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terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2024

O apelo dramático de Zelensky por mais armas e meios de defesa

 From: Volodymyr Zelensky

Today, NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg and I discussed in detail the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine, our capabilities, and the capabilities of our partners to support our soldiers.

The Russian army is now trying to take advantage of the situation while we are waiting for deliveries from our partners, and first of all, from the United States. Therefore, rapid delivery literally means frontline stabilization.

155-mm artillery, long-range weapons, and air defense systems, first and foremost “Patriots”. This is what our partners posses, and this is what should be working now in Ukraine to destroy Russia’s terrorist ambitions. The Russian army is preparing for further offensive actions. Together, we must thwart these plans. Our partners have all the necessary tools for this.

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