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(interrompido desde maio de 2024)

sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2018

The Washington Post: o que acontece nos EUA? Afundam?

Inacreditável: abro o Washington Post desta sexta-feira 21/12, e todas as notícias e comentários são, sem exceção, pessimistas, negativas, depressivas para os EUA e o mundo, isso tudo em virtude de um presidente inepto, confuso, obsessivo com certas coisas – o tal muro idiota, por exemplo, que ele jurava que os mexicanos iriam pagar por ele – e incapaz de trazer estabilidade para um país já tomado pelo temor de uma nova recessão, e trazer conforto e tranquilidade para os parceiros estrangeiros, que nunca tinham visto um presidente agressivo com os amigos e concessivo com os "inimigos".
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Mattis resigns after clash with Trump over Syria withdrawal 
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’s surprise resignation came a day after President Trump overruled his advisers, including Mattis, and shocked American allies by announcing the pullout. 
'A morning of alarm’: Mattis departure sends shock waves abroad
Overseas, the former marine was viewed as a steady hand as America's role in the world was thrown into question.
Trump orders major military withdrawal from Afghanistan
The president has directed the Pentagon to devise a plan to withdraw nearly half of the 14,000 troops deployed there.
‘A sad day for America’: Washington fears a Trump unchecked by Mattis
The defense secretary’s resignation letter seems to question the president’s fitness as commander in chief.
Isolated and under pressure, Trump sets government in crisis
The president abruptly moved to try to deliver on campaign promises to build a border wall and bring troops home.
Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria marks a win for Putin
The move allows the Russian leader to consolidate gains for Assad in Syria and demonstrates the fragility of the Western alliance.
Government on track for shutdown as Trump threatens to veto Senate deal, demanding border-wall funds
House Republicans responded to the threat by passing a bill to keep the government funded until February and meet President Trump’s demand to fund a border wall, but Senate Democrats oppose funding the wall and have the votes to block the House measure.
Federal agencies prepare to cease operations Friday night
About a quarter of the government, including the State, Agriculture, Interior, Treasury and Housing and Urban Development departments, would shut down. More than 380,000 federal workers would be sent home without pay.
As stocks drop, Trump fears he’s losing his best argument for reelection
President Trump has pointed to market gains as proof that his economic policies are working and the country is thriving under his leadership. Now a favored talking point is crumbling.
U.S. stocks clobbered amid White House drama over shutdown
The Dow and the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index are on pace for their worst quarter since 2011. The Nasdaq composite dropped into bear market territory.

William Barr’s memo on the Mueller probe is baseless and dangerous
With Mattis out, we’re in uncharted territory
Trump is now forging foreign policy on his own. Where will he take us?
Has the GOP tax cut delivered? Yes — and the tooth fairy was here just last night!
Is arming teachers a good idea? Depends on where you live.
Does the global fight against climate change stand a chance without the U.S.?

More News
End of Lean In: How Sheryl Sandberg’s message of empowerment unraveled
The Facebook executive’s long-cultivated image as a righteous feminist icon and relatable role model is in shambles.
Justice Dept. ethics official told Whitaker’s team he should recuse from Mueller probe
Earlier, a department official had said the ethics office advised acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker he need not step aside. Hours later, people familiar with the situation disclosed that a senior ethics official told Whitaker advisers that he should recuse to avoid the appearance of a conflict.
D.C. Council member Jack Evans received stock just before pushing legislation that would benefit company
A consulting firm created by Evans received 200,000 shares in Digi Outdoor Media; Evans says he returned the “stock certificate.”
Critic’s Notebook 
Michelle Obama can wear whatever she wants now. And she wants sparkly thigh-high boots.
A former first lady who once chafed at being called a celebrity is clearly now embracing it.
Unions expand in digital newsrooms
A wave of union-organizing has swept over the industry over the past three years as journalists working for the once-scrappy start-ups and venture-capital darlings of the Internet have banded together to negotiate collectively.
Ranking the most stressful airports during the holidays
A travel insurance company analyzed the flight cancellation rate at different airports.
Retropolis | The Past, Rediscovered 
NASA’s first moonshot was a bold and terrifying improvisation with Apollo 8
No human had gone past low Earth orbit before Frank Borman, James Lovell, Jr. and Bill Anders blasted off 50 years ago.
Post Reports | Listen Now 
U.S. troops to leave Syria. Now what?
What it means for the U.S. to pull forces out of Syria. The fashion industry’s mixed messages to plus-size women. Plus, when Congress weighed a journey to the center of Earth.

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