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Este blog trata basicamente de ideias, se possível inteligentes, para pessoas inteligentes. Ele também se ocupa de ideias aplicadas à política, em especial à política econômica. Ele constitui uma tentativa de manter um pensamento crítico e independente sobre livros, sobre questões culturais em geral, focando numa discussão bem informada sobre temas de relações internacionais e de política externa do Brasil. Para meus livros e ensaios ver o website: www.pralmeida.org. Para a maior parte de meus textos, ver minha página na plataforma Academia.edu, link: https://itamaraty.academia.edu/PauloRobertodeAlmeida.

quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2020

US-China Trade Agreement: resumo por Paulo Roberto de Almeida

O acordo acaba de ser assinado, e me pareceu uma rendição quase completa da China em face das imposições autoritárias dos EUA, que conseguiram impor obrigações à China que rompem com o espírito multilateralista do sistema de comércio regido pela OMC. 
Trata-se de um acordo bilateral que recua 90 anos na história do comércio internacional, regulando fluxos de comércio no espírito do mercantilismo do século XVIII.
Acho que a China não tinha muito o que fazer pois as perdas poderiam provocar problemas internos nas suas cadeias produtivas.
Tenho certeza de que o Brasil será prejudicado, obviamente bem mais na área agrícola do que na área industrial. 
Na luta entre elefantes, quem sofre é a grama, ou as formigas...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Brasília, 15 de janeiro de 2020

Acordo Econômico e Comercial EUA-China; alguns dispositivos:
Seleção e recortes por Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Sobre propriedade intelectual:
"Within 30 working days after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, China will promulgate an Action Plan to strengthen intellectual property protection aimed at promoting its high-quality growth. This Action Plan shall include, but not be limited to, measures that China will take to implement its obligations under this Chapter and the date by which each measure will go into effect."

Productos lácteos:
"[China deve] within 10 days of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, recognize the U.S. dairy-safety system as providing at least the same level of protection as China’s dairy-safety system; (...) allow U.S. dairy imports into China from those facilities; (...) allow the importation of U.S. dairy permeate powder;"

Carne de Aves:
"...China shall permit their importation consistently with existing bilaterally-agreed import protocols;"

Carne bovina:
"China recognizes the U.S. beef and beef products traceability system. (...) Within one month of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, China shall adopt maximum residue limits (MRLs) for zeranol, trenbolone acetate, and melangesterol acetate for imported beef. "

Carne processada:
"Upon entry into force of this Agreement, China shall recognize FSIS oversight of U.S. meat, poultry meat, and processed meat and poultry meat facilities for purposes of allowing imports of U.S. meat, poultry meat, and processed meat and poultry meat. (...) Each time the United States provides China with an updated and complete list of FSIS- approved facilities, China shall, within 20 working days of receipt, publish the list on the GACC website and allow the importation into China of products from all facilities on the list."

Produtos aquáticos:
"... each time the United States provides China with an updated and complete list of aquatic products facilities under the jurisdiction of the FDA, within 20 working days of receipt of the list, register the facilities, publish the list of the facilities on the GACC website, and allow U.S. aquatic product imports into China from those facilities."

"Each time the United States provides China with a list of rice facilities approved by the APHIS..., within 20 working days of receipt of the list, China shall register the facilities, publish the list of facilities, and allow the importation of U.S. rice from each of the APHIS- approved rice facilities."

Pet food:
"...upon entry into force of this Agreement, allow the importation of U.S. pet foods containing poultry products;"

Medidas de apoio doméstico:
"China shall respect its WTO obligations to publish in an official journal its laws, regulations, and other measures pertaining to its domestic support programs and policies."

Serviços financeiros:
"China shall accept any applications from a U.S. electronic payment services supplier, including an application of a supplier seeking to operate as a wholly foreign-owned entity, to begin preparatory work to become a bank card clearing institution within five working days of submission, and may make a one-time request within those five working days for any corrections or supplementary information."
"No later than one month after a U.S. service supplier notifies China that it has completed its preparatory work, China shall accept the license application of such U.S. supplier, including any license application of Mastercard, Visa, or American Express, and shall make a determination with respect to the application, including an explanation of any adverse determination."
"No later than April 1, 2020, China shall remove the foreign equity cap in the life, pension, and health insurance sectors and allow wholly U.S.-owned insurance companies to participate in these sectors."

Políticas macroeconômicas e cambiais:
"Each Party confirms that it is bound under the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Articles of Agreement to avoid manipulating exchange rates or the international monetary system in order to prevent effective balance of payments adjustment or to gain an unfair competitive advantage. (...) achieve and maintain a market-determined exchange rate regime;"

Expansão econômica e oportunidades de comércio:
[PRA: Na verdade, comércio administrado]
"During the two-year period from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021, China shall ensure that purchases and imports into China from the United States of the manufactured goods, agricultural goods, energy products, and services identified in Annex 6.1 exceed the corresponding 2017 baseline amount by no less than $200 billion. ...
(a) For the category of manufactured goods identified in Annex 6.1, no less than $32.9 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline amount is purchased and imported into China from the United States in calendar year 2020, and no less than $44.8 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline amount is purchased and imported into China from the United States in calendar year 2021;
(b) For the category of agricultural goods identified in Annex 6.1, no less than $12.5 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline amount is purchased and imported into China from the United States in calendar year 2020, and no less than $19.5 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline amount is purchased and imported into China from the United States in calendar year 2021;
(c) For the category of energy products identified in Annex 6.1, no less than $18.5 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline amount is purchased and imported into China from the United States in calendar year 2020, and no less than $33.9 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline amount is purchased and imported into China from the United States in calendar year 2021; and
(d) For the category of services identified in Annex 6.1, no less than $12.8 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline amount is purchased and imported into China from the United States in calendar year 2020, and no less than $25.1 billion above the corresponding 2017 baseline amount is purchased and imported into China from the United States in calendar year 2021." (...)
"The Parties project that the trajectory of increases in the amounts of manufactured goods, agricultural goods, energy products, and services purchased and imported into China from the United States will continue in calendar years 2022 through 2025. The United States shall ensure to take appropriate steps to facilitate the availability of U.S. goods and services to be purchased and imported into China."

Solução de Controvérsias:
"The Parties shall create the Trade Framework Group to discuss the implementation of this Agreement, which shall be led by the United States Trade Representative and a designated Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China. The Trade Framework Group shall discuss (a) the overall situation regarding implementation of this Agreement, (b) major problems with respect to implementation, and (c) arrangements for future work between the Parties. The Parties shall resume macroeconomic meetings to discuss overall economic issues, which shall be led by the United States Secretary of the Treasury and the designated Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China. Both Parties shall make every effort to ensure that meetings of the Trade Framework Group and the macroeconomic meetings are efficient and oriented toward solving problems."

Entrada em vigor do acordo:
"This Agreement shall enter into force within 30 days of signature by both Parties or as of the date on which the Parties have notified each other in writing of the completion of their respective applicable domestic procedures, whichever is sooner."

Vale a leitura completa da prepotência americana.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

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