Temas de relações internacionais, de política externa e de diplomacia brasileira, com ênfase em políticas econômicas, em viagens, livros e cultura em geral. Um quilombo de resistência intelectual em defesa da racionalidade, da inteligência e das liberdades democráticas.
O que é este blog?
Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.
quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013
A Journey Inside the Whale: books, books, books (a gentle madness...) - Paulo Roberto de Almeida
terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013
Qual deles seria maior?: o cinismo, a mentira, a desonestidade ou a desfaçatez?
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Departamento de traducoes estramboticas, ao trabalho, por favor...
1) “Mas voltando desse parêntese, a destinação dos royalties do petróleo. Ela não é trivial. Eu enviei para o Congresso quando vetei a medida, aliás, vetei parte da Lei dos Portos, dos Portos não, dos Royalties, e era do Petróleo, que mudava os contratos para trás, em uma afirmação que o Brasil tem que respeitar contratos gostando dos contratos ou não, não é uma questão de vontade, é uma questão de respeito à lei. Porém esse processo está sub judice, e a MP que define essa parte, essa parte dos royalties que é royalties, participações… essa parte da lei, aliás royalties, participações especiais e os recursos do pré-sal, destina à educação… essa lei, ela está parada porque ela está sub judice. O Supremo Tribunal está avaliando essa questão, se é ou não é inconstitucional ou não”.
2) “Todos os países para caminharem e caminham mais rápido quando há consenso, quando se constrói consensos. Consenso é algo que tem que ser construído, então caminha melhor, caminha de forma mais pujante, caminha mobilizando a todos quando é capaz de construir consenso. Nós construímos a necessidade de consensos e eu vou falar sobre dois consensos que eu acredito que sejam fundamentais para o país”.
O pessoal que trabalha em interpretação simultânea já desistiu; os que transcrevem da linguagem oral para a escrita, também. Resta o setor de decifração de manuscritos medievais, o pessoal que conhece linguagem de sinais, os últimos tradutores de Código Morse, enfim, alguém precisa vir em nosso socorro para que possamos entender o que está acontecendo nos mais altos escalões do poder...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Paquistao, Bangladesh: dois paises em estado pre-falimentar...
Quando a intolerância atinge tais níveis de expressão, justamente contra a liberdade de expressão (como já havíamos visto no Paquistão, no Irã, na própria Grã-Bretanha, desde o episódio dos Versos Satânicos de Salman Rushdie, novamente no caso das caricaturas dinamarquesas e incontáveis outros exemplos desse mesmo tipo), então o país inteiro está contaminado pelo ódio religioso, pela mais baixa manifestação dos espíritos totalitários, estamos a caminho de um Estado falimentar.
Isso explica, aliás, as madrassas de lavagem cerebral nas crianças, e o estoque infindável de homens bomba...
Afeganistão, Paquistão, Bangladesh, o que será desses países?
No Irã, a teocracia vai um dia deixar de existir, e a população educada vai novamente tomar conta dos destinos do país. Mas em países onde a própria elite foge de suas responsabilidades, o futuro se apresenta negro, se me permitem (ainda) tal expressão (eu não disse preto...). Isso inclui, perto de nós, o Haiti, também um Estado pré-falimentar, mantido pela assistência pública internacional, e que assim continuará pelos próximos anos (ou décadas).
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
‘Atheists must be hanged’: Raw video from Islamist street clashes in Bangladesh
Istvan Hont (1947-2013) - Leonidas Montes
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Leonidas Montes
Istvan was born in Hungary. He was educated in Budapest at the King Stephen I Gymnasium and then at the University of Budapest. First he studied Engineering, moving then to History and Philosophy. In 1974 he finished his MA and PhD (with the benefit of hindsight, perhaps his early engagement with mathematics and physics contributed to his rigorous or almost scientific standard for research). His PhD thesis, supervised by Professor Eva Balázs, was entitled “David Hume and Scotland”. Since his PhD dissertation, he could not leave this fascinating period of our history. In fact, David Hume, Adam Smith and their context became the passion and motive of his life. Immediately after completing his PhD, Istvan was appointed Research Officer in the Institute of History in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. One of his early jobs consisted on making summaries of papers for a journal. As a voracious reader, besides devouring plenty of books, that early job also helped to broaden his vast knowledge.
In 1975, with the help of Sir Michael Moissey Postan (1899-1981), by then Professor of Economic History at the University of Cambridge, Istvan and his wife Anna left Hungary to start an academic life in the UK. They went to Oxford University. He continued with his interest on David Hume and the Scottish Enlightenment, but got interested in political economy. At Oxford University, under the supervision of Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper (1914-2003), Regius Professor of Modern History, he obtained another PhD. He was immediately appointed, in 1977, to the Research Fellowship in Intellectual History at Wolfson College, Oxford. A year later, he moved to Cambridge as a Fellow of King’s College where he directed, along with Michael Ignatieff, the newly established Research Centre project on “Political Economy and Society 1750-1850.” During the six years of this project (1978-1984), he organized a series of groundbreaking conferences. One of this conferences resulted in the seminal collection on eighteenth-century political economy essays gathered in Wealth and Virtue: The Shaping of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment (Cambridge, 1983), which he co-edited and introduced with Michael Ignatieff. Istvan contributed to this book with two influential papers: his “The ‘rich country – poor country’ debate in Scottish classical political economy” and, with Ignatieff, “Needs and Justice in the Wealth of Nations”. The economic limits to national politics, Hume’s treatment of credit, the nation-state and nationalism in 18th century, the language of the debate and its context, remained his intellectual motivations. Istvan began his academic career at Cambridge University. He became Lecturer in the Faculty of History and then he was appointed Reader in Political Thought.
Between 1986 and 1989 Istvan and Anna moved to Columbia, where he was appointed Assistant Professor. After this experience in the US, they returned to King’s College, Cambridge. Except for one failed attempt to move to Harvard, and short visiting appointments at Princeton, Chicago, Harvard, Göttingen, Budapest, among others, Cambridge and King’s College became and remained their home. The attempt to move to Harvard, or better said, the attempt to move Istvan Hont to Harvard, became famous. I vividly remember this episode as I was member at King’s College. Early in 2002, the Faculty of Government at Harvard University, normally divided over appointments, had reached a unanimous consensus to appoint Istvan Hont. The Faculty had discussed about the candidate for nearly a year and requested around 20 evaluations from outside experts. Lawrence Summers was then President of Harvard. And Summers, as an economist, had regularly promoted younger candidates who would produce more. When he heard about this appointment, he was concerned with Hont’s research productivity. Finally Summers vetoed Istvan’s unanimously approved appointment. This created a hot debate in Harvard and also in Cambridge. Istvan, who was 54 years old at the time, declared to the WSJ: "I don't feel old… I feel I'm in the full swing of my research activities. I was originally a refugee in Hungary and I got all my appointments 10 years later than anybody else. It took me a long time to get to England and establish myself." At the end, he was happy to remain at King’s College, Cambridge. And as a young Smith scholar, I celebrated Summers’ decision.
After this experience, Istvan began to work on his Jealousy of Trade. International Competition and the Nation-State in Historical Perspective (Harvard, 2005). It is a collection of his essays, but it contains a carefully written long introduction that summarizes his life research. Actually this long introduction can be read as a new book. Perhaps Summers was right: Istvan was not productive with his research. But in Istvan’s case there was definitely a trade-off between quality and quantity: what he wrote and published is seminal and fundamental.
Istvan would attend some History of Economics Society Meetings, and was enthusiastic with the development of the Society. In 2007 Istvan Hont received the Joseph J. Spengler Prize for the best book. Cristina Marcuzzo, chair of the Spengler Committee, stated:
“We found Hont's book to be monumental in the detail and breadth of its scholarship. His understanding of both the primary texts he utilizes and the broader political-economic-historical contexts of that work is indeed masterful. The ground of international trade in that era has certainly been ploughed before, but not often with the depth and skill Hont brings to the work. This is both an outstanding work in the history of economic and political ideas and a work that is relevant to ongoing discussions today about globalization and the nation-state. Its contemporary relevance is but one more reason to honor it with this year's Spengler Prize.”
His Jealousy of Trade (2005), using the title of Hume’s famous essay, concentrated and expanded his idea that eighteenth century political economy, mainly represented by Hume and Smith, established the framework of our modern conception about international politics. After publishing this celebrated book, the corruption/luxury debate led him to explore the intellectual extent of the relationship between Rousseau and Smith. This was the subject of his Carlyle Lectures (Oxford University, 2009) and Benedict Lecture (Boston University, 2010). (*)
Istvan was an enthusiastic and fervent member of the so-called Cambridge School, a tradition that owes much to Peter Laslett, Quentin Skinner, J. A. G. Pocock and John Dunn, among others. His influential legacy is the best proof that he was an important representative of this approach to intellectual history.
I remember the first time I met Istvan as a PhD student. We used to have lunch at King’s College dining hall. After some conversations, I finally dared to ask him to read a paper on the Adam Smith Problem. He invited me for lunch. And I asked Istvan “what do you think about it?” He immediately replied, with his Hungarian accent, “it is rubbish”. One would first feel threatened, but he had his way. And at the end, he would be very helpful. As my PhD dissertation developed, he became a great and inspiring company. Gradually we became acquainted, had dinner together with Anna, and had regular lunches at King’s where our conversation went beyond Adam Smith and David Hume.
As a scholar Istvan knew almost everything about the Scottish Enlightenment. Besides his encyclopedic knowledge, he studied and he chewed each idea. And he thought carefully about every word he wrote. His undergraduate students, I remember, thought he was extremely demanding, but he was respected as a very good teacher. I imagine that writing a paper with him was a challenge, but also an intellectual experience. He was certainly terrifying and at times awkward, but he was immensely generous with his time and knowledge. I still remember his smile which was a sign of approval. And I still remember, after we became acquainted, that whenever we would talk about Adam Smith, I would call for his opinion paraphrasing Adam Smith’s definition of the virtue of self-command: “what does the awesome and respectable Istvan Hont think about this idea”. He liked that, as he realized a student would need some self-command with him. But he also was inspiringly helpful.
Istvan certainly liked what he did in his life. I imagine him at his bed, happily reading Lucretius, as David Hume did. I also imagine that he might have asked Anna to burn some of his unpolished manuscripts, as Adam Smith did. He passed away on Friday, 29 March 2013, aged 65.
(*) Istvan develops his thesis in a conversation at Harvard University (see “Rousseau and Smith: A Conversation with Istvan Hont”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v83Zh2IenM4
Leonidas Montes
Dean School of Government, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
About Jealousy of Trade (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005)
O racismo oficial do Estado brasileiro: o Apartheid em construção
Eu, obviamente, não desejando escolher entre ser branco, preto ou amarelo, simplesmente marquei que "Não desejo declarar", o que parece uma confissão de vergonha ou de covardia, quando deveria sinplesmente não existir essa exigência obrigatória.
Depois, pensando bem, resolvi que queria ser negro, e convidar TODOS os pesquisadores que tem necessariamente de se classificar a escolher a mesma opção: se declararem NEGROS.
Esta é a única maneira de denunciar e de inviabilizar a classificação RACISTA que nos pretendem impingir: pronto, agora somos todos NEGROS, e exigimos um tratamento condizente com a nossa condição de NEGROS.
Como Vinicius de Morais, que no seu Samba da Benção, se declarava o branco mais preto do Brasil, seremos agora todos brancos absolutamente negros, já que se trata de autodefinição.
Simplesmente vergonhoso.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida