O que é este blog?

Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

Mostrando postagens com marcador colóquio. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador colóquio. Mostrar todas as postagens

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2022

Desafios da política externa brasileira no Bicentenário da Independência - Colóquio da UFGD e IDESF (YouTube)

 Participei, com um atraso inicial, deste: 

VI Colóquio sobre Fronteiras e Direitos Humanos na União Europeia e Mercosul

Mesa 1: “Os desafios da política externa brasileira no Bicentenário da Independência”. Palestrantes

Prof. Dr. Paulo Roberto de Almeida (Diplomata, Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil e IBMEC) 

Prof. Dra. Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (PUC-RJ) 

Prof. Dr. Guilherme Stolle Paixão e Casarões (FGV-SP) 

Prof. Dr. Camilo Pereira Carneiro Filho (UFG) 


Prof. Dr. Tássio Franchi (ECEME) 

Debatedor: Prof. Dr. Diego Trindade d’Ávila Magalhães (UFG)

Preparei uma apresentação de apoio, que foi disponibilizada neste link da plataforma Academia.edu: 

4254. “Desafios da política externa brasileira no Bicentenário da Independência”, Brasília, 14 outubro 2022, 29 slides. Apresentação de suporte para palestra no quadro da Cátedra Jean Monnet da UFGD e o IDESF, em evento online, no dia 26 de outubro de 2022, às 19:30; transmitida pelo canal Youtube do IDESF (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qpj1aB8QV0). Apresentação disponível na plataforma Academia.edu (link: https://www.academia.edu/89294363/Paulo_Roberto_de_Almeida_CV_resumido)


quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2020

IV Colóquio sobre Fronteiras e Direitos Humanos na União Europeia e no Mercosul - 1 a 3/12/2020

Recebido do prof. Tomaz Espósito Neto 

IV Colóquio sobre Fronteiras e Direitos Humanos na União Europeia e no Mercosul (online)

Entre os dias 01 a 03 de dezembro, acontecerá o IV Colóquio sobre Fronteiras e Direitos Humanos na União Europeia e no Mercosul. O evento é uma Cátedra Jean Monnet da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social de Fronteiras (IDESF) e do projeto PROCAD “Defesa Nacional, Fronteiras e Migrações: estudos sobre ajuda humanitária e segurança integrada” (Ministério da Defesa e CAPES).
O objetivo do IV Colóquio é ampliar as discussões sobre integração regional, fronteiras, direitos humanos e as relações entre o Brasil e a União Europeia. Com isso, a organização espera fomentar as pesquisas sobre a União Europeia e o Mercosul, em especial sobre as temáticas ligadas à cooperação internacional, à integração regional, à promoção da democracia e dos direitos humanos. Além de ser um espaço de debate sobre acontecimentos internacionais contemporâneos, o evento tem o propósito de difundir os conhecimentos sobre a União Europeia, fortalecendo assim a rede de cooperação e de governança conjunta entre as instituições participantes e os convidados do projeto.
Essa iniciativa é financiada pela Comissão União Europeia e tem apoio da CAPES, Ministério da Defesa e IDESF.

quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2020

La grande marche en arrière de l’Amérique latine - Colloque à Paris, 2012 - Paulo Roberto De Almeida

Descobri, mais ou menos por acaso, um video feito por ocasião de minha apresentação num colóquio em Paris, quando eu estava dando aulas no IHEAL, em 2012. O registro do trabalho segue ao final, a partir do qual eu fiz uma série de tabelas apresentadas em PP aos participantes do colóquio. Como o meu antigo provedor desapareceu, acabo de colocar novamente esses trabalhos à disposição dos interessados.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Brasília, 2 de setembro 2020 

Paulo Roberto de Almeida - La grande marche en arrière de l’Amérique latine

Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Centre Universitaire de Brasilia (UniCEUB) (Brésil) – Professeur invité à l’IHEAL.
La grande marche en arrière de l’Amérique latine
Colloque International
3 et 4 mai 2012
Voir le video ici: 

Meu registro do trabalho (atualizado) é este aqui: 

2381. “La grande marche en arrière de l’Amérique Latine”, Paris, 6 Avril 2012, 28 p. Texte préparé pour servir à une conférence plénière, dans le Colloque “Dépasser les dichotomies: (comment) penser autrement les Amériques?”, Paris, IHEAL, 3 mai 2012 (Colloque Rita Creda: colloqueritacreda@gmail.com). Révision formelle : Lugano, 20 Avril 2012 ; présentation en format de PowerPoint. Texto disponível na plataforma Academia.edu (link: https://www.academia.edu/5962350/2381_La_grande_marche_en_arri%C3%A8re_de_l_Am%C3%A9rique_Latine_2012_) e apresentação (no link: https://www.academia.edu/44006577/La_Grande_Marche_en_Arriere_en_Amerique_Latine_Paris_2012_). Vídeo disponível em: http://vimeo.com/43337997. En revisão para publicação. Feita versão descaracterizada, em espaço simples, enviada para o BJIR – Brazilian Journal of International Relations (via e-mail: bjir@igepri.org) em 12/06/2012. Publicado no BJIR – Brazilian Journal of International Relations (vol. 1, n. 2, 2012, p. 8-37; ISSN: 2237-7743; link: http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjir/article/viewFile/2414/1992). Feita versão em Português sob n. 2574 (Hartford, 25/02/2014), para inclusão no livro Economia Política do Desenvolvimento Brasileiro: ensaios de história econômica e de relações internacionais. Relação de Publicados n. 2381.

Nota em 2.09/2020: 
Os links atualizados são estes: 



Apresentação em Power Point, formato pdf: 


sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2020

200 anos da Revolução Liberal do Porto - colóquio em Coimbra

Call for papers 
Colóquio Internacional 

“Dois séculos da Revolução de 1820: liberalismo, anti-liberalismo e pós-liberalismo” 

20 a 23 de abril de 2020
Universidade de Coimbra | Faculdade de Letras e Faculdade de Economia 

A problemática delimitada resulta da adoção de uma abordagem inter-epocal e comparatista, interdisciplinar e, também, técnico-cívica dos dois séculos de soluções liberais, antiliberais e pós-liberais em Portugal e em outras zonas da Europa do Sul (antes de mais, Espanha e Itália), no Brasil e em outros países da América Latina, nos países dominantes. 
Apela-se à apresentação de propostas de comunicação relativas às seguintes subáreas temáticas: Sistema político e administrativo, Estruturas e relações sociais, Pensamento económico e atividade económica, Correntes e fenómenos culturais, Relações internacionais. 

Submissão de propostas: 
29 de Fevereiro de 2020
Comunicação de aceitação/recusa: 9 de Março de 2020
Data limite de inscrição para comunicantes aceites: 23 de Março de 2020 Divulgação do programa: 31 de Março de 2020 

Submissão de propostas 
As propostas de comunicação deverão ser submetidas por email para inscricoes.ceis20@gmail.com e obedecer às seguintes características: 
Título, resumo (até 4000 carateres com espaços), 5 palavras-chave, nome do(s) autor(es), nota biográfica (até 500 carateres com espaços), enquadramento institucional e email. Duração das comunicações: 20 minutos. Publicar-se-ão textos em obras coletivas e em dossiers de revistas 
Línguas de trabalho: português, castelhano, italiano e inglês 

Conferência de abertura: 
Daniel Innerarity (Universidad del País Vasco) 

Conferencistas convidados: 
Alberto De Bernardi (Universidade de Bolonha) Américo Freire (FGV)
Angela de Castro Gomes (UNIRIO)
António Costa Pinto (ISC/UL) 
Fátima Nunes (Universidade de Évora)
Francisco Martinho (USP)
Fulvio Cammarano (Universidade de Bolonha)
Héctor Hernán Mondragón Báez (Consultor do PNUD)
Hélder Adegar da Fonseca (Universidade de Évora)
Izaskun Álvarez Cuartero (USalamanca)
José Reis (UC)
Luís Lobo Fernandes (Universidade do Minho)
Marco de Nicolò (Universidade de Cassino)
Maria Antónia Lopes (UC)
Rafael García Pérez (USC, Santiago de Compostela)
Sabrina Ajmechet (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Samuel Soares (UNESP)
Sandra Anchondo Pavón (Universidad Panamericana, Cidade do México) Vera Lúcia Vieira (PUC-SP) 

Parcerias: UAçores, UMadeira 

Comissão Organizadora: João Paulo Avelãs Nunes, António Rafael Amaro, Maria Fernanda Rollo, Dina Sebastião, Fernando Tavares Pimenta, Sérgio Neto 

Call for papers 
International Colloquium “Two Centuries of the Revolution of 1820: Liberalism, Anti-Liberalism and Postliberalism” 
April 20-23, 2020
University of Coimbra | Faculty of Letters and Faculty of Economics 

The delimited subject results from the adoption of an inter-epochal and comparative, interdisciplinary and also technical-civic approach of the two centuries of liberal, anti-liberal and post-liberal solutions in Portugal and other areas of Southern Europe (first and foremost, Spain and Italy), in Brazil and other Latin American countries, in the dominant countries. 
Communication proposals concerning the following thematic subareas are invited: Political and administrative system, Structures and social relations, Economic thinking and economic activity, Currents and cultural phenomena, International relations. 

Submission of Proposals: February 29, 2020
Notice of Acceptance / Decline: March 9, 2020
Application deadline for accepted contacts: March 23, 2020 Dissemination of the program: March 31, 2020 

Submission guidelines: 
Communication proposals must be submitted by email to inscricoes.ceis20@gmail.com and comply with the following characteristics: 
Title, abstract (up to 4000 characters with spaces), 5 keywords, author (s) name, biographical note (up to 500 characters with spaces), institutional framing and email. Duration of communications: 20 minutes.
Texts will be published in collective books and scientific journals. 

Working languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English. 

Opening Lecture: 
Daniel Innerarity (Universidad del País Vasco) 

Guest Lecturers: 
Alberto De Bernardi (University of Bolonha) Américo Freire (FGV)
Angela de Castro Gomes (UNIRIO)
António Costa Pinto (ISC/UL) 
Fátima Nunes (University of Évora)
Francisco Martinho (USP)
Fulvio Cammarano (University of Bolonha)
Héctor Hernán Mondragón Báez (UNDP Consultant)
Hélder Adegar da Fonseca (University of Évora)
Izaskun Álvarez Cuartero (Umiversity of Salamanca)
José Reis (University of Coimbra)
Luís Lobo Fernandes (University of Minho)
Marco de Nicolò (University of Cassino)
Maria Antónia Lopes (University of Coimbra)
Rafael García Pérez (USC, Santiago de Compostela)
Sabrina Ajmechet (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Samuel Soares (UNESP)
Sandra Anchondo Pavón (Universidad Panamericana, Cidade do México) Vera Lúcia Vieira (PUC-SP) 

Organization: DHEEAA / FLUC, FEUC, CEIS20 / UC, DH / FCSH / UNL and IHC/ FCSH / UNL 

Partnerships: UAçores, UMadeira 

Organizing Committee: João Paulo Avelãs Nunes, Antonio Rafael Amaro, Maria Fernanda Rollo, Dina Sebastião, Fernando Tavares Pimenta, Sérgio Neto 

sábado, 15 de junho de 2019

Hospitalidade entre ética, política e estética: colóquio franco-brasileiro na Casa Rui Barbosa (RJ, 27-28/06/2019)

Divulgo, tal como recebido de meu bom amigo Alain Bourdon, evento a ser realizado na Fundação Casa Rui Barbosa, no Rio de Janeiro, com a cooperação do setor de cooperação cultural da Embaixada da França em Brasília.
O programa do colóquio encontra-se neste link:

Para mais informações: mathilde.albertelli@diplomatie.gouv.fr 
+55 (61) 3222-3873 

quinta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2017

Oliveira Lima: 150 anos do nascimento - Coloquio na PUCRS, 3-4/10/2017

Colóquio Oliveira Lima 150 anos - PUCRS 2017

O evento se realizará nos dias 3 e 4 de outubro de 2017 na PUCRS em Porto Alegre em comemoração ao sesquicentenário de nascimento do diplomata e historiador brasileiro Manoel de Oliveira Lima. O Colóquio reunirá pesquisadores de diversas áreas das Ciências Humanas e Sociais para discutir a obra e o legado de Oliveira Lima.
As informações sobre o evento e chamada de trabalhos se encontram no site http://www.pucrs.br/eventos/inst/oliveiralima.
O Colóquio celebra o sesquicentenário de nascimento de Manoel de Oliveira Lima (Recife, 25/12/1867, Washington, 24/03/1928) reunindo especialistas de diversas áreas das Ciências Sociais e Humanidades para discutir as principais facetas da sua longa e prolífica carreira como diplomata, historiador, jornalista e crítico literário. A data é propícia não apenas para celebrar a vida e a obra de um dos intelectuais mais importantes de sua geração, mas também serve como parte de um esforço de resgate. Hoje, é fácil perder a noção de quem foi Oliveira Lima e do espaço que ocupou no seu tempo. Mas não é exagero colocá-lo entre os grandes intelectuais do seu tempo e um dos brasileiros mais influentes fora do país.
Um “torpedo diplomático” que sofria de “incontinência da pena” nas palavras de Joaquim Nabuco. Um “Dom Quixote gordo” aos olhos de Gilberto Freyre. Controverso, polêmico, dissidente, divergente, rebelde, são todos adjetivos comumente utilizados para descrevê-lo. Alguns são melhor empregados que outros, mas todos certamente precisam ser entendidos em relação ao contexto em que lhe foram atribuídos. Crítico mordaz, apreciador de um bom debate, polemista convicto e defensor empedernido da sua independência de opinião, chegando até as raias da intransigência e possivelmente do bom senso em algumas ocasiões, o diplomata pernambucano conquistou admiradores fieis quase na mesma medida em que granjeou inimigos e desafetos e merece uma celebração a altura da sua contribuição para a literatura, a historiografia e a diplomacia no Brasil.
O presente Colóquio, portanto, aproveitando-se da ocasião dos 150 anos de nascimento de Manoel de Oliveira Lima, se propõe a discutir, numa abordagem multidisciplinar, as principais facetas da sua carreira. Com isso, espera-se divulgar a sua obra e debater sobre o legado de Oliveira Lima para as diversas áreas em que atuou, como a historiografia, a literatura, a diplomacia e o jornalismo.
  • Aproveitar a ocasião dos 150 anos de nascimento de Manoel de Oliveira Lima para, a partir de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, discutir as principais facetas da sua carreira. Com isso, espera-se divulgar a sua obra e debater sobre o legado de Oliveira Lima para as diversas áreas em que atuou, como a historiografia, a literatura, a diplomacia e o jornalismo.
  • Analisar a obra de Oliveira Lima em suas diversas facetas, estreitando o diálogo multidisciplinar entre as diversas áreas do conhecimento implicadas em suas obras, tais como a História, a Sociologia, a Ciência Política, a Literatura e as Relações Internacionais.
  • Analisar a produção historiográfica mais recente e atualizar o debate sobre a obra e atuação diplomática de Oliveira Lima.
  • Divulgar o conhecimento histórico acadêmico produzido sobre a obra e atuação política de Oliveira Lima aos pesquisadores das áreas de História, Sociologia, Ciência Política,  Literatura e Relações Internacionais e demais interessados.
Alunos de graduação e pós-graduação e pesquisadores das áreas de História, Sociologia, Ciência Política,  Literatura e Relações Internacionais e demais interessados na vida e na obra de Manoel de Oliveira Lima.
O Colóquio Oliveira Lima 150 anos se realizará nos dias 03 e 04 de outubro de 2017 na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Humanidades (Prédio 5, sala 407.1).
Comissão Organizadora
Dr. Luciano Aronne Abreu
Dra. Nathalia Henrich
Dia 03 de outubro
Horário Atividade
9h30min às 10h Abertura
Prof. Dra. Duilia F. De Mello (The Catholic University of America)
10h às 11h30min Mesa Redonda Oliveira Lima: Historiador
Prof. Dra. Teresa Malatian (UNESP)
Prof. Dr. Marcos Galindo (UFPE)
Prof. Dra. Nathalia Henrich (PUCRS)
Moderador: Prof. Dr. Luciano Aronne de Abreu
14h às 15h30min Mesa Redonda Oliveira Lima: Crítico literário
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Souza de Carvalho (USP)
Prof. Dr. Antonio Arnoni Prado (UNICAMP)
Moderador: Prof. Dr. Helder Gordim da Silveira (PUCRS)

Dia 04 de outubro
Horário Atividade
10h às 11h30min Mesa Redonda 
Oliveira Lima: Diplomata 
Prof. Dra. Katia Gerab Baggio (UFMG)
Prof. Dr. Helder Gordim da Silveira (PUCRS)
Moderadora: Prof. Dra. Nathalia Henrich (PUCRS)
14h às 15h30min Apresentação de trabalhos


quinta-feira, 25 de maio de 2017

Economia-mundo! Existe? A verificar - UnB, 28-30/08/2017

XI Colóquio Internacional em Economia Política dos Sistemas-Mundo
UnB entre os dias 28 e 30 de agosto de 2017.  

Eixos Temáticos:
1. Transformações geoeconômicas e geopolíticas no Sistema Mundial
2. A Perspectiva do Sistema-Mundo nas Relações Internacionais
3. Emergentes e Emergências em contexto de crise: Oriente e Ocidente na encruzilhada
4. Repensando o trabalho, os fluxos de mão-de-obra e as hierarquias da economia mundial
5. Migrações internacionais e desigualdades em perspectiva histórica
até 20/05/2017 08/06/2017 - Submissão de propostas de trabalhos
até 30/05/2017 13/06/2017 - Divulgação das propostas aceitas
até 10/08/2017 - Envio de trabalhos completos para os Anais do evento 
Instruções para submissão de trabalhos:
Regras para submissão dos resumos
Especificação da formatação: arquivo “word for windows” ou PDF, máximo de 500 palavras, espaço 1,5 e tipo Times New Roman 12

Regras para submissão dos trabalhos completos
Especificação da formatação: arquivo “word for windows” ou PDF, máximo de 25 páginas, espaço 1,5 e tipo Times New Roman 12

Endereço eletrônico para envio: XIcoloquiodosistemamundo2017@gmail.com
Mais informações: XI Colóquio Internacional em Economia Política dos Sistemas-Mundo

Outras informações no site http://www.gpepsm.ufsc.br/html/index.php
Comissão Organizadora do XI Colóquio Internacional em Economia Política dos Sistemas-Mundo.

quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2015

Magna Carta, discussao na UnB, 12 de junho, as 14hs, no Auditorio do IRel - Texto da Carta Magna

Antecipando sobre este evento:
Magna Carta, 800 anos

informo a seguir sobre um artigo que publiquei um ano atrás, antecipando sobre as comemorações deste ano e transmitindo minha opinião sobre como o Brasil, sobretudo suas elites políticas, ainda está muito aquém dos princípios e valores da Magna Carta

Os 800 anos da Magna Carta”, 
jornal O Estado de S. Paulo (14/07/2014)
Relação de Originais n. 2625; Publicados n. 1135.

Transcrevo a seguir o texto em inglês moderno da Magna Carta, para os curiosos sobre seu conteúdo "medieval", destacando estes parágrafos: 

[1] (...) We furthermore grant and give to all the freemen of our realm for ourselves and our heirs in perpetuity the liberties written below to have and to hold to them and their heirs from us and our heirs in perpetuity.
[11] Common pleas are not to follow our court but are to be held in a certain fixed place.

[29] No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs, or outlawed or exiled or in any way ruined, nor will we go against such a man or send against him save by lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land. To no-one will we sell or deny of delay right or justice.

Magna Carta Translation
[Preamble] Edward by the grace of God King of England, lord of Ireland and duke of Aquitaine sends greetings to all to whom the present letters come. We have inspected the great charter of the lord Henry, late King of England, our father, concerning the liberties of England in these words:

Henry by the grace of God King of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and count of Anjou sends greetings to his archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, sheriffs, reeves, ministers and all his bailiffs and faithful men inspecting the present charter. Know that we, at the prompting of God and for the health of our soul and the souls of our ancestors and successors, for the glory of holy Church and the improvement of our realm, freely and out of our good will have given and granted to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons and all of our realm these liberties written below to hold in our realm of England in perpetuity.

[1] In the first place we grant to God and confirm by this our present charter for ourselves and our heirs in perpetuity that the English Church is to be free and to have all its rights fully and its liberties entirely. We furthermore grant and give to all the freemen of our realm for ourselves and our heirs in perpetuity the liberties written below to have and to hold to them and their heirs from us and our heirs in perpetuity.

[2] If any of our earls or barons, or anyone else holding from us in chief by military service should die, and should his heir be of full age and owe relief, the heir is to have his inheritance for the ancient relief, namely the heir or heirs of an earl for a whole county £100, the heir or heirs of a baron for a whole barony 100 marks, the heir or heirs of a knight for a whole knight’s fee 100 shillings at most, and he who owes less will give less, according to the ancient custom of (knights’) fees.

[3] If, however, the heir of such a person is under age, his lord is not to have custody of him and his land until he has taken homage from the heir, and after such an heir has been in custody, when he comes of age, namely at twenty-one years old, he is to have his inheritance without relief and without fine, saving that if, whilst under age, he is made a knight, his land will nonetheless remain in the custody of his lords until the aforesaid term.

[4] The keeper of the land of such an heir who is under age is only to take reasonable receipts from the heir’s land and reasonable customs and reasonable services, and this without destruction or waste of men or things. And if we assign custody of any such land to a sheriff or to anyone else who should answer to us for the issues, and such a person should commit destruction or waste, we will take recompense from him and the land will be assigned to two law-worthy and discreet men of that fee who will answer to us or to the person to whom we assign such land for the land’s issues. And if we give or sell to anyone custody of any such land and that person commits destruction or waste, he is to lose custody and the land is to be assigned to two law-worthy and discreet men of that fee who similarly will answer to us as is aforesaid.

[5] The keeper, for as long as he has the custody of the land of such (an heir), is to maintain the houses, parks, fishponds, ponds, mills and other things pertaining to that land from the issues of the same land, and he will restore to the heir, when the heir comes to full age, all his land stocked with ploughs and all other things in at least the same condition as when he received it. All these things are to be observed in the custodies of archbishoprics, bishoprics, abbeys, priories, churches and vacant offices which pertain to us, save that such custodies ought not to be sold.

[6] Heirs are to be married without disparagement.

[7] A widow, after the death of her husband, is immediately and without any difficulty to have her marriage portion and her inheritance, nor is she to pay anything for her dower or her marriage portion or for her inheritance which her husband and she held on the day of her husband’s death, and she shall remain in the chief dwelling place of her husband for forty days after her husband’s death, within which time dower will be assigned her if it has not already been assigned, unless that house is a castle, and if it is a castle which she leaves, then a suitable house will immediately be provided for her in which she may properly dwell until her dower is assigned to her in accordance with what is aforesaid, and in the meantime she is to have her reasonable necessities (estoverium) from the common property. As dower she will be assigned the third part of all the lands of her husband which were his during his lifetime, save when she was dowered with less at the church door. No widow shall be distrained to marry for so long as she wishes to live without a husband, provided that she gives surety that she will not marry without our assent if she holds of us, or without the assent of her lord, if she holds of another.

[8] Neither we nor our bailiffs will seize any land or rent for any debt, as long as the existing chattels of the debtor suffice for the payment of the debt and as long as the debtor is ready to pay the debt, nor will the debtor’s guarantors be distrained for so long as the principal debtor is able to pay the debt; and should the principal debtor default in his payment of the debt, not having the means to repay it, or should he refuse to pay it despite being able to do so, the guarantors will answer for the debt and, if they wish, they are to have the lands and rents of the debtor until they are repaid the debt that previously they paid on behalf of the debtor, unless the principal debtor can show that he is quit in respect to these guarantors.

[9] The city of London is to have all its ancient liberties and customs. Moreover we wish and grant that all other cities and boroughs and vills and the barons of the Cinque Ports and all ports are to have all their liberties and free customs.

[10] No-one is to be distrained to do more service for a knight’s fee or for any other free tenement than is due from it.

[11] Common pleas are not to follow our court but are to be held in a certain fixed place.

[12] Recognisances of novel disseisin and of mort d’ancestor are not to be taken save in their particular counties and in the following way. We or, should we be outside the realm, our chief justiciar, will send our justices once a year to each county, so that, together with the knights of the counties, that may take the aforesaid assizes in the counties; and those assizes which cannot be completed in that visitation of the county by our aforesaid justices assigned to take the said assizes are to be completed elsewhere by the justices in their visitation; and those which cannot be completed by them on account of the difficulty of various articles (of law) are to be referred to our justices of the Bench and completed there.

[13] Assizes of darrein presentment are always to be taken before our justices of the Bench and are to be completed there.

[14] A freeman is not to be amerced for a small offence save in accordance with the manner of the offence, and for a major offence according to its magnitude, saving his sufficiency (salvo contenemento suo), and a merchant likewise, saving his merchandise, and any villain other than one of our own is to be amerced in the same way, saving his necessity (salvo waynagio) should he fall into our mercy, and none of the aforesaid amercements is to be imposed save by the oath of honest and law-worthy men of the neighbourhood. Earls and barons are not to be amerced save by their peers and only in accordance with the manner of their offence.

[15] No town or free man is to be distrained to make bridges or bank works save for those that ought to do so of old and by right.

[16] No bank works of any sort are to be kept up save for those that were in defense in the time of King H(enry II) our grandfather and in the same places and on the same terms as was customary in his time.

[17] No sheriff, constable, coroner or any other of our bailiffs is to hold pleas of our crown.

[18] If anyone holding a lay fee from us should die, and our sheriff or bailiff shows our letters patent containing our summons for a debt that the dead man owed us, our sheriff or bailiff is permitted to attach and enroll all the goods and chattels of the dead man found in lay fee, to the value of the said debt, by view of law-worthy men, so that nothing is to be removed thence until the debt that remains is paid to us, and the remainder is to be released to the executors to discharge the will of the dead man, and if nothing is owed to us from such a person, all the chattels are to pass to the (use of) the dead man, saving to the dead man’s wife and children their reasonable portion.

[19] No constable or his bailiff is to take corn or other chattels from anyone who not themselves of a vill where a castle is built, unless the constable or his bailiff immediately offers money in payment of obtains a respite by the wish of the seller. If the person whose corn or chattels are taken is of such a vill, then the constable or his bailiff is to pay the purchase price within forty days.

[20] No constable is to distrain any knight to give money for castle guard if the knight is willing to do such guard in person or by proxy of any other honest man, should the knight be prevented from doing so by just cause. And if we take or send such a knight into the army, he is to be quit of (castle) guard in accordance with the length of time the we have him in the army for the fee for which he has done service in the army.

[21] No sheriff or bailiff of ours or of anyone else is to take anyone’s horses or carts to make carriage, unless he renders the payment customarily due, namely for a two-horse cart ten pence per day, and for a three-horse cart fourteen pence per day. No demesne cart belonging to any churchman or knight or any other lady (sic) is to be taken by our bailiffs, nor will we or our bailiffs or anyone else take someone else’s timber for a castle or any other of our business save by the will of he to whom the timber belongs.

[22] We shall not hold the lands of those convicted of felony save for a year and a day, whereafter such land is to be restored to the lords of the fees.

[23] All fish weirs (kidelli) on the Thames and the Medway and throughout England are to be entirely dismantled, save on the sea coast.

[24] The writ called ‘praecipe’ is not to be issued to anyone in respect to any free tenement in such a way that a free man might lose his court.

[25] There is to be a single measure for wine throughout our realm, and a single measure for ale, and a single measure for Corn, that is to say the London quarter, and a single breadth for dyed cloth, russets, and haberjects, that is to say two yards within the lists. And it shall be the same for weights as for measures.

[26] Henceforth there is to be nothing given for a writ of inquest from the person seeking an inquest of life or member, but such a writ is to be given freely and is not to be denied.

[27] If any persons hold from us at fee farm or in socage or burgage, and hold land from another by knight service, we are not, by virtue of such a fee farm or socage or burgage, to have custody of the heir or their land which pertains to another’s fee, nor are we to have custody of such a fee farm or socage or burgage unless this fee farm owes knight service. We are not to have the custody of an heir or of any land which is held from another by knight service on the pretext of some small serjeanty held from us by service of rendering us knives or arrows or suchlike things.

[28] No bailiff is henceforth to put any man on his open law or on oath simply by virtue of his spoken word, without reliable witnesses being produced for the same.

[29] No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs, or outlawed or exiled or in any way ruined, nor will we go against such a man or send against him save by lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land. To no-one will we sell or deny of delay right or justice.

[30] All merchants, unless they have been previously and publicly forbidden, are to have safe and secure conduct in leaving and coming to England and in staying and going through England both by land and by water to buy and to sell, without any evil exactions, according to the ancient and right customs, save in time of war, and if they should be from a land at war against us and be found in our land at the beginning of the war, they are to be attached without damage to their bodies or goods until it is established by us or our chief justiciar in what way the merchants of our land are treated who at such a time are found in the land that is at war with us, and if our merchants are safe there, the other merchants are to be safe in our land.

[31] If anyone dies holding of any escheat such as the honour of Wallingford, Boulogne, Nottingham, Lancaster or of other escheats which are in our hands and which are baronies, his heir is not to give any other relief or render any other service to us that would not have been rendered to the baron if the barony were still held by a baron, and we shall hold such things in the same way as the baron held them, nor, on account of such a barony or escheat, are we to have the escheat or custody of any of our men unless the man who held the barony or the escheat held elsewhere from us in chief.

[32] No free man is henceforth to give or sell any more of his land to anyone, unless the residue of his land is sufficient to render due service to the lord of the fee as pertains to that fee.

[33] All patrons of abbeys which have charters of the kings of England over advowson or ancient tenure or possession are to have the custody of such abbeys when they fall vacant just as they ought to have and as is declared above.

[34] No-one is to be taken or imprisoned on the appeal of woman for the death of anyone save for the death of that woman’s husband.

[35] No county court is to be held save from month to month, and where the greater term used to be held, so will it be in future, nor will any sheriff or his bailiff make his tourn through the hundred save for twice a year and only in the place that is due and customary, namely once after Easter and again after Michaelmas, and the view of frankpledge is to be taken at the Michaelmas term without exception, in such a way that every man is to have his liberties which he had or used to have in the time of King H(enry II) my grandfather or which he has acquired since. The view of frankpledge is to be taken so that our peace be held and so that the tithing is to be held entire as it used to be, and so that the sheriff does not seek exceptions but remains content with that which the sheriff used to have in taking the view in the time of King H(enry) our grandfather.

[36] Nor is it permitted to anyone to give his land to a religious house in such a way that he receives it back from such a house to hold, nor is it permitted to any religious house to accept the land of anyone in such way that the land is restored to the person from whom it was received to hold. If anyone henceforth gives his land in such a way to any religious house and is convicted of the same, the gift is to be entirely quashed and such land is to revert to the lord of that fee.

[37] Scutage furthermore is to be taken as it used to be in the time of King H(enry) our grandfather, and all liberties and free customs shall be preserved to archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, Templars, Hospitallers, earls, barons and all others, both ecclesiastical and secular persons, just as they formerly had.

All these aforesaid customs and liberties which we have granted to be held in our realm in so far as pertains to us are to be observed by all of our realm, both clergy and laity, in so far as pertains to them in respect to their own men. For this gift and grant of these liberties and of others contained in our charter over the liberties of the forest, the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, fee holders and all of our realm have given us a fifteenth part of all their movable goods. Moreover we grant to them for us and our heirs that neither we nor our heirs will seek anything by which the liberties contained in this charter might be infringed or damaged, and should anything be obtained from anyone against this it is to count for nothing and to be held as nothing. 

With these witnesses: the lord S(tephen) archbishop of Canterbury, E(ustace) bishop of London, J(ocelin) bishop of Bath, P(eter) bishop of Winchester, H(ugh) bishop of Lincoln, R(ichard) bishop of Salisbury, W. bishop of Rochester, W(illiam) bishop of Worcester, J(ohn) bishop of Ely, H(ugh) bishop of Hereford, R(anulf) bishop of Chichester, W(illiam) bishop of Exeter, the abbot of (Bury) St Edmunds, the abbot of St Albans, the abbot of Battle, the abbot of St Augustine’s Canterbury, the abbot of Evesham, the abbot of Westminster, the abbot of Peterborough, the abbot of Reading, the abbot of Abingdon, the abbot of Malmesbury, the abbot of Winchcombe, the abbot of Hyde (Winchester), the abbot of Chertsey, the abbot of Sherborne, the abbot of Cerne, the abbot of Abbotsbury, the abbot of Milton (Abbas), the abbot of Selby, the abbot of Cirencester, H(ubert) de Burgh the justiciar, H. earl of Chester and Lincoln, W(illiam) earl of Salisbury, W(illiam) earl Warenne, G. de Clare earl of Gloucester and Hertford, W(illiam) de Ferrers earl of Derby, W(illiam) de Mandeville earl of Essex, H(ugh) Bigod earl of Norfolk, W(illiam) earl Aumale, H(umphrey) earl of Hereford, J(ohn) constable of Chester, R(obert) de Ros, R(obert) fitz Walter, R(obert) de Vieuxpont, W(illiam) Brewer, R(ichard) de Montfiquet, P(eter) fitz Herbert, W(illiam) de Aubigné, G. Gresley, F. de Braose, J(ohn) of Monmouth, J(ohn) fitz Alan, H(ugh) de Mortemer, W(illiam) de Beauchamp, W(illiam) de St John, P(eter) de Maulay, Brian de Lisle, Th(omas) of Moulton, R(ichard) de Argentan, G(eoffrey) de Neville, W(illiam) Mauduit, J(ohn) de Baalon and others. Given at Westminster on the eleventh day of February in the ninth year of our reign.

We, holding these aforesaid gifts and grants to be right and welcome, conceed and confirm them for ourselves and our heirs and by the terms of the present (letters) renew them, wishing and granting for ourselves and our heirs that the aforesaid charter is to be firmly and inviably observed in all and each of its articles in perpetuity, including any articles contained in the same charter which by chance have not to date been observed. In testimony of which we have had made these our letters patent. Witnessed by Edward our son, at Westminster on the twelfth day of October in the twenty-fifth year of our reign. (Chancery warranty by John of) Stowe.

Translation by Professor Nicholas Vincent, Copyright Sotheby's Inc. 2007