Parece que o tema rendeu:
Capítulo 2: reproduzo o novo poema, da versão periférica do fardo civilizatório...
"(...)princípios de justiça,...jamais impediram alguém de tornar-se maior pela força quando se apresenta a ocasião.(...)A Razão é a seguinte: quem pode usar a força não tem necessidade de apelar para o direito.(...)Os homens parecem revoltar-se mais com a injustiça que com a violência, pois sentem que a primeira, vinda de um igual, é vista como uma usurpação, mas a segunda, vinda de um mais forte, é considerada obra da necessidade.(...)"
*Tucídides;in:"HISTÓRIA DA GUERRA DO PELOPONESO; Liv.I; caps.76-77.
Talvez em lugar do "The White Man's Burden", a resposta de Labouchère (...uma espécie de "Bolsonaro victoriano"...Oscar Wilde que o diga...!) ao poema de Kipling esteja mais de acordo com o fardo do "mulato inzoneiro"...!
The Brown Man's Burden
by Henry Labouchére
"Pile on the Brown Man's burden
To gratify your greed;
Go, clear away the 'niggers'(Cholos!)
Who progress would impede;
be very stern, for truly
'Tis useless to be mild
Whith new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.
"Pile on the Brown Man's burden,
compel him to be free;
let all your manifestoes
Reek with philanthropy.
And with heathen folly
He dares your will dispute,
Then, in the name of freedom,
Don't hesitate to shoot.
"Pile on the Brown Man's burden,
And if his cry be sore,
That surely need not irk you--
Ye've driven slaves before.
Seize on his ports and pastures,
The fields his people tread;
Go make from them your living;
And mark them with his dead.
"Pile on the Brown man's burden,
Nor deem it hard
If you should earn the rancor
Of those ye yearn to guard.
The screaming of your Eagle
Will drown the victm's sob--
Go on through fire and slaughter.
There's dollars in the job.
"Pile on the Brown Man's burden,
And through the world proclaim
That ye are Freedom's agent--
There's no more paying game!
And, should your own past history
Straight in your teeth be thrown,
Retort that independence
Is good for whites alone.
"Pile on the Brown man's burden,
With equity have done;
Weak, antiquated scruples
Their squeamish course have run,
And, though 'tis freedom's banner
You're waving in the van,
reserve for home consumption
The sacred 'rights of man'!
"And if by chance ye falter,
Or lag along the course,
If, as the blood flows freely,
Ye feel some slight remorse,
Hie ye Rudyard Kipling,
Imperialism's prop,
And bid him, for your confort,
Turn on his jingo stop."
Postado por Anônimo no blog
Diplomatizzando em Sábado, Novembro 05, 2011 11:35:00 PM
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