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segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2018

Modern Growth performance - Alexander Plekhanov

Um paper imprescindível para detectar os fatores do desempenho econômico dos países, os bem sucedidos e os retardatários.
Fiz um resumo do essencial e coloquei na minha página de Academia.edu:
Link: http://www.academia.edu/36685377/Modern_Growth_Performance_Modern_growth_in_perspective_relative_performance_since_the_global_financial_crisis

Modern Growth in Perspective: Relative Performance Since the Global Financial Crisis

39 Pages Posted: 14 May 2018  

Alexander Plekhanov

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Date Written: May 10, 2018


This paper evaluates the growth performance of more than 200 economies. It identifies instances of relatively strong economic performance after the 2008-09 global financial crisis, and asks if determinants of sustained strong (and weak) performance have changed in recent years. It finds that investment matters more for growth post-crisis; that the negative impact of debt-based financial development predates the crisis; and that economic openness and democracy now play a greater role in ensuring “average” growth outcomes. 
Keywords: economic growth, reversals, populism, synthetic controls
JEL Classification: O47, E65

Plekhanov, Alexander, Modern Growth in Perspective: Relative Performance Since the Global Financial Crisis (May 10, 2018). EBRD Working Paper No. 214. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3178069

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