sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2013

America Latina: fluxos de capitais; papers do BIS

Uma série de papers do BIS dedicada aos fluxos de capitais na América Latina: 

"Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives", BIS Paper 68, is a compendium, with the individual papers following below.

Table of Contents
Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives
Bank for International Settlements, Bank for International Settlements
Introduction - Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives
Ramon Moreno, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Global Factors and Monetary Policy in Emerging Economies
José Darío Uribe, Government of the Republic of Colombia - Central Bank of Colombia
Living with Capital Inflows
Jose de Gregorio, Central Bank of Chile, Universidad de Chile, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Challenges for Emerging Market Economies
José Sidaoui, Bank of Mexico
Lessons on the 'Impossible Trinity'
Ramon Moreno, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Capital Controls: What Have We Learned?
Charles M. Engel, University of Wisconsin - Madison - Department of Economics, 
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), University of Washington - Department of Economics

BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS, Bank for International Settlements
This BIS Paper (No. 68) is a collection of essays focusing on the drivers and effects of capital flows and the challenges they pose for the implementation of monetary and other policies. The collection draws on selected presentations made at the BIS-sponsored sessions at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) meetings in 2010 in Medellín, Colombia and in 2011 in Santiago, Chile.

While the full publication can be downloaded using the above link, individual contributions are available separately:

Introduction Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives.

Global Factors and Monetary Policy in Emerging Economies.

Living with Capital Inflows.

Challenges for Emerging Market Economies.

Lessons on the 'Impossible Trinity.'

Capital Controls: What Have We Learned?
RAMON MORENO, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
This is one of the contributions which is part of BIS Paper 68 and which was presented at the BIS-sponsored sessions at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) meetings in 2010-11, focusing on the drivers and effects of capital flows and the challenges they pose for the implementation of monetary and other policies.

Full publication: Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives
JOSÉ DARÍO URIBE, Government of the Republic of Colombia - Central Bank of Colombia
This is one of the contributions which is part of BIS Paper 68 and which was presented at the BIS-sponsored sessions at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) meetings in 2010-11, focusing on the drivers and effects of capital flows and the challenges they pose for the implementation of monetary and other policies.

Full publication: Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives
JOSE DE GREGORIO, Central Bank of Chile, Universidad de Chile, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
This is one of the contributions which is part of BIS Paper 68 and which was presented at the BIS-sponsored sessions at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) meetings in 2010-11, focusing on the drivers and effects of capital flows and the challenges they pose for the implementation of monetary and other policies.

Full publication: Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives
JOSÉ SIDAOUI, Bank of Mexico
This is one of the contributions which is part of BIS Paper 68 and which was presented at the BIS-sponsored sessions at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) meetings in 2010-11, focusing on the drivers and effects of capital flows and the challenges they pose for the implementation of monetary and other policies.

Full publication: Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives
RAMON MORENO, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
This is one of the contributions which is part of BIS Paper 68 and which was presented at the BIS-sponsored sessions at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) meetings in 2010-11, focusing on the drivers and effects of capital flows and the challenges they pose for the implementation of monetary and other policies.

Full publication: Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives
CHARLES M. ENGEL, University of Wisconsin - Madison - Department of Economics, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), University of Washington - Department of Economics
This is one of the contributions which is part of BIS Paper 68 and which was presented at the BIS-sponsored sessions at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) meetings in 2010-11, focusing on the drivers and effects of capital flows and the challenges they pose for the implementation of monetary and other policies.

Full publication: Challenges Related to Capital Flows: Latin American Perspectives

About this eJournal
This series typically contains volumes of papers prepared for meetings of senior officials from central banks held at the BIS as well as one-off publications by members of the BIS staff. The contributions come from the central bank participants as well as from BIS staff. To access all of the papers in this series, please use the following URL: 

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