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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida;

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quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2021

José Guilherme Merquior: 80 anos - Seminário Internacional (9 e 10 de dezembro, via canal YouTube da É Realizações)

 Seminário Internacional

José Guilherme Merquior: 80 anos

9 e 10 de dezembro, via canal YouTube da É Realizações



9 de dezembro, 9h

Mesa de abertura: Depoimentos

Julia Merquior

Gilda Oswaldo Cruz (Pianista e Escritora)

José Jerônimo Moscardo de Sousa (Itamaraty)

Edson Filho (É Realizações)


9 de dezembro 11h

Merquior, leitor único (I)

Raymond Aron – Eduardo Wolf (UNB)

Walter Benjamin – Günter Pressler (UFPA)

Carlos Drummond de Andrade – Flávia Amparo (UFF / Colégio Pedro II)


9 de dezembro 14h

Merquior, leitor único (II)

Foucault – Andrea Almeida Campos (UNICAP)

Lévi-Strauss – Valter Sinder (UERJ / PUC-RJ)

Machado de Assis – Lucia Granja (UNICAMP)


9 de dezembro 18h

Merquior, pensador (I)

O Brasil no Mundo –  Rubens Ricupero (Itamaraty / Instituto Fernand Braudel de Economia Mundial)

Liberalismo social e Humanismo – Eduardo Cesar Maia (UFPE)

Escola de Frankfurt – Regina Zilberman (UFRGS)


10 de dezembro, 10h, Merquior, pensador (II)

Crise da cultura – Kaio Felipe (IESP-UERJ)

Lírica moderna – Adriano Lima Drummond (UESPI) 

Formalismo – José Luís Jobim (UFF / UERJ)


10 de dezembro 12h

Merquior e o universo hispano-americano

Merquior e Octavio Paz – Christopher Domínguez Michael (Letras Libres / Colegio Nacional de México)

O outro Ocidente: o caso brasileiro – Cláudio Ribeiro (UFG)


10 de dezembro, 14h

Merquior e a literatura brasileira

História da Literatura – Regina Lúcia de Faria (UFRRJ)

Poesia – Antonio Carlos Secchin (UFRJ / Academia Brasileira de Letras)

Crítica – Peron Rios (Colégio de Aplicação da UFPE)



Inéditos de José Guilherme Merquior

Manuela Carneiro da Cunha (Universidade de Chicago / Universidade de São Paulo)

Paulo Roberto de Almeida (IHG-DF / Ibmec-DF)



Mesa de encerramento: Depoimentos

Edson Filho (É Realizações)

Manuela Carneiro da Cunha (Universidade de Chicago / Universidade de São Paulo)

Christopher Domínguez Michael (Letras Libres / Colegio Nacional de México)

Heloisa Vilhena de Araujo (Itamaraty)

Julia Merquior 


América Latina: política e economia contraditórias - Domingo Cavallo e Andrés Malamud

 Grato a meu amigo e colega Pedro Luiz Rodrigues, pela compilação diária das melhores notícias da imprensa internacional

Clarín, Buenos Aires – 2.12.2021

La asombrosa resiliencia argentina

En el caso de la Argentina, su política es sorprendentemente estable pese a que su economía es una desgracia.

Andrés Malamud


En América Latina hay cuatro tipos de países. Los clasificamos según cómo les va en política y en economía. Un pequeño grupo tiene la macroeconomía estable y la política sana. Uruguay y Costa Rica son los mejores ejemplos.

Un segundo grupo tiene la macroeconomía en ruinas y la democracia rota. Aquí sobresalen Venezuela y Haití.

En el medio de estos dos grupos se sitúan los otros dos. El más numeroso disfruta de una macroeconomía estable pero tiene la política descompuesta. Lo encabezan Chile y Perú.

El cuarto grupo es la Argentina. Su política es sorprendentemente estable pese a que su economía es una desgracia.

La comparación ayuda a entender. Perú tiene el mismo presidente del Banco Central desde hace 15 años: lo nombró Alan García en 2006. Su inflación ronda el 2% anual, y se financia en los mercados internacionales también al 2%. En el mismo periodo, la Argentina tuvo ocho presidentes del Banco Central. Su inflación supera el 50% y nadie le presta un dólar.

En contraste, todos los expresidentes peruanos están prófugos o presos o se suicidaron para no ir presos. Los más recientes ni siquiera terminaron su mandato. Los partidos políticos tradicionales se disolvieron: en la última elección, los dos candidatos presidenciales más votados sumaron el 32% de los votos. Mientras tanto, todos los presidentes argentinos desde 2003 terminaron su mandato y ninguno está preso, aunque muchos consideren esto inapropiado.

Los partidos tradicionales gobiernan la enorme mayoría de municipios y provincias del país. En la última elección, los dos candidatos presidenciales más votados sumaron el 88% de los votos.

Perú tiene la macroeconomía sana y la política rota; Argentina, al revés.

¿Cuánto tiempo más puede aguantar la democracia argentina sin romperse? A la vista de los resultados electorales, bastante. Las dos fuerzas principales concentraron el 75% de los votos en las recientes elecciones legislativas, que tienden a fragmentar el voto en vez de concentrarlo. Las terceras fuerzas, sean libertarias o trotskistas, sumaron solo cuatro diputados cada una. Estas fuerzas tienen cero senadores, cero gobernadores y cero intendentes.

Hagamos un ejercicio de imaginación. Si en 2023 la fórmula presidencial Milei-Espert sacara el 50% de los votos en todas las provincias, los libertarios ganarían la presidencia y vicepresidencia de la república. Pero, aun con semejante votación, solo obtendrían 16 senadores sobre 72 (dos por cada una de las ocho provincias donde se vota para la cámara alta) y 69 diputados sobre 257 (la mitad de los que estarán en disputa más los cuatro actuales).

Para gobernar, o incluso para no ser destituidos, tendrían que tejer acuerdos con los partidos tradicionales. Las instituciones políticas argentinas están diseñadas para filtrar o deglutir terceras fuerzas, no para facilitarles la vida.

Y las instituciones no están solas: la sociedad argentina también es reacia a las disrupciones, aunque de vez en cuando parezca que quiere romper todo. El ejemplo más claro viene de las provincias.

Desde 1983 hasta hoy hubo diez elecciones para gobernador, y el promedio es de veinte victorias oficialistas cada veinticuatro votaciones: alrededor del 85%. La política nacional parece turbulenta cuando se mira las olas desde la superficie porteña, pero el agua profunda es muy estable.

Las anteojeras porteñas no son pasajeras. Desde la reforma constitucional de 1994, el jefe de gobierno de la Capital Federal es electo por el pueblo y proyecta su figura y su gestión a todo el país. La razón es que los medios de comunicación llamados “nacionales” son porteños, y un piquete en la 9 de Julio se transforma inmediatamente en un corte nacional.

El conurbano actúa como un amplificador subordinado de la CABA: encandilados por el Metrobús y los helechos repletos de luz y agua, los habitantes del Gran Buenos Aires son porteños aspiracionales y no se cansan de elegir dirigentes metropolitanos para mandar a La Plata: los últimos cinco gobernadores (Carlos Ruckauf, Daniel Scioli, Felipe Solá, María Eugenia Vidal y Axel Kicillof) tuvieron que cruzar la General Paz para gobernar la Provincia.

El porteñocentrismo, cuya versión magnificada es el AMBAcentrismo, se encarna en el deforme gabinete nacional. De veintiún ministros, diecinueve provienen de las dos Buenos Aires.

Las otras veintidós provincias reúnen dos ministros entre todas: Juan Manzur y Martín Soria. Esto significa que, con el 45% de la población, las Buenos Aires ocupan más del 90% del poder ejecutivo. Solo la mansedumbre bovina de la dirigencia del interior explica que no se levante en el horizonte otro Grito de Alcorta, aquella rebelión agraria de pequeños y medianos arrendatarios rurales que se inició en 1912 en Santa Fe y se extendió por toda la región pampeana.

La razón es, probablemente, que los dirigentes del interior pertenecen a los mismos partidos AMBAcéntricos que se turnan en el gobierno nacional. Paradójicamente las alternativas a estos partidos, vengan por derecha o por izquierda, son todavía más AMBAcéntricas – y mucho menos populares.

A diferencia de Brasil, Chile o Perú, Argentina parece condenada a gobernarse con los partidos que tiene. Los nuevos prometen pero no tienen condiciones para cumplir. Si esto es así, conviene reconciliarse con lo que hay y participar para mejorarlo. La alternativa, romper todo, no estaría funcionando en América Latina.


Andrés Malamud es politólogo. Profesor e investigador de la Universidad de Lisboa.




La Nación, Buenos Aires – 1.12.2021

Domingo Cavallo 

“Permitir que el dólar funcione como moneda” puede ayudar a la economía del país

El exministro rescató su experiencia en los años 90, cuando propuso la convertibilidad; pidió analizar el caso de Perú


El exministro de Economía Domingo Cavallo consideró necesario “permitir que el dólar funcione como moneda” para “ayudar a la economía”, a través de un mecanismo de “intermediación financiera”, de forma tal de hacer frente a la falta de confianza actual en el peso.

El promotor de la convertibilidad en los años ‘90 se refirió de este modo durante un encuentro virtual organizado por el instituto universitario Eseade, en el que expuso su análisis de la situación cambiaria y las conversaciones que mantiene el país en relación a la deuda externa. En esa oportunidad dialogó con el especialista Alberto Benegas Lynch.

“Permitir que funcione el dólar como moneda es algo que tiene una aplicación práctica hoy en la Argentina y que puede ayudar a que la economía funcione mejor”, afirmó en la conferencia, en la que lanzó duras críticas a la emisión monetaria del Gobierno.

Cavallo amplió: “Tendrían que dejar que funcione un mercado libre y que sirva el dólar para la intermediación financiera como sucede en Perú y en economías bimonetarias”.

El exministro señaló que “un Banco Central no puede crear crédito” y consideró que el crédito es el resultado del “fruto del ahorro y la confianza”. Y cargó contra la emisión monetaria. “Un Banco Central emitiendo dinero lo único que hace es recolectar un impuesto subrepticio que es el impuesto inflacionario”, agregó.

En su razonamiento, el dinero debe facilitar “los intercambios” y permitir “que la gente pueda mantener sus ahorros en forma líquida” y que, además, “sirvan para financiar inversiones”. “No podemos imaginar una economía que no tenga al menos un dinero, que pueda cumplir estos roles”, agregó.

Cavallo rescató su experiencia en los ´90 cuando decidió promover la paridad entre la divisa estadounidense y la moneda nacional. “La gente ahorraba en dólares porque sentía que se protegía el ahorro. Mientras que el austral era una moneda que la gente no demandaba. Apenas la recibía se la trataba de sacar comprando dólares o pagando por bienes y servicios”, analizó.

De este modo, consignó que la legalización del dólar como moneda en el país y la autorización para que haya intermediación financiera en el país con dólares “logró estabilizar la economía argentina”.

“El dólar permitió que la economía se estabilizara y funcionara como otras economías estables del mundo”, señaló, aunque aclaró: “Tener una moneda que tenga estabilidad no significa que no va a haber crisis”.


Cavallo también se refirió a la situación de la deuda externa y recordó la experiencia del país en la crisis de 2001, que coincidió con su último mandato como ministro de Economía en el país.

“La crisis de 2001 fue la típica crisis financiera. Los bancos habían prestado, sobre todo a las provincias, plata que no iban a poder devolver”, explicó y añadió: “Cuando los grandes depositantes en los bancos comenzaron a sospechar de la solvencia de algunos iniciaron el retiro de sus depósitos”.

En ese sentido, criticó la decisión de Adolfo Rodríguez Saá de declarar el default. “Desdolarizaron la economía de forma forzosa y aplicaron la solución tradicional de pagadiós”.

En ese sentido, remató: “No hay forma sencilla de restructurar pasivos, pero se pueden encontrar formas de restructuración ordenada como lo han encontrado en la crisis de subprime en Estados Unidos”.

Bibliografia diplomática cronológica, 1945-2022 - Paulo Roberto de Almeida

 Bibliografia diplomática cronológica, 1945-2022

Relações internacionais, relações exteriores, política externa, história diplomática e diplomacia do Brasil: um guia de leituras


Compilação efetuada por Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Brasília, 2 de dezembro de 2021, com base no trabalho 3630 (até 2020)

Guia parcial e incompleto; o organizador agradeceria receber sugestões, comentários e acréscimos, no que se refere a livros publicados sobre e sob as temáticas do título (pralmeida@me.com)




Barão do Rio Branco: Obras do Barão do Rio Branco (em 9 vols., 1945-1948) 

Álvaro Lins: Rio Branco

Renato de Mendonça: História da Política Exterior do Brasil: 1500-1825




Valentim Bouças: História da Dívida Externa da União

Claudionor Lemos: Dívida Externa: análise, legislação e documentos elucidativos

M. Franchini Netto: A Evolução da Diplomacia: antiga e nova técnica




Aluízio Napoleão: Rio Branco e as relações entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos

Getúlio Vargas: A Nova Política do Brasil (11 vols. publicados entre 1938 e 1947)

Luís Gurgel do Amaral: O meu velho Itamaraty




Hélio Vianna: História das Fronteiras do Brasil

Gilberto Freyre: Ingleses no Brasil: aspectos da influência britânica sobre a vida, a paisagem e a cultura do Brasil

Gilberto Freyre: Joaquim Nabuco

Rubens Ferreira de Mello: Gênese e evolução da diplomacia

Rubens Ferreira de Mello: Tratado de direito diplomático (1a. ed.; 2 vols.)




José Honório Rodrigues: Teoria da História do Brasil

Rubens Ferreira de Mello: Tratado de direito diplomático (2a. ed. Aumentada; 2 vols.)





2021: Synesio Sampaio Goes: Alexandre de Gusmão (1695-1753): O estadista que desenhou o mapa do Brasil

Paulo Roberto de Almeida: O Itamaraty Sequestrado: a destruição da diplomacia pelo bolsolavismo

Dawisson Belém Lopes; Aziz Tuffi Saliba: Coleção Desafios Globais (6 vols.)

Paulo Roberto de Almeida: Apogeu e demolição da política externa

Amado L. Cervo: O Espírito das Relações Internacionais



2022: Paulo Afonso Velasco Júnior e Pedro Rafael Pérez Rojas Mariano de Azevedo (orgs.): Venezuela e o Chavismo em perspectiva: análises e depoimentos

Paulo Roberto de Almeida: Projetos para o Brasil: os construtores da nação




Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Brasília, 4033, 2 de dezembro de 2021

Compilação efetuada com base nos trabalhos seguintes: 

3630. “Relações internacionais, relações exteriores, política externa, história diplomática e diplomacia do Brasil, 75 anos de livros e leituras: um guia bibliográfico cronológico, 1945-2020”, Brasília, 11 abril 2020, 22 p. Guia parcial e incompleto da bibliografia em formato de livros, brasileiros e estrangeiros, sobre as temáticas do título; divulgado em caráter preliminar na plataforma Academia.edu (link: https://www.academia.edu/42707131/Bibliografia_Diplomatica_Cronologica_1945-2020 e https://www.academia.edu/s/135002abe2), e apresentado no blog Diplomatizzando (link: https://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/2020/04/uma-cronologia-diplomatica-75-anos-de.html);

 4030. “Política internacional, contexto regional e diplomacia brasileira, acompanhada de listagem seletiva da produção acadêmica em relações internacionais e em política externa do Brasil, de 1985 a 2022”, Brasília, 1 dezembro 2021, 32 p. Quadro sintético cronológico de eventos mundiais, regionais e da política externa brasileira, e da produção intelectual no período, elaborado com base no trabalho n. 2723 (de 1954 a 2014); ainda em revisão.


Divulgado na plataforma Academia.edu (link: https://www.academia.edu/62920113/4033_Bibliografia_diplomática_cronológica_1945_2022_2021_)

"America latina ; sigue siendo el extremo occidente ? - Alan Rouquié (3/12, 11 ou 12hs de Brasília? )

 Vendredi 3 décembre 2021, 16H-17H30 

America latina ; sigue siendo el extremo occidente  ?

Conférence avec Alain Rouquié

Le vendredi 3 décembre 2021 | 16H · 17H30 depuis la maison de l'Amérique Latine.

Exclusivement en ligne sur Youtube 


L'Instituto de iberoamérica de l'Université de Salamanque ; l'Institut des Hautes études de l'Amérique latine de l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle et le Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies de l'Université de Stockholm vous proposent une rencontre avec Alain Rouquié :

"America latina ; sigue siendo el extremo occidente ?

Organisée dans le cadre du master européen Latin America & Europe in a Global World, les échanges prévoient également l'intervention de la directrice de l'Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine ainsi que les interventions des 18 étudiant·e·s de la 2e promotion de ce master Erasmus + LAGLOBE.

Brazil Conference 2022: inscrições para o programa de documentaristas - inscrições abertas



Brazil Conference é a maior conferência organizada por estudantes brasileiros em comunidades internacionais do mundo. Ela tem como missão estabelecer um espaço plural para o debate, criando ideias sobre o futuro do nosso país e fomentando as transformações que melhorarão as vidas do maior número possível de brasileiros. Para isso, promovemos anualmente, na região de Boston, um encontro entre líderes e representantes da diversidade do Brasil. Discutimos temas relacionados à política, economia, cultura e sociedade.

O Programa de Documentaristas da BC tem como objetivo promover e encorajar estudantes universitários brasileiros que tenham habilidades de comunicação (redação e entrevista) e audiovisual (produção, gravação e edição de vídeos) a registrar os bastidores e realizar entrevistas durante a oitava edição da Brazil Conference que será realizada em Boston, Estados Unidos nos dias 9 e 10 de abril de 2022.

Esse pode ser o seu ano de comparecer a Brazil Conference em Boston, na sua volta ao modelo presencial, e garantir todos os benefícios concedidos aos nossos Documentaristas!

Os 2 documentaristas terão:

- Viagem para Boston, EUA com passagem, hospedagem e alimentação pagas

- Convite garantido para a BC 2022

- Acesso a equipamentos de produção da Brazil Conference para a realização dos conteúdos 

Caso você não se enquadre nos critérios de elegibilidade do programa, que podem ser conferidos no nosso edital, não deixe de divulgar essa oportunidade em comunidades à sua volta. O Programa de Documentaristas é essencial para a BC continuar promovendo o impacto no nosso país.

Para se inscrever no Programa de Documentaristas 2022 basta acessar este link. As inscrições terminam no dia 31 de Dezembro. Portanto, não perca tempo e comece já o preenchimento dos formulários. O time da BC 2022 está ansioso para conhecer seu perfil e seus projetos.

Não deixe de nos acompanhar nas nossas redes sociais para mais informações acerca da conferência e dos nossos programas. 


Time Brazil Conference 2022

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quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2021

"I Don’t Believe in Applying Old Labels To New Geopolitical Developments": Annalena Baerbock, new Germany's Foreign minister (Der Spiegel)

A "chancelera" (no sentido de ministra das relações exteriores) do novo governo alemão, uma Verde, dá uma importante entrevista para o Der Spiegel. A vida não vai ser fácil para o Bozo.

German Foreign Minister-Designate Annalena Baerbock

"I Don’t Believe in Applying Old Labels To New Geopolitical Developments"

Annalena Baerbock of the Green Party is slated to become Germany's first female foreign minister. She spoke to DER SPIEGEL about the policy challenges the country faces abroad and the more immediate crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Interview Conducted by Valerie Höhne, Martin Knobbe und Jonas Schaibl

Der Spiegel, Hamburgo – 30.11.2021

DER SPIEGEL: Ms. Baerbock, you have just spent several weeks negotiating with the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) and the market-oriented Free Democratic Party (FDP) behind you. What have you learned about future chancellor Olaf Scholz?

Baerbock: When you sit together day and night, you also get to know each other as people. And I can say: The later the hour, the more humorous the conversations.

DER SPIEGEL: And the FDP? It’s often viewed by your party as being neoliberal, right-wing and frivolous.

Baerbock: We often have different points of view, but they can really enrich debates. It is precisely the considerable common ground between the Greens and the FDP in social policy that is reflected in the coalition agreement.

DER SPIEGEL: FDP head Christian Lindner said at the presentation of the coalition agreement that the three parties are united by the fact that they want to overcome the status quo. During the negotiations, though, voices from the Green Party frequently said that the FDP had proven to be a status quo party. Which is true?

Baerbock: Probably both.

DER SPIEGEL: Can you please explain?

Baerbock: It's not that complicated. In Germany, you still have to go to City Hall with paper documents. In such instances, the FDP says clearly: Things can’t continue the way they are. We agree. In other policy areas, we have different ideas about whether something needs to change and what. With financial market regulations, for example, we would have liked to see more change.

DER SPIEGEL: What is the main message of this coalition agreement?

Baerbock: That we can really make a difference. Our aim is to bring politics up to date with reality and to break the stalemates that exist in our country regarding major, future-oriented projects. In digitalization, climate protection and societal cohesion.

DER SPIEGEL: The reality is that the coalition is already facing a major crisis. Olaf Scholz has finally presented the new coalition government’s coronavirus containment policy, but he hasn’t even uttered the word "lockdown." Is the new government acting with as little foresight as the old one?

BaerbockEveryone is very conscious of the dramatic nature of the situation. We must now do everything in our power to ensure that hospital care remains secure and doesn’t collapse. To that end, we have jointly presented a catalog of seven acute measures. It is good that, in the future, there will be a crisis unit in the Chancellery with representatives from the federal government and from the states. In addition, there will finally be a scientific advisory board that will evaluate the situation on a daily basis.

DER SPIEGEL: Even without a scientific advisory board, you can conclude that the seven points won’t be enough to prevent disaster.

Baerbock: What we have to do now is consistently enforce the protective measures, including 2G and 2G-plus in broad areas and 3G at the workplace and on public transport and in rail transport. (Ed’s: 2G means people have to either be vaccinated or have recently recovered from a coronavirus infection in order to participate in certain aspects of public life, while 2G-plus means they must recently have tested negative on top of that. With 3G, a person has to either be vaccinated, have recovered from corona recently or have undergone a same-day corona test.) The council of experts is reviewing whether that goes far enough. If necessary, we will take further action.

DER SPIEGEL: Do you rule out the possibility of another lockdown?

Baerbock: I do not rule out the possibility that further steps will be needed, possibly sweeping measures. That’s why it is so important to use the next few days to get an honest picture.

DER SPIEGEL: If you’re aiming for a certain centralization of pandemic control, isn't the recent decision to let a law expire that granted the federal government sweeping powers in implementing virus containment measures counterproductive? Instead, the center of power has been shifted back to parliament, which reacts more slowly.

Baerbock: Parliament has shown that it is capable of acting very quickly. We changed the legal basis, not the fight against the pandemic. We have re-enforced those efforts with other measures, such as the 3G rule in the workplace. And, I reiterate: If necessary, we will tighten the rules as quickly as possible.

DER SPIEGEL: Does it make sense to introduce a general vaccination requirement now?

Baerbock: We are not ruling out a general vaccination requirement. But that will not help slow the fourth wave we are seeing right nowPart of the uncertainty among the population also stems from the fact that things are too often announced that aren’t carried out in the end. Before a general vaccination requirement could be adopted, it is necessary to clarify the legal basis and what conditions must be met. Vaccine doses must be available immediately and in sufficient quantities, and vaccination facilities must be available everywhere. It is also important to me that, in parallel to booster vaccinations and compulsory vaccination in sensitive areas such as nursing or in day-care centers and schools, logistical preparations for child vaccinations absolutely need to be made. Adults can stand in line for hours for a vaccination if need be. But you can’t do that with children.

DER SPIEGEL: You were your party’s chancellor candidate, but now you won’t even be vice chancellor. Does that bother you?

Baerbock: I am looking ahead. Our government will likely be taking office in the midst of the most serious health-care crisis this country has ever seen. We have big tasks to tackle. That is where I am currently focusing my energies.

DER SPIEGEL: Has the internal power struggle in your party between centrists and the left wing over cabinet posts hurt the incoming coalition?

Baerbock: No. Debates are part of inner-party democracy. It’s never easy when there are a lot of smart people, but only a limited number of ministries. But the national committee was unanimous in its nominations. Now it’s full steam ahead for the vote in parliament that will put the Green Party back in government after 16 years.

DER SPIEGEL: During the election campaign, you repeatedly said that this would be the last federal government that would still be able to influence the climate crisis. Is the coalition in a position to stop current developments?

Baerbock: We must do everything we can to at least slow down further global warming. Globally, we are currently on track for a temperature increase of 3 degrees Celsius. Of that, 1.2 degrees are already irreversible. That is why these actually are the decisive years for turning things around. Four years isn’t enough to do it, but we can and must get started.

DER SPIEGEL: What precisely does the coalition plan on doing?

BaerbockThe measures needed for our country to contribute to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius are contained in the agreement.

DER SPIEGEL: That’s an ambitious promise. The coalition agreement still states that the coal phase-out should "ideally" be brought forward to 2030. Where is the leverage for starting a real turnaround?

BaerbockWith a CO2 price in European emissions trading of 60 euros per ton, coal-fired power plants will no longer be profitable by the end of the decade, especially with renewable energies continuing to get cheaper. A CO2 certificate currently costs as much as 70 euros, and the price is likely to grow more expensive. However, if the European market price falls, we will introduce a national minimum threshold of 60 euros, that has been agreed. That gives industry planning security. Companies that switch to climate-neutral cement or steel can be sure that they are not throwing their investments out the window.

DER SPIEGEL: You are saying that the use of the word "ideally" in the coalition agreement in lieu of a firm commitment is irrelevant?

Baerbock: Yes, that only means: as soon as the supply of renewable energies is sufficient to replace coal. Of course, we will still need reliable electricity in 2029, whether at three o'clock in the morning or at minus 7 degrees. That is why, logically, the coal phase-out is linked to the expansion of renewable energies, which will entail the greatest effort.

DER SPIEGEL: Again: Where are the binding rules?

BaerbockThe crucial thing is that it was agreed in the coalition deal that the expansion of renewable energies will be defined as a public interest in the future. Which was always the case with mining law – coal mining came first. Now, it’s renewable energies. And we need them not only for the electricity sector, but also for the transport sector and industry. Green power plants will have priority in planning processes and we will provide the state with the appropriate enforcement rights. That may sound technical, but it is a small revolution.  It means that on balance, the importance of renewable energy and infrastructure is increasing. In this way, we are accelerating the planning and approval processes.

DER SPIEGEL: Many experts have called for a higher CO2 price for transport and heat. Why hasn’t that happened?

BaerbockIn light of exploding energy prices, an additional price increase right now wouldn’t be good for social reasons. And we’ve always said that you can’t rely on price alone. Otherwise, the richest people in the country will buy their way out, and everyone else will be left out in the cold. That’s why we now have a good mix of a price effect, regulatory law and subsidy policy.

DER SPIEGEL: Contrary to expectations, the Greens didn’t get the Transport Ministry. Will FDP control of the ministry slow down the transportation revolution?

Baerbock: In terms of content, we have anchored strong guardrails in the treaty. The coalition is committed to supporting the Europe-wide phaseout of the internal combustion engine by 2035. It will also ensure that there are 15 million fully electric cars by 2030, and that the charging point infrastructure will be expanded. Together, this will mean that only zero-emission cars will be newly registered in Germany at the beginning of the next decade.

DER SPIEGEL: How painful is it for you that you had to forego the Transport Ministry?

Baerbock: You can’t have it all, and in the coalition agreement, we fought for the foundations of the transformation in drive systems. We will be responsible for three key transformative portfolios: economy, environment and agriculture. Working together, we can really make a difference, especially if the economy and the environment are no longer played off against each other.

DER SPIEGEL: But aren’t you running the risk of losing the interpretive battle right from the get-go if there’s no high CO2 price, you don't have control of the Transport Ministry and you’ve already given up on imposing a mandatory speed limit on autobahns?

Baerbock: I would, of course, preferred to see the diesel subsidy abolished, for example. But more crucial is the fact that, over the next few years, we’ll be building thousands of wind turbines and power lines and expanding charging point infrastructure. The coalition agreement provides a very solid basis for this.

DER SPIEGEL: Will your critics at the environmental organizations or Fridays for Future see it that way, too?

Baerbock: A strong civil society has to put its finger on the weak spots. I have no problem with that. The task now is now that of building a complete climate infrastructure in the country, which is extremely difficult, especially considering that so little has happened in recent years. But there is no way around it. We have the opportunity and the obligation to bring our industrialized country into an era without fossil energies and to secure prosperity for future generations. It is clear that the 1.5-degree path can only be achieved if European and international partners join in. That is why we need an active foreign policy element for dealing with climate change. The technologies we develop in Germany over the next few years must be exported to the world.

DER SPIEGEL: That will be your job, too. You are about to become Germany’s first female foreign minister. What does that mean to you?

Baerbock: At the beginning of the 1960s, women had to protest in front of the entrance to the Chancellery to finally get a female minister into the cabinet. There was strong resistance to overcome. But women before me did it. I am grateful to these women.

DER SPIEGEL: You said in a television interview before the election that if you became chancellor, your first trip abroad would be to Brussels. Will the same apply to a Foreign Minister Baerbock?

Baerbock: First, our party members have to vote on the coalition agreement and the tableau of cabinet appointments. Regardless: A strong German foreign policy can only be a European one. It is urgent that the Weimar Triangle be revived – Warsaw, Berlin and Paris are crucial to Europe. And even though we have several points of controversy with the Polish government, it is clear: We need close cooperation with our Eastern European partners.

DER SPIEGEL: You have spoken out against putting the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany into operation. What is your plan here?

Baerbock: My criticism of the gas pipeline is well known, for geostrategic and energy policy reasons. At the moment, the pipeline can’t be put into operation anyway. The Federal Network Agency just suspended certification.

DER SPIEGEL: Once you are sworn in, you will immediately have to address a significant developing conflict. Russia is mobilizing troops on its border with Ukraine and it is supplying less gas to Europe. In Belarus, refugees are being smuggled to the border. Is this a hybrid attack by Russia against the EU?

Baerbock: These are anything but easy times. We are experiencing a double blackmail by Lukashenko. On the one hand, refugees are being abused to divide Europe. On the other, the government wants to be recognized by the Europeans as negotiating partner, even though it is suppressing the opposition. You cannot allow yourself to be blackmailed by dictators. The EU must stand together as a community of values. That is why it is right to tighten sanctions and continue to put pressure on the Lukashenko regime. At the same time, diplomacy always means seeking dialogue.

DER SPIEGEL: So, unlike your fellow party members, you have no problem with the fact that Chancellor Angela Merkel called Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko?

Baerbock: You cannot pursue foreign policy without dialogue. We are also talking to the Taliban to get people to safety, after all. But it did not need to be the chancellor calling Lukashenko.

DER SPIEGEL: Poland isn’t letting migrants and refugees into the country at the EU’s external border. Is this the right way to handle the conflict?

Baerbock: Poland needs European solidarity. But of course international law must also be respected at Europe’s external borders, that is clear.

DER SPIEGEL: What might a solution look like?

Baerbock: There is no simple solution. But it is important that Germany, the EU and Poland act together. Even if, from my point of view, providing for the refugees – also on Polish, i.e., EU territory – must be the top priority.

DER SPIEGEL: Are we in a new Cold War with Russia and China?

BaerbockI don’t believe in simply applying old categories to new geopolitical developments. We are in a systemic rivalry with authoritarian regimes and must make every effort to defend the international rules-based order. It is a matter of protecting the principles of international law, human rights and the international peace order. For several years, it has not only been a matter of military threats, but also of hybrid aggression.

"It is good that the evacuation mission in Afghanistan will be dealt with in a parliamentary committee of inquiry."

DER SPIEGEL: You personally rejected Germany’s participation in NATO’s atomic deterrent, but now nuclear sharing is in the coalition agreement. Do you have to go against your beliefs?

BaerbockIn a coalition, each partner has to move a bit so that we can make progress together. The coalition agreement contains a commitment to nuclear sharing. At the same time, we reaffirmed our common goal of a world free of nuclear weapons and a Germany free of nuclear weapons. Germany will advocate nuclear disarmament as an observer at the Meeting of States Parties to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. We have always emphasized that these efforts are only possible in close consultation with our European and international partners.

DER SPIEGEL: Thousands of local hires who worked for Germany – who saved the lives of German troops – are still stranded in Afghanistan. What will your message to them be once you are sworn in as foreign minister?

Baerbock: It is good that the evacuation mission in Afghanistan will be dealt with in a parliamentary committee of inquiry. We must learn our lessons for future missions. And, of course, every effort must continue to be made to protect and welcome people who are at risk because they worked with us in the past.

DER SPIEGEL: Ms. Baerbock, we thank you for this interview.