Temas de relações internacionais, de política externa e de diplomacia brasileira, com ênfase em políticas econômicas, em viagens, livros e cultura em geral. Um quilombo de resistência intelectual em defesa da racionalidade, da inteligência e das liberdades democráticas.
O que é este blog?
Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.
quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013
Venezuela and Shakespeare, or rather: Macbeth em espanhol caribenho - Alma Guillermoprieto (NYRBooks)
A decadencia universitaria, o MEC dinossauro e um governo erratico: receita certa para o desastre...
Os descaminhos da carreira docente nas universidades federais brasileiras
- estabelece a titulação de doutorado como requisito para ingresso na carreira, prevendo a possibilidade de as universidades dispensarem - justificadamente - essa exigência nos editais dos concursos (art. 8º, §§ 1º e 3º);
- modifica as designações de cada classe - de Auxiliar, Assistente, Adjunto, Associado e Titular para, respectivamente, A, B, C, D e E; na classe "A", o docente pode ser denominado Adjunto (se Doutor), Assistente (se Mestre) ou Auxiliar (se não tiver titulação). As demais classes correspondem às denominações de Assistente (B), Adjunto (C), Associado (D) e Titular (E). O ingresso na carreira permanece sendo obrigatoriamente no primeiro nível da classe A;
- reduz de 20 para 10 anos o tempo de experiência ou de titulação de doutorado exigidos para ingresso na classe de Titular-Livre (art. 9º, II);
- estabelece regras do concurso para Titular-Livre, prevendo banca com membros externos e critérios a serem estabelecidos pelo Ministro da Educação (art. 9º, com acréscimo de um § 3º) (regra semelhante já está prevista para a promoção para classe de Titular de carreira);
- amplia as atividades e formas de remuneração admitidas no regime de Dedicação Exclusiva, incluindo bolsas de organismos internacionais (art. 21, III) e colaboração esporádica de natureza científica ou tecnológica, limitadas a 120h/ano (inciso XII acrescentado ao art. 21). Tais atividades deverão ser autorizadas e normatizadas pelo Conselho Superior de cada universidade (art. 21, §1º);
- adiciona o afastamento para pós-doutorado entre as hipóteses de afastamento possíveis ainda no período probatório (art. 30, I).
(1) Pondo fim à greve de mais de três meses nas universidades federais, tal projeto fez parte do acordo entre o Governo Federal (MEC) e um dos sindicatos dos professores - o PROIFES, sindicato que disputa a representação da categoria dos docentes com o ANDES. Este último, no entanto, não assinou o acordo.
(2) Considerando-se um índice de inflação esperada de 5% a.a., o que é um cenário bem otimista; o aumento da inflação vai corroer ainda mais esse valor real.
(3) Essa é uma exigência constitucional - a de que os requisitos do concurso público devam ser estabelecidos expressamente em Lei (art. 37, I da Constituição Federal).
(4) Pela Constituição, os requisitos do concurso podem variar conforme a complexidade do cargo (art. 37, I e II). Nada autoriza a concluir que seria inconstitucional a possibilidade de concurso para um nível não inicial da carreira.
Ach! Der douce und grosse Dekadence... Frankreich, bien sur - Der Spiegel
Presidentes, estadistas, existem para guiar um país no caminho da prosperidade, geralmente por meio de reformas constantes, se preciso for com algum sacrifício dos acomodados. Se esses líderes se revelam incapazes de fazê-lo, melhor aposentá-los e pensar em lideranças mais consequentes. Acho que é o caso do morno, aborrecido, sonolento François Hollande. Time to retire...
Bonjour Tristesse: The Economic and Political Decline of France
France is in the grip of a crisis. As both its economy and European influence weaken, scandal has hobbled its political elite. The country needs drastic overhaul, but President Hollande does nothing but waver and hesitate.
Judging by the imperial magnificence of the Elysee Palace, France has never ceased to be a world power. Rooms with five-meter (16-foot) ceilings, gilded chandeliers, candelabras and elaborate stucco work are guarded by members of the Republican Guard, who parade in front of the palace gates with their plumes of feathers and bayonets.
The man in charge, on the other hand, seems lonely and small in his palace. He is surrounded by court ushers who make sure that glasses and writing sets are perfectly arranged, and when he enters a conference room, they call out grandly "Monsieur le Président de la République!", to give his attendants time to stand up for him.
Outside, throughout the country, unemployment reaches new highs each month, factories are shut down daily, hundreds of thousands take to the streets to protest gay marriage, and the French are increasingly outraged over a barrage of new political scandals as the country hovers on the cusp of waning global relevance. Yet this roar of dissatisfaction doesn't permeate the walls of Hollande's world. Here, it is quiet, very quiet.
Shortly after moving into his new official residence, Hollande warned his staff that in a palace it is easy to feel protected, and he insisted that he did not want to be "locked in." But that is precisely what is happening, as evidenced by the documentary film "Le Pouvoir" (The Power), which recently debuted in French theaters and whose creators accompanied Hollande during the brutal first eight months of his presidency.
Elite in a Bubble
They paint an image of a likeable man who seems to spend a lot of time rewriting speeches prepared by his staff. As you watch him in the movie, you start to wonder: Does he do all the important things when no one's watching or does he really spends most of his time on the unimportant? However, the main subject of the film is not the president, but rather the reality bubble in the country's top echelons. Not just Hollande, but also most of his cabinet ministers, still reside in Parisian city palaces that predate the French Revolution, and perhaps that's a problem.
A justice minister who spends her days in the Hôtel de Bourvallais on Place Vendôme, next door to the Hotel Ritz, a culture minister who goes to work at the magnificent Palais Royal, a prime minister whose offices are in the grand Hôtel Matignon and a president who resides at the Elysee Palace, they all need a great deal of inner strength to avoid losing their connection to reality. It's a difficult proposition, because Paris's settings of power convey the message that France is big, rich and beautiful.
But the mood hanging over the country is depressed. France is in the midst of the biggest crisis of the Fifth Republic. It feels as if the French model had reached an end stage, not just in terms of the economy, but also in politics and society. A country that long dismissed its problems is going through a painful process of adjustment to reality and, as was the case last week, can now expect to be issued warnings by the European Commission and prompted to implement reforms.
France's plight was initially apparent in the economy, which has been stagnating for five years, because French state capitalism no longer works. But the crisis reaches deeper than that. At issue is a political class that more than three quarters of the population considers corrupt, and a president who, this early in his term, is already more unpopular than any of his predecessors. At issue is a society that is more irreconcilably divided into left and right than in almost any other part of Europe. And, finally, at issue is the identity crisis of a historically dominant nation that struggles with the fact that its neighbor, Germany, now sets the tone on the continent.
The French economy has been in gradual decline for years, without any president or administration having done anything decisive about it. But now, ignoring the problems is no longer an option. The economy hasn't grown in five years and will even contract slightly this year. A record 3.26 million Frenchmen are unemployed, youth unemployment is at 26.5 percent, consumer purchasing power has declined, and consumption, which drives the French economy, is beginning to slow down, as well.
There is a more positive side of the story, which sometimes pales in the face of all the bad news. France is the world's fifth-largest economy, and interest rates for government bonds have been at historic lows for months. The country is far from being on the verge of bankruptcy and cannot be compared with Italy or Spain, and certainly not with Greece. Nevertheless, France is ailing. And looking weak is something the French themselves hate more than anything else.
Consequences of French Decline
This mixture of factors could jeopardize the entire European structure. For one thing, if France continues to decline, more and more responsibility will be shifted to Germany. "Germany cannot carry the euro on its shoulders alone indefinitely," writes Harvard University economist Kenneth Rogoff. "France needs to become a second anchor of growth and stability."
Another problem is that the European Union is losing its standing in France at a more dramatic pace than in any other EU member state. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, the public approval of the EU in France has declined from 60 to 41 percent in only a year. This might be owed to the uncomfortable fact that Brussels is increasingly treating France as a problem and not as one of Europe's supporting columns, and many French citizens have started to see the terms 'Brussels' and (German Chancellor) 'Angela Merkel' as synonymous.
But is the EU to blame for the France's crisis? Can Europe truly be held responsible for the fact that the government is behind 57 percent of total economic output in France? That government debt has risen to more than 90 percent of the gross domestic product? Is it Germany's fault that, for decades, French administrations have failed to make the country's business environment more competitive? And has anyone in Brussels demanded that a fifth of all workers in France be employed by the government?
France may be ailing, but it still has a lot going for it. It is home to successful major corporations, such as the luxury brand group LVMH, tire manufacturer Michelin and many pharmaceutical companies. The country has an efficient healthcare system, the highest birthrate in Europe and healthier demographics than Germany, fostered by tax breaks for families, the acceptance of working mothers as a fact of life and a corresponding system of full-day childcare.
But the French welfare state costs money, a lot of money. The country has neglected to make decisions on how much its individual achievements are worth, and how certain luxurious aspects of life it has come to appreciate could be modified to conform to not-so-luxurious realities, including the 35-hour workweek, a retirement age of 60 for some workers and unemployment benefits of up to €6,200 ($8,122) a month. As a result, there is a sense of gridlock, and a sour public mood is following on the heels of bad economic news.
Stuck in Past Grandeur?
France has an illustrious past, of which it is justifiably proud, but its historic success also prevents it from clearly recognizing the need for reforms. The omnipotent, bloated central government, which also controls the economy, should have been reformed long ago. The privileges of the Paris political elite are so outdated that they have become intolerable, and many bribery and corruption scandals are undermining an already fragile political legitimacy.
It cannot be accidental that France's leading politicians increasingly refer to their country as the "grande nation." Since the election campaign, President Hollande has hardly missed an opportunity to invoke the nation's greatness. With some dialectical malice, one could see this as evidence that France's greatness is now becoming a relic, but it certainly reflects the self-hypnosis of a nation whose stature is in the process of shrinking.
"Our soldiers demonstrated our role," Hollande said recently in a major press conference at the Elysée Palace, as he praised one of his rare successes, the military operation in Mali. "Namely that of a great nation that can influence the balance of power in the world."
There is an increasingly stark contrast between the feigned grandiosity of the president's appearances and the faintheartedness of his daily actions. The obstructionism and inflexibility that prevail throughout the entire country can only be eliminated through deep-seated renewal. But so far Hollande, who promised "change" in his campaign, has been more conspicuous for his hesitation than his courage.
Does he aim to be France's great reformer but lacks the courage to defy the left wing of his party, as a member of the German government believes? Or is it that he clings to his party's old formulas, wants to change as little as possible and is waiting for the day when the recovery happens on its own?
- Part 1: The Economic and Political Decline of France
- Part 2: Hollande's Mixed Messages
- Part 3: Blame Germany
- Photo Gallery: France's Dwindling Influence
- Austerity Auction: Paris Cleans Out the Palace Wine Cellar (05/30/2013)
- Crisis of Friendship: Split Persists Between Berlin and Paris(05/17/2013)
- Until Elections Do Us Part: A Deep Frost in Franco-German Relations(05/01/2013)
- Sarkozy's Back: Ex-President Takes Aim at Hollande's Policies (04/29/2013)
- World from Berlin: Hollande Has 'Divided France in Two' (04/24/2013)
- Sarkozy Scandal: An 'Unflattering Picture' of French Democracy(03/25/2013)
40 licoes simples de um economista que chegou aos 40 anos - Bryan Caplan
Com vocês, algumas lições verdadeiras, outras lógicas, outras ainda elementares, e algumas poucas tão complexas que vai ser difícil segui-las...
Mas vale tentar (embora a maioria seja feita de deduções, e portanto não aplicáveis no plano individual).
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Quarenta coisas que aprendi nos meus primeiros 40 anos
Economista revela lições valiosas que aprendeu em suas primeiras quatro décadas de vida
Colombia na OTAN? Nao contem para os companheiros, nervosos e irritados...
Colombia: acercamiento a la OTAN irrita en América Latina
Bogotá, 5 de junio de 2013
- El presidente de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, lo calificó como "una puñalada", el de Bolivia, Evo Morales, como una provocación, y el de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro como una aberración.
- Ante la oleada de críticas, el gobierno colombiano aclaró este martes en un comunicado que "no pretende y no puede ser país miembro de la OTAN", y que lo que busca son "mecanismos de cooperación".
- La aclaratoria fue celebrada poco después por Maduro, quien la consideró como "un paso positivo" que permite "mantener encarrilado, en buen carril seguro, las relaciones de paz y cooperación con el gobierno de Colombia y con toda Sudamérica".
Un vecindario sensible
Pero una declaración de Santos en la que dijo que este mes de junio la OTAN suscribiría un acuerdo con su país “para iniciar todo un proceso de acercamiento, de cooperación, con miras también a ingresar a esa organización” militar provocó el rechazo inmediato de Nicaragua, Venezuela y Bolivia, socios en la Alternativa Bolivariana para Nuestra América (ALBA).
El presidente de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, lo calificó como “una puñalada”, el de Bolivia, Evo Morales, como una provocación, y el de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro como una aberración.
A la vez, Morales y Maduro coincidieron en la pertinencia de convocar una reunión de emergencia de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur), que cuenta con un Consejo Suramericano de Defensa, para tratar el tema.
Ante la oleada de críticas, el gobierno colombiano aclaró este martes en un comunicado que “no pretende y no puede ser país miembro de la OTAN”, y que lo que busca son “mecanismos de cooperación”.
La aclaratoria fue celebrada poco después por Maduro, quien la consideró como “un paso positivo” que permite “mantener encarrilado, en buen carril seguro, las relaciones de paz y cooperación con el gobierno de Colombia y con toda Sudamérica”.
Mientras tanto, la propia OTAN explicó que Colombia no cumple con sus criterios de adhesión, pues solo los países ubicados en el Atlántico Norte pueden ingresar.
Para Rubén Sánchez, politólogo especialista en seguridad y democracia por el Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de París, el anuncio “contribuye a ahondar la brecha” entre los países con gobiernos de izquierda integrados en el ALBA y Estados Unidos y sus aliados.
“Colombia busca estrechar las relaciones con Estados Unidos, ser uno de sus aliados preferenciales en América Latina, pero pierde lo que se había ganado con la diplomacia”, señaló.
Desde 2000, este país se beneficia del Plan Colombia para lucha contra el narcotráfico y el terrorismo, mediante el cual ha recibido más de 8.000 millones de dólares en asistencia y entrenamiento militar.
Pero la ayuda estadounidense en esa materia “se ha reducido y se va a reducir aún más”, recordó Sánchez, por lo que Colombia podría “buscar compensación en otra parte”.
Para Vicente Torrijos, profesor de estudios políticos en la Universidad del Rosario de Bogotá, la ventaja de un acuerdo con la OTAN sería la de darle “mayor legitimidad” a las acciones que se emprendan.
“Estados Unidos sabe que puede cooperar con Colombia en cualquier momento, pero tendría mayor legitimidad en el marco de una gran alianza y no unilateralmente”, dijo.
“Colombia no tiene recursos para embarcarse en una carrera armamentista, ni tampoco la quiere. La OTAN es un modelo social y económico afín al de la democracia liberal colombiana, y representa una manera de estar a salvo de las aventuras militaristas en la región”, opinó Torrijos.
Exposição “Pioneiros & Empreendedores: A Saga do Desenvolvimento no Brasil” - Manaus
Livro: “Sistema Internacional de Hegemonia Conservadora" - Eduardo Viola et alii
O Instituto de Relações Internacionais da Universidade de Brasília e a Annablume Editora convidam para o lançamento do livro "Sistema Internacional de Hegemonia Conservadora: Governança Global e Democracia na Era da Crise Climática", de Eduardo Viola, Matias Franchini e Thaís Lemos Ribeiro.
O lançamento se fará com uma Mesa Redonda, com os autores e José Flávio Sombra Saraiva, Antônio Jorge Ramalho da Rocha, Cristina Inoue e Ana Flávia Barros, professores do Instituto de Relações Internacionais.
O evento terá lugar no Auditório do iREL-UnB (ao lado do Pavilhão João Calmon do Campus Darcy Ribeiro da Universidade de Brasília), no dia 07/06/2013, a partir das 16h.
Não é necessário fazer inscrição para o evento. Informações adicionais podem ser obtidas pelo e-mail tlemosribeiro@gmail.com.
Argentina estatiza companhia de transporte ferroviario ALL - Portogente
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Portogente, 05/06/2013 - 10:01
A Argentina alega que a ALL não cumpriu o acordo de modernizar a malha ferroviária concedida pelo governo local. Produtores argentinos,assim como acontece no Brasil, se queixam da administração da companhia. No Twitter do Ministério dos Transportes da Argentina foi publicado: "Temos que defender o interesse do Estado. As concessões foram realizadas na década de 90 e não atenderam a qualquer objetivo".
O Conselho de Administração da ALL havia divulgado no sábado (1) ter aprovado a compra da totalidade de debêntures da quinta e da sexta emissões após resultados fracos apresentados pela unidade de operação na Argentina.