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Mostrando postagens com marcador colóquio. Mostrar todas as postagens

segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2014

Coloquio sobre a Economia Cubana na CUNY - City University of New York

O Colóquio está muito bem, segundo programação transcrita abaixo, mas algumas perguntas são de rigor:
1) Economia? Ao que se saiba Cuba não possui uma economia, mas um sistema absolutamente disforme, esquizofrênico, disfuncional, anacrônico, esclerosado, de surrealismo socialista. Os cubanos fingem que trabalham e o que governo finge que os paga (mal, muito mal). A ilha não vive em situação normal e só deve sua sobrevivência atual aos generosos subsídios da ditadura bolivariana-chavista, que vive montada numa vaca petrolífera, apenas por isso ainda não explodiu...
2) Cubana? Dificilmente. A economia, e toda a ilha, e os próprios cubanos pertencem aos irmãos Castro, um empreendimento familiar ditatorial esclerosado, e gerontocrático, mantido sob os caprichos pessoais dos ditadores que estão ali desde mais de meio século.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida


MAY 27, 2014 | 9:00 AM


The Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue
May 27, 2014: 9:00 AM


2014 Colloquium on the Cuban Economy



The one-day colloquium organized by the Bildner Center features 15 specialists from the University of Havana, CUNY, AZCUBA, The World Bank, and other institutions. Themes: Update on current economic dynamics, the changing state sector, foreign investment, the Mariel special economic zone, cooperatives and self-employment, agricultural and prospects for the sugar sector, other reforms.

Economic Dynamics in Today’s Cuba
1)      Omar Everleny Pérez (CEEC/UH). “La Inversión Extranjera Directa en Cuba: Necesidad de su Relanzamiento”
2)      Oscar Fernández (Facultad de Economía, UH). “Planificación económica en Cuba: Perspectivas y ataduras”
3)      Ricardo Torres Pérez (CEEC/UH). “Crecimiento Económico en Cuba: Principales Restricciones”

Institutional Reforms
1)      Juan Triana Cordoví (CEEC/UH). “Knowledge and Development: Science, Technology and Higher Education in Cuba”
2)      Patricia Ramos (Facultad de Economía, UH). “Hacia una nueva institucionalidad para la     planificación del desarrollo territorial en Cuba”
3)      Ileana Díaz (CEEC/UH). “Sistema Empresarial en Cuba: Actualidad y Perspectiva”
4)      Saira Pons Pérez (CEEC/UH). “Las nuevas empresas no estatales en Cuba: rentistas o Innovadoras?”

Cuba and the World: The External Sector
1)      Pavel Vidal (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia). “La Devaluación del Tipo de Cambio Oficial del Peso Cubano: Costos y Beneficios”
2)      Augusto de la Torre (World Bank). “La Unificación del Tipo de Cambio: El Caso Cubano”
3)      Antonio Romero. “The International Reinsertion of Cuba: Changes and Prospects”
4)      Mauricio Font (Bildner Center). Introduction: Cuba in Comparative Framework

Agricultural Transformations
1)      Armando Nova (CEEC/UH). “Formas de propiedad/sector agropecuario”
2)      Mario González-Corzo (Lehman College, CUNY). “Understanding Cuba’s Agricultural statistics”
3)      Lázaro Peña (Centro de Investigaciones de Economía Internacional, UH). “Cooperativas y cadenas globales de valor: el caso de la producción tabacalera en Cuba”
4)      Federico Sulroca (Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar -INICA). “El cooperativismo en la agricultura cañera cubana: evolución y perspectivas”

While some of our panelists will present in Spanish, each panel/session will have Powerpoint outlines in English as well as one presentation in English. The Q&A will be in both English and Spanish.

Registration is required. 
TO REGISTER send an e-mail to bildner@gc.cuny.edu.
Photo credits: Oßwald Albstenstein. (CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0)
- See more at: http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Centers-and-Institutes/Bildner-Center-for-Western-Hemisphere-Studies/Center-Events/Detail?id=25194#sthash.EcI7tvGf.dpuf

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

UnB: um coloquio sobre cliches e lugares comuns: crise global e mudança de paradigmas

Não poderia haver maiores lugares comuns e clichês desgastados: sempre se vive em crise global, ao que parece, ou em transição para alguma coisa, e sempre se acha que estamos em busca de novos paradigmas.
Esses acadêmicos são incorrigíveis...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida


It is with pleasure that we inform that the XI International Colloquium will take place in Brasília. This event is most welcome since it is a return to its original place after a long period abroad. The select theme is “Global Crisis and Changes of Paradigms: Current Issues” and the event will be in May 6-7, 2014. As is well known economics has been concerned with understanding how economies work in order to discover which policies could make them work better. Growth, distribution, inflation, trade and employment, have been some of the main concerns of macroeconomic theories. Yet few economists foresaw the scale of the financial and economic crisis from 2008, and few have been able to propose alternative economic paradigms to respond to it. The main objective of the Colloquium is to provide a platform for a productive exchange of ideas, theories and policies that might identify such paradigm shifts and better inform policies for both national and global governance. The Review of Keynesian Economics will publish up to 5 selected papers presented at the conference.
We also would like to inform that an additional meeting, associated to the Colloquium, will take place at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) on May 8, Thursday morning, from 09:00 to 12:00, room Almirante Álvaro Alberto. The World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) will present its history and aims. The address of the CNPq is SHIS, QI 1, Conjunto B - Blocos A, B, C e D, Edifício Santos Dumont, Lago Sul, near to airport. 
The successful experience of the first, the1997 International Colloquium on “Money, Growth, Distribution and Structural Change: Contemporaneous Analysis”, coincided with the foundation of PhD Programme in Economics at the University of Brasilia (UnB). It was an outstanding meeting with the presence of several fine scholars from Brazil and abroad.    It was followed by the 1999 International Colloquium on “Economic Dynamics and Economic Policy” which was the result of the consolidation of our efforts to stimulate and sustain a critical dialogue. The 2001 International Colloquium on “Structural Change, Growth and Redistribution” was launched also in Brasília. The 2003 International Colloquium tackled the theme “Globalization, New Technologies and Economic Relations” and counted with the support of other institutions than UnB as well as the collaboration of scholars worldwide. The results in terms of research networks were stimulating and productive. All of these meetings had their respective proceedings edited in book format and published in Brazil.
Subsequent to this initial effort at UnB, the event took on its intercontinental projection with the organization of the 2005 Colloquium, which took place in Treviso, Italy, in a joint effort by the University of Brasilia and the PRINT-PROJECT which included several Italian universities, on the theme “Dynamic Capabilities between Firm Organization and Systems of Production”. The Routledge International Publishers published a selection of its papers in January 2008. In 2007 the VI International Colloquium was organized once again by the University of Brasilia in Brasília. The theme was “Macrodynamic Capability and Economic Development”. The emphasis of the proceedings was on socioeconomic policies towards growth and distribution, dubbed in the literature as Development with a Human Face. The 2010 International Colloquium was successfully organized under the theme of “Getting out of the Current Economic Crisis: In the Light of Alternative Development Paradigms” by CEPN of the University of Paris 13 and Department of Economics of the University of Brasilia at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Paris Nord. The event attracted attention worldwide.
The VIII International Colloquium entitled “Economic Growth, Structural Change and Institutions” was organized jointly by the Department of Economics of the University of Brasilia and J. E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics of National University of Ireland in Galway in May 2011. It was a meeting which attracted an excellent group of scholars and dealt with important contemporary issues. 
In 2012 colleagues from the University of Graz, Austria accepted the invitation to organize the IX International Colloquium at the Schumpeter Centre in collaboration with University of Brasilia. The event produced contributions towards better understanding of “Inequality and its Persistence”. The main objective of the meeting was to provide a platform for productive exchanges of analysis and research results which focus on the theoretical and policy aspects of the inequality theme. The colloquium also aimed to stimulate an exchange of ideas across fields of inquiry from within the discipline of economic science, as well as between and across other related disciplines. It reinforced a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of political economy.
In Graz it was the decided that the X International Colloquium would take place in the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG) in Lisbon, Portugal, in collaboration with the University of Brasilia, in May 28-29, 2013. The theme was “Power Distribution in The World Economy: New Challenges”. We were concerned with new challenges of the world economy, the distribution of power between different groups in the national and global economies and the countries of the world. Changes in the distribution of power have arguably had a major impact on the economic performance worldwide in recent years. The event was very successful with presence of several fine scholars and both academic and public sector administrators. The Colloquium was the only scientific event supported by the programme Brazil-Portugal and a selection of papers with will be published in a especial volume(proceedings) by the journal Panaeconomics till the end of 2013.

segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2013

Aos que acreditam na divisao centro-periferia e na perversidade do centro contra a periferia: coloquio economia-mundo...

Tem crenças para todos os os gostos. Tem gente, por exemplo, que acha que os movimentos de protesto na Europa, o Occupy Wall Street nos EUA e a tal de primavera árabe (que já fenesceu faz muito tempo) fazem parte de um grande processo de desconcentração mundial, capaz de abalar os alicerces da hegemonia dos países centrais na economia-mundo, assim designada por um fiat de Wallerstein e outros, que se encantam ao descobrir a pólvora do academismo ingênuo.
Enfim, sempre é uma oportunidade para gente inteligente oferecer suas contribuições idem...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Florianópolis, 26 e 27 de Agosto de 2013
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil.

A crise do capitalismo mundial deflagrada em 2008 intensificou o debate sobre as desigualdades (econômicas, políticas, científico-tecnológicas, etc.) entre os estados nacionais que formam o sistema interestatal. A persistência da recessão nos países do Norte e do crescimento nos países emergentes nos leva a vislumbrar um cenário de maior equidade entre países. A presente revolução mundial - representada na consolidação dos governos de centro-esquerda na América Latina, no movimento Occupy Wall Street, na Primavera Árabe, dentre outros eventos - reforça as possibilidades de um sistema-mundo socialmente mais inclusivo. Por outro lado, atores governamentais e empresariais de países centrais reagem no sentido de conservar as hierarquias globais de riqueza e poder prevalecentes até então. União Européia, Estados Unidos e Japão são acusados de alimentar uma “guerra cambial” em detrimento dos países emergentes, de bloquear reformas na governança das instituições multilaterais, e de promover novos tratados internacionais - como a Trans-Pacific Partnership - que privilegiam seus interesses.

Em sua sétima edição, o Colóquio Brasileiro em Economia Política dos Sistemas-Mundo (EPSM) convida pesquisadores que utilizam a EPSM a investigar e discutir as forças atualmente em operação que reproduzem ou desafiam a estratificação do sistema-mundo capitalista em centro-periferia.

Como sempre, também são bem-vindos trabalhos sobre outros temas e épocas do moderno sistema mundial, que utilizem a EPSM como principal orientação teórico-metodológica.
Sub-temas sugeridos:
- A obsolescência das organizações internacionais construídas sob a hegemonia norteamericana;
- As relações sul-sul: sua trajetória, possibilidades, limites e contradições;
- O neo-desenvolvimentismo latino-americano;
- Os movimentos anti-sistêmicos no pós-crise;
- A ascensão da China e os países em desenvolvimento: competição ou cooperação?
- A relação entre as desigualdades intra-nacionais e as desigualdades internacionais.
Instruções para submissão de trabalhos:
Nesta edição do colóquio, apenas trabalhos completos poderão ser submetidos.
Especificação da formatação: arquivo MS Word ou PDF, máximo de 30 páginas, espaço 1,5 e
tipo Times New Roman 12
Data limite para envio: 16/06/2013
E-mail para submissão: hpgpepsm@cse.ufsc.br
Mais informações: Chamada de Trabalhos VII Coloquio EPSM.PDF
Divulgação dos trabalhos aceitos na página do GPEPSM (www.gpepsm.ufsc.br): até
Comissão científica:
Pedro Antonio Vieira
Felipe Amin Filomeno
Marcelo Arend
Antronio Brussi
Comissão organizadora:
Pedro Antonio Vieira (coordenador)
Felipe Amin Filomeno
Helton Ricardo Ouriques
Luiz Mateus da Silva Ferreira