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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida;

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quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2015

My comments na Economist: not too much, just a few...

Uau! Entrando na seção de comentários da Economist para escrever sobre a matéria na qual a revista acha que a presidente pode se safar do atual processo de impeachment, acabei descobrindo comentários meus, anteriores, sobre outros assuntos, que são facilmente perceptíveis pela natureza dos temas tratados.
Um ou outro desses comentários até mereceu transcrição na edição impressa, que eu recebia, por ser assinante. Agora não sou mais, só leio de graça, o que me permitem...
Não assino não para poupar dinheiro, exatamente, mas por asboluta falta de tempo...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Dear Sir,
I have been observing European building up for the last 40 years. At the beginning, being from a region (South America and Mercosur), I was very sympathetic towards the European model, and thaught it could be a good exemple for South American integration.
Summing up, now, I think Europe has over-extended the utility of a very complex institutional architecture, and I come to recognize that your Lady Thatcher was right!
Europeans have built a gothic cathedral in Brussels, that is too complex to manage and too costly to entertain and keep running.
Every time that a problem is recognized, European leadership responds that all we (you) need "is more Europe", that is, erecting more alleys to an already complex and complicated gothic cathedral, wirh plenty of political gargouilles and bureaucratic circumvolutions. How to live with all that? And how to pay for it?
I think now that Brittons are right: better to have a light, small, flexible, cheaper instrument, and dismiss all this baroque, rococo, architecture.
I hope that we do not start to build a gothic cathedral in South America.
Paulo R. de Almeida
Brasilia, Brazil

Racial quotas either for universities, or public offices, is the equivalent of an Apartheid system, in a country which, while having some grave inequalities touching mostly poor (and black ) people, never had policies separating its citizens according to racial or color lines.
This modifies completely the political and social scenario in Brazil, for the worse, of course.
Paulo R. Almeida
Brasilia, Brazil

Dear Sir,
Yes, natural gas is a fossil fuel, but much more "civilized" than other fossil fuels. I think it is capable of playing a great role in the transitional phasis to a more renewable energy matrix.
Natural gas is not a polluter of the same kind as coal or oil; it volatilize easily and contributes less to the global warming...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

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