quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

2043) PRA: works in English, French, Spanish

Sometimes someone asks me a paper, or wants an interview and occasionally I produce an article in some other language than my usual Portuguese, normally in English, but also in Spanish and sometimes in French.
So, I decided to collect a few of my works in those languages, but only the more recent, because there are many others, especially in French, that were written some time ago, some decades ago, I mean...

A selection of works in English, in French, and Spanish
Up to date: March 3rd, 2010

2060. “Brasil y su Política Exterior: una intervista periodistica”, Brasilia, 12 novembro 2009, 2 p. Respostas a questões da jornalista Carolina Pezoa Ascuí, La Nación, Chile - Sección Internacional. Postado no blog Diplomatizzando (03.03.2010; link: http://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/2010/03/1740-politica-exterior-de-brasil.html#links).

2043. “Entretien sur le président Lula”, Brasília, 9 setembro 2009, 8 p. Respostas a questionário colocado pelo jornalista luso-francês Vincent Paes, para a revista de negócios francesa Décideurs (http://www.magazine-decideurs.com/magazine/). Versão completa colocada no Blog Textos PRA (17.09.2009; link: http://textospra.blogspot.com/2009/09/518-entrevista-revistda-francesa-sobre.html). Versão resumida produzida pelo jornalista, publicada na revista Décideurs, reproduzida no Blog Diplomatizzando (17.09.2009; link: http://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/2009/09/1380-entretien-sur-le-bresil-pour-la.html). Entrevista publicada sob o título “Lula: orateur par excellence”, Décideurs: Stratégie Finance Droit (Paris: n. 109, octobre 2009, p. 13; ISSN: 1764-6774). Relação de Publicados n. 930.

2028. “The question of Ossetia and Russian intervention: a personal Brazilian view”, Brasília, July 23, 2009, 8 p. Answers to questions submitted by Yulia Netesova, European Bureau Chief of the Russian Journal. Divulgado no blog Diplomatizzando (22.11.2009; link: http://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/2009/11/1532-russina-intervention-in-south.html ).

2023. “Non-Intervention: a political concept, in a legal wrap: a historical and juridical appraisal of the Brazilian doctrine and practice”, Brasília, 8 Julho 2009, 17 p. (7.090 palavras). Ensaio sobre o conceito em causa, para informar escritório britânico de advocacia. Posted Blog Textos PRA (03.03.2010; link: http://textospra.blogspot.com/2010/03/569-brazil-and-non-intervention-paulo-r.html).

2020. “Le Brésil à deux moments de la globalisation capitaliste et à un siècle de distance (1909-2009)”, Brasília, 30 junho 2009, 25 p. Trabalho apresentado para o International Symposium “Inequalities in the World System: Political Science, Philosophy, Law” (Organizadores: Klaus-Gerd GIESEN Université d'Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand, France) e Marcos NOBRE Université de Campinas/CEBRAP (Campinas/São Paulo, Brazil); São Paulo, 3-6 de setembro de 2009; Cebrap. Blog Textos PRA (03.03.2010 ; link : http://textospra.blogspot.com/2010/03/570-le-bresil-deux-moments-de-la.html).

2008. “Financial Architecture of the Post-Crisis World: Efficiency of Solutions”, Brasília, 22 maio 2009, 7 p. Answers to questions presented by researcher from the Post-Crisis World Institute Foundation, Moscou (Michael Mizhinski). Blog Diplomatizzando (03.03.2010: link: http://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/2010/03/1741-financial-architecture-of-post.html).

1999. “The share of the United States and Brazil in the modern civilization: A centennial homage to Joaquim Nabuco’s commencement speech of 1909”, Urbana, 23 abril 2009, 15 p. Paper presented at the Symposium: Nabuco and Madison: A Centennial Celebration (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, April 24-25, 2009); Available at link: http://www.pralmeida.org/05DocsPRA/1999NabucoMadison.pdf.

1996. “Brazil’s role in South America and in the global arena”, Urbana, 13 abril 2009, 7 p. Answers to questions presented by a M.A. Candidate 2010 of the Latin American & Hemispheric Studies Elliott School of International Affairs - George Washington University. Blog Diplomatizzando (13.04.2009; link: http://diplomatizzando.blogspot.com/2009/04/1063-turismo-academico-13-brazils-role.html).

1983. “Mercosur-European Union Cooperation: A case study on the effects of EU activities and cooperation with Mercosur on regional democracy building”, Brasília, 2 fevereiro 2009, 26 p. Paper prepared for a Project of International IDEA to map out and analyze the perceptions on the European Union as an actor in democracy building, as seen from the EU's partner regions. Blog Textos PRA (03.03.2010; link: http://textospra.blogspot.com/2010/03/571-eu-activities-and-cooperation-with.html).

1950. “Les Brics et l’économie brésilienne : Interview pour la Chaire des Amériques – Université Paris I”, Brasília, 11 novembro 2008, 6 p. Respostas a questionário colocado por Vincent Paes, assistente da Chaire Amériques-Université de Paris I, para divulgação online. Divulgado em 25.11.2008, nos seguintes links: (a) Brics: http://www.economie-et-societe.com/article-24982794.html; (b) Brésil: http://www.economie-et-societe.com/article-25122338.html.

1942. “La puissance américaine vue d'Amérique Latine”, Brasília, 21 outubro 2008, 2 p. Interview à Radio France Culture, journaliste Thierry Garcin (Paris: émission le 29.10.2008, à 7h15, 10 minutes; link: http://www.radiofrance.fr/chaines/france-culture2/emissions/enjeux_inter/fiche.php?diffusion_id=66840).

1902. “Brazil in the world context, at the first decade of the 21th century: regional leadership and strategies for its integration into the world economy”, Rio de Janeiro, 26 junho 2008, 22 p. Essay for the volume edited by Joám Evans Pim (president IGESIP, Corunha; www.igesip.org; Editor Strategic Evaluation), on Brazilian Defense Policy: Current Trends and Regional Implications (to be published in United Kingdom). In: Joam Evans (org.), Brazilian Defence Policies: Current Trends and Regional Implications (London: Dunkling Books, 2009, 251 p.; ISBN: 978-0-9563478-0-0; link to book: http://www.lulu.com/content/7719508#), p. 11-26. Relação de Publicados n. 935.

1900. “Brazil: Mileposts to Responsible Stakeholdership”, Brasília-Tóquio, 24 junho 2008, 53 p. Joint text, written with Miguel Diaz, for the project “Mileposts to Responsible Stakeholdership” of the Stanley Foundation (http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/); presented by Miguel Diaz in a Washington meeting (July 8, 2008) and published at the website of the Project “Powers and Principles: International Leadership in a Shrinking World” (November 3rd, 2008; link: http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/articles.cfm?ID=504), under the title: “Brazil's Candidacy for Major Power Status”, by Miguel Diaz and Paulo Roberto Almeida, with a reaction by Georges D. Landau (Muscatine, IA: The Stanley Foundation, Working Paper, November 2008, 24 p.; link: http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/powersandprinciples/BrazilCandidacyMPStatus.PDF). Published in book form as: “Brazil's Candidacy for Major Power Status”, with Miguel Diaz. In: Michael Schiffer and David Shorr (Eds.). Powers and Principles: International Leadership in a Shrinking World (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2009, 328p.; Co-published with: The Stanley Foundation; ISBN Cloth: 978-0-7391-3543-3; $85.00; ISBN Paper: 978-0-7391-3544-0; $32.95; p. 225-250). Link: http://www.pralmeida.org/01Livros/2FramesBooks/109StanleyBook2009.html. Relação de Publicados n. 897.

1890. “Brazil and the G8 Heiligendamm Process”, 18 maio 2008, 31 p. Paper preparado em colaboração com Denise Gregory, Diretora Executiva do CEBRI para publicação do Centre for International Governance Innovation - CIGI, do Canadá (www.cigionline.org). Publicado in Andrew F. Cooper and Agata Antkiewicz, Emerging Powers in Global Governance: Lessons from the Heiligendamm Process. Waterloo, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Studies in International Governance Series, October 2008, p. 137-161; ISBN: 978-1-55458–057-6. © 2008 The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and Wilfrid Laurier University Press; Available at: http://www.press.wlu.ca/Catalog/cooper.shtml).

1871. “Convergence and divergence in historical perspective: Regions and countries and their differing paths and rhythms towards sustainable integration into the world economy”, Brasília, 15 março 2008, 15 p. Opening Lecture at the 8th World Congress of RSAI: Regional Science Association International (http://www.aber.fea.usp.br/rsai2008/). Feita na FEA-USP (São Paulo, 17 março 2008). Preparado PowerPoint com imagens.

1868. “Brazil’s Integration into Global Governance: The rise of the Outreach-5 countries to a G-8 (plus) status”, Brasília, 9 março 2008, 29 p. Versão em inglês, ampliada, em colaboração com Denise Gregory, Diretora Executiva do Cebri, do trabalho 1866. Draft paper prepared for the project Dialogue on Global Governance with the “Outreach” countries - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, para apresentação em seminário no Cebri, Rio de Janeiro, em 4 de abril. Revisões: 4 de junho; 15 julho; 8 setembro (26 p.). Última revisão: 30 de dezembro. Publicado, como “Brazil”, no volume: Growth and Responsibility: The positioning of emerging powers in the global governance system (Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2009, 126 p.; ISBN: 978-3-940955-45-6; p. 11-30; link: http://www.kas.de/wf/en/33.15573/-/-/-/index.html?src=nl09-01). Trabalhos publicados n. 887.

1859. “Questionnaire on the G8 Summit Reform Process”, Brasília, 12 fevereiro 2008, 3 p. Answers and comments to a questionnaire on the Heiligendam Process (expansion of G-8 countries to the outreach 5) and global governance reform, presented by Prof. Colin I. Bradford, Jr. (Brookings Institution, Washington, and Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo, Canada).

1856. “Brazil and Global Governance”, Brasília, 30 janeiro 2008, 17 p. Colaboração a trabalho a ser apresentado pelo CEBRI para centro de estudos do Canadá (Centre for International Governance Innovation - CIGI).

1811. “The Foreign Policy of Brazil under Lula: Regional and global diplomatic strategies”, Brasília, 30 setembro 2007, 25 p. Published as “Lula’s Foreign Policy: Regional and Global Strategies”, chap. 9, In Werner Baer and Joseph Love (eds.), Brazil under Lula (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009, 326 p.; ISBN: 970-0-230-60816-0; p. 167-183; link: http://www.pralmeida.org/05DocsPRA/1811BrForPolicyPalgrave2009.pdf). Publicados n. 811.

1748. “Brazil as a regional player and as an emerging global power: Foreign policy strategies and the impact on the new international order”. Versão reduzida em inglês para publicação pela FES-SWP, dia 7.07.07; publicado sob a forma de Briefing Paper, series Dialogue on Globalization (Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, July 2007; link: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/global/04709.pdf). Publicados n. 780bis.

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