Pois aqui estão as palavras mais frequentes buscadas em certos países.
Quem tiver paciência, procure pela principal palavra no Brasil, OK?
Aposto como tem a ver com os saudáveis hábitos companheiros...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
5 Google search trends that help explain the chaos of 2014
A person prepares to search the Internet using the Google search engine, on May 14, 2014, in Lille. (PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP via Getty Images)
Of course, Google's search trends do not reflect world events in their entirety, partially because the search engine is not dominant in all countries and many Middle Eastern nations are missing from Google's summary. In some cases, however, the search trends reflect worrisome international conflicts or problems.
You can take a closer look at the data here, but we have compiled a list of some of the most politically revealing search trends in 2014.
Ukrainians were more interested in manuals that explain how to make molotov cocktails than in any other recipe. Google considers such manuals to be recipes -- a category that is usually occupied by cook-book entries in other countries.
Riot police run away from an exploding molotov cocktail during clashes with radical protesters in Kiev, Ukraine, 19 January 2014. (EPA/OLEG PETRASIUK)
Two days later, Yanukovych fled to Russia -- but chaos persisted in Ukraine.
The particular interest in molotov cocktails can be traced back to the street fights in Kiev and other cities that were particularly frequent in the first half of the year.
In 2013, the most asked question in Ukraine that involved the word 'How' was "How to make a screenshot?" This year, however, Ukrainians were primarily interested in: "How do I save electricity?"
A Pro-Russian rebel walks in a passage at the local market damaged by shelling in Petrovskiy district in the town of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2014. (AP Photo/Mstislav Chernov)
The European Union recently estimated that at least $15 billion in additional foreign assistance was needed to prevent the implosion of Ukraine's economy.
Many Ukrainians are already feeling the impact: Earlier this month, the U.N. children's agency warned that more than 1.7 million children were suffering due to the conflict in Ukraine and that the situation was exacerbated by cold temperatures and a lack of supplies.
In Sweden, the fourth most googled question starting with "Why?" has been: "Why was the E.U. established?"
European flags fly at the entrance of the EU Commission Berlaymont building in Brussels on May 21,2014. (GEORGES GOBET/AFP via Getty Images)
2014 exposed an anti-immigration attitude among many Swedish that has worried many abroad. An anti-immigration party that is often accused of promoting xenophobia came in third in this year's elections in September.
When Europe elected the E.U. parliament in May, anti-immigration as well as anti-European Union attitudes gained momentum and were often promoted by the same right-wing parties. That could explain the Swedish interest in getting to know why the E.U. was established in the first place.
Many French searched for information on how to abstain from elections. "How to vote blank/ white" was most searched in the category of sentences starting with "How to …”
French President Francois Hollande leaves the stage after a speech as part of the ceremonies to mark the 70th anniversary of the Allied landing in Provence, on August 15, 2014. (ALAIN JOCARD/AFP via Getty Images)
While France's current President Francois Hollande became the most unpopular one in the country's recent history, right-wing party Front National celebrated major gains.
Its success was fueled by the country's weak economic performance, high unemployment rates, and a rise in xenophobic, as well as anti-Semitic, attitudes.
With an abstention rate of 56.5 percent from this year's E.U. elections, France was far above average (43.1 percent). Many polling experts believe that the high rate of abstention is a sign of frustration among the French with their political elites.
5. In Israel, the most searched news event term was the Home Front Command.
Palestinians inspect damage to adjacent houses from a fallen minaret of the Al-Sousi mosque that was destroyed in an Israel strike, at the Shati refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, Wednesday, July 30, 2014. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)
Hence, the Command was among the most regionally searched terms in 2014 – a year in which thousands (and far more Palestinians than Israelis) died in a conflict that was dubbed Operation Protective Edge by Israel.
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