It features biographical entries along with photographs of refugees, including the Polish graphic artist Fayga Ostrower, German translator Herbert Caro, Austrian literary critic Otto Maria Carpeaux, and Czech philosopher Vilém Flusser.

Cover of The Legacy of Exile, a catalog published for an exhibition portraying the lives of refugees who contributed to Brazilian society in several fields.
This and the other donated material serve to honor and tell the story of refugees who, fleeing oppression, found a welcome home in Brazil, where they could rebuild their lives.

Through this donation, the Embassy also wishes to pay tribute to the alliance between Brazil and the United States that took shape during World War II, when troops from both countries fought side by side on European soil to defend human dignity, freedom and democracy—principles that, to this day, constitute the foundation of the partnership between the two largest democracies in the Hemisphere.
List of donated publications
  • Biographical Dictionary of Refugees of Nazi Fascism in Brazil (English version published by Casa Stefan Zweig with the support of the Brazilian Consulate in Geneva).
  • The Legacy of Exile (1933-1945): How Refugees Fleeing World War II Contributed to Brazil, a catalog of the eponymous exhibition.
  • Two brochures (one in French and Portuguese and one in English and German) containing the biographies of the refugees depicted in the above-referenced exhibition.
  • A catalog of Le Brésil dans l’expressionisme de Wilhelm Wöller exhibition (Wöller was a German painter of Die Brücke movement who fled to Brazil in 1939).
  • A catalog of Le Brésil dans les archives de la famille Scheier exhibition (Peter Scheier was a German refugee who became an acclaimed photographer).
  • The catalog of the Fayga Ostrower: 100 Years exhibition (Ostrower, a Polish refugee, became one of the leading graphic artists of her generation).

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