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domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2018

Bolívia em rota para o bicentenário

CFP: Bolivia - En Route to the Bicentennial: the Path Travelled and Prospects Ahead

by Hanne Cottyn
Call for Papers: journal Ciencia y Cultura (Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo)
Deadline: abstract and short biography by January 18; full-length contributions by February 18
Contact: walter.vargas@ucb.edu.bovaleria.paz@ucb.edu.bopilarmendieta@yahoo.es
With six years remaining before the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Bolivia (1825) – now the Plurinational State of Bolivia – this edition of Ciencia y Cultura aims to reflect on the complex series of political, social, cultural, and symbolic events and transformations that are part of the shared worldviews and identities that cohabit the nation’s territory. The events of 1825 shall serve not only to rethink the present, but also, by examining the past, to analyze and go deeper into the debates relating to the creation of the Republic and its repercussions on the collective worldviews regarding the nation. Authors such as Benedict Anderson (1983) define the concept of nation as an “imagined political community (…) inherently limited and sovereign”, in which in order to achieve consolidation, its inhabitants must feel they are a part of such a community. At the same time, this implies the construction of the political, state and national community. In relation to this, Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm (2001) considers that it is “more common for nations to be the consequence of creating a State, rather than being its pillars.” As the case may be, throughout the years, the visions, the collective worldviews and the nation projects changed; new paradigms emerged, archaic colonial models were preserved, new actors arose, etc. Taking into account this historical context, the purpose of this number is to contribute with new research, and a renewed outlook on the topic. We are looking for contributions that cover the process between the Independence and the 21st century. We are interested in receiving proposals dealing with the topics in an interdisciplinary manner, from the humanities, cultural studies, social sciences, and arts studies.
Consequently, Ciencia y Cultura of Universidad Católica Boliviana invites researchers and specialists to submit contributions (articles, reviews, interviews, extracts of documents and archive material) in English and Spanish. The topics of interest are:
  • political projects prior to Independence;
  • establishment of the Nation-State and state projects;
  • collective worldviews of the Nation from the perspective of the regions and individual actors or subaltern groups;
  • the Republic and the Plurinational State: similarities and contrasts;
  • projections of a historical, aesthetic and ecological nature, etc. with a view towards the Bicentennial;
  • collective representations in literature, historiography and philosophical thought;
  • building of the symbolic order (festivities, school texts, albums, hymns, personal memoirs, etc.);
  • visions on indigenous people: inclusions and exclusions;
  • comparative viewpoints of civic commemorations;
  • milestones and vicissitudes in the construction of the Nation;
  • proposals examining artistic production and
  • other related topics.
If you would like to contribute to the upcoming issue of Ciencia y Cultura, please send an abstract (300 words max.) and a short biography (180 words max.) no later than January 18, 2019 and the full-length contributions by February 18, 2019, to the following email addresses: walter.vargas@ucb.edu.bovaleria.paz@ucb.edu.bo and pilarmendieta@yahoo.es
Submission Guidelines for Peer-Reviewed Articles: All contributions should be original and unpublished and should have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. The author grants copyrights of the article only for the moment of its publication. Full-length articles should adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Length of articles: 12-20 pages (5,000-7,000 words), Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced.
  • Referencing style: MLA or APA with bibliographical references numbered and listed in alphabetical order.
  • Images should be sent as separate attachments, in 600 pixel resolution and in JPG format. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission of all materials under copyright and for their correct acknowledgements for use.
  • A cover sheet should be included with the following information: full name and title of the author(s), email address, institutional affiliation, title of the article (Spanish and English), 6-10 key words (Spanish and English), list of illustrations (if applicable), and an abstract: 180 words maximum (Spanish and English).
Reviewing Process and Acceptance of Peer-Reviewed Articles: Upon receipt of abstracts, the Editorial Committee makes a preliminary decision regarding the relevance of the article to the particular issue of the journal. The editorial process involves double-blind peer review of full-length articles, including those requested by the editors. Articles are judged on the basis of relevance of the article to the aims and scope of the journal, originality, contribution to research in the subject area and correct citations.
About Ciencia y Cultura: Ciencia y Cultura, first published in 1997, is a peer-reviewed journal of the Department of Culture and Art of Universidad Católica Boliviana (UCB) San Pablo (La Paz) devoted to the publication of research in the humanities, social sciences, culture and the arts. The journal occasionally publishes papers presented in conferences or seminars organized by the university. For each number, the Department of Culture and Art of UCB invites specialists to be part of its Editorial Committee, according to the theme covered. Ciencia y Cultura is indexed by SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and REDALYC (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal).

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