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domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2025

Putin tells Russians to expect long war - Olena Mukhina, EuroMaidan (Institute for the Study of War)

ISW: Putin tells Russians to expect long war


Russian leader dismisses near-term peace prospects while positioning war as broader conflict with West, signaling to domestic audience and elites to prepare for extended campaign.

Russian ruler Vladimir Putin stated during an interview on state television with Kremlin propagandist Pavel Zarubin that Russia is unlikely to participate in peace negotiations anytime soon, according to the Institute for the Study of War.

Putin continues to signal to both domestic and international audiences that he is not interested in peace without the fulfillment of all his demands and remains committed to the idea of the complete capitulation of Ukraine.

Russian leader’s remarks were primarily aimed at conveying to Russian society that the war would continue. He emphasized that Russia is unlikely to engage in peace talks in the near future and framed its military aggression against Ukraine as part of a broader conflict between Russia and the West.

“Putin is likely using his interview with Zarubin on Russian state television to signal to Russian society that Russia is unlikely to participate in peace negotiations in the near future and that the war is unlikely to end soon,” said the ISW experts.

According to them, Putin also sought to influence Russian elites who were eager to see the war end. His message was intended to convince them that no quick paths to peace would be forthcoming.

This statement once again underscores Putin’s consistent stance, promoting the narrative that Ukraine is a puppet of the West and that the war is part of a global confrontation between major powers. Furthermore, the Russian leader believes that negotiations over the war in Ukraine can only be conducted between the US and Russia, excluding Ukraine from the process.

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