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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida;

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quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2019

Theory Talks: exposições sobre Relações Internacionais

Theory Talks

Theory Talks is an interactive forum for discussion of debates in International Relations with an emphasis of the underlying theoretical issues. By frequently inviting cutting-edge specialists in the field to elucidate their work and to explain current developments both in IR theory and real-world politics, Theory Talks aims to offer both scholars and students a comprehensive view of the field and its most important protagonists.

We invite you to react and leave any kind of comment, question or suggestion – the invitees frequently respond to comments and welcome any contribution to ongoing debate. Learn how you can participate on the page ‘You Talk!’.

Theory Talk #2: Martin Shaw - War & World State
Theory Talk #4: John Agnew - Power & Geopolitics
Theory Talk #6: Klaus Dodds - Visual Geopolitics & South Pole
Theory Talk #8: Arend Lijphart - Democracy & Power Sharing
Theory Talk #10: Timothy Shaw - BRICs & Global South
Theory Talk #12: Robert Jervis - Realism & Bush Administration
Theory Talk #14: Geoffrey Underhill - State-Market Condominium & Adam Smith

Theory Talk #16: Robert Hayden - Constitutional Anthropology & Balkans
Theory Talk #18: James Fearon - Ethnicity & Security Council

Theory Talk #19: Fredrik Söderbaum - NRA & Africa
Theory Talk #21: Stephen Krasner - Sovereignty & Failed States
Theory Talk #23: Kees van der Pijl - Empires & Left-Wing
Theory Talk #25: Antonio Marquina - Energy & Security
Theory Talk #27: Christian Reus-Smit - Re-thinking IR & Cultures
Theory Talk #29: Peter Singer - Private Soldiers & Robots

Theory Talk #31: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita - Game Theory & Fear
Theory Talk #32: Miriam Elman - Lakatos & Progress
Theory Talk #34: James Ferguson - Foucault & Lesotho

Theory Talk #36: Michael Shapiro - Pictures & Political Philosophy

Theory Talk #38: James Scott - Agriculture & Resistance

Theory Talk #40: Kenneth Waltz - Economic Theory & International Politics

Theory Talk #42: Amitav Acharya - ASEAN & Bhagavad Gita

Theory Talk #44: Patrick Jackson - IR & Philosophy of Science
Theory Talk #46: David Lake - International Hierarchy & Open Economy Politics

Theory Talk #48: Cynthia Enloe - Militarization & Bananas

Theory Talk #50: Beate Jahn - Classical Theory & the State of Nature

Theory Talk #52: Iver Neumann - Practices & Diplomacy

Theory Talk #53: Ned Lebow - Self-Esteem & Foxes
Theory Talk #55: Mary King - Arab Awakening & Nonviolence

Theory Talk #56: Keith Hart - Informal Economy & Nollywood
Theory Talk #58: Daniel Levine - Vocation & Critique

Theory Talk #59: Timothy Mitchell - Technopolitics & Oil
Theory Talk #62: Karen Litfin - Ecovillages & Gaia Theory
Theory Talk #64: Gabrielle Hecht - Postcolonial Technopolitics & Nuclearity
Theory Talk #65: Jordan Branch - Cartography & State Formation
Theory Talk #67: Dirk Messner - Science, Technology & Global Change

Theory Talk #69: Eyal Weizman - Architecture & Forensics

Theory Talk #71: John Hobson - Eurocentrism & Historical Sociology
Theory Talk #73: Kimberly Hutchings - Quiet & Critique

Theory Talk #1: Michael Doyle - Markets & Institutions

Theory Talk #3: Alexander Wendt - Social Constructivism & UFO's

Theory Talk #5: Timothy Sinclair - Social Forces & Transnational Corporations
Theory Talk #7: Joseph Nye - Soft Power & The US
Theory Talk #9: Robert Keohane - Institutions & Innovation
Theory Talk #11: Peter Haas - Environment & Governance
Theory Talk #13: Immanuel Wallerstein - World-System & Capitalism
Theory Talk #15: Peter Katzenstein - Anti-Americanism & Analytical Eclecticism
Theory Talk #17: Jerry Cohen - Currency Wars & Systemic Change
Theory Talk #20: David Harvey - Marxism & Urbanization
Theory Talk #22: Kevin Dunn - Identity & Africa
Theory Talk #24: Robert Bates - Coffee & Small-N
Theory Talk #26: Jennifer Mitzen - Ontological Security & Addictive Wars
Theory Talk #28: Marysia Zalewski - Gender & War
Theory Talk #30: Mary Kaldor - Old & New Wars
Theory Talk #33: Stephen Walt - Israel Lobby & Obama
Theory Talk #35: Barry Buzan - Security & International Society

Theory Talk #37: Robert Cox - World Order & Historical Change

Theory Talk #39: Abrahamsen & Williams - Private Security & Global Assemblages
Theory Talk #41: Mark Duffield - Liberal aid & Fortified Compounds

Theory Talk #43: Saskia Sassen - Sociology & Global Cities

Theory Talk #45: Qin Yaqing - Chinese IR & International Balance

Theory Talk #47: Jean-François Bayart - Historicity & State Formation

Theory Talk #49: John Mearsheimer - Structural Realism & Disciplining the US

Theory Talk #51: Yan Xuetong - China & Harmony
Theory Talk #54: Ann Tickner - Feminism & Critical Theory

Theory Talk #57: Siba Grovogui - Theory & Theology

Theory Talk #60: Daniel Deudney - Mixed Ontology & Republican Greenpeace
Theory Talk #61: Pinar Bilgin - Civilization & Monsters
Theory Talk #63: Siddarth Mallavarapu - Multiple Voices & India
Theory Talk #66: Alexander Dugin - Eurasianism & Multipolarity
Theory Talk #68: Loet Leydesdorff - Triple Helix & Innovation
Theory Talk #70: Nicholas Onuf - Social Constructivism & Turns

Theory Talk #72: Robert Wade - World Bank & Zombie Ideas

Theory Talk #74: Bertrand Badie - Power & Suffering

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